of yesterday’s Daily Express coverage of my Biased BBC story from Tuesday about the BBC’s “disproportionate” Question Time audience that was deliberately packed out with over five-times as many Muslims as a proportion of the British population.
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Click on each thumbnail to see clippings of the Daily Express front page coverage of Biased BBC’s original Question Time audience story. Courtesy Daily Express/PressDisplay.com. |
Just for good measure, there are a couple of cracking follow-up letters in today’s Daily Express:
Letter of the day
We don’t pay TV licence fees for BBC Muslim bias
THANK you for your excellent and courageous coverage of the BBC’s programme on questions of security (“Fury over BBC’s bias to Muslims”, August 4).
Last week I had an exchange of letters with one of the editors of the Today programme about another biased piece of reporting that was nakedly anti-American. The editor told me the BBC also took issue with British foreign policy.
Where does it enjoin the BBC to take issue with British policy abroad? The Royal Charter lays fown a duty of impartiality. The BBC was found severely wanting by Hutton and is now fighting a shameless rearguard action.
Undermining the credibility of this country, its government and the vast majority of its people seems to be top of the BBC agenda. That this should be done in our name, as licence fee-payers, is nothing short of sickening.
The vast majority of the Muslim community in Britain and the rest of us share a common good. To allow the BBC and others to undermine it is unacceptable.
Professor Rene Weis, London.
Corporation’s PC brigade is slowly killing ‘Auntie’
WITH reference to the diabolical Questions of Security programme screened on BBC TV (“Fury over BBC’s bias to Muslims”, August 4), I am afraid that we have to face an obvious truth – that the corporation is now just a grovelling apology of its former self, infested with politically correct types whose opinions bear no relation whatsoever to the vast majority of the public.
Auntie now resembles a once-magnificent oaken beam, riddled with woodworm and crumbling into its final collapse – like the country it used to so proudly represent.
Andrew Hathaway, East Grinstead, West Sussex.
On an impulse, I decided to punch in ‘Omar Bakri Mohammed’ into the BBC website and see what would come up. Bear in mind this is one of the 3 men who can be immediately affected by Blair’s announcement to arrest and prosecute for treason those inciting terrorism.
Ignore for the moment the fact that in the last 5 years since he was first mentioned by the BBC for this statement:
that he has only been featured in 10 articles.
However, the terms by which he is referred to by the BBC has gone from
1. Syrian born activist – 14/10/2000
2. Leader of a radical Muslim group19/2/2001
3.A radical Muslim cleric 7/1/2002
Interesting that in this article he says
totally opposite to his previous quote above, AND NO-ONE at the BBC picks up on it. If you read all of the articles, you will see that this is not the only time he contradicts himself, as the prevailing political wind demands, without seemingly any BBC ears pricking up.
Anyway to continue…
4. Muslim cleric 8/7/2002
5. Leader of a radical Muslim group 14/8/2002
6. Leader of a radical Islamic group. 30/7/2002
7. Radical cleric 20/1/2005
8. Islamic cleric 21/7/2005 when saying “there was no proof that bombers were Muslims”.
9. Islamic cleric 21/7/2005 – Interesting that in this article it is only Bakri himself that states “…But, speaking on Radio 4, Sheikh Bakri said he and others termed “radical Muslims” held back Muslim youths from “doing anything foolish”.
10. London based cleric 7/8/2005
Bear in mind that ‘radical’ means something along the lines of ‘one who advocates thoroughgoing analysis or change “at the root”‘ Now why do you think that the more incriminated this man becomes, the less strident is the BBC terms for him, which are mild at best considering what he has advocated by the BBC’s own admission.
Any wonder militant Muslims must be having a good laugh at our expense – what a treasure the BBC is.
Superb detective work, Ted. You are an asset to civilisation and all that is Right.
Meanwhile STILL nothing on Haroon Rashid Aswat on the BBC newsite. They report he has landed after extradition from Zambia at Northolt etc, wanted by Yanks etc but STILL nothing about why he is back here ie wanted for possibly masterminding the London bombings! EVERY paper I looked at tonight has this information in it, usually as the first paragraph! He’s been ON THE RUN since 1999!
WHY has the BBC not said anything about the real reasons he is back here? After all I’m sure Zambia would have handed him over to the US since they want him ref setting up training camps….so if the reasons why the UK has him first are not listed by the BBC what is the point of the whole extradition exercise?
Nick Cohen has a long way to go before he reaches true enlightenment if you ask me. In the article you link, he seems hopelessly confused about the difference between Right and Left: he seems still to be infected with the incoherent mindset of his erstwhile ‘fellow travellers’. Note how he attempts to attribute Leftist views and behaviour he finds objectionable to the Right, for example in the phrase “allegedly left-wing thought”.
Because he cannot define the Left, he fails to understand that brutal tyranny is its logical consequence. He needs to read this, this, and this (as noted in an earlier thread, but I hope you will agree that the links bear repeating), and to learn to understand that his charitable deeds are the only true measure of his charitable thoughts.
Nick Cohen is following a well-trodden path when he loses his faith in the left after years of blind faith. Trouble is that most of the miserable wretches who read The Guardian need to feel caring, compassionate and liberal to alleviate their dreadful existences working as a teacher in a state school, for the local council or as a lecturer teaching morons media studies.
Thanks for the praise JoC – unlike the BBC, which makes an ‘ass out of civilisation’ and can’t seem to get anything RIGHT
John of Coventry re Tory MP Tony Hayes.
Perhaps he should not be condemned by the (deliberately provocative) paraphrasing of Christina Odone.
Hayes’ only reference to gay rights in his Spectator article is
Many moderate Muslims believe that much of Britain is decadent…..They despair of the metropolitan mix of gay rights and lager louts.
As for myself, I was wishing to highlight was a media attitude helping to undermine the resolve of this nation, rather than endorsing or otherwise Odone’s list.
Is Britain trying to cover up the Aswat affair?
So Hayes MP did not express his own opinion on gay rights – he correctly mentioned this as something our guests oppose.
Meanwhile during the Today prog. this morning they had an Aussie professor on talking about his relatively minor injuries in a tube train on 7/7. I could not see the point until they prompted him into a rant about Iraq. Main points, unchallenged of course, were :
1 Iraq war was an example of presidential-style government. Really ? there was a vote, for the first time ever, in the House of Commons
2 Abu Ghraib was reminiscent of Saddm’s torture ? Rubbish – if he was given the choice of treatment, there would be no contest
3 Fallujah involved the slghtewr of thosands of innocents. Rubbish – the innocents were given time to leave, the people who mainly stayed were fighters
And now on comes Jasmin Alibi-Bore yet again, whining as usual. That’s spoilt my breakfast !
The American Expat notes the BBC bias in how they handle tributes to people of public note who die.
The Today programme.
Just listen to the concluding sentence on this morning’s programme at 8.59 am, with relation to the charge of treason against those who encourage suicide bombing. Was it meant to be profound? Or nuanced? Or funny? Or just pathetic?
nuclear or wind power times 8/8/2005
the public thinks that there is a chance for wind to replace nuclear power.they are also overwhelmingly against nuclear power
who has misinformed the public about nuclear power and installed this prejudice in their minds?
years ago the bbc on panorama and other programmes on windscale managed to scare the hell out of the public.the tone and nuance of the narrator horrified the the british people.the bbc used music taken directly from horror films as a background.
these images have not been forgotten and so today we have a public that has been woefully misinformed.they believe that the wretched windmills can solve the energy problem in the uk.
That last comment on Tody, delivered with a chuckle by the presenter, was a reader’s dig at Tony Blair over Iraq.
How they loved it ! Flippant, maybe – but as clear an example as possible of their never-ending bias against the decision to go to war over Iraq.
Got Sky installed this weekend. Enjoyed Sky News coverage, well balanced, no underlying agenda that I could detect. Bit of FOX, good fun, some CNN. Blood preassure dropped, felling calm, relaxed and happy…..
Radio bursts into sound this morning, forgot I left it on R4. Something on “what shall we call ethnic minorities…” switched it over. Having watched other news channels all weekend, then back to BBC, really drives home that the BBC is basically ‘The Guardian’ on the airwaves & TV. Left-wing agenda driven news. Who needs it? Not me.
I’m off for a quieter life. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts, I will keep up the fight, in my own way, but I just don’t have the time or health to be watching the BBC day after day after day…..
God speed.
yes, that last quip was a blinder!
the Beeb just dont get democracy do they, Governments act with the broad consensus of the people (this suits the lefties on abortion, gay marriage etc) and although a million took to the streets to protest the war, 59 million did no such thing.
Bush Blair and Howard were reelected, I think theres a tacit nod to the war in there somewhere.
Now, about those other issues of consensus, Immmigration, European Intergration, Multiculturalism…………………………………Ahhhh, no surley BBC sneering about all that eh!!!
Oh well, it looks like we’ll never know if the BBC deliberately selects the “Front Pages” that suit its core message.
Good points, Miam (11:16am). I find it strange that some of the more moonbatty elements of this site find Sky News left-wing slanted. Seems to be very well balanced to me – albeit a tad Murdoch empire driven, but that’s their perogative as a privately run orgnisation.
Saw BBC Breakfast this morning, which is never a good start. The hideous Natasha Kaplinsky embiodies so much of what I dislike about the BBC – a third-rate local news presenter, seemingly devoid of independent thought, turned into a C-list celeb by virtue of Celebrity Come Dancing, that paragon of public service broadcasting. At about 8:25am there was much hand-wrigning and sneering from the auto-cutie Kaplinsky and her gormless Dermot replacement over the NASA shuttle problems. The viewer could be left in no doubt as to where they stood on this piece of US funded extravagance. I emerged from the shower at around 8:45 and the lacquered one (for that is her) was rattling on about it again, this time to a couple of experts. She actually asked the question “Is space exploration worthwhile when we lived in a world of poverty and inequality?” The expert, to her credit, seemed somewhat dumbfounded.
Communism lives on at Narrowcasting House.
Sorry, that should say “when we live” above. How the BBC yearn for that sentence to be past tense, though!
Re: BBC claiming they can’t publish front pages of the Morning Star etc anymore…. this site gives you the front pages of hundreds of papers throughout the world including British ones…..
In the wake of Robin Cook’s death Scott over at The American Expatriate has uncovered an interesting piece of BBC bias: http://theamericanexpatinuk.blogspot.com/2005/08/tributes-tributes-everywherewell.html
This is probably an unconscious piece of bias on behalf of the beeb but, of course, when someone of whom the BBC approves we’re asked for our tributes when it’s someone who the BBC perceives to be ‘controversial’ – ie does not fit in to the corporation’s world view – we’re asked for our reactions.
For some reason they didn’t ask for our “tributes” or “reactions” to the death of John Tyndall (founder of the National Front)
Although, in his case, I think they would received a few more “reactions” than “tributes” – this letter from the National Front to the Telegraph is quite telling…
We ar the real racialists
Sir – With reference to the letter headed “Odious connection” from a member of the British National Party (Letters, April 3), let me inform your readers and its author that the National Front has no wish to be identified with the BNP.
The NF is a Racial Nationalist party which stands by its original policies of “Stop immigration, Start repatriation”. The BNP, for imagined short term political gain, has reneged on its original policies.
It now advocates that coloured immigrants be allowed to remain in Britain. It even allows coloured membership and has coloured candidates. It allows homosexuals membership of the BNP and fawns on the “gay” vote.
It has a Sikh columnist in its newspaper and a Sikh appeared on its television broadcast. These are hardly the policies of a bona fide Nationalist party.
No wonder many genuine nationalists are being sacked by the BNP hierarchy and many more leaving for genuine White Nationalist parties.
The BNP is no longer a genuine White Racial Nationalist party and the National Front entirely disassociates itself from it.
Tom Holmes, Chairman, The National Front, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
The thing about Sky News is it’s increasingly becoming more like the BBC, perhaps down to staff turnover, a high ranking BBC news executive joined it recently. What’s most annoying is there’s a clear market for a centre-right news channel, and Sky News seems to do its best to not fill it. The day of the attempted second tube bombings for example, it was running all morning one of the fluffiest, PC, multiculturist pieces I think I’ve ever seen. News not opinions should be the motto, but even Sky don’t stick to it.
i agree about sky.murdoch should send someone from fox to give it a more palatable taste.
i find natasha kaplinsky absolutely gorgeous and graceful.i do not remember her making pc comments but if she did then i am willing to forgive her.
Richard – She looks like a massive cat.
Isn’t Sky News chief political commentator the partner of a former Downing Street staffer?
when she is on i just sit and stare at her not caring what she says.and i am endlessly charmed.
That would be this Dan: Woman who chose Blair’s ties leaves family for Sky man.
They both strike me as even worse than old Robin Cookie in the morals and ethics dept. – at least Cookie’s children we’re grown-up when he ditched his wife.
Boulton’s one of the better eggs. He is New Labour (indeed, I think he was lined up to be Campbell’s replacement first time round), but you’d never realise it when he’s on telly.
He had disdain for everyone on Election Night.
Perhaps if the Express had objected when the BBC repeatedly lied to support the genocidal Nazi Moslem fundamentalist Izetbegovic* in Bosnia (& to censor any mention of the moderate Abdic) they would now be in a stronger position in calling for honest coverage now.
*not a contradiction – he was an SS Nazi in his youth & a fundamentalist publically committed to genocide when Nato was bombing villages on his behalf.
A tad ironic that the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) are now accusing the BBC of being biased against Muslims and under the influence of a ‘pro-Israeli’ conspiracy: