A certain amount of illness in our household kept me from recording this when it happened, but I would like to say it now. Last Thursday, November 11th, I caught the tail end of the six o’clock news on Radio 4. I heard a report from Fallujah. To my surprise the report made explicit (a) that some insurgents had fired from a mosque; (b) that a group of US marines had voluntarily given away their own position in order to warn some civilians of danger; (c) that as a result one of the soldiers was wounded; and, finally, described the action of a marine lieutenant in attempting to rescue the wounded man despite having already had a shot bounce off his helmet as “an incredible feat of heroism.” The lieutenant was killed.
I’m not saying that this report was at all typical. This post from Siflay Hraka describes what I’d say is a more representative style of reporting from Fallujah. But in fairness to the BBC I would like to note that it happened. Unfortunately I did not catch the reporter’s name.
They’ll be kind to the Americans in Iraq in exchange for allowing them to be extra kind to the terrorists in the Palestinian Authority and deeply unkind towards Israel.
Tenuous link of the month!
The BBC’s penchant for tear jerking human interest focuses on nice Americans rather than maimed Iraqis for a change and it must be……..a deeply offensive attack on Israel (and probably the entire Jewish people as well).
Be careful mate, people might start assuming that you’re obsessed.
Lol. I think it’s a fair point. If the US would come down against Israel I think the BBC would take a much more favourable view of it, especially if Bush was out of office. It’s the whole bias thing again.
On the plus side, if this is the best they can do in the way of atrocity stories we’re doing real well.