This is classic Paul Reynolds, being all solicitous about the future of Koffi’s family business, the UN. I have read the article reasonably closely. It is dominated by Reynolds’ refrain about a ‘high level panel’ that’s trying to find ways of reforming the UN.
Good show, you may think, except that what Reynolds doesn’t say, which you will only know if you have a suspicious mind and follow the link to a further website, is that the ‘high level panel’ was initiated by, guess who? Annan himself.
What other political organisation would get this sort of free pass from the BBC except the UN (well, excluding perhaps all political parties of the Left in election years)? Reynolds truly is risible in his wordy but slanted journalism. But note also, once again, the close relationship between a Foreign Office supported initiative (you can tell this by the British figures who make up this ‘high level panel’, that Reynolds mentions without critical comment), and a BBC ‘party-line’ position. One aspect of this common approach is the idea that the only good thing about the UK’s support of the Iraq war “adventure” is the moderating influence they can exert on those nasty hawks in Washington. Reynolds describes the ‘great hostility’ of the ‘right wing’.
Huh. As I said before- classic Reynolds.
the ghostofredken – From your comment on my comment, I gather I have it all wrong? Forgive me, apparently I’m not up to speed on the latest left wing group think. The “softly-softly” news coverage by the left wing press afforded to various dictators and mass murderers ( provided they’re against the US) further confused me. Going forward, I’ll just confine myself to the one, permanent,left wing ideological constant… USA = BAD, Anti-USA = GOOD.
Mark – Thank you, I was one of the people wondering… How clever of them! The left uses the Islamists, the Islamists use the left, what a bunch of geniuses! Too bad the left will be nothing more than blood splatters on the pavements of time when their Islamist “allies” take over(as the Islamists tend to be well armed, and the left just talks crap incessantly) It’s tragic, all their work and effort, and no shot at living in their Utopia! Life is so unfair.
Pam: I think the problem with political definitions is that people define them in relation to themselves. I’m to the left of you so that makes you think I’m a lefty (right?) but your views on what lefties stand for certainly don’t match mine or any people (lefties) I know. If one were to reverse such a misappropriation of political viewpoints then I could describe you as a Nazi. But clearly you aren’t (I did accuse Pete but only because he joked about killing me). Let’s not taint either of our views by generalising them under either bracket of political extremism.
TGORK: “Only by you, Pete.”
Er, well, by the mouthpieces of the left, the Guardian and BBC, as well. At least if you think they believe their own propaganda.
Let’s not get carried away, Alan.
Your link to the EU serfdom website is broken.
As you said to Alan, let’s not get carried away. We know that the left is against the US in all cases. You state above that you are not of the left. So why do you always take the anti-US line?
“Get the Russians in the EU. Polish the nukes a bit and re-establish a balance of power to stop the yanks getting above themselves. That ought to do it.”
Great idea, Robbie! Invite the Russians into the EU, and inherit all their problems with the numerous fanatical Islamistans on their borders. . .but a bracing few years of active duty in Chechnya could be just what the doctor ordered for EUFOR. The Chechnyans like to string up Russian soldiers and slit their throats like halal goats; it should be lots of fun. . .
“Secondly the vast trade deficit is largely propped up by the goodwill of Asian creditors, therefore the US’ economic wellbeing is heavily reliant on global factors.”
I think you mean our Federal budget deficit Rich, not the trade deficit. Which we wouldn’t have if we didn’t have to spend $400 billion per year to maintain the Pax Americana.
The BBC’s mainpage is up to its tricks again. A story titled “Bush’s new ‘Rambo’ The tough-talking ex-cop charged with keeping the US safe” was, until an hour ago, accompanied by a photo of Bernard Kerik (the ‘Rambo’ in question).
However the BBC has now managed to find another photo to put in its place. Can you guess what it is? Do you think it could be a photo of Bush standing just behind and to the side of the newly appointed ‘Rambo’, confirming him as the sinister puppet-master? Bingo.
So many photos of Bush, so consistent a theme.
Pete: I was trying to say that you can’t compartmentalise all political viewpoints under one all consuming word, be it left or right.
As for being anti-American, I’m clearly not. Although I was lambasted for my (reluctant) support for the UN, I did say that the UN would need to get the US back onside to be effective. Where is the anti-American sentiment in that? Just because I don’t believe the sun shines out of Bush’s arse doesn’t make me ‘anti-American’.
…Like Japan would touch most US foreign policy with a barge-poll…
Not only would they, they do, repeatedly and often, sans pole. It’s that China thing again.
The Japanese are less sanguine about the EU. Example: the Japanese trade ministry, MITI, unofficially refers to Jacques, the frequent freeloading holiday-maker and fun-filled frog, as El Presidente Mordida. The insult (President Pay-me-off) is borrowed from Mexico. Very Japanese, that.
Meanwhile, the Euroleft seems to be entering its manic Rainman stage…
Next on the agenda, a day at the beach w/ King Canute. Grab your bucket and spade, RedKen.
BBC WORLD taken in by fake Dow Chemical “spokesperson” on Bhopal anniversary coverage:
If you’ve seen the TV series “Babylon 5” you’ll know what I mean when I say China has a “Vorlon” foreign policy.
That is, a policy of pretending to be isolationist and passive, when in fact your fingers are in all sorts of pies.
And because China has a UN veto, it can do and has done things to the Tibetans which Ariel Sharon could only ever dream of doing to the Palestinians.
They’d invade Taiwan and Japan in a heartbeat if the chance arose.
redken – Re “getting the US onside”. You’ve just hit on what gets under American skin most about the UN. There’s an implication in that remark, real or imagined, that somehow our nation is in the employ of the “the world” i.e. the UN. The US must be restrained and kept under control. We,on the other hand, or not about to take orders from Libya, Iran, China, Sudan, France, and all the other the bas***ds as led by St. Kofi the Crook. It’s clear that the UN body is not interested in anything the US has to say. Get the US onside? They’re trying to destroy us, or haven’t you noticed? The UN is determined to reduce us to the same level as most of their member states so we’ll ALL be losers together. When the UN deigns to give us our marching orders, we’re supposed to send our military wherever they see fit. Of course, we are not to dare put one toe out of line by acting in our own interests. That’s what the UN wants our role to be. That’s the only “onside” they’ll ever offer.
“UN troops have just replaced NATO troops in Bosnia.”
Not so. The NATO peace-keeping mission has now become a European Union peace-keeping mission. S-For has been replaced by Eufor (a badge swap for most of the soldiers).
The EU had already taken over the other UN administration duties. The UN has no significant role in Bosnia.
OT –
Five separate bombs have just exploded in Spain, some minor injuries, fortunately no fatalities, not much property damage occurred. Current speculation is that ETA is responsible. I thought all was well over there with Mr. Bean at the helm? I hope he reaches out to Fidel for some sage advice, the very young can always learn from the very old.
“Also the [rape] allegations in Bosnia centred on K-For troops, i.e. NATO troops not the UN.”
KFOR operates in Kosovo, not Bosnia. The rape allegations have some interesting origins (, but even so, I certainly wouldn’t rush to dismiss them as, say, ‘fabrications by local women trying to make a quick buck’.
The existence of these criminal brothels/rape-camps is unpleasantly real, but it isn’t the job of KFOR to deal with them (unfortunately). KFOR’s role is to prevent military and paramilitary clashes between Serbs and Albanians (mainly Yugoslav Army and KLA).
Civil law and order in Kosovo is overseen by another international organisation:
Pillar I: Police and Justice, under the direct leadership of the United Nations
Pillar II: Civil Administration, under the direct leadership of the United Nations
UN and BBC have much in common – Expensive, unaccountable and dominated by a soft left liberal agenda which brooks no criticism. Oh and I forgot there is always a holier than thou air of sanctimony and sentimentality.
Is there a possibility that the Beeb could be convinced to move its headquarters to Brussels? Then Brussels would really be a target-rich environment. The EuroSerfMasters, the UN, and al-Beeb all in the same convenient place.
Pam: “There’s an implication in that remark, real or imagined, that somehow our nation is in the employ of the “the world””
Well no, clearly the US isn’t particularly responsible to anyone, UN included, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing. It would be nice if we all had nice set of rules to play along to, then we can kick the arse of those who step out of line, right?
I’m not sure about your assertion that “it’s clear that the UN body is not interested in anything the US has to say”, doesn’t that fly in the face of the current situation in Afghanistan and Iraq? (I’m talking about right now, rather than the rights and wrongs of invading).
The UN is doing virtually damn all in Iraq – having screwed that country’s people royally during the sanctions years. Basically the UN copped out after it failed to take adequate security measures for its own staff. All the UN does is pontificate from the sidelines, often in an unhelpful way.
Nothing will even start to get sorted ot at the UN until Kofi Annan resigns. It is surprising he has not had the decency to go already. Well, maybe not that surprising.
redken – I agree it would be nice if we all had a set of rules we could agree on, but we don’t. Therefore, I opt for kicking arse when our “rules” are threatened by others, as they are free to kick ours in return. There WILL be one dominant world standard of rules to play by someday, and I have a vested interest in those rules, don’t you?
Pam: It’s hard to see where that dominant set of rules will come from though. History tells us that every empire has a limited lifespan, and although not an empire, the US is probably the closest thing in the modern day. Who’s to say if another world war should break out we might end up playing by China’s rules? I just think if we are to move forward to at least some semblance of stability we all need to be reading from the same hymn sheet, not making up our own rules. Whether this can ever happen of course, is another thing entirely.
redken – I imagine will the rules will come from whomever carries the biggest stick, as they always have. The rules will only remain in place, however, if they’re compatible with the values that most people agree they can live and flourish under, not merely survive. Therefore, I think it’s in everyone’s interest to size up current events and the various options presented to us given the state of world affairs, make a judgement as to whom each of us wants to stand up with and then support that side. And thanks for (kind of)exempting the US from that “empire” crapola, I’m sick to death of that particular tag. At least slams like “Bu$h=Hitler” provide some comic relief from all the usual turgid, humorless and damn near hysterical critiques.
BBC4’s interview with Mary Robinson:
Interesting interview, with a very telling moment. Robinson mentioned that many people in America (or rather, the media elite) agreed with her. Wark then pointed out something that should be a major issue for the liberal movement in the US.
I noticed that when Kirsty Wark mentioned to Mary Robinson the huge disconnect between the elites who reside in New York and Washington and ordinary Americans, la Robinson pretty much ignored the point.
Perhaps her US liberal friends have the same attitude?
Zevilyn – As one of the growing number of “ordinary” Americans who live amongst the elites in NYC, I can verify we are routinely ignored. There’s an fair amount of denial operating here as well, such as the fact that my county (Queens) registered the highest vote count in our history for a Republican candidate. Lot’s of us Bu$hitlerians reside amongst the chosen, and if they don’t start to get it, they may find themselves confined to a couple of blocks on the upper East side.