has a good example of BBC think:
Abroad Again in Britain
BBC2 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Salisbury Cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral boasts the highest spire in Britain. Jonathan Meades, who was raised in its shadow, returns to one of the country’s finest medieval buildings. He wonders how an atheist can love a building dedicated to the propagation of medieval superstitions and fears.
Can you imagine that last sentence being used to refer to, say, a mosque or a temple or a synagogue? No, me neither.
Scum fits the guy
John b feels shot by both sides, I`d say roundly ignored is more like it.
I wouldn’t call ‘being described as an Islamist suicide bomber’ as ’roundly ignored’, although it’s somewhat confusing…
You lot are priceless.
The BBC read my witless 1943 parody and moved the schedule.
Because you disagree with me you must be a proto-terrorist.
Because you disagree with me you are scum.
Confirmation, were it needed, that the comment boards of B-BBC are largely inhabited by cast offs from the nuttier end of Free Republic searching vainly for the UK chapter of wingnuttia.
Most nazi spies when captured were happy to be “turned”. Far more useful than killing them. As for torturing the others before execution – why bother? They would know little of use and what they said could be verified by comparison to other spies and of course Ultra.
I doubt torturing Islamic loons will get us much. Given the whingeing complaints about gitmo its clear the that the only other option – shooting the lot of them “while trying to escape” will have to be employed a lot more. They are too dangerous to release, cant be kept under any legal regime and probably wont talk much anyway.
*Ahem* that last “Rob” was me actually.
Anonymous wrote,
The BBC read my witless 1943 parody and moved the schedule.
Ummm, that was a joke. .I didn’t really think they moved the schedule because of my parody. I thought I made my point by adding a smiley face at the end.
First steve jones, then “BBC fan”,now this priceless entry of cluelessness from “Anonymous”. . .
I’m beginning to think that it is the British, not the Americans, who don’t “get” irony. . .or maybe it’s just humorless British BBC employees.
Humor-challenged lefties, nasty mean-spirited people wishing bad events on the other posters, elitist snobs trying to get us to agree with them by pointing out how stupid and “unsophisticated” we are…
If this is the best the pro-BBCers can muster to defend the Beeb, it’s a pretty sad statement in and of itself.
If this commentariat is the best that can be mustered to attack the BBC, it won’t exactly have the governors reaching for the cyanide.
As Laban has noted, elsewhere, it seems almost every other thread degenerates into an “is Islam the religion of peace” thread.
Susan, 5/10 on the irony. Given how often you claim, with no trace of irony, that beeb staffers have “infiltrated” this blog and your penchance for exaggeration and shrillness, it’s best not to take the chance and assume you are being deliberately ironic.
As Laban has noted, elsewhere, it seems almost every other thread degenerates into an “is Islam the religion of peace” thread.
Not here, we’re under no such illusions.
You lot are priceless.
The BBC read my witless 1943 parody and moved the schedule.
Because you disagree with me you must be a proto-terrorist.
Because you disagree with me you are scum.
Confirmation, were it needed, that the comment boards of B-BBC are largely inhabited by cast offs from the nuttier end of Free Republic searching vainly for the UK chapter of wingnuttia.
Anonymous | 29.07.05 – 9:23 am | #
So Anonymous, john b, bbc fan, or whatever else you like to call yourself(ves), perhaps you can explain then why it is you indulge your time communicating with us bunch of nuts?
If this commentariat is the best that can be mustered to attack the BBC, it won’t exactly have the governors reaching for the cyanide.
Then why do you bother to show up every day to continually try to refute everything we say? We are so evidently worthless, so what’s the point in talking back at all? But you seem to have plenty of time and inclination to do so.
As Laban has noted, elsewhere, it seems almost every other thread degenerates into an “is Islam the religion of peace” thread.
Mainly because the Beeb invests so much of its precious propaganda resources in continuously trying to push Islam in everyone’s face. The teacher’s pet is always going to be despised by the other kids in the class — and that goes double (triple?) when the teacher’s pet is literally getting away with murder.
If the Beeb did not labor mightily to present radical suicide-bombing Islamists as cuddly lovable wedding planners, etc., sensitive poets, frisky boys just sowing their wild oats, etc., no one would comment about it here.
Susan, 5/10 on the irony. Given how often you claim, with no trace of irony, that beeb staffers have “infiltrated” this blog and your penchance for exaggeration and shrillness, it’s best not to take the chance and assume you are being deliberately ironic.
Beeb staffers have shown up here and identified themselves as The Insider, Lord Reith etc. and then of course there’s the lovely Hannah.
Given that history, why wouldn’t someone think that Beeb people are commenting here?
Your comments are somewhat akin to the same people who claim it’s paranoid and crazy to be afraid of nutter mullahs who constantly rant about how much they want to kill us all. . .
It’s crazy to think that the BBC pays attention to this site. . .yeah sure, whatever you say Anonymous. Have a nice day.
And Melanie Phillips reminds us of all the moderate and harmless ! “Muslim spokesmen” the BBC is forever pushing at us, usually without any challenge or reference to their extreme views and their sotto voce or blatant support of much terrorism :
John b wrote:
“…..since AQ are trained to resist torture, and someone under torture can always lie and say what he believes his torturers wish him to say, the ‘effectiveness vs morality’ tradeoff doesn’t arise. Nonetheless, even if it did I’d rather be blown up than have the government torture people in my name.”
Sitting in his cool office or comfy chair at home, he would write that. But if that hypothetical scenario became reality and there’s someone really wanting to kill him, he’d give the security forces carte blanche to do what they would have to do in order to save him, and others, but especially him – and I’d do the same. The difference is that I acknowledge it, and he doesn’t/can’t.
It’s okay with me if noble john b wants to die rather than see torture done in his name. I just don’t want his noble gesture to result in taking my little kiddoes along with him.
I don’t care if lefties sacrifice themselves for their ideals, it’s when they insist that the rest of us sacrifice ourselves too, for the sake of their ideals, that’s the problem.
Guys, don’t kid yourself that john b or his ilk really are so noble of mind. This is their technique for seducing the leftist mind to believe they are not ‘pure’ enough unless they act, so they can further infiltrate and weaken our society. It is a ploy – pure and simple.
Teddy Bear, do you really think that john b is an Islamist spy?
I think he is just a typical lefty.
Is Saleya Ahsan, the presenter of the Belmarsh programme, the same person as Saleyha Ahsan the director of a film about doctors working in Nablus?
Susan, I don’t think he’s a spy since it it an easy matter for anyone to read what we have to say. Just about every public forum on the net, particularly if it’s any way political, has been infiltrated by Islamists spreading their propaganda, or undermining our society -where they believe it serves them.
They use left philosophy to further their ambitions- but are definitely not leftist. Don’t ask me to explain how one can see the difference, because I don’t wish to help them refine their skills. You surely have communicated with lefties enough to spot it yourself.
Bishop, I’d love to know how you embed a link into words here, as you have done above. I’ve tried several methods, all unsuccessful. Your guidance please.
The mind boggles. The BBC has 1 MILLION web pages. No wonder all the inaccuracies. More is less :
Bishop Hill
I liked the recent post at your blog on the BBC’s avoidance of the T word – refusal to call terrorism by its name :
You ask whether the Saleya Ahsan who did that ridiculous programme about Letters from Belmarsh is the same person who produced the film about doctors in Nablus.
The “Nablus” Ahsan was described as Dundee medical student, but with the spelling Saleyha rather than Saleya :
and here :
Presumbly this is the same as the Saleyha Aslam now listed as a freelance BBC journalist – a visiting lecturer at the Centre for the Study of Islam at Glasgow University.
I think it could well be the same person — the Belmarsh letters were written to a woman in Scotland.
Click to access bbcradiowk30_thu.pdf
I would read the Nablus Ahsan as being a pro-Palestinian ACTIVIST. And on google that name is linked to Stop the War sites.
If it is the same person – someone at the BBC is now commissioning a known activist to produce stuff (with or money) that glamorises an Islamist extremist and the Scottish womn who becme “fervent human rights campaigner”. Shades of the Aslam affair at the Guardian ?
I happen to have incontrovertible evidence that john b is a shapeshifting lizard from the fifth dimension.
Please don’t ask me to divulge this evidence – it would only help the lizards disguise themselves better in future.
Teddy Bear
There is a lesson in how to create URLs at the bottom of the comments screens on Samizdata.
Many thanks Bishop
JiL -It’s actually 2 million.
You know what this means –
– They’re worried the t-word might slip in there.
JiL/Teddy Bear
Keep counting……
Google counts 12,700,0000 pages on the bbc.co.uk web site
Miam – I’m not about to count them, but the figure of 2 million was from the Telegraph article that John posted.
BBC Online is the most popular website in Europe, receiving 1.9 billion hits a month. It has two million internet pages.