, our old friend Brian Wheeler (see here and here) is back in print at BBC News Online with another gushing piece concerning Gorgeous George “Sir I salute you, your courage, your indefatiguability” Galloway. Brian concludes his piece by noting that in the contest between Gorgeous George and Oona King, the sitting Labour MP in Bethnal Green and Bow, that “things could get very ugly indeed before the final bell”.
Oh indeed, Brian. It’s a pity that you didn’t see or haven’t learnt of the very newsworthy political nastiness that occured when Oona King, along with jewish and other WW2 veterans, was pelted with eggs and abuse during a WW2 commemoration event in the constituency. Fortunately for us, the concerned telly-taxpaying public, Brian isn’t the only set of eyes and ears in Bethnal Green and Bow – other non-telly-taxpayer funded reporters have managed to discover and report this serious incident.
Also noteworthy for its complete lack of coverage of this story is the BBC’s execrable ‘LDN’ local TV news, who managed instead to find time for a lavish talking heads outside-broadcast with three political has-beens (actually, it was two has-beens, Tony Banks and David Mellor, along with a LibDem never-was, whose name, unsurprisingly, escapes me). Something tells me that the BBC’s selection of the repellent David Mellor as a Conservative ‘representative’ has more to do with leftie BBC researchers than it does with any notion of selecting a genuinely representative Conservative to receive the BBC’s telly-taxpayer provided appearance fee.
OK so they miss big stories. But how about US Ambassador Bolton’s remarks about losing the top ten stories of the UN building! If that happened, he said, it wouldn’t be any great loss.
Well the beeb has been letting us know about this right-wing Bush appointee’s comments now for about 4 days, practically on the hour and at length. Hmm…are they trying to tell us something?
re the Oona King story I think that this is possibly and example of where the ruling left liberal consensus has decided that prominence shoudl not be given to the disgusting attack. It looks certainly like Labour decided not to capitalise on it and the BBC apepar ot have taken their cue from them.
The socialists and the muslims are made for each other.
The former never want to work with their hands, the latter never want to work with their heads. Great combination! :+:
Here is another pointed aspect to the BBC failure to report the eggs and vegetables thrown at the memorial ceremony for those killed at Hughes Mansions: it is *not* the case that the BBC considers egg-throwing generally unworthy of coverage. Yesterday’s egg-throwing attack on the PM by Fathers4Justice was covered by the BBC.
I cannot think of one respectable reason why the Fathers4Justice incident should be covered when the Hughes Mansions incident was not. As commenter Susan points out, the left-wing Guardian reported the events at Hughes Mansions.
The Oona King deal has everything, Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Labour Party vs Galloway, War Veterans and Sacred Ground. In other words, its where the leftie principle of “my enemies enemy is my friend” collapses under the weight of its own contradictions. It is where poor and uninformed saps such as myself turn to the Vainglorious BBC for Elucidation, context and perspective. It is one of those issues where “the chips are down”, its an opportunity to dispense with PC and start to name Spades. In all of this The BBC has failed because they are unsure what to do when thier sacred cows set about each other with blunt instruments and ill will.
I`m lovin`it.
The Hghes Mansions incident was arguably far more newsworthy, because it was anti-semitic rather than anti-power, and elderly Jewish people were caught up in the attack in a disgusting manner. Also, it appears that the Blair incident involved only 2 protestors – the Hughes Mansions incident involved many more nasties. And the Fathers4Justice may actually have some validity to their protests, they have actually suffered injustice, whereas the Islamofascists in Bethnal Green and Bow have suffered nothing. There is a moral difference, IMHO, but of course the BBC s usual comes down on the wrong side of any moral equation.
I almost forgot.
Withdraw Funding NOW!
O/T 12:30 12/04/05
BBC News Front Page Top Story:
Tesco profits break through £2bn
Lets play ‘Guess the talking point……any ideas?
Talking Point:
Has Tesco become too powerful?
er..no, but the BBC has.
It’s excruitatingly awful how the beeboids revert immediately to the private/profits = bad, public/non-profit = good. How about
“Has the BBC become too powerful/biased/awful/cr*p?” for a Talking point? Nevertheless, with MG Rover having extreeme difficulties this week at the opposite end of the profit/loss , it makes the BBC case tricky – would they rather all companies were as bad a MG Rover? Tesco is well managed, employes thousands, is headquartered in UK and thus pays Gordon Brown handsomly in tax revenues each year. What on earth could be ‘sinister’ or wrong with that?…..
Another rant from one of the Beebs 7000 news reporters…..
Is Tesco too big? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4422065.stm
er…no, but the Beeb is.
STILL waiting for reply about my official complaint regarding Beeb not covering attacks on Oona King and the Jewish survivors of the WW2 V bombs attacks at their memorial service. Second reminder sent to them. Wait and see if they have the guts to reply. Even Littlejohn in the Sun as well as the Express Guardian and Telegraph are covering this. You would have thought with King being a Labour ex MP…..
Oona King still is a Labour MP. And I hope she remains one. I think I’d still hope that even if her opponent were not George Galloway.
Oona is not an MP during the election…..tat’s wot eye meant tae say! Her website is illegal now as it as MP etc all over it. Then again most of the ex MP websites are illegal…..tut tut
I withdrew my funding a long time ago. I haven’t had a licence in years. They don’t even bother sending me reminders now.
I see that piece was written by one John Cronin, BBC News Business Reporter. I can only hope his face was burning with embarrassment whilst typing it.
dave t
From experience it takes a few weeks for the BBC to reply. By the time they get back to me they usually have to remind me of my gripe!
BTW you want to head over to harry’s place. There are loads of so called RESPECT people trying to cover up the fact that Galloway and RESPECT have still not said anything to condemn the attack on Oona and the WW2 memorial ceremony….they are truly on another planet…RESPECT: our equivalent of Democratic Underground methinks! Check out respectwatch as well for lots of Galloway’s “unsubstantiated” comments about his opponents.
Dave t,
By gum, you’re right. I knew that in some corner of my mind (from the film “Chiltern Hundreds”?) but had forgotten it.
Dont forget David Mellor was given his own radio show by the BBC after he had to leave parliament.
To the BBC’s bitter and puzzled disappointment, by far the majority of commenters on ‘Have Your Say’ said they thought Tesco deserved their profits and said they wouldn’t shop anywhere else. That they had to run positive comments means they didn’t get nearly the expected deluge of negative, anti-capitalistic correspondence, or naturally they would have run that in preference. This means this subject will disappear quietly.
OT: The BBC’s (trying to be) funny again. What should George W. Bush listen to on his IPod – http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4435639.stm
Unfair and imbalanced as usual
WAKE UP! Look at the first comment on this thread. The beebers are still obsessing about this guy Bolton. A maniac is loose at the UN! This morning they were using unattributed quotes on the “Today” show to call him an opinionated bully.
And they totally fail to quote what Bolton says in defence of the Dem attacks. Total bias as usual.
Good point John.
Actually Bolton has made many remarks about the skewed priorities and ineffectiveness of the costly UN. What other organisation spends 70% of its debating time demonising Israel, and then trying to pass crappy resolutions which the US and UK have the good sense to veto.
What other organisation, you ask? Question: who has more pen-pushing employees, the beeb or the UN?
Off Topic:
The Israelis just caught a 15 year old
Palestinian carrying five pipe bombs across a checkpoint into Israel. Not a cheep on the BBC world news.
Bolton’s stance on Taiwan is a very idealist and ethical one (in contrast to the UN and EU’s pro-China stance).
I do not share many of Bolton’s political leanings, but often the best people to work at a company or institution are those who are critical of it and have ideas on how to improve it.
Of course, the BBC tends to dislike such people.
Monkey and Zevilyn,
Of course the state employees sitting in their feathered nests at OUR broadcasting company can’t stomach it when a terrorist is caught.They ignore the story because even they wouldn’t be able to justify five pipe bombs.
These clowns also don’t like being told that their slant on “news” is too often anti-American and goes for the throat of a tiny, singular Mid East democracy trying to defend itself.