Children’s BBC is shocked and traumatised.
Children as young as 10 are on their way to becoming addicted to shopping, according to a new report.
A thousand girls and boys were asked about their shopping habits and eight out of 10 in the 10-12 age-group said they enjoy shopping.But the same number admitted they buy things they don’t need, in the survey by the National Consumer Council.
The horror! The horror!
Meanwhile the villanous Blithering Bunny revels in the sheer evil of it all.
“Young Emily fell into a cesspit of visiting attractively-presented stores where well-made and stylish consumer goods were available at reasonable prices. Little did she realize the lasting damage that was being done to herself and society as she tried on a wide variety of good-looking clothes, before deciding to purchase some of them. Later on unspeakable evil was done as she listened to music CDs on her new CD player while talking to friends on her new mobile phone. Despite the atrocities she had committed, she wanted to do this again. And again. She knew that she would always be drawn to these shadowy, looming edifices called… shops. Her desires could not be quelled. Nokia and Nike owned her soul and she would not resist”.
I’ve heard some preposterous crap in my time (didn’t hit the ‘off’ button in time when Michael Moore appeared on tv) but the game of ‘my genocidal, mass-murdering, lefty dictator hero-to-the-masses’ takes the biscuit.
But if the game’s ‘does the left or the right have the fittest chicks?’ then I’ll put forward the delicious Ann Coulter.
Check mate.
As the capital of left wing chic consumerism, I nonimate the state of Vermont ( no, not NYC) here on our east coast. Trendy, overpriced shops, Hummers, and BMW’s galore( with Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers) entire towns given over to art galleries ( not a grocery store in sight, what do they eat?). And snooty…oh boy! I feel like a peasant when traveling there. Just for a day, I’d love to put Fidel in charge of ’em. The residents wouldn’t last more than a few hours. This is the state that gave us Howard Dean, btw, man of the people.
Red Ken: “The Aussie wine I had the other day tasted something akin to Kangaroo piss …”
Good God man, what on earth were you drinking???? Still, if you insist on buying from the bargain bin….
I have to agree with the guys on this page who believe the right wing ladies are better looking than the left, even as a woman, I’ve always noticed that. I think it’s because, generally, left wing women eschew make-up, hair care, flattering clothes, etc. as somehow politically incorrect. Plus, they rarely crack a smile. I exclude the Hollywood crowd, who need to be presentable for business, and who really don’t believe in anything, anyway. Other than what they perceive to be the “coolest’ viewpoint of the moment.
Shirley Williams is the archtypal leftie. What a doll !!!
I think Pam should be made aware you were being humerous, on the assumption she doesn’t know who Shirley Williams is. For the definitive answer to ‘which political philosophy has the hottest chicks’ I give you:
Ann Coulter (with a gun in hand too. How sexy can one lady be?!)
versus Clare Short (advisable to remove any children/pets from the room and don extremely dark shades before viewing)
BBC’s Have your say
“Can the US dollar continue to slide?”
is gathering some reponses that will gladden the heart of the BBC person that decided on this topic. The anti-US crowd are placing their faith in the euro & the dream of an oil price based in euros, e.g.
“What will be devastating for the US economy is if the major oil producers decide to trade in euros rather than dollars. The dollar will then be seen with the same humour as the Italian lira used to be.
Vish, UK”
This crowd just don’t appreciate that the sluggish euro zone economy will slow even more with its overvalued currency.
If you’re judging the relative pulchritude of political campaigners The Save Hunting girls are fitter(in all senses of the word)than the wan humourless bag-lady vegetarians who rattle tins for Greenpeace in my part of the world. I am still waiting for specifics to match my nomination of the gorgeous poting Alessandra Mussolini. I apologise for the somewhat ungallant tone of this debate but even that roguish old boulevardier Mitterand compared Lady Thatcher to Marilyn Monroe. I know he also mentioned Caligula but….
Pete: Didn’t Ann Coulter once say “we should convert everyone to Christianity”? I think I still would though, but she’s definitely had a nose job…
OT Has anyone nominated Teresa Kerry for leftie doll ? And that sweet accent too !!!
(Mind you, with her amount of money, she’d make a fine catch. With a bag over her head and ductape for her yapping !)
The “pro hunt” girls all had big teeth, at least the ones I saw on their protest march. Actually I struggled to beat Coulter but how about Yulia Tymoshenko? This took some searching as you may have guessed…
I like her just got out of jail phase…
JohninLondon – got it:)
Re the dollar’s slide – heh, heh. I love it when the Euroleft lectures us filthy supremo capitalists on money management. I just hope they don’t grow a brain any time soon, and notice we’re making money hand over fist at the moment. And WHY. (to quote Baldrick “we have a cunning plan”…and it’s so darn obvious!)Oh, sometimes it’s almost TOO easy.
I thought of Timoshenko but wasn’t quite sure whether she counts as right or left – She is against the Moscow stooge so doesn’t that make her a rightist gal?
I think John in London is being a bit unkind to Mrs Kerry. Laura Bush is a damned handsome woman though.
JohninLondon – Yes, TehRAYzza is lovely, but my vote has to go to the stunning, charming, well groomed and ever so witty Whoopi Goldberg. I crown her “Miss Lefty America”.
Very soon after 9/11 the delectable Coulter said:
“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
Frankly you can’t have a clearer statement of someone’s common sense than that.
‘Class’ is the word for Laura Bush.
Similarly Condi – I think we have routed the leftists on this one
JH: Damn, I knew she was in coalition with the Socialists but I think she’s actually centre right. Never mind the right can have the fit politicians, none of them are that great…
Pete: “?!!”
This whole left-right beauty contest nonsense started with Susan’s observation regarding the tedious standard issue left wing assumptions which go with membership of Hollywood. Do such endorsements do more harm than good for the left? We may be into a post celebrity age where overexposure has led us to gegard entertainment idols with as much contempt as awe – see for instance the ritual humiliation of ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here’ on UK TV. Hearing Whoopi Goldberg cracking tacky ‘jokes’ about Dubya on the Oscar awards programme must have alienated more people than it won over. It is noticeable that thos few Hollywooders who support the Republicans, Kelsey Grammer, John Malkovich and Charlto Heston Seem to behave with more dignity and probably seem more attractive as a result.
To be absolutely fair it is right to say that politics is showbiz for ugly people – Boris Johnson is its Hugh Grant
Poor Boris, I think Howard made a big mistake in kicking him out…
I didn’t catch Whoopi’s remarks at the Oscar’s, but she sure made some choice comments on the campaign trail, standing on the stage with Kedwards, I might add. I’ll spare everyone the crude content, but I suspect that was the final straw for a lot of people. She was appeared on their road show again.
As to dignity( and brains)in support of Bush, I also offer Ben Stein, Mark Steyn, P.J. O’Rourke and the biggest surprise of my lifetime, Christopher Hitchens.
Correction – Whoopi NEVER appeared on the Kedwards road show after her foul remark.
Hitchens is an interesting one. While he is still I suspect a man of the left he is no kneejerk Bush lied people died rentalefty. He is his own man and he has realised that while he remains radical and lect wing, the post 9/11 world has changed dramatically. Sadly, he is a rare bird and the left, both in USA and UK, appears fixated by Michael Moore type Bush hating rather than realising that we face a different set of challenges now.
Pam: “As to dignity( and brains)in support of Bush(…)”
Don’t forget Jessica Simpson! There’s about an equal amount of despicable people on each ‘celebrity roster’ I reckon. Very few of them probably know their arse from their elbow.
Laura Bush?? Condoleeza Rice?? Ann Coulter?? And the left winger admits defeat.
F*cking Hell, I knew bespectacled, greasy haired, trainspotter political types were desperate but this is truly sad.
JH – Exactly. Interesting also, having seen him recently on the talk show circuit, he stated he finds himself moving towards a libertarian view. Similar to P.J. O’Rourke, perhaps. Is that where leftists willing to think for themselves and evolve end up, I wonder?
I would back Mrs Howard against even the best looking ‘Blair babe’.
(If there is a good looking Blair babe)
I’ve been reading Christopher Hitchins’ pieces for a few years now and I think he has moved away from the left, though still (classical) liberal. Plenty of his work, including some delicious debunkings of the left can be found here:
redken – you got me there, I admit it. To demonstrate my even-handedness, I’ll add Britney Speers as well, to your example:)
Fiona McTaggart, the woman that heads the stop the war coalition…brutal stuff.
I remember this young tory girl on question time perhaps a year or so ago…it was an edition from wales….she was beautiful, can`t remember her name though. Also, was Esther McVey not involved with the tories..she`s OK looking.
Pam – Somebidy said that a neocon is a liberal who’s been mugged by reality
“JH: Churchill had a face like a tub of lard though”
Have you seen any pictures of him in his youth, especially in his hussar uniform? Not bad at all…and brains too. Not to mention all that youthful derring-do; the Malakand campaign, the cavalry charge and Omduram, the escape from the Boers, etc.
Surely a happy drunk who’s been mugged by religion?
JH – That pretty much describes me, so I can go along with that… I may have a few years on some folks here, suffice it to say, P.J. and I are peers and I take great delight in growing up, growing older and growing wiser ( I hope!) with him, alas, if only as a lifelong fan from afar. Also, check out the earlier political affiliation of the very much maligned Dick Cheney. Research Paul Wolfowitz’s salad days, you may be quite suprised.
Redken- Beware, this is going to happen to to someday!!! 🙂
I didn’t say Churchill had a face liek tub of lard – that was Red Ken. Yes I have seen the pics Churchill in South Africa, Malakand, Cuba etc. The House of Commions took its toll – He begins too look paunchy when he is First Lord of the Admiralty just before the First World War. Still far better a well lubricated Churchill than a drunk Stalin or a teetotal Hitler.
Correction (sigh, again!) – Redken – this is going to happen to YOU someday!!! 🙂
I sincerely doubt it.
In the UK most people start off either as tree hugging communists or as spittle flecked ranters screeching about the EU, UN, dole scroungers and BBC bias. By the time they grow up and experience the real world all but a few appreciate the errors in both extremes and settle down in the middle.
In America this apparantly doesn’t happen.
“…appreciate the errors in both extremes and settle down in the middle.”
Not the BBC – Its settles down quite happily on the centre left. Whats wrong with that? Nothing. So is the Guardian and the Independent but at least they pay their way – The BBC expects averybody to underwrite its political bias.
Rich – I’m not an extremist, if that’s your impression, I shudder to think what you would make of some of our truly extreme citizens. Run for the hills, I imagine, they’re generally armed. Granted, we are definitely, by European standards, quite naturally conservative, I daresay you would find many of our liberals pretty staid, as well. Personally, I just moved over to center-right from center-left. And I never, EVER leave the house in spittle fleck, as much as I despise the UN, dole-scroungers (known here as welfare kings/queens)and bias in ALL news reporting. I don’t know enough about the EU to form an opinion.
“Laura Bush?? Condoleeza Rice?? Ann Coulter?? And the left winger admits defeat.”
Hey! I didn’t say I would be tempted by Condi or Laura, just the slightly sinister Coulter.
In reading through your comments above, it gives me great relief to find that — despite the BEEB — a great deal of very intelligent life remains in the Sceptered Isle. God bless you all.
Coulter looks like one of those awesomely dull identikit American birds who have dabbled a bit too much in minor plastic surgery and unsubtle cosmetics – a Ryder Cup wife sort of thing. All the bits in the rightish places but about as unappealing as it gets.
The left has Maureen Dowd to treasure and flaunt, of course !
As for intellectuals on the right, what about Victor David Hanson and Robert Hagan. And Paul Johnson – whom I remember from his leftie days editing the new Statesman.
Rich wrote:
“In defense of being ‘cool’ I fail to see where the enjoyment is in sitting in your real estate in bad clothes eating bad food and thinking about your bank balance. Looking good, feeling good and enjoying nice things isn’t a lefty fad, it’s the whole point of living.”
But gee I thought being a lefty was all about caring and sharing and saving the world from the Evil KKKapitalists. But here’s Rich to tell me it’s all about buying expensive clothes to keep all the unwashed peasants employed. . .do tell Rich. I guess you’re not really a fan of the anti-globboes and the anti-consumer activists then?
No matter to me what you do with your dough, just don’t expect my dime to make up the difference when you lose your job etc. Unfortunately that is what you do expect.
The ant and the grasshopper story, just as I said.
“As the capital of left wing chic consumerism, I nominate the state of Vermont ( no, not NYC) here on our east coast.”
OH, Pam, that sounds awful, but frankly, you are a rank amateur over there in Vermont. You AIN’T seen nothin’ yet, until you’ve lived in the land of the $2 million fixer-uppers and the $70,000 SUVs with “Vote Green Party” bumperstickers. I give thee San Francisco, California, USA and its direct environs — the MOUNT OLYMPUS of snobbish, consumerist, hypocritcal leftism.
They just took away our right to have elephants at the public zoo. Why? Because the animal rights activists decided their pen wasn’t “natural” enough.
The last elephant we had lived to be something like 65 years old. If the pen wasn’t nice enough how come the elephant lived that long?
Susan – Actually, I live in NYC, but love to get in my cheap little energy efficient Honda and drive up to VT for day trips. I can (almost!)make a round trip visit on one tank of gas. And I was speaking of the east coast. But you win the “best in” competition re San Francisco, no doubt…My sister just returned from visiting a friend out there, and the stories of vain excess and cost of living have been curling my pin straight hair! She brought back some excellent wine, though, at least I liked it. Having never tasted kangaroo piss, I can’t argue I’m any kind of expert.
“Like Britain the answer is to focus on high value, premium products where despite all their best efforts the ‘new world’ is never going to compete.”
What nonsense Rich — did you not read my post in the other “wine” thread? Almost all the great French wine houses have Northern California properties now — and as I noted elsewhere, it’s there that they will undoubtedly flee when the Islamonutters finally take over France for good and burn all the vineyards in Bordeaux.
I’m hoping to marry my daughter off to one of the Rothschilds in 20 years, myself. . .