Rich Hall, the ranting left-wing American comedian the BBC is always having on, has stumbled across Tim Blair’s site, and noticed that Tim has made fun of Hall (and Philip Adams, the ABC radio host who’s had Hall on his show) on a more than a few occasions, so he’s sent Blair a bizarre, hostile e-mail.
Stumbled across your site while I was reading about the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Lo and behold there’s my name plastered all over it. Seems you’ve got a hard-on for a guy named Phillip Adams. He’s a decent, informed fellow. Reads a lot of books. Have you ever heard of books? You can read them without logging on!I was a guest on his radio show and apparently stirred up quite a few of your ass licking sycophant following. Do me a favor. Write me and tell me who you are and just what it is you do. In fact, tell what you did before weblogs made it possible for every five and dime gasbag with an axe to grind could spout their bile into the ether. Let’s meet up and have a chat, you dumb cunt.
And don’t try to dissect comedy when you don’t have a sense of humor.
Click the link to see Blair’s response.
Weekend 22nd February 2025