The BBC’s Britain’s Streets of Vice series is being repeated on BBC1, starting tonight with Sex in the City, described by Radio Times as follows:
Sally Magnusson tells the story of a young prostitute struggling with her addiction to crack cocaine and heroin, one of more than 5,000 women thought to be working on the streets and risking violence, disease and a criminal record
It’s on at 11.05pm – it’s on so late because of the adult nature of the material and topic – not that that stopped the BBC showing it (and the rest of the series) at 9.15am in the morning three weeks ago, just as toddlers and children off school sat down to watch. The next episode will be on late at night next Tuesday. Make sure your kiddies are safely tucked in bed, just in case they find these programmes as ‘challenging’ as Alison Sharman, BBC Daytime Controller, bragged.
For the full story, see my previous post: All right my darling? Looking for business? What, at 9.15 in the morning? Are you kidding?
Weekend 8th March 2025
I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…