I’m sure we did mention, quietly, some time ago, that Nick Gowing is the BBC journalist who pioneered the notion that the US military has been targeting journalists in Iraq. Thankfully we have been reminded by sites like this one (via Captain’s Quarters). Now, of course, at CNN a senior journalist has lost his jobover making similar allegations. Those of us who watch the BBC and note its bias felt some small portion of the offense in contemplating Gowing’s remarks that the US public felt when they considered what Eason Jordan has been saying. Gowing still retains his job, I believe, because the BBC tolerates almost any kind of conspiracy theorist when that person’s animus is directed at the US (working, no doubt, closely together with their journalistic cousins at Al-Jazeera). Perhaps we needed to speak more loudly.
I couldn’t find our mention of Gowing, although I know we made one, on Google- but I did find this uproarious post from DumbJon which made the point well, and shows how clear was Gowing’s accusation.
Lots of Gowing’s conspiracy nonsense has been published. This item suggests that eason Jordan at CNN was simply parroting Gowing’s nonsense.
Gowing should be called to account – and probably sacked. We are TAXED so he can float around at conferences spouting these inflammatory lies.
The process to Eason Jordan’s downfall may have been started by the American blogs, but the real crunch was probably the criticism coming from politicians.
Here the BBC is beyond policial criticism. Blair & co just want to keep their heads down over all matters relating to Iraq & Islamic terrorists. Most Labourites & the other policial parties are quite content to sit back & allow the BBC to take any line that embarrasses Blair.
I wonder whether the Tories will ever come to regret missing opportunities to side with Blair against the BBC.
Yesterday there were 2 major resignations that I’m aware of in the US caused in my opinion by the blogshpere (Eason Jordan and Nancy Rabinowitz)and both without hardly any debate going on in the Mainstream media(MSM).
It seems that the blogshere has taken on the role of monitoring truth in the Media and Academia where the other efforts in the past failed.
The blogshpere seems to me to be becoming even more relevant than the MSM – so far at least in the US.
I went and had a look at Gowing’s original article which caused you all so much angst. I find it clear, well-informed, sensibly argued. If this CNN guy then interprets his own half-arsed version of it, that is his problem, and he has paid the price. I wish that some of you would actually discuss the specific incidents which Gowing talks about. I find it irritating that so many bloggers think that merely regurgitating others’ opinions within a very narrow political viewpoint is some kind of public service. It isn’t, tho I guess it makes you feel good. Read Gowing’s article, then argue the toss.