No Steve… I’m part of the 79% of the total electorate who didn’t vote Labour.
Labour didn’t even get a majority of the actual vote on the day: a lousy 35.2% in fact. Only 61% of the total electorate of 26 million voted for any party.
So of the total “electorate” 21% voted Labour. That means 79% did not vote for Labour no matter what inane witterings were in their “manifesto”.
So the “electorate” most certainly isn’t speaking for the taxpayers. Besides how many people do you know who voted for anyone based on their “debt relief” policies. Anyone who says they did is a liar.
Please someone tell me I was having a nightmare. Who else saw that party political broadcast for islam on BBC2 this Sunday evening ? It has to be the most one-sided , bigotted thing I’ve ever seen on al-BBC. Disgraceful.
I didn’t even know it was on. Probably a good thing because I’ve already been feeling a bit weird all day. What exactly did they say? That Islam is a peaceful religion and we should all live according to sharia law??? Stoning women is beautiful, innit?
OT –
The World Service repeated an hour long interview with everyone’s favorite Angry Dwarf, George Galloway. In fact it seems like every time I tuned in over the course of the day, they reran it.
I went to the schedule on their website – and it turns out that they ran it twice as often as was listed – roughtly every 3 hours.
Please don’t take my word for it, or quote me, but I think I may have found a little gem for you.
It’s a chronological map that charts the spread of empires & religions throughout the centuries – but it looks like it was knocked together by George Galloway.
1. Click “Launch Civilisations” to begin
2. Select “British” from the top bar
3. Find the button that resembles “Fast Forward” for a few seconds
Watch the rise, and decline of the British Empire, then here come the abnormalities:
Honduras becomes a British colony. Presumably we go home (in 1990) once the fascist Contra thugs we secretly employed to kill the heroic Sandinistas are done.
A large segment of Yemen remains a colony of Britain to this day – I’m confused.
Here’s the best part: Iraq is lit up all pink as it becomes a British colony. The Empire Strikes Back in 2003!
There’s a few other irregularities, too, like how Newfoundland & Nova Scotia remain British colonies (but not the rest of Canada), then the colony of Namibia which becomes independent from the UK in 1990 – does that imply the S. Africa apartheid gov’t that administered it was a British puppet?
There’s probably much more wrong with it to find, enjoy!
The comfortable middle ground is eroding as Muslims are asked to either accept the ‘war on terror’ and deny their heritage or become radicalised and condemned as ‘terrorists.’
Hello? Joining the fight against terrorism means “denying their heritage”? I thought Islam was a “religion of peace” which abhors terrorism?
Al-Beeb — so determined to push its pro-Islamic political agenda, it doesn’t even notice how illogical it’s beginning to sound.
Also, if they don’t want to “deny their heritage” they can easily reclaim it by moving to an Islamic country. Britian is a Western country.
Key messaging, folks, key messaging! That’s all the Beeb is nowadays. Calling its output “news” is charitable to say the least — let’s be honest and call it what it really is — “marketing communications.”
Their so-called “news reports” and “documentaries” are merely a series of electronic marketing brochures for a variety of pet leftoid causes, Islam amongst them.
Key messaging! If any of you have ever worked in marketing, you’d know exactly what I’m talking about.
I caught the last 25 minutes or so of this programme after the F1 had finished, and every minute of it sickened me to the pit of my stomach.
It was pure Islamic Dawah propaganda. Excusing Suicide bombers and beheaders with the standard “what choice do they have?” mantra, and what was worst of all was the attacks they made on English people themselves. Every shot of an English person was of them being drunk out of their head on a Saturday night, either fighting or exposing themsleves. This was presented as standard non-muslim English behaviour and was contrasted with their Islamic “piety and purity”. I was close to kicking my TV in by the time it had finished, and in this programme the BBC has crossed a line in the sand and should now be viewed as a hostile organization that is collaborating with Islamists.
Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Those who follow Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only one God, called Allah.
Has anyone on here ever thought about referring the forced payment of the license fees to the European Court of Human Rights? I myself am no longer paying TV license fees here in Germany because I don’t watch German television. I simply wrote that I threw my tv set out of the window because of the (lack of) quality of German television. I’m still paying the radio license fee though because I’ve got a radio in my car (which I either use to listen to CDs or to listen to AFN).
You’re talking about that “Don’t panic, I’m Islamic” program aren’t you. It seemed to me they (the BBC) went out of their way to pick up Islamic loonies just for the program. I can’t believe all Muslims are as stupid as the bulk of the Muslims they showed in the documentary.
Ha! And once again the Beeb get very annoyed when a people allow themselves to be influenced by the (Catholic) church… Would there be fertility treatment if it were a Muslim country? No, of course not – they’d cut their f*****g heads of instead or pour acid over them instead!
Re: the Muslim prog, yes I couldnt stand to watch any more, if I had a shotgun my telly would still be picking bits of shot out of its arse!
But its a good thing it was on, in a way the best thing on the Beeb for ages. Let the enemy run off at the mouth, let them show their true colours, if a time comes that even a few more people ask themselves why we need one single more muslim immigrant and why we shouldnt deport muslim illegals ASAP, some of them will remember what they saw. Nobody seeing that, other than Muslims and hard core lefties, is going to come away thinking religion of peace or any of that twaddle.
I dont think the Beeb did go out of its way to find loonies, they were on as well of course but we know where we stand with them. The scary ones were the “moderates” and I bet they went out of their way to find them. They were quite clear where they stood, there is a war and we know which side they are on, after watching that only a deluded leftie/liberal would still pretend otherwise. Even “moderate” Muslims dont subscribe to that cosy fiction.
Watching these “moderates” bleating on, all that ran through my head is the question “And you’re still living in my country because…?”
Debt relief and masturbatory pop concerts for the poor starving folk in Africa. Strange how we dont presume to “help” India in this way, or Southeast Asia, or Brazil or Central America. Or Cuba, Indonesia or the Philipines. We offer neither Geldoff nor Bonio to the Poor in Mexico and certainly there will be none of Sir Midge Ures` (Sir Midge F****** Ure) largesse dispensed across the former Soviet Union or the poor in The Balkans.
My point is simply this, Stop Patronising the Proud People of Africa who are, to a man too polite to tell our Whacked Out Western Luvvies to just poke thier ersatz post colonial concern where the sun don`t shine.
Still think that was a great track. Joe Dolce you have been judged and the sentence is…death! (Anybody younger than mid-30s may wonder what the hell I’m on about)
Christ, we’re paying for this sh!t and all we get for it is morons like Bono and Bob Geldof chivvying us for not giving even more. Heck, maybe if we pony up a little bit more, Mugabe can enjoy an even ritzier party for his 20th wedding anniversary.
I bet there are some Beeb execs who were not pleased with Russell T Davies’ obvious dig at the licence fee. The Daleks are alive and well in BBC towers.
That Islam doc was unbelievable…every image we saw of Western culture was negative, with the indigenous British population portrayed in a manner which struck me as profoundly racist, and, well, “Anglophobic”.
There was no alternative viewpoint…I have (rarely I admit)heard some very pro-Western Muslims on talk radio, but never on the BBC.
“There’s probably much more wrong with it to find, enjoy!”
Jond – Great find.
There are anomalies with the rise and fall of communism as well. Note how Africa remains free of communism – even Soviet/Cuban client states like Angola and Mozambique are not coloured in.
Seems like the BBC aren’t too clear about the situation in Africa, as well as being ignorant about the British Empire.
Their disclaimer (“Every effort has been made to depict empires accurately but the nature of the project sometimes required a generalisation of the data.”) doesn’t excuse these errors.
There was one sensible and decent person on the Islam programme – the guy that had changed his name because he wanted a job. Because he wanted to integrate.
All the others seemed to be outside the mainstream of ordinary work – they are all known political activists. In a way I am glad they were given air time, because what they were all saying totally disproved the BBC mantra that Islam in Britain is a peaceful religion that is totally opposed to terrorism. They were saying what we KNOW is a more general view – that Osama is a fine guy, that 9/11 was not carried out by Al Quada anyway, that America deserved it, that suicide bombers in Iraq are good guys. And – crazily – that we don’t need anti-terrorism measures in Britain.
Oh – and that the indigenous folk of Britain are inferior.
These things need to be out in the open. But yes, the whole thing was like a party political broadcast for Respect, and at no time were any of the evil and twisted ideas challenged.
What we now need if there is any sort of balance is a programme that takes exactly the opposite line, that puts all those ideas up to ridicule, that throws their filthy ideas back in their faces. Chnces of that – zero.
Did anyone else notice at the beginning of the Islamic progaganda, the pitifully bad rap song? Where the rapper kept spelling out the word “BASE”. I couldn’t think what that meant until I remembered what “Al-Qaeda” means in English. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe not.
Article on EU budget/rebate. Think of a song, any song for an article intro that would convey Al-Beebs view on whether the UK should keep her rebate or not…….
Good choice..
K.C. & the Sunshine Band “Give it Up” (1998)
Goes like this…
“Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Baby give it up
Give it up
Baby give it up…”
If only the commission would issue a Directive that somehow outlawed the TV poll tax (for that it what it is). I would love to hear the Beebs response to that.
OT “Free BBC?”
OT – I’m still working on ‘going digital’. Can’t get cable so am looking at both Freeview and Sky. The latter has more channels but many are cr*p shopping etc so am leaning towards freeview whsich offers 30 channels.
In my research I have noticed how the beeb plugs freeview as “no subscription required”. Eh? Whats that £12 a month coming out of my bank account & going to TV Licensing then? I class that as my Al-Beeb compulsory “subscription”. Beeb shouldn’t be allowed to use the word “free” ever when advertising their services as their services are obviously not ‘free’. Infact to be accurate they should be saying “A compulsory subscription is required”.
More like this….on Beeb interactive Tv pages:
“Does it cost money to press RED?
No. BBCi on TV is a free service.”
No, BBCi is not “free”. The cost of providing this service is included in the license fee/subscription. The other day the Beeb was advertising some cBeebies stuff and again calling it ‘free’. They should stop doing this.
Sorry about the ramble, just ketting p*ssed off at beeb (again).
“The interview was unfortunately what I have come to expect from the BBC and the MSM in general. Mostly negative, leading questions about the situation here, why people here feel their dignity is being violated by house searches, etc. Ross, my interviewer, also asked why so many bloggers think the press has it wrong. I told him that it was because they only covered a tiny percentage of the whole story. They never talk about the reconstruction projects underway, the smiles, the many people who thank us for giving them their country back and beg us not to leave too soon, the warm greetings and the kids that run out to our Guntrucks waving whenever we drive by. I told him that I am well aware the fact that in modern journalism, “if it bleeds it leads.” Part of the problem is that although I am in one of the hotter areas of Baghdad, we see very few journalists around here. Most of the time, they stay in the comfort and relative safety in their hotels in and around the green zone broadcasting from their balconies surrounded by private security. They only come here for large operations and leave shortly thereafter.”
Every shot of an English person was of them being drunk out of their head on a Saturday night, either fighting or exposing themsleves. This was presented as standard non-muslim English behaviour and was contrasted with their Islamic “piety and purity”.
And yet al-Beeb constantly demeans and ridicules conservative evangelical Christians for displaying “piety and purity” themselves.
If it were a show about conservative Christians, al-Beeb would be sneering at them as Victorian prudes and viciously lampooning their refusal to join the “joyous” and “vibrant” club culture.
Do they not understand that people notice this sort of blatant hypocrisy?
. . .And that doesn’t even mention the other type of hypocrisy on full display here: after all, it’s the Cultural Left — including of course al-Beeb, with its 9 a.m. soft-porn “documentaries etc. — which is largely responsible for validating and egging on the type of culture they then turn around and contrast so unfavorably with Islam’s “piety and purity.”
Really, it’s a Catch-22 of immense propoportions. If you don’t participate in the nihilistic trash culture promoted by the Cultural Left, you’re a hopeless Mary Whitehousian prude; if you do participate in it, that makes you inferior to “pious and pure” Islam and other “authentic” non-Western cultures.
How long are people going to put up with this sick and twisted kind of thinking?
Did anyone else notice at the beginning of the Islamic progaganda, the pitifully bad rap song? Where the rapper kept spelling out the word “BASE”. I couldn’t think what that meant until I remembered what “Al-Qaeda” means in English. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe not.
Ally | 13.06.05 – 9:25 am | #
I suspect that they did indeed mean the bad rap song repeating “BASE” over and over again to celebrate Al-Qaeda. This is truly repellant. It’s the equivalent of rapturously playing the Horst Wessel song and other Nazi anthems over the airwaves during WWII.
Sick, sick, sick. And treasonous as well. The Beeb is disgusting.
The BBC has plummeted to new depths with “Doctor Who”. Not only has it insulted the Prime Minister and brought course jokes about passing wind onto our screens, it is promoting homosexuality and sex outside of marriage, and next week it will compare evangelical Christians to Daleks. Mary Whitehouse was right about this show as about everything else. “Doctor Who” should be taken off the air immediately.
Up2snuffFeb 23, 17:45 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, Thatcher squandered our N.Sea oil & gas instead of doing the same as Norway!
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
How far into the future was it?
I believe it was the year 20100 or something, and the BBC poll tax had spread to the entire earth!
I just wish that in 2010 people would be going “BBC who?”
Teddy Bear,
If you keep this attitude you’ll never get to go to floor 500.
That’s okay Max; I’d rather bed a few dozens than floor 500 ;o)
Gordon Brown (funded by the taxpayer) recieves applause from the BBC (funded by the taxpayer) for cancelling African debt (funded by the taxpayer).
Who`s speaking for the taxpayer?
Debt relief was a Labour Party 2005 manifesto commitment. So, given the recent election result, the electorate are speaking for the taxpayers.
No Steve… I’m part of the 79% of the total electorate who didn’t vote Labour.
Labour didn’t even get a majority of the actual vote on the day: a lousy 35.2% in fact. Only 61% of the total electorate of 26 million voted for any party.
So of the total “electorate” 21% voted Labour. That means 79% did not vote for Labour no matter what inane witterings were in their “manifesto”.
So the “electorate” most certainly isn’t speaking for the taxpayers. Besides how many people do you know who voted for anyone based on their “debt relief” policies. Anyone who says they did is a liar.
“Don’t Panic I’m Islamic”
Pure propoganda…. The BBC really does have no limits.
Please someone tell me I was having a nightmare. Who else saw that party political broadcast for islam on BBC2 this Sunday evening ? It has to be the most one-sided , bigotted thing I’ve ever seen on al-BBC. Disgraceful.
I didn’t even know it was on. Probably a good thing because I’ve already been feeling a bit weird all day. What exactly did they say? That Islam is a peaceful religion and we should all live according to sharia law??? Stoning women is beautiful, innit?
Ah, it’s all clear now… “I don’t need to integrate.”
Sickening – I watched Dr Who on tape instead.
BBC tell us that a cow in US was a possible BSE case.
The BBC says “Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, has claimed more than 150 lives – mostly in Britain”
However “The Scotsman” 15 Dec 2004 states
“In Britain, 147 people have died from the rare brain disease” (so perhaps more since Dec 04)
More than “mostly” then. Where would the article lead us to think perhaps something like 50 non-British CJD deaths had occured?
OT –
The World Service repeated an hour long interview with everyone’s favorite Angry Dwarf, George Galloway. In fact it seems like every time I tuned in over the course of the day, they reran it.
I went to the schedule on their website – and it turns out that they ran it twice as often as was listed – roughtly every 3 hours.
Off Topic.
Please don’t take my word for it, or quote me, but I think I may have found a little gem for you.
It’s a chronological map that charts the spread of empires & religions throughout the centuries – but it looks like it was knocked together by George Galloway.
1. Click “Launch Civilisations” to begin
2. Select “British” from the top bar
3. Find the button that resembles “Fast Forward” for a few seconds
Watch the rise, and decline of the British Empire, then here come the abnormalities:
Honduras becomes a British colony. Presumably we go home (in 1990) once the fascist Contra thugs we secretly employed to kill the heroic Sandinistas are done.
A large segment of Yemen remains a colony of Britain to this day – I’m confused.
Here’s the best part: Iraq is lit up all pink as it becomes a British colony. The Empire Strikes Back in 2003!
There’s a few other irregularities, too, like how Newfoundland & Nova Scotia remain British colonies (but not the rest of Canada), then the colony of Namibia which becomes independent from the UK in 1990 – does that imply the S. Africa apartheid gov’t that administered it was a British puppet?
There’s probably much more wrong with it to find, enjoy!
From 1933 onwards I couldn’t find Judaism anywhere. Wishing thiking on the part of the BBC no doubt.
Joerg, from your link:
The comfortable middle ground is eroding as Muslims are asked to either accept the ‘war on terror’ and deny their heritage or become radicalised and condemned as ‘terrorists.’
Hello? Joining the fight against terrorism means “denying their heritage”? I thought Islam was a “religion of peace” which abhors terrorism?
Al-Beeb — so determined to push its pro-Islamic political agenda, it doesn’t even notice how illogical it’s beginning to sound.
Also, if they don’t want to “deny their heritage” they can easily reclaim it by moving to an Islamic country. Britian is a Western country.
Key messaging, folks, key messaging! That’s all the Beeb is nowadays. Calling its output “news” is charitable to say the least — let’s be honest and call it what it really is — “marketing communications.”
Their so-called “news reports” and “documentaries” are merely a series of electronic marketing brochures for a variety of pet leftoid causes, Islam amongst them.
Key messaging! If any of you have ever worked in marketing, you’d know exactly what I’m talking about.
I caught the last 25 minutes or so of this programme after the F1 had finished, and every minute of it sickened me to the pit of my stomach.
It was pure Islamic Dawah propaganda. Excusing Suicide bombers and beheaders with the standard “what choice do they have?” mantra, and what was worst of all was the attacks they made on English people themselves. Every shot of an English person was of them being drunk out of their head on a Saturday night, either fighting or exposing themsleves. This was presented as standard non-muslim English behaviour and was contrasted with their Islamic “piety and purity”. I was close to kicking my TV in by the time it had finished, and in this programme the BBC has crossed a line in the sand and should now be viewed as a hostile organization that is collaborating with Islamists.
The essentials
Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Those who follow Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only one God, called Allah.
….the BBC has crossed a line in the sand and should now be viewed as a hostile organization that is collaborating with Islamists.
Has anyone on here ever thought about referring the forced payment of the license fees to the European Court of Human Rights? I myself am no longer paying TV license fees here in Germany because I don’t watch German television. I simply wrote that I threw my tv set out of the window because of the (lack of) quality of German television. I’m still paying the radio license fee though because I’ve got a radio in my car (which I either use to listen to CDs or to listen to AFN).
You’re talking about that “Don’t panic, I’m Islamic” program aren’t you. It seemed to me they (the BBC) went out of their way to pick up Islamic loonies just for the program. I can’t believe all Muslims are as stupid as the bulk of the Muslims they showed in the documentary.
Ha! And once again the Beeb get very annoyed when a people allow themselves to be influenced by the (Catholic) church… Would there be fertility treatment if it were a Muslim country? No, of course not – they’d cut their f*****g heads of instead or pour acid over them instead!
Of course they’re stupid (but still dangerous) – what do you expect from someone who only has one book which he reads all his life?
I think it’s four.
But the other three are actually evil, so we’d better just talk about the Koran…
Re: the Muslim prog, yes I couldnt stand to watch any more, if I had a shotgun my telly would still be picking bits of shot out of its arse!
But its a good thing it was on, in a way the best thing on the Beeb for ages. Let the enemy run off at the mouth, let them show their true colours, if a time comes that even a few more people ask themselves why we need one single more muslim immigrant and why we shouldnt deport muslim illegals ASAP, some of them will remember what they saw. Nobody seeing that, other than Muslims and hard core lefties, is going to come away thinking religion of peace or any of that twaddle.
I dont think the Beeb did go out of its way to find loonies, they were on as well of course but we know where we stand with them. The scary ones were the “moderates” and I bet they went out of their way to find them. They were quite clear where they stood, there is a war and we know which side they are on, after watching that only a deluded leftie/liberal would still pretend otherwise. Even “moderate” Muslims dont subscribe to that cosy fiction.
Watching these “moderates” bleating on, all that ran through my head is the question “And you’re still living in my country because…?”
Debt relief and masturbatory pop concerts for the poor starving folk in Africa. Strange how we dont presume to “help” India in this way, or Southeast Asia, or Brazil or Central America. Or Cuba, Indonesia or the Philipines. We offer neither Geldoff nor Bonio to the Poor in Mexico and certainly there will be none of Sir Midge Ures` (Sir Midge F****** Ure) largesse dispensed across the former Soviet Union or the poor in The Balkans.
Steady on mate, I always liked Ultravox!
My point is simply this, Stop Patronising the Proud People of Africa who are, to a man too polite to tell our Whacked Out Western Luvvies to just poke thier ersatz post colonial concern where the sun don`t shine.
I say boycott this nonsence from day One.
The feeling has gone. This means nothing to me…….
Can everyone accept now that the “45 second” thing was just a joke, and not an anti-war conspiracy?
Has anyone on here ever thought about referring the forced payment of the license fees to the European Court of Human Rights?
Regarding this, here is a small part of the information available on the subject.
India can and have helped themselves. A noble race indeed. And what saved them? Something called capitalism.
There was ONE Muslim on that program that was a decent fellow. One.
Oh, Vienna.
Still think that was a great track. Joe Dolce you have been judged and the sentence is…death! (Anybody younger than mid-30s may wonder what the hell I’m on about)
Check out what African leaders do with all the Western “aid” money: throw themselves million dollar parties while their citizens starve to death.
Christ, we’re paying for this sh!t and all we get for it is morons like Bono and Bob Geldof chivvying us for not giving even more. Heck, maybe if we pony up a little bit more, Mugabe can enjoy an even ritzier party for his 20th wedding anniversary.
Great track, although with John Foxx they were so much better.
John Foxx – whatever happened to him eh?
Stupid question, why didnt I just look him up? So I did, still around it seems.
I bet there are some Beeb execs who were not pleased with Russell T Davies’ obvious dig at the licence fee. The Daleks are alive and well in BBC towers.
That Islam doc was unbelievable…every image we saw of Western culture was negative, with the indigenous British population portrayed in a manner which struck me as profoundly racist, and, well, “Anglophobic”.
There was no alternative viewpoint…I have (rarely I admit)heard some very pro-Western Muslims on talk radio, but never on the BBC.
“There’s probably much more wrong with it to find, enjoy!”
Jond – Great find.
There are anomalies with the rise and fall of communism as well. Note how Africa remains free of communism – even Soviet/Cuban client states like Angola and Mozambique are not coloured in.
Seems like the BBC aren’t too clear about the situation in Africa, as well as being ignorant about the British Empire.
Their disclaimer (“Every effort has been made to depict empires accurately but the nature of the project sometimes required a generalisation of the data.”) doesn’t excuse these errors.
There was one sensible and decent person on the Islam programme – the guy that had changed his name because he wanted a job. Because he wanted to integrate.
All the others seemed to be outside the mainstream of ordinary work – they are all known political activists. In a way I am glad they were given air time, because what they were all saying totally disproved the BBC mantra that Islam in Britain is a peaceful religion that is totally opposed to terrorism. They were saying what we KNOW is a more general view – that Osama is a fine guy, that 9/11 was not carried out by Al Quada anyway, that America deserved it, that suicide bombers in Iraq are good guys. And – crazily – that we don’t need anti-terrorism measures in Britain.
Oh – and that the indigenous folk of Britain are inferior.
These things need to be out in the open. But yes, the whole thing was like a party political broadcast for Respect, and at no time were any of the evil and twisted ideas challenged.
What we now need if there is any sort of balance is a programme that takes exactly the opposite line, that puts all those ideas up to ridicule, that throws their filthy ideas back in their faces. Chnces of that – zero.
Did anyone else notice at the beginning of the Islamic progaganda, the pitifully bad rap song? Where the rapper kept spelling out the word “BASE”. I couldn’t think what that meant until I remembered what “Al-Qaeda” means in English. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe not.
OT – R4 Today prog this morning
Article on EU budget/rebate. Think of a song, any song for an article intro that would convey Al-Beebs view on whether the UK should keep her rebate or not…….
Good choice..
K.C. & the Sunshine Band “Give it Up” (1998)
Goes like this…
“Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Baby give it up
Give it up
Baby give it up…”
If only the commission would issue a Directive that somehow outlawed the TV poll tax (for that it what it is). I would love to hear the Beebs response to that.
OT “Free BBC?”
OT – I’m still working on ‘going digital’. Can’t get cable so am looking at both Freeview and Sky. The latter has more channels but many are cr*p shopping etc so am leaning towards freeview whsich offers 30 channels.
In my research I have noticed how the beeb plugs freeview as “no subscription required”. Eh? Whats that £12 a month coming out of my bank account & going to TV Licensing then? I class that as my Al-Beeb compulsory “subscription”. Beeb shouldn’t be allowed to use the word “free” ever when advertising their services as their services are obviously not ‘free’. Infact to be accurate they should be saying “A compulsory subscription is required”.
More like this….on Beeb interactive Tv pages:
“Does it cost money to press RED?
No. BBCi on TV is a free service.”
No, BBCi is not “free”. The cost of providing this service is included in the license fee/subscription. The other day the Beeb was advertising some cBeebies stuff and again calling it ‘free’. They should stop doing this.
Sorry about the ramble, just ketting p*ssed off at beeb (again).
Major K, blogging from Iraq, gave an interview to the BBC recently:
“The interview was unfortunately what I have come to expect from the BBC and the MSM in general. Mostly negative, leading questions about the situation here, why people here feel their dignity is being violated by house searches, etc. Ross, my interviewer, also asked why so many bloggers think the press has it wrong. I told him that it was because they only covered a tiny percentage of the whole story. They never talk about the reconstruction projects underway, the smiles, the many people who thank us for giving them their country back and beg us not to leave too soon, the warm greetings and the kids that run out to our Guntrucks waving whenever we drive by. I told him that I am well aware the fact that in modern journalism, “if it bleeds it leads.” Part of the problem is that although I am in one of the hotter areas of Baghdad, we see very few journalists around here. Most of the time, they stay in the comfort and relative safety in their hotels in and around the green zone broadcasting from their balconies surrounded by private security. They only come here for large operations and leave shortly thereafter.”
Every shot of an English person was of them being drunk out of their head on a Saturday night, either fighting or exposing themsleves. This was presented as standard non-muslim English behaviour and was contrasted with their Islamic “piety and purity”.
And yet al-Beeb constantly demeans and ridicules conservative evangelical Christians for displaying “piety and purity” themselves.
If it were a show about conservative Christians, al-Beeb would be sneering at them as Victorian prudes and viciously lampooning their refusal to join the “joyous” and “vibrant” club culture.
Do they not understand that people notice this sort of blatant hypocrisy?
. . .And that doesn’t even mention the other type of hypocrisy on full display here: after all, it’s the Cultural Left — including of course al-Beeb, with its 9 a.m. soft-porn “documentaries etc. — which is largely responsible for validating and egging on the type of culture they then turn around and contrast so unfavorably with Islam’s “piety and purity.”
Really, it’s a Catch-22 of immense propoportions. If you don’t participate in the nihilistic trash culture promoted by the Cultural Left, you’re a hopeless Mary Whitehousian prude; if you do participate in it, that makes you inferior to “pious and pure” Islam and other “authentic” non-Western cultures.
How long are people going to put up with this sick and twisted kind of thinking?
Did anyone else notice at the beginning of the Islamic progaganda, the pitifully bad rap song? Where the rapper kept spelling out the word “BASE”. I couldn’t think what that meant until I remembered what “Al-Qaeda” means in English. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe not.
Ally | 13.06.05 – 9:25 am | #
I suspect that they did indeed mean the bad rap song repeating “BASE” over and over again to celebrate Al-Qaeda. This is truly repellant. It’s the equivalent of rapturously playing the Horst Wessel song and other Nazi anthems over the airwaves during WWII.
Sick, sick, sick. And treasonous as well. The Beeb is disgusting.
The BBC has plummeted to new depths with “Doctor Who”. Not only has it insulted the Prime Minister and brought course jokes about passing wind onto our screens, it is promoting homosexuality and sex outside of marriage, and next week it will compare evangelical Christians to Daleks. Mary Whitehouse was right about this show as about everything else. “Doctor Who” should be taken off the air immediately.