Scott at the Ablution notes Lisa Mitchell’s glowing assessment on the BBC website of the “Eco-village” which is a “model for us all”.
Er … would that by any chance be this eco-village ?
The protesters appeared to come from a temporary “eco-camp”, set up on the outskirts of the city, before dashing into Stirling.
Around 200 hooligans dressed in hooded tops with scarves obscuring their faces hurled missiles at police.
The hooligans moved from Stirling’s high street to residential areas, smashing windows and wrenching satellite dishes from walls.
TV pictures showed the rioters running amok through streets wielding weapons at police vans.
A witness, Mark Wallace, said: “It seems to have been a major battle.
“It was co-ordinated. The protesters moved people to certain areas and they all decided to fight at once to try and stretch the police resources.”
At one point Stirling train station was closed but it is was back to normal after about 90 minutes.
UPDATE – Ms Mitchell now has a second article, on how the locals feel about what the first article called the “practical implications for the rest of us”.
She explained: “My six-year-old son is scared that when I get to work I will be attacked.
“People are staying away from the shop. There’s a lot of police here now but they weren’t here yesterday.”
The supermarket is used by the campers and she said “some are nice enough”.
“But you can’t tell which are the peaceful ones and which are violent,” she added.
“Right now, all we can do is express sympathy and try to embolden their resolve.”
Joe, some might regard the last bit as patronising, but I dont – albeit I think it’s a sentiment best rephrased as others might take offence at the way its put.
As it goes though, when it comes to moral fibre, as a Brit I would have to say you Americans are leading the field by a clear margin.
While in Britain we have a governing class on both sides of the divide that have largely remembered the lessons of appeasement and have remembered what it means to British, and we have a 25% core of the British public who will remain true to British history come what may, the lobotomisation of the public mind and degeneration of moral fibre by the likes of the BBC has been profound.
Joe, the best way you Americans are going to maintain and embolden our resolve is just to keep setting the tremendous example your nation has set since its response 11th September 2001 to the most naked form of evil seen since Adolf Hitler.
God bless you guys.