The Diplomad is, well, kind of mad at the BBC. The EURef. is too. Both have recent excellent blog posts on the matter of the BBC, and in EUref’s case some interesting serious observations.
The Diplomad is plotting its revenge for the BBC’s ‘balance’ in not covering the tsunami relief effort the way it is, but how they’d like it to be (amongst other items of complaint):
‘OK, so what’s the plan? We are voting here in our secret council: the Hebrews among us are inclined to releasing a plague of locusts . . .oh, that’s already been done . . . Hmmm? What to do? What to do? Force the Brits to pay TV license fees . . . oh, never mind . . . Better yet, better yet, just to drive home what can happen to those who doubt the word of Washington, next time there’s a massive disaster, let the UN and the EU handle it! Too cruel, you think?
Meanwhile Richard North has thoughts on the evolution of bias (and us too):
‘The more obvious kind of bias, which the likes of Biased BBC and Last Night’s BBC News have been diligently reporting, is hard enough to spot, but the “new” technique used by the BBC is simply not to report a subject at all when there is favourable news. Instead, it will only cover unfavourable aspects when they arise.’
Of course, we knew about that, too, but it is harder to talk about. What’s there to say when all you get is a cold shoulder?
I understand this new technique is called lying by omission.
This is a disturbing trend, but odd, really. Is the BBC unaware that there are other a number of media outlets (MSM and blogs) in the world that can and often do call them out on their blatant bias?
Someone ought to take ’em out of the oven. I think they’re done, already.
The prime example over the last few years of censoring by ommision in recent years is Kosovo.
For the 2 months before the war the 1st or 2nd item on the evening news was consistently what our nice KLA allies alleged the nasty Serbs were doing (mostly lies or at least unverified even now). Since then almost all reporting of the genocide of 6,000, ethnic cleansing of 350,000 & kidnap, rape & sale of thousands of schoolgirls by our nice KLA allies, while Nato troops looked the other way, has been noticeably absent. This is twice the number of Palestinian deaths in the same period.
Of course we have no legal responsibility for Palestine or pre-war Kosovo which obviously makes them much more important stories.
The seem to be doing unwittingly (or haf-wittingly) what Stalin did willfully – if you pretend something doesn’t exist, in the public mind it won’t, or to only a small degree.
Those boys at diplomad are going to get even madder when they read “the world of aid to ACEH” according to the BBC by rachel harvey at:
This is almost on par with the piece on Diego Garcia.
it seems we are all wrong about the ozzies and Americans being the first to supply aid. It was an All muslim effort.
And of course the american aud ships are full of prostitutes, hidden weapons ready to be sent ashore to corrupt the morally pure Acehnese.
Notice that the article has managed to avoid reporting that the evil americans are actually aiding the populace.
Yes the Americans (and ozzies) are we learn, a “large International presence”. If it had been “a small international presence”, we would have had the American stingyness angle played.
And horror of horrors, Muslim groups are fearful that Christians may start converting grateful Muslims ! Ms Harvey does not reference this to any source of course, and of course we must not
… mention that in the last few years thousand of Christian Acehnese have been converted to Islam at knife point.
Then we come to a gem of BBC write.
“Some nationalist politicians feel that Indonesia should follow India’s example and look after itself without outside assistance.”
the word feel is BBC speak for BBC conjecture without reference.
the word nationalist is PC speak for radical Islamist
BY linking to India’s Hindus, Ms Harvey avoids the issue of unwanted infidels and of course the reasons for India’s refusal are totally different!
No wonder so many hindus are furious with the BBC over its handling of Hindu/Islamic conflict reporting.
we reach the end of this article with no mention of the US/AUS aid effort whatsoever.
The BBC are in despair over the Iraqi elections. Here is the headline and a snippet of the article. You can just feel their despair at the success of the US bringing democracy to Iraq.
“Grey day dawns for Iraqi voters ”
“Later this month tens of thousands of UK-based Iraqis are expected to vote in the first elections since the fall of Saddam Hussein. But how keen are they to vote and what do they think the future holds?
North London, on a dark, miserable morning hardly seemed right for the “bright new dawn of democracy” for Iraq.
But under grey skies, off a grey road, inside the concrete walls of Wembley Conference Centre exhibition hall 1, the atmosphere was warm enough.”
Got that, first elctions since the fall of Saddam? I mean how many free elctions were there under Saddam’s dictatorship again?
Grey day, grey skies, grey road and she even tells you how she feels about the elections, “hardly seemed right”.
Leave it to the BBC to turn a jo
cont –
Leave it to the BBC to turn a joyus occassion into despair.
My take is here:
have you cross referenced this with an article about “the forthcoming palestinian election”?
How do these articles differ?
Are the dark grey skies replaced with the coming of a new dawn of hope for the palestinian people?
“Success of the US in bringing democracy to Iraq”? “Joyous occasion”? Wildly premature claims in the other direction aren’t the best way to tackle the BBC’s OTT morbidity. Lets wait and see shall we.
“Success of the US in bringing democracy to Iraq”? “Joyous occasion”? Wildly premature claims in the other direction aren’t the best way to tackle the BBC’s OTT glumness. Lets wait and see shall we.
Sorry – got paranoid about whether morbidity is actually a word!!
Just read the actual post properly. The CIA thinks that the EU has 15 years left to live but if we’re lucky ‘the people’ will rise up and put an end to it before then.
This is the sort of bonkersness that really makes my day. Thank you EU Referendum!!
I’m one of those rising people.
Socialism Kills. So kill socialism.
*Imagines angry toff in tweed jacket manically gesticulating with a North Sea Cod that’s been recently liberated from Spanish trawler (when they weren’t looking), running around Brussels shouting “who’s with me?!” to the general bemusement of everybody else*
Sorry, that was me.
(D)HYS is having yet another endless Bush-bashing session:
The usual stuff — yawn.
Susan – soem of the comments are hilarious. I’m sure there are even more unhinged ones that they won’t dignify…
Ken – I’m still laughing about the cod, ya big brute!
The EU is certainly destined to fail, it is only a matter of time. However, I’m interested in the fact that when the CIA stated in a recent report that the invasion of Iraq is/could be fomenting terrorist activity, the BBC is all over it. However, when the CIA states that the EU will/could be toast in 15 years there is no mention. Any ideas why?
todays “Dont have your Say” takes the bushbash bandwagon to new heights. I spotted a solitary comment in support of the president by Lynn, USA , followed immediately by a counter argument. Of course theres not an ice cube’s chance in hell that I could get one of my responses to the bushbashers published is there? The editors of this propaganda machine cant hide behind the anonymity and unaccountability of the web forever.
(D)HYS have been bashed and exposed up and down this website for ages, but, like Ol’ Man River, it just keeps rollin’ along, oblivious to any other viewpoint but the Politically Correct BBC Received Wisdom(TM). (D)HYS should be a case study in a class studying media propaganda.
Damn, I’m starting to pick up those British-style plural verbs for collective nouns! I noticed that marc from USS neverdock does the same thing sometimes. . you guys are corrupting us.
Whilst there’s no chance of the EU breaking up in my opinion this is certainly a very interesting story – it’s quite amusing if nothing else. One would have thought that at the very least they’d run it to have a good sneer.
We have a timely reminder here
of the BBC’s treatment of Islam. Its about how Islamic schools are ‘deeply upset’ at the recent crticism made by the head of Ofsted. It consists mainly of an interview with Mohamed Mukadam, chairman of the Association of Muslim Schools and an grilling it is not.
Islam’s explicit intolerance of homosexuality is given a pass with
On the subject of homosexuality, he says his religion does not allow for any “compromises” and forbids homosexual relationships – but he denies that this means promoting intolerance.
“We have our own value system. But we don’t ridicule other people, it wouldn’t be acceptable to ‘gay bash’ or to degrade people,” he says.
He forgot to add “We just crush them under walls.”
Its also another example of the BBCs pet minorities getting away with ‘he said’ following a quote, as opposed to ‘he claimed’ which others receive.
theghostofredken it’s good to see you are so quick to stereotype those you disagree with.
It’s reinforcing my stereotype of the hate filled jealous left.
Imagine there was a KluKluxKlan School and the BBC interviewed them and he said
“On the subject of negros he says his beleifs do not allow for any “compromises” and forbids relationships with blacks- but he denies that this means promoting intolerance.”
Do you think they’d give them a free pass?
The EU, in its current guise, is attempting to enforce failing Franco/German national policies on the whole continent and will most certainly fail if it continues. A major change of direction is required for it to survive.
Well, like I said in the other thread, I haven’t heard a whisper at BBC online’s “America’s page” about the slaughter over the weekend of an entire Copt family in New Jersey by suspected Muslim extremists.
I predict they’ll only report it if someone other than Muslims are guilty.
Sorry, not the BBC, but
Is the UK military doing its best to further jeopodise the Iraqi elections by releasing pictures suggesting abuse of Iraqis by UK troops just 2 weeks before elction day?
Could they not have kept this can of worms closed for a couple of weeks?
Re the abuse of Iraqis and the Army’s reaction to it.
The BBC say ”Sir Mike (Jackson) WOULD not comment on the case directly”
Watching SKY I hear Sir Mike say for himself that he COULD not comment for legal reasons.
A subtle but pointed difference of emphasis.
And then there’s this self propagating gem:
”Perhaps inevitably some people in the media have described this as Britain’s Abu Ghraib
BBC correspondent Paul Adams”
“theghostofredken it’s good to see you are so quick to stereotype those you disagree with.”
Hmm…it seems there are a lot of stereotypes floating around on here. I was aware of my own ‘stereotyping’ in this instance, it was just for a joke and I’m sorry if you didn’t find it funny. I’d just read the post about the CIA giving the EU fifteen years etc, and made me laugh so hard I’d thought I’d try and spread the happiness…
“when the CIA states that the EU will/could be toast in 15 years there is no mention. Any ideas why?”
I think you know the answer to that Pete. You’d be surprised how little the electorate actually cares about Europe; on most of the MORI/Gallup polls that ask: ‘what are the issues that most concern you?’ Europe never even makes it to the top twenty.
That was me btw.
‘some people say .. ‘
it’s the classic bbc tactic to distance themselves from their own opinion isnt it. they’re always bloody doing it. they like to pass it off under the dubious heading ‘Analysis’ – if i want left-wing opinion i’ll buy the guardian – second thoughts i’d rather use the guardian as emergency toilet paper.
‘some people say’ the bbc is biased to the core.
Since when has the interests of the British people dictated whether or not the BBC chooses to report a story? I suspect you know full well that if the CIA had reported
‘EU is a runaway success and will soon make the US economy look like Mongolia’s’
the BBC may just have found a wee page to squeeze it in.
Still nothing re. the New Jersey slaughter. Its one to keep your eye on. Not via the BBC of course.
I did see this about the oil for food scandal:
Now get this, an Iraqi-born man admits to charges in relation to the scandal. Yet somehow the BBC manages to give us the headline:
“US man admits Iraq oil charge”
If they censor racist murders where we are in charge in Kosovo surely it would be biased to report racist murders in New Jersey where we arn’t.
Next thing we’ll be expecting them to spend as much time reporting 9/11 as the Krajina Holocaust.
Shades of Deigo Garcia: The Beeb is happy to repeat Internet Rumors (without a shred of evidence) that the Iraq the Model bloggers are being paid by the CIA or other US organization:
Sickening. And may get Omar et al murdered — which is probably the Beeb’s intent.
Yet again, The Beeb shows itself as the Axis Sally of the War On Terror.
Everything you DIDN’t want to know about the Hajj — but which the BBC is determined to force into your face anyways:
Front page of the news section.
Oh and a very special edition of (D)HYS inviting comments from hajj-participants:
The (D)HYS on Bush really belongs in the comments section of the previous thread (about the MP changing parties): Is that really the best photo of Bush the BBC have?
Just posted the following to (D)HYS:
In the interest of balance, will you be covering pilgrimages to Compostela or any other Christian pilgrimages any time this year? Or would your core audience not have any interest in these dhimmi matters?
I am not religious, but I am really fed up with the hushed reverent tones provided when discussing Islam and people’s faith in Islam in the BBC’s mainstream news reporting, but little of the same being afforded to other belief systems which seem to get dismissed as superstition. The other religions (and atheism) only get that sort of coverage in the areas of the BBC dedicated to religious affairs.
Re: The CIA report that the EU has about fifteen wheezy years left…
Some will recall the sound of silence that greeted CIA predictions in the mid-1980s that the USSR had less than 15 years to live.
The BBC won’t be among them, and it won’t be a survivor.
I hope someone does an entry on the appalling approach to the Iraq Model bloggers the BBC is taking.
Ie. let’s give credence to left wing conspiracy theories. It seems BBC staff are fond of looking them up, a la the Diego Garcia ‘story’.
diplomadic.blogspot.com now has a list of “Our 10 Favourite Lies” – most of which the BBC spouts all the time.
Last night’s Newsnight gave a scruffy leftie 10 minutes to wander around asking why his Near-to-Galloway views were not in the mainstream of UK politics. His mantra was “Iraq is bad, reducing the size of the state/privatisation is bad, everyone should be taxed more”. He was given total indulgence to keep repeating his nonsense – and was PAID to do it !!!
chevalier de st george, good suggestion on contrasting the BBC coverage of the Palestinian elections with their coverage of the Iraqi elections.
And the contrast makes the BBC’s coverage of the Iraqi elections even more damning.
I’m not a writer and I’m sure more people here could do a better job than I, but I gave it my best.
My post here:
I hope someone does an entry on the appalling approach to the Iraq Model bloggers the BBC is taking.
Andrew Paterson | 01.19.05 – 11:49 am | #
Andrew, already done and by an Englishman.
Anon.: “…Newsnight gave a scruffy leftie 10 minutes to wander around asking why his Near-to-Galloway views were not in the mainstream of UK politics…”
I saw it too – it seemed a good bit longer than ten minutes to me – but perhaps that was just the effect of the repetitive mantra. The oik is the author of a book called “So Who Do I Vote For Now” – the sequel will presumably be called “Welcome to the Real World Sonny!”.
The most irritating aspect of this is that for ‘balance’ they announced a similar film from the opposite perspective – but look who they’ve picked to do it – Steve “Deadbeat Has-been Shagger Bloody” Norris! Talk about damning with faint praise!
It’s a fix like that ‘Referendum Street’ EU propaganda they ran a few years ago with David Odious Mellor making the ‘No’ case – he’d be enough to make me support the Euro for goodness sake!
Who would you recommend as the public face of an anti-EU campaign then Andrew?