amongst other BBC news productions, reported on Migration Watch UK‘s analysis of the government’s until recently (i.e. until after the election) secret estimates of the number of illegal immigrants in the UK. Migration Watch’s analysis carefully argues that the true illegal migrant number in the UK is approaching 750,000.
But don’t worry Beeboids – the reports were as brief as possible (for example, Illegal migrant figure ‘too low’, appeared ever so minimally on BBC News Online’s home page after 1am, disappeared to the UK home page early in the morning, and disappeared completely as soon as possible thereafter – ‘blink and you really do miss it’!), and, in many cases, smeared Migration Watch, who describe themselves as, and who are, by all reasonable accounts, ‘an independent and non-political body’, as “a right-wing think tank” – the usual leftie approach – “we don’t like what they say, however rational and fact based it is, so they must be right-wing, and we all know right-wing is really bad”, so that’s alright then!
Just to make sure that Migration Watch’s figure were given the full BBC spin treatment, a later update to the story added a John Kerry “I voted for it before I voted against it” style quote from Keith Best, ‘Chief Executive’ of the so-called Immigration Advisory Service (part of Britain’s enormous immigration human-rights, except for those who already live here, industry):
Failed asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants. They are people who are subject to removal but have not yet been removed.
Ah, so that’s clear – that’d be them all queued up at the airport ready for the off then Keith. Still, Keith’s no stranger to double-dealing, though unusually for the BBC, in his case, they almost always forget to mention his previous role as an early example of “Tory Sleaze”, even though “Tory Sleaze” usually gets dragged up whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Meanwhile, in a related story about the lamentable shambles of Britain’s passport controls (the ones that permitted the successful flight abroad of one of the most high-profile of wanted crime suspects last week), Hoon ponders new passport checks, BBC News Online manages to omit the ever so minor detail about which governmment it was that scrapped passport exit controls and other immigration checks and balances. Does anyone, outside of the BBC, need a clue?
And another thing… why has no one in hte media queried the effect of illegal migrants on the general election result. It would be naive to think that the majority of them were not registered to vote. Even if only say 20% were registered then they could have affected the result in scores of inner city constituencies.
By the way it is alot easier for an illegal to register to vote than not – that way they are subject to LESS not more scrutiny.
Not just the effect of illegal immigrants.
Council by-elections in Birmingham last week returned 2 PJP candidates. PJP is Peoples Justice Party, but it has emerged from “Justice for Kashmir”.
One wonders how a local councillor will represent all his (presume, his) constituents, when his main motivation is a foreign matter over which the UK government, never mind Birmingham Council, will have little sway.
I reckon every visitor to this site ought to have the opportunity of viewing these astounding clips of Gormless George Galloway linked in by Pete in London.
Go to Astounding. Evil. Why is noone picking this up??
Thanks for this excellent link, Pete.
Fran | 02.08.05 – 9:39 pm | #
OT but WTF!?!
“Leaked guidelines from the Bedfordshire force say that when officers raid Muslim homes they should remove their shoes, not use dogs and not mount pre-dawn raids because at that hour people might by ‘spiritually busy’.”
Sorry – just had the courage to add since the start of June. Just watched a little of BBC News 24 and was disgusted that they (yet again were harping on about Islamic tenderness when ALL of the other channels went over to the Air France landing crash. And btw – I am sick to death of the BBC going on and on about how the Islamic are suffering due to the bombings….! What! Where are the stories of normal commuters who died? Where are the stories of the police doing a sterling job?
Sick of it all. I also watched the “Question of Security” [sic]. Can anyone give me any advice on how to complain effectively – I know I have to cc my MP in.
Regards – keep up the good work.
Oh flaming heck! BBC and gratuitous use of Iraq reference again…..Oh for Goodness sake!
BBC defence correspondent Paul Wood said the Army certainly has a duty of care to ensure its recruits are not bullied, but it also has another duty of care “to ensure they know the job of an infantryman” and how to survive in combat.
“But they are aren’t supposed to be humiliated,” he said.
Our correspondent added that some of these pictures “are uncomfortably similar to images of prisoner abuse in Iraq”.
Article here
I had only one personal experience and it was from a wee swine in my section whilst I was under training who kept tripping me on runs etc. But the rest of the platoon took him for a chat one night and that was it. But see how stupid the BBC are when they compare this to Al Grahib etc? *shakes head* As a former SAS soldier once said: “If all I’d had was being made to run around nude or sit with pants on my head when I was captured by the Iraqis during Gulf War 1 then I would have made my own knickers!” (He lost teeth and nails and was pretty much brutalised under interrogation by those who then screamed ‘Red Cross Red Cross’ when they were caught themselves….) Can we PLEASE get real? They want to see the way the Egyptian and other Armies slap their recruits about all the time. Why add such a stupid little line to something that had buzz all to do with Iraq!
Oh Please. Give me strength.
Hate crimes soar after bombings
Having read about the ‘right-wing’ Migration Watch, I decided to visit a place which really is far-Right-wing to see what they made of the racially-motivated murder of Anthony Walker and their opinions copied below present some problems as I’ll describe hereafter
“There are a number of problems with this media bias:
a) It is blocking the debate about the failure of multi-culturalism, and the growth of anti-white racism, which is essential if something is to be done to stop more innocent people being senselessly murdered;
b) The perception that white people are always the perpetrators and that non-whites are always the victims plays a part in giving a minority of young non-whites the chips on their shoulders that help turn them into anti-white racist bigots and potential murderers;
c) It allows the police to back-peddle on investigations into the murder of white people where their efforts might ‘damage community relations’. The case of 18-year-old Sean Whyte, where the police in Keighley have refused to lift a finger to investigate leads provided by the BNP that could bring his Muslim killers to justice is a particularly graphic example of this;
d) Among the white communities and families who know about such injustice from direct experience, the discovery that ‘our’ Establishment treats whites as second class citizens tends to create hatred, not of the politicians and media manipulators who deserve to be hated, but of innocent non-whites who do not;
e) It is wickedly unfair to grieving white families who are forced to contrast the media hysteria surrounding coloured victims with the callous indifference displayed by the liberal elite to their own equally shattering tragedy. ”
Readers may or may not have guessed that these comments come from the BNP’s site. The problem I have is that I agree with much of what is written. I don’t believe that it makes me a nazi/fascist/racist, given my opposition to the mendacious vilification of Israel and friendship with Hindu colleagues. Other people in my social circle who are definitely not right-wing have voiced similar opinions to those copied above. Are they nazis too? Indeed, are you if you agree with me?
(D)HYS worth a look, majority are decent comments:
Can government strategies improve relations?
Home Office Minister Hazel Blears has said people should not be stopped and searched just because they are Muslim.
First few comments and theres plenty more like them on the list….
“I’m concerned about the government’s stance in trying to placate Muslims. It is extremists in the Muslim community who have made all people feel vulnerable, not just about stop and search but about death from bombings. I’m afraid I feel the one in need of a degree of reassurance here, not the Muslims. I hope the government starts to get this message soon.” Mike, South Coast England
“The pointless words of Hazel Blears do nothing to reassure the ordinary London traveller or UK citizen, and superficially appeases those who are out to perpetrate these vicious, cowardly attacks. Like it or not, there is a ‘profile’ that the police have to use to identify the current terrorists, so leave the police to do their job.” Ian, Maidstone, Kent
“Hazel Blears is so out of touch with reality. PC gone mad. Look at the pictures of the bomb suspects and ask yourself why the police should not target people with that specific profile!” Matt, Plymouth
Hmmm, will the BBC appeasement of muslim extremists backfire? At some point will most people wake up and sense that they are being fed a pile of sh*t from the Beeb. Could be starting now……
Saddam lawyers threaten boycott
He said Saddam Hussein was “totally isolated from the world” in a US-run prison.
“He spends his time reading books, writing poetry, reading legal books, praying and reading the Koran,” he said.
Awww. “Letters to Saddam” anyone? Don’t laugh, I’d be surprised if the idea hasn’t been pitched and commissioned already at the Beeb.
Allan – recently requested their lit and didnt find any of it offensive. The hype is always to paint right wing groups as mentalists. Liberalism is the only mental disorder.
Firstly I absolutely condemn the racist murder of Anthony Walker. The only mistake of the boy was that he was black. Unlike most Muslims he was perfectly integrated into British society, was well liked and contributed to society in a positive way. My girlfriend in the US is also black and I would react accordingly if anyone caused her any harm because she is black.
Secondly it’s true (and sad to see) that the murder of Richard Whelan doesn’t get similar attention. I don’t care what their motivation is but if someone kills another human being just because for the sake of it they should be condemned. Bring back capital punishment.
After getting very depressed and annoyed at the rubbish on Newsnight, I had to remind you all of this.
well done Allan@aberdeen.
Good News
Would be better news if it read “Britain bans BBC”
Alex The hype is always to paint right wing groups as mentalists
But the BNP are loony as well as evil. Selections from their 54 page General Election manifesto
While accepting the right of law-abiding minorities, in our country because they
or their ancestors came here legally, to remain here and to enjoy the full
protection of the law against any form of harassment or hostility, we will also
seek to emphasise the importance of the prior status of the aboriginal people.
This would be a national extension of the ‘Sons and Daughters’ policy in priority
on housing and school places lists which BNP councils seek to implement at
local level.
Those from foreign ethnic backgrounds resident in Britain will be given the choice of
either having their children educated in Faith or Folk schools that will teach them the
traditions and heritage of their ancestral cultures, or of attending classes in schools
that educate them about their ancestral heritage.
The compulsory National Service system discussed elsewhere in this Manifesto
would begin at the age of 18 with a period of basic training in the army. This
would include full training with the citizens’ assault rifle. Conscientious objectors
who refuse to undertake military service would be allocated other constructive
work for the community, but would not receive the citizen’s right to be armed, or
the right to vote.
Of course the BNP are no alternative to anything. They’re racist and anti-semitic. But I’d rather vote for the BNP than for Respect…
From a comment at Hary’s Place
A commenter named Luke Writes:
MPACUK have published an essay with a cartoon depicting a Jew as an Ape or Gorilla with horns on his head like the Devil, lifting up the American flag:
It should be pointed out that one of the leaders of MPACUK was interviewed on Newsnight tonight and they were given an hour long documentary on prime time Channel 4 after the election to make their case and are being mainstreamed as self-styled representatives of the Muslim youth.
(Also from LGF: )
He then contacts the beeb:
I just sent the following e-mail to the BBC Newsnight e-mail address marked for the urgent attention of the producers. Lets see what they say.
Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to bring to your attention an anti-Semitic cartoon, sourced from a neo-Nazi organisation, that has recently been published on the website of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK (MPACUK)
The cartoon, which I include here, as well as provide the link for, depicts a Jew as a baboon or monkey with the horns of the Devil on his head, and shows him lifting up the American flag. The name of the accompanying article is ‘Zionists Behind Terror Attacks’
The picture is sourced from a German Neo Nazi and Holocaust Revisionism website called Global Fire. (link provided)
You can see the jpg link by clicking on this screenshot of the item here.
I am bringing this to your attention because on Monday 1st August you invited Mr Asghar Bukhari, a leader of MPACUK, to join a studio discussion on Islamic extremism in the Newsnight studio. I have a number of questions for you:
(1) Were you aware that MPACUK is an organization that publishes cartoons depicting Jews as baboons with the horns of Satan on their head?
(2) Were you aware that MPACUK links to a German Neo Nazi website that engages in Holocaust revisionism and denial?
(3) Are you intending to invite Mr Bukhari or any other members of MPACUK onto Newsnight to comment on issues pertaining to current affairs in the near future?
(4) If you do so, will your journalists be briefed on the fact that Mr Bukhari is the leader of an organization that publishes cartoons depicting Jews as beasts with the sign of the Devil growing from their head sourced from a Neo Nazi website and will your questioning of his stance on various issues reflect this?
(5) What is the BBC’s policy on inviting into studio discussions individuals representing organizations that publish cartoons depicting Jews as Satanic animals?
(6) If using such individuals as commentators violates the ethics of the BBC Newsnight production team, what steps will you be taking to ensure that such individuals are not used again and afforded the credibility of the BBC by legitimizing their rhetoric and discourse in the Newsnight studio?
(7) On a personal level, do you think it was good idea to invite into a studio discussion on how the Muslim community can oppose the growing influence of extreme right wing Islamist organization the leader of a pressure group that publishes anti-semitic cartoons and links to a Neo Nazi website? On a personal level, do you see any irony in inviting such an individual onto Newsnight to discuss what can be done to ‘save’ vulnerable Muslim youth from the enchantments of Islamic extremists?
I hope that you will take the time to consider my questions and provide satisfactory answers. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Sincerely
Lets see if I get a reply and if so, what they say.
It’s becoming a habit, I guess, to invite islamic extremists and anti-Semites to comment freely in so-called ‘respectable’ news outlets. Unbelievable.
The big question is:
Will the (left-wing, islamofascist-friendly) media be able to change the mainstream public or will the mainstream public wake up in time in order to change the media?
I consider all of us to be little Churchills because we all know there’s a war to be fought and appeasement won’t work.
Joerg: “I consider all of us to be little Churchills because we all know there’s a war to be fought and appeasement won’t work”
Spot on.
So, lose the laziness; and fight – like Churchill.
The BNP are racist and anti-semitic but when a direct comparison is made between the chilling pronouncements of George Galloway from MEMRI-TV and the material of the BNP, the BNP appears moderate. My pro-Israeli stance precludes any advocacy on my part of the BNP but the fact that GG gets the podium on the BBC and the BNP is dismissed (1 million votes?) puts the BBC’s political bias in clearer perspective, if that were needed.
No doubt Chatham House was referred to as a “left wing think tank” when it published its recent report.
(ITN is O/T but I think they feel able to follow a similar editorial stance as the “market leader”)
Did anyone see last night’s ITN 6.30 broadcast? I started paying attention mid way through a background piece on Niger. From what I saw, it seemed that the famine was not caused by drought & locusts but by that big bogie – CAPITALISM. The Niger government were following the dictats of the World Bank.
Am I right in my summary?
“At some point will most people wake up and sense that they are being fed a pile of sh*t from the Beeb. Could be starting now……”: Miam
I’m definetly seeing it. People only need a little push.
Can anyone give me any advice on how to complain effectively – I know I have to cc my MP in.
My MP is the traitor Galloway. Not much point copying him into any complaints about the BBC…..
That letter is pure genious. I watched that episiode of Newsnight and felt like smashing the TV.
Good work,
I think now would be a good time for a lobbying campaign to stop public funding of the BBC. There seems to be a real sense of anger around, not just about the bombings themselves, but about the media’s rush to excuse them. People who normally just shrug their shoulders and say “But what can you do?” seem more than usually enraged. Alienation is not the preserve of one particular community. Of course the BBC is not the only problem but it seems to act as a madrassa for the attitudes of the broadcasting industry.
“Have Your Say” has started a discussion on “Ending Multi-culturalism”.
I’ve sent my views on the issue. Let’s see how varied the responses are…..
Now is there enough evidence to prosecute Galloway as a traitor?
From todays Telegraph letters page, from someone who should know what he’s talking about
The Red Service
Sir – Just listen with attention to the ideological nuances on Radio 4, BBC television, and the BBC World Service, and you will realise that communism is not a dying creed (Leader, Jul 30).
Oleg Gordievsky, London WC1
It wasn’t me who wrote that letter, it was a commenter at Harry’s Place. (I can’t write that good and anyway mine would contain only two words: ___ and you).
I merely bring this to BBBC attention for it is becoming quite a trend recently.
I agree with Seamus above that ‘now would be a good time for a lobbying campaign to stop public funding of the BBC’, it has gone too far. I’m not a British citizen so I take no issue in the license-fee but rather with their dangerous pandering to Islamists anti-Semites and Israel-bashers as well as their relentless Palestinian propaganda which endangers me as an Israeli and a Jew living abroad (for instance but not limited to: )
This on news front page:
“London victims compensation row”
“Victims’ groups say the basic payment for families of those killed in the London bombings is a “pittance”.”
1) Headline reads “groups” while main artical refers to one only. So the headline is trying to tell us that more than one has complaint when in fact only one has.
2) Main headline reads “..row” what row?
I give up.
The real, true irony of the islamofacist friendly left wing is that they are truly, utterly hated and resented by the very people they are sucking up to.
Islamic fundementalists want to get rid of democracy, subjugate women, and, er, make being gay an offence punishable by death. Oh dear. Where does that leave the likes of our hand-wringing, Islamoloving Ken Leninstone and his Guardianista chums at the Beeb?
The left, of course, gloss over these inconvenient facts on the premise that out of the total UK muslim population, only a small percentage of them subsribe to extreme views.
However, with the Preachers of Hate allowed to freely poison more young minds with their medieval, barbaric, anti-semitic, anti-western, anti peaceful, twisted version of Islam, how long will they remain a minority?
Following the link above, I couldn’t find this on the BBC website, It doesn’t serve their cause I guess:
Following a series of Kassam rocket attacks Tuesday night, one of which misfired and killed a Palestinian boy,…Among the wounded were five children, aged four to 11, including four children of Hisham Abdel Razek, a senior official in the ruling Fatah party and a former Palestinian Cabinet minister…”
And in the aftermath of 7/7 I see there are a few similarities as to BBC perception of who the real victim is, expect to see this soon if it hadn’t happened already
I’m sick of paying the BBC for the right to use a television set, I’m sick of having the BBC’s PC worldview been given to me as “facts”. The BBC should sink or swim in the marketplace. If they really think everyone wants their slanted bullshit they should be brave enough to do it without our money. How can we organise a grass roots opposition to paying the licence fee ?
Islamic fundamentalists want to get rid of democracy, subjugate women, and, er, make being gay an offence punishable by death. Oh dear. Where does that leave the likes of our hand-wringing, Islamoloving Ken Leninstone and his Guardianista chums at the Beeb?
You are perhaps missing the fact that the Left doesn’t honestly care about the interests or welfare of any group, other than for electoral advantage.
Thus there’s no real problem for the Left here. Muslims, quite simply, are currently more useful to the Left than gays, women, or whomever. And that’s the end of the matter. So if an Islamic cleric or state wants Jews, gays, or lewd women put to death, that’s just fine.
If you find this difficult to remember, so do they. Think of it this way. Oceania is at war with Eurasia; Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.
When deciding whom to hate or tolerate, the Left simply consults its list of who’s most in favour today. The list necessarily changes from time to time. Remember when the Left was terribly exercised about gays? And before them, blacks? And miners? And the unemployed? Do they matter now?
A Jew can’t say the type of things a Muslim cleric can say, and neither can a white male middle class motorist; these, we may be sure, are at the bottom of the preference list and likely to remain there, along with Americans.
Thank you Joerg – i guess that was really my point. I dont see an alternative and feel furious enough about the mess were in to vote for them. What else is there to do? What other action is there to take? Incidentally I’m not ‘technically’ British.
“But the BNP are loony as well as evil. Selections from their 54 page General Election manifesto”
Actually I think they just copied what Switzerland actually does.
This is not to imply I agree.
Saxon Brother,
Move your TV upstairs and STOP PAYING the TV-Tax.
Would it be possible to bring a private prosecution against George Galloway for Treason? Would I be able to get Legal Aid? It seems like everybody else gets Legal Aid to attack Britain, surely defending Britain from traitors should qualify…
If anybody knows anything about this, let me know.
Muslims who hate us can get out, says Tory
Anti-dhimmitude from the shadow defense minister. Watch for the coming fireworks: Howarth is likely to be excoriated by all. Yet I don’t see anywhere in history that a state lasted very long which tolerated large populations that wanted to make it over into another kind of state altogether. From The Scotsman, with thanks to Voltaire:
MUSLIMS who resent the British way of life should leave the UK, regardless of whether they are citizens or not, a senior Conservative said last night in comments that have heightened already tense community relations.
Gerald Howarth, the shadow defence minister, last night told The Scotsman that extremist Muslims who see the Iraq war as a conflict against Islam should be considered as treacherous as Soviet sympathisers during the Cold War. His remarkable claim shatters the tri-party consensus which Michael Howard, the Tory leader, sought to make with Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, and the Liberal Democrats.
Mr Howarth said yesterday that he is incensed by suggestions from Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, that Britain is “part of the problem” in Iraq – and said that the problem in the UK lies in fanatical Muslims living within our shores.
He is the first mainstream UK politician to suggest that extremist British Muslims should leave for Islamic societies. The government is looking at deporting foreign-born nationals and imprisoning British Muslims who incite or glorify terrorism.
“If they don’t like our way of life, there is a simple remedy: go to another country, get out,” Mr Howarth said. Asked what if these people were born in Britain, he replied: “Tough. If you don’t give allegiance to this country, then leave.”
He added: “There are plenty of other countries whose way of life would appear to be more conducive to what they aspire to. They would be happy and we would be happy.”
“we will also seek to emphasise the importance of the prior status of the aboriginal people.”
Frankly I find this especially entertaining. Who on the left could possibly object to special rights for aboriginal peoples?
The BNP positions sounded pretty mild to me – though I don’t know about those ‘folk and faith’ schools. Surely assimilation should be the aim not ghettoization.
“He is the first mainstream UK politician to suggest that extremist British Muslims should leave for Islamic societies.”
They are not British Muslims! They are part of the Ummah with a UK passport.
The real, true irony of the islamofacist friendly left wing is that they are truly, utterly hated and resented by the very people they are sucking up to.
It is truly bizarre. Having said that, what changes would the Beeb have to make to work under an Islamic superstate? Not much.
The BBC is Al-Jazeera ‘lite’.
In it’s bizarro unauthorised quest to world broadcasting domination, the BBC has learned very well how to ‘adapt’ it’s output to make it acceptable to the Islamic world. the T-word issue is but one example of this. Why we in the UK have to suffer this warped ‘Islamo-lite’ output, god only knows. At least they can choose whether or not to subscribe to the Beeb and they don’t get put in prison for the ‘crime’ of owing a television. How come the rest of the world outside the UK get a choice of whether to pay for BBC services or not, whilst we UK bods have no choice?
I get Sky installed at the weekend and I plan to watch a whole lot less of bbc. Not good for my blood pressure. Sadly our telly sits by the livingroom widow at the front of the house – and my wife wouldn’t be keen on a move upstairs so have to work on another non-payment strategy.
Consıdering that you frequently criticise contemporary Brıtısh society, openly admit to breaking British law and continually issue idle ‘threats’ to emıgrate maybe you should be moved along wıth the İslamic exremısts who you so rightly denıgrate.
OK so previous BNP examples not loony or extreme enough for some. Try a few more.
Loony Create a pan-British parliament to deal with overall economic policy. This body would have its formal base on the Isle of Man,
Socialist economy once we have re-established the once takenfor-
granted fact of significant government direction (albeit through a non-party political
Ministry of Finance) of the commanding heights and overall direction of the economy.
Prevention of counter revolution it is more important
than ever that the citizens of a modern Britain have at their disposal the means, (i.e. a citizens assault rifle) in
extremis, to resist any totalitarian government that has managed to get control of
those powers.
“it is more important
than ever that the citizens of a modern Britain have at their disposal the means, (i.e. a citizens assault rifle) in
extremis, to resist any totalitarian government that has managed to get control of
those powers”
No one doubts the nature of the BNP.
But how does any of this take away from the point that the BBC reports racial attacks inconsistantly?
It’s apparent the BBC and other media decide their coverage purely on the race of the victim and the race of the attackers, and have done so for decades. The virtual BBC news blackout south of the border on the Kriss Donald trial, being just one notorious recent example.
“Socialist economy once we have re-established the once takenfor-
granted fact of significant government direction (albeit through a non-party political
Ministry of Finance) of the commanding heights and overall direction of the economy.”
I knew this but why are the BNP described as RIGHT wing when they are obviously socialists?