This is not really the place for this complaint, but maybe some BBC-ites are reading.
The whole series of Dr Who has suffered from the most appalling sound mixing. The music is way too loud compared to the dialogue. The last episode was particularly bad — at times the dialogue was almost inaudible under the music. I had to constantly adjust the volume — down when the loud music comes on in the action scenes, up when the dialogue (without music) comes back. For God’s sake re-mix the thing.
Actually, I’m sorry for posting that last comment Hannah. That was a cheap shot.
What I should have posted is that I didn’t my comments to be “catty” or obnoxious. I genuinely do not understand how someone can’t see the humor in an ickily, smugly PC term like “genetic woman.” If one can’t, they need a major humor transplant very soon, IMHO. How seriously can you take yourself?
Was just looking for a very definite way of saying “real woman” as in actually/genetically female. Doesn’t matter.
The right see political correctness in everything nowadays. Maybe sometimes it just means not being racist, or sexist, or prejudging people because of who they are. Do you seriously want to go back to the days when we called people “negroes”, “cripples”, “deaf and dumb”?
P.S. And Susan, I would never consider it wasting my time to converse with you, even if you are, as you say, a middle-aged woman. Rather, an annually-challenged genetic woman. It is never too late to see the light when it comes to politics.
I saw the political light aged five, during the miners’ strike, but for you it may just come later in life.
Come to Bournemouth next weekend and you, me and my boyfriend can rock out to Live 8 on the giant screens while we discuss poverty in Africa.
Maybe the right sees PC (or Marxism, to attribute its proper source) in everything because the sickness has reached every sphere of life. The old, decent, patriotic left also recognises it.
Do explain where you’ve dragged up this ‘deaf and dumb’ nonsense. You’ll be waiting a long time to hear sensible people use ‘aurally and orally challenged’. Just what do you people have against using proper terms?
In the meantime, did you notice that a blow against racism when the left-wing BNP lost their last London councillor on Thrsday? Here’s to the next general election, when the left-wing, jew-hating MP for Bethnal Green loses his seat too.
Have fun eradicating African poverty in Bournemouth next week.
Maybe the right sees PC (or Marxism, to attribute its proper source) in everything because the sickness has reached every sphere of life.
Yes, of course, being polite to other people is a “sickness”. Were you dragged up, Pete?
the left-wing BNP lost their last London councillor on Thrsday
The BNP is too “left-wing” for you guys now? What are you looking for, the Spanish Inquisition?