Following on from much disparaging blogosphere comment

(for instance Stephen Pollard, Clive Davis, Harry’s Place, etc.) about the dreadfully biased studio audience selected to appear on last week’s BBC news special, Questions of Security (surely Questions of Terrorism?), the BBC has admitted that “there was a deliberately disproportionate number of Muslims in [the] studio audience”. Truly astonishing.

‘Disproportionate’ hardly begins to describe the situation – according to the BBC, “around 15% of the audience” was Muslim, “as opposed to 2.7% of the country as a whole” – in other words, Muslims were more than five times over-represented. Judging from the aggressive self-righteousness of so many of the apparent Muslims among the questioners, they weren’t even representative of British Muslims as a whole.

In the BBC’s admission, Anger at news special audience, hidden away in their Newswatch graveyard, Sue Inglish, Head of Political Programmes, says:

Huw Edwards explained at the start of the programme [that] the studio audience was made up of a variety of people from a range of communities, particularly those most affected by the questions we were discussing in the wake of the bombings of 7 July and the incidents on 21 July.

Unsurprisingly, Inglish is being more than a little disingenuous. At the beginning of the programme, after a long preamble, Edwards did slip in: “well now, our audience tonight includes representatives from some of the communities most affected by the recent events in London and of course elsewhere in the United Kingdom” – but that is a long way from saying “oh, and by the way, we’ve loaded the audience with five times more Muslims than you might expect”, which is how Inglish now expects us to interpret Edwards blather.

Moreover, it’s rich to imply that Britain’s Muslim population constitutes “some of the communities most affected” – leaving aside the fact that the community most affected by the appearance of Islamist terrorists (sorry BBC, bombers) in the UK happens to be all of us (as potential victims) – Muslim or not, the communities “most affected” surely start with the victims, families and friends of the 7/7 atrocities, followed by those who use London Transport and those who live and work in and around London.

This scandal of loading the Question Time audience (even more than usual), without admitting so up front in the programme, has shades of the nationally embarrassing Question Time following the 9/11 atrocities, which was so bad that Greg Dyke, then Director General, apologised to offended viewers and personally to Philip Lader, the former US ambassador, for his treatment on the programme. Was the selection of that audience similarly loaded? Is the BBC going to be honest and tell us?

The time has come for transparency in the selection of audiences for Question Time and other political programmes with audiences. No longer should it be down to the programme makers to screen audience members, selecting those who will participate, those who will get to ask questions and the questions themselves. Audience selection should be carried out by respectable independent organisations, by lottery from the electoral roll if need be, accountable only to the BBC’s governors, so that the producers and researchers may not skew the audience or influence the questions, intentionally or otherwise. And then perhaps Question Time will once more be for the people of Britain to ask questions of our leaders, rather than for the selectorate of the BBC to promote their perception of what matters (or what they think should matter) to the ordinary telly-tax payers who are forced to pay for the BBC.

One last point, just to add insult to injury, for those of us who are as proud to be British as our English comrades, when Inglish says “But the rest of the audience – around 85% – included representatives of a number of other different ethnic and religious groups, including Christian, Hindu, Sikh, African Caribbean, English, Irish, Kashmiri and Turkish”, she makes the classic BBC faux-pas of conflating English with British, whilst remembering to name just about every other ethnic group of any size in the UK. Typical.

You can view the programme and its loaded audience for yourself here:

Real Video format: Standard 34kbps or Higher quality 224kbps

Windows WMV format: Standard 34kbps or Higher quality 224kbps

Request: Does anyone have any links to or recordings of the dreadful edition of Question Time that followed the 9/11 atrocities? Thank you.

Update: This story has since been picked up by the Daily Express, a national newspaper in the UK. See above for updated Biased BBC coverage.

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60 Responses to Following on from much disparaging blogosphere comment

  1. peterN says:

    Often wonderered about Question Time’s audience and it’s ‘balance’ and come to that how its researchers managed to assemble all those extremists in double quick time for the digraceful post 9/11 edition


  2. DumbJon says:


    Laban Tall points out a certain lob-sideness in coverage over here:

    I thought I’d see how the Beeb websitestacks up. Yes, indeed. Anthony Walker returns 9 hits,

    while Richard Whelan scores just 1.

    Apparently, there are different classes of victim, after all.


  3. leavesomeforme says:

    Yes, I couldn’t agree more. Have to say that since the disgraceful post 9/11 edition, I’ve had my eyes opened as to how biassed the BBC is and has long been.


  4. Brituncula says:

    I think they’re actually using “English” as a proxy for “Anglo-Saxon”; ignoring the Welsh and Scots, and implying that ALL the other ethnic groups are “British” (and that the horrible English are expecting special treatment).


  5. Rob Read says:

    Move your TV onto the second floor of your house if you have to, but NEVER PAY the TV-TAX.

    Ignore TVLA letters.
    Do not respond to the TVLA gestapo in any way.
    Spread the word.


  6. Miam says:

    Victoria Derbyshire gleefully announces on 5Live at 10.00am this moring that the prog will be ‘live in Belfast’ too observe the dismantling of an army watchtower/post. By way of balance 5Live will also be present to witness the desctruction of IRA arms…….not.


  7. Miam says:

    They had the right idea in the 30’s

    BBC had ‘secret security switch’

    He was concerned at the potential ease with which political extremists or even student pranksters could enter the London building and broadcast.

    Now the Beeb is run by political extremists and student pranksters.


  8. Rob says:

    I watched the Security Special and found the panel to be quite reasonable. It was the audience that ruined the program. People were shouting other audience members down and shouting at the panel.

    It seemed like the usual collection of “Britain Haters” (some of whom weren’t even British, judging by their accents). Not exactly what I’d call balanced.

    Kudos to the panel for “sticking together” and presenting a united front. The panel were pretty much the only people voicing the opinions of “Middle England”.

    One Indian gentleman made a good point about “blaming the parents” and knowing what your kids are up to (he was quickly ignored and the discussion moved on) and a lady made a point about immigration controls/benefits culture/etc (obviously, another opinion was saught ASAP – “right-wing views, nothing to see here”).

    I don’t think anybody can blame the presenter. If anything he was biased towards the views of the panel and regularly nodded agreement. The tone of the debate was the result of choices made by the programs editors.


  9. Rob Read says:

    I found a good article on the BBC website!

    Of course it wasn’t actually written by a BBC journo!


  10. Pete_London says:

    BBC Head of Political Programmes, Sue Inglish said:

    “In order to ensure a range of voices on these issues, the studio audience contained a higher proportion of Muslims in the audience than in the population as a whole – around 15% of the audience as opposed to 2.7% in the country as a whole and 8.4% in London according to the 2001 census.

    Meaning, “the BBC isn’t in the business of broadcasting an hour of mainly white Britons telling politicians and the Police to go against their natural instincts, start getting tough, begin the deportations and if muslims don’t like it they can shove it, you, like, fascist pigs. This is the African & Islamic Broadcasting Corporation now, man.”

    The left is fond of telling certain organisations (the Police, Armed Forces etc) that those they enlist must ‘reflect the community’. The words sauce, goose and gander spring to mind. If they want to play that game it’s perfectly legitimate to demand a 95% white, British audience for QT. If they tell you that’s racist then repeat the words sauce, goose and gander, followed by pot, kettle and black.


  11. Bob Coates says:

    This is a very serious problem, and I’m glad you’re going into it in detail. The question now is: how on earth can the BBC be held accountable for such appalling bias? How can pressure be applied to them to create a truly balanced audience at these programmes? And on a different, but related, topic: did anyone follow up the excellent posts a while back on the background of the islamist nutter who was responsible for the ‘Letters from belmarsh’ radio programme?


  12. Miam says:

    These guys have a letters campaign

    Campaign Against Criminalising Communities

    This is handy – a guide on how to deal with visits from the Police of Mi5.


  13. Joerg Appreciation Society says:


    Hazel Blears in Oldham to meet Muslims………..They must be absolutley crappinng themselves…………..


  14. JPB says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the BEEB often recruited actors who are “right wing” to go on the programme to make unsubstantiable, bigoted comments so the moral “majority” can round on them.

    It would be very easy to do this.

    If the BBC was forced to rely on advertising revenue then, obviously, we’d see a great shift as they’d have to appeal to the people who actually live here. ITV MK2.

    It is so reassuring to find other people in this country that are intelligent and are not so crushingly insecure they accept unquestioningly the slop of the BEEEEE BEEEE CEEEEEEEEE.


  15. Rob says:


    To be fair to Five Live (or “endless football chat” as it should be called) they cannot cover an event which will never happen, i.e. IRA arms decomissioning.


  16. simo says:


    Bottom line: A studio full of muslims means the holier-than-thou useful idiots who produce that show can expect an hour studded with loaded phrases like ‘disenfranchised youth’ and ‘grassroots anger’, as well as plenty of angrily raised voices, seemingly the stock-in-trade of Muslims who are losing the argument: if you shout loud enough, depraved old whitey will back down.

    You’re right. BBC producers. Who are they? Why do they remain unnaccountable? Weasel words from Sue Inglish only fuel the impression that the BBC is a taxpayer-funded front for a nest of left-wing word-I-can’t-print, who are free to indulge every trick and cheat in the book in order to skewer the political thrust of their broadcasts.

    Your aggresively self-righteous 15 percent is an important example of an issue which should not be allowed to rest. What about the Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish communities??? Where are their ‘voices’? Or don’t they count because they don’t, as a rule, despise Bush/Blair/the West. And tend to be astute at building thriving well integrated communities of well adjusted people who happily live in the west while retaining their core cultural identity.

    John Reid recently demolished James Naughtie over the Iraq war. Reid is an astute politician who can think on his feet. It seems to me the producers on the political shows stack the decks to avoid intelligent quickwitted guests making real inroads against their left-wing multiculti worldview.

    Don’t let this issue drop.


  17. simo says:

    JPB. Your comment about actors made me laugh. But there’s an issue in there somewhere. As I’ve mentioned in my rant above…the ones who control who gets airtime get to define the shape of the issues.

    And you’re right to mention 5Live. Time and again, the only voice let on air to duel with Victoria/Shami/Mohammed/Guardian pundit will be Dave from Leeds, who’s calling on his way to his next double-glazing job.

    Then, on-cue, an avalanche of calls from meaningful people outraged at the bigotry of Dave from Leeds.

    Or, after the ‘adults’ have debated the issues, the producers will allow a bit of ‘right-wing comic relief’ — a chirpy cockney sparra who can rave about bloomin’ pc gone men’al, while Peter and Jane snigger in the background.

    It’s subtle but it’s there.


  18. Miam says:

    I despair. Why is the UK so crap at dealing with muslim terrorists? We only manage the tough talking for a couple of weeks before the multi-culti’s get us back ‘on message’:

    Police warned on stop and search

    On R4 World at One, they had a French MP on who said if Imams in France are preaching hatred, they’ll be deported before they can say “Allah Aqbar” – and that’s what the French are doing. He said that it is for the Human Rights of the all French and for France. Seems correct and blindingly obvious to me. France is subject to the same European laws as us, just that their judges know what their job is ie to protect the majority from maniacs, not to campaign for the setting free of nutcases under ‘human rights law’. The majority have rights too, and in the words of the late great philosopher ‘Spock’, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one”.

    Not in the UK…using Hazel Blears warped ‘don’t single out muslim madmen’ thinking, we’d have to throw out a few bishops, priests, and Rabbis as well as Imams, just to make it ‘fair’.

    So what is it with the UK? And what on earth are the Tories contributing?

    From the above article link:

    Shadow Attorney General Dominic Grieve welcomed the meeting, but said that these alone would not resolve problems in Muslim communities.

    He said he believed the bomb attacks on London were “explicable” because of the deep sense of anger, fuelled by the Iraq war and despair about the Islamic world, felt by some Muslims in the UK.



  19. AF says:

    Oh she’s insane. She also doesnt take the tube so how DARE she suggest how the police force go about doing a job to protect us. For what its worth a string of email is heading her her way. Thanks for the heads up.


  20. Jason says:

    Who the hell cares what anyone says on the bbc, or any other media? It does not matter at all. Is the bbc rounding up the terrorist slime? Is the bbc arresting inciters? Is the bbc re-vamping some of the overly liberal laws allowing terrorists and their supporters to succeed?
    For much the same reason, many supporters of Israel despair of the media demonization of that beleaguered country. But it does’t make a damn bit of difference what a few anti-Semites think. Israel and Britain can take care of themselves, and will continue to do so in spite of jackasses in outlets like the bbc!


  21. Pete_London says:


    The anti-British left doesn’t care for the people murdered by Islamic terrorists a few weeks ago and it doesn’t care for their families. Those in a position to speak and influence events, including the deeply ignorant Prime Minister, the pc PC Blair, the professional gay Commander Paddick, the anti-semite Livingstone and so on, care only that their precious, arrogant and specifically anti-British agenda of multiculturalism continues.

    Livingstone’s shock on 7/7 wasn’t a reaction to mass murder, it was a reaction to the possible derailment of the programme of mass, uncontrolled immigration and the vast structure of the anti-British state created by the left over 50 years. If you were murdered by Islamic terrorists their only reaction would be anxiety at ol’whitey being careful who he sits beside on the tube. You and yours aren’t important.

    The left’s multiculturalism means never being allowed to say you’re pissed off and you ain’t taking it any more when a bunch of devotees to an evil, dark age cult try to kill you in your own land. It means you must still respect the dysfunctional culture which declares you a dirty kaffir and it means you must raise no protest when an arrogant little ginger twerp tells your police not to do their job properly.

    None of it applies to me though, I don’t believe in it and won’t have my free speech infringed by anyone.


  22. Miam says:

    France warns EU over Turkey bid

    For all slagging that the French ‘cheese eating surrender monkeys’ took over the Iraq war, they actually know how to defend themselves and stick up for their way of life.


    Population: 70million
    Religion: Muslim 99.8% (mostly Sunni), other 0.2% (mostly Christians and Jews)

    CIA World Factbook


  23. Anonymous says:

    Jason “Who the hell cares what anyone says on the bbc, or any other media? It does not matter at all.

    It matters a great deal. The BBC’s negativity over the “so-called war on terror”, Afghanistan & Iraq has been sufficient to produce hysteria among the left. It has done far worse among the UK Muslim community – they are enraged.


  24. AF says:


    “The BTP had said it did not intend to “single out” any particular community.

    But a spokesman said it would “target the people who we think are maybe involved… it may be disproportionate when it comes to ethnic groups”.

    I think (hope) this means they are ignoring her anyway.

    The BBC isnt irrelevant. It influences opinion and cultivates the mindset amongst a narrow minded voting public – it MUST become more balanced. Even more so at a time when there is seemingly noone challenging government on the way they shape our society and our culture and the influence of for example Islam. I dont believe in Islam – the BBC does. I certainly dont want this religion becoming my way of life.


  25. Denis Cooper says:

    Off topic, it’s been suggested to me that I should transfer this comment which I made on the EUReferendum blog, earlier today – so I am now doing that:

    They take us for complete mugs, and they’re right:

    “Bomb suspect was fake asylum seeker”

    Allegedly: Six Ethiopian brothers lived in Italy 1991 – 1996, then one “decided to move to Britain”, so he claimed to be a Somali fleeing the war, was given a British passport, presumably lived at our expense, tried to blow us up, and then fled to Italy unhindered.

    Funnily enough, none of this was even mentioned on the BBC News this morning. They preferred to emphasise the ridiculous excuses being put forward by his lawyer – “Bomb suspect ‘no intent to kill’ “;
    “It was a political protest to make people scared without hurting anyone,” “He is just a poor lost boy on the wrong tracks”.

    We should stop granting any more asylum applications until we’ve sorted out the present mess – ie, rigorously reviewed all cases over the last ten years, and deported the million or so illegal immigrants.


  26. Anonymous says:

    See this post – it’s right on the button (also the comments)

    “From politics to bombs”


  27. simo says:

    miam. remember your victim hierarchy. the left awards you victim points in direct proportion to their ability to use your victimhood to beat bush and blair with. hence, the victims of islamic terrorism — sudanese, londoners, jews — there’s not a lot of sympathy there. but a palestinian kid gets caught in the line of fire and its all hands to the pump


  28. Rob Read says:

    Denis Cooper,
    Cheers for that.


  29. Jim, Mtn View, CA, USA says:

    three years ago, my British co-worker said I should watch BBC to get a more balanced view than what US TV was showing.
    we both laugh at that now. šŸ™‚
    but seriously, it is shameful that pushing policy positions has become so important that the BBC can no longer be trusted to report the truth.


  30. Pete_London says:

    From LGF:

    “MEMRI TV captured and translated this speech by Iranian President-Elect Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, broadcast on Iranian Channel 1 on July 25, 2005.”

    Art reaches perfection when it portrays the best life and best death. After all, art tells you how to live. That is the essence of art. Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom? A nation with martyrdom knows no captivity. Those who wish to undermine this principle undermine the foundations of our independence and national security. They undermine the foundation of our eternity.

    The message of the (Islamic) Revolution is global, and is not restricted to a specific place or time. It is a human message, and it will move forward.

    Have no doubt… Allah willing, Islam will conquer what? It will conquer all the mountain tops of the world.

    I just can’t understand how BBCNews missed this one.


  31. marc says:

    I sent Instapundit a link to this post and I notice he has now linked to it. Biased BBC should see a huge spike in traffic now. Excellent!

    Whenever I get a link from him I usually get about 10,000 more visitors.

    Getting the word out is what it’s all about. šŸ™‚


  32. Anonymous says:

    Check John Simpsons article:

    Where he slips in the myth about the 9bn unaccounted for in Iraq under the CPA, when the reality is merely that once the money was handed over to the Iraqi ministries it did not receive the strict kind of auditing one would expect in the west. The implication is of course that the US ran off with it…

    It’s utterly disgusting.


  33. AF says:

    Pete-in-London. Amazing find.

    should share with other blogs


  34. JohninLondon says:


    The statement by the Tory Shadow spokesman on Today, Dominic Grieve, ws disgrcedful Saying we need to understand Muslim anger – and that the bombings were understandable in that context.

    What about OUR anger ? I am allowed to go on a bombing spree becaasue I feel angry ? He was spouting truly dangerous appeasing rubbish.


  35. Some Guy says:

    I didn’t see the show, but it sounds like the BBC loaded the audience with hostile Muslims who got red in the face and angry about security measures, rather than distance themselves from terrorists.

    Actually, it sounds like it was probably a propaganda plus, from our (Western) point of view. We should do everything we can to show the world the unrepentant, angry Muslim community. Let everyone see how members of the Religion of Peace is react to mass murder in their names.


  36. Andrew says:

    For those who haven’t seen the show I have posted links to the various streaming formats of the show offered by the BBC. Please remember that the audience is not representative of the British public. As others have said, the panel generally does very well in countering the obvious bias in the audience.


  37. JohninLondon says:

    Miam or wholever posted the link to the Muslim website telling people how to resist questioning from security services – one of the leaflets on that site is from Matrix Chambers. That is the group of barristers specialising in Human Rights legislation that Cherie Blair helped start, where she is still a senior member.


  38. richard says:

    the bbc is run by a gang of left wingers who are completely out of touch with the views of the people of the united kingdom.they peddle their views using public financing!
    mr grade are you listening?


  39. Pete_London says:

    Has George Galloway become a muslim? Via Harry’s Place we have a video from MEMRI – – of everyone’s favourite Jew hater declaring:

    Two of your beautiful daughters are in the hands of foreigners – Jerusalem and Baghdad. The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will. The daughters are crying for help, and the Arab world is silent. And some of them are collaborating with the rape of these two beautiful Arab daughters. Why? Because they are too weak and too corrupt to do anything about it.

    ……It’s not the Muslims who are the terrorists. The biggest terrorists are Bush, and Blair, and Berlusconi, and Aznar, but it is definitely not a clash of civilizations. George Bush doesn’t have any civilization, he doesn’t represent any civilization. We believe in the Prophets, peace be upon them. He believes in the profits, and how to get a piece of them. That’s his god. That’s his god. George Bush worships money. That’s his god – Mammon.

    Of course, I rushed over to the BBC to see their take on it but cannot find a thing. They wouldn’t be ignoring his incitement to violence, would they?


  40. Robin says:

    Has the BBC ever asked the annoyed Muslims in this country why they arent in Iraq fighting the terroists (insurgents) who are deliberately blowing up their co-religionists?
    Why didnt a suicide bomber get Saddam?
    Why didnt they fight on the Muslims side in Bosnia?
    I think they are more anti-west than pro muslim.


  41. Alan says:

    I’m getting sick of watching and hearing day after day on the BBC how we should be pandering to Muslim sensitivities, not upsetting them by daring to submit any of them to police searches, and above all, NOT mentioning the forbidden term “Islamic terrorists”.

    Discussions with unrepresentative audiences, phone-ins with people who sound like they are political activists rather than just ordinary members of the public (who if they do get on are carefully screened or got rid of if they go “off message” while on air)and lots of right-on stories which sound more like press releases from the extreme left of the Labour party.

    Meanwhile the dead and injured are quickly forgotten – as are the thousands of IRA victims – because, of course, on Planet BBC there are no Pee-Cee brownie points to be gained in reminding viewers of the slaughter and carnage caused by evil terrorists.


  42. mcsey says:

    Straight out of the Bushco playbook. The BBC is learning.


  43. Joerg says:

    For everyone who is interested in the myth that Islam is peaceful I can recommend Robert Spencer’s new book “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades” that is just out. Surprisingly it has just reached 15th spot on the bestsellers list. It seems more and more people realise that Islam is anything but (peaceful) and want more facts.


  44. Miam says:


    re: one of the leaflets on that site is from Matrix Chambers. That is the group of barristers specialising in Human Rights legislation that Cherie Blair helped start, where she is still a senior member

    It will be interesting when Tony Blair finally steps down from being PM (& a MP), and we see Cherie Booth free & unleashed to do her worst in the name of ‘Human Rights’.

    I agree with other posters who comment that the BBC is not irrelevant. Like a cancer it spreads into nearly all areas of ‘global broadcasting’ eg BBC Worldwide’s businesses include international programming distribution, TV channels, magazines, books, videos, spoken word, music, DVDs, licensed product, CD-ROMs, English-language teaching, videos for education and training, interactive telephony, co-production, library footage sales, magazine subscription fulfilment, exhibitions and live events. This is to the detriment of all other privately funded ventures. The problem is that the BBC relentlessly broadcasts its left wing agenda and this undoubtedly has an effect day after day, after day, after day, after day.

    We need to keep this campaign up.

    Today BBCNews 24 trumpets its viewing figures as being better than Sky News & ITN

    BBC News 24 top for rolling news

    They’re not going away. Neither should we.

    We’re not alone though. The Office of Fair Trading has noticed that the BBC is no benign broadcaster. The OFT sent a ‘significant’ letter to the Dept of Culture et al last week, arguing against the BBC hegemony in commercial activities:

    Watchdog attacks BBC’s commercial arm,7493,1510643,00.html

    Good luck to the OFT.

    “The BBC is planning to launch between 50 and 60 local digital news channels and an expansion of its “Where I Live” network of community websites.”

    No, no, no!

    Radio 1 to be broadcast across America,7521,1510771,00.html

    Does the BBC now have a Royal Charter for broadcasting to the USA? This is one big ego trip for BBC Worldwide executives. I will only approve of their antics when I can have real shares in BBC Worldwide and can hold the company to account, and receive a dividend, and choose to divest, and kick the board up the backside should the results be crap. I can’t do any of the above but am ‘told’ by BBC Worldwide that I should be grateful for the ‘so called’ Ā£6 contribution to my license fee that BBC Worldwide claims is the equivalent return for each license fee payer. Not only that but I’ll go to prison if I don’t keep funding the company so they can have a back catalogue to sell. Some ‘shareholder’.

    No. Not in my name, and not on the back of my money.


  45. Banjo says:

    On the other side of the Atlantic the BBC is known as an organization run by lefty opinionistes who manufacture stories and then give them whatever spin seems necessary to advance the agenda. And you give them tax money for this? Awake, Britain!


  46. Fran says:


    Have just followed that link to the clips of Gorgeous (should that be Gormless) George Galloway at Astounding. Evil. Why is noone picking this up??

    Thanks for this excellent link, Pete.


  47. Rob Read says:

    Remember although everything on Memri is accurately translated and without error; it’s run by Israelis, so oh-so-non-judgmental lefties can ignore the truth.



  48. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    The clips of George Galloway are chilling. There can now be little doubt that he is a traitor to a greater extent than Oswald Mosley ever could have been, or than Ted Heath actually was.


  49. Susan says:

    More from “Gorgeous” to an Arab newspaper (see link above):

    “America is losing in Iraq and Lebanon is on the brink of a civil war.”


  50. Alex says:

    Pete – the Galloway clips are horrifying. I cannot believe noone in the media is picking this up.