Following the BBC’s veritable splurge of ‘Japan as victim’ coverage of the sixtieth-anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there have, thankfully, been a few nods (but only nods – no lavish primetime Sunday evening docu-drama coverage (and DVD release!) of the Rape of Nanking for instance) towards balancing coverage with brief pieces on the atrocities and fanaticism that the Japanese visited upon their neighbours, prisoners of war and opponents.
One such item on BBC News Online was an In Pictures pop-up about World War II in the Pacific. However, even this was cocked-up with an excellent example of BBC News Online journalistic ignorance and naiveté – the caption on the first picture read:
In the early 1940s, Japan began expanding its territory across many parts of Asia.
Ah yes, a nice peaceful spot of ‘expansion’ – quite reminiscent of Spitting Image‘s take on Audi’s “The Muellers are going on holiday” advert from a few years ago (“The Hitlers are going on holiday, first off to the Suedetenland for a spot of annexing”, closing with “Deutschland uber alles, as we Germans still like to imply” instead of “Vorsprung durch technik”). Later on, when no one was looking (or so the Beeboids thought) it was changed to the more accurate (though equally anaemic):
After Japan entered the war in 1941 its troops won easy victories over the Allies, seizing territory from Burma all the way to the Philippines.
Later on still, the first picture was also changed – originally it showed troops running with fixed-bayonets in, shall we say, an aggressive manner. This was subsequently changed to a nice ‘Class of 1932’ style picture of proud, misunderstood Japanese youth.
Strangely enough, this story, Enola Gay crew ‘have no regrets’, doesn’t appear to feature much (if at all) in BBC News Online’s supposedly In Depth coverage of World War II: 60 years on – an old BBC News Online trick – it can’t be said that it’s not there, but there’s little chance of finding it unless you know what you’re looking for! Just for good measure though they do manage to insert a suitably negative (Don’t) Have Your Say quote: “The use of the nuclear bomb was not just an act of aggression, but a crime against humanity” – a coincidence I’m sure.
On another note, apologies for the recent paucity of posts – it’s not that the BBC is any better than before. Sometimes real life gets in the way of shouting “The King is in the altogether” at the Beeboid Media Monopoly Megalith.
Could it happen here?
Canadian public broadcaster CBC has locked out 5,500 workers after failing to reach an agreement with their union. (eat your heart out, Gate Gourmet)
But in case the Canadians are left without international news, never fear, the UK taxpayer rides to the rescue
CBC can rely on BBC World Service reports for coverage of international events
is the edifice cracking??
Picture 3:
Some Israeli settlers have been burning their unwanted belongings, rather than leave them for the Palestinians.
After all the Palestinians have done to them. Ungrateful savages.
for even
Another wonderfull use of licence payers cash
To be fair (and I don’t like to be) in last night’s report on the “Forgotten Army”, the BBC also quoted that the Japanse Army had been instructed to kill every prisoner if there was any chance of their rescue but that the dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki/Hiroshima and Japan’s surrender saved 70,000 servicemen’s lives.
The Japanese defiance and refusal to aknowledge their sins has certainly paid off. Imagine the BBC trying to play up Grerman suffering and paint Hitler’s Germany as victims of US oppression.
The key reason for the difference though is that the Japanese had the sense and luck to kill and torture mainly Brown and Yellow people, who the nation’s of Europe care little for. The Germans had the temerity to attack not just white folk in general but us in particular.
Isn’t it funny that behind every many of the anti-imperialist posturings of those who know better, lie some very unpleasant calculations about the value of human lives. Coloured ones don’t matter, unless its us doing the killing.
Did the BBC actually say this
“After Japan entered the war in 1941”
That would mean the continuing warfare in china(1930s) doesnt count??
Good stuff from this week magazine:
“But even after the Nagasaki bomb was dropped, Japan’s military rulers still thought the country should commit collective suicide. “Would it not be wondrous,” War Minister Korechika Anami mused aloud, “for this whole nation to be destroyed like a beautiful flower?”
Did most Japanese feel that way?
No. The bombs left the civilian population terrified and with little will to fight, and the peace faction in the civilian government was secretly relieved. “We of the peace party were assisted by the atomic bomb in our endeavour to end the war,” said Koichi Kido, one of Hirohito’s closest aides. Navy Minister Mitsumasa Yonai went even further. He called the bomb “a gift from heaven.” Six days after Nagasaki, Hirohito overruled the military and announced the surrender of Japan”
(but even then he tried to spin it as an evil weapon etc)..
I do not use the BBC webstuff for my history lessons anymore as I cannot be sure it is wholly impartial.
Rob Read Reader:
Michael Buerk’s comments haven’t gone unnoticed:
Buerk attacks women broadcasters
Ofcom has criticised the BBC for that series on prostitution, drug taking and sundry other acts of weirdness which it saw fit to broadcast during the day:
BBC sex show rapped by watchdog
And finally, Mark Steyn catalogues the mansion of corrupt horror which is the UN:
United in greed, divided it falls
Of course, the BBC only notices UN corruption when an American corp or individual is implicated, but what Steyn outlines is systematic and goes right to the very top and the BBC hasn’t a word to say about it.
Funny, I specifically recall the re-enacment of the Japanese leaders after the bombs showing how fanatical the level of resistance still was in some quarters, thus clearly putting into context the suffering the bombs caused.
I also clearly recall the Enola Gay bombers, for the main, expressing certainty in their mission.
Just shows that you hear what you want to hear and tune out what you don’t.
Instead of constantly slagging off Big and Little Satan with cheap shots, why don’t the semi-educated ruffians at the beeb report reality like this?
Among the less publicized details of the July 7th London bombings is the connection of one of the possible terrorists, Muhammad Sadique Khan, to the preeminent group of the pro-terrorist International Solidarity Movement (ISM).
Consider the available information: Khan is suspected of delivering the explosives that were used to carry out the London attacks. Recent evidence shows that the explosives used in the London subway attacks were found by British and Israeli intelligence officials to be remarkably similar to those used in a 2003 bombing of the “Mike’s Place” pizzeria in Israel. British and Israeli intelligence reports show that Khan, who had a British passport, arrived in Israel on February 19, 2003, and stayed for only one day. During his stay, he may have met with Asif Hanif and Omar Sharif. Both of the men, with the assistance of Hamas, would later become suicide bombers. Hanif and Sharif traveled from Britain to Israel under the auspices of the ISM’s Alternative Tourism Program. One of their final acts, just prior to departing on their murderous mission, was to meet with ISM activists in Gaza. This connection is only one measure of the unheralded threat posed by the self-proclaimed “peace” group, ISM.
And for a final salvo, get this. Yesterday on the Today Show, James Reynolds said “Israel was catching up to the rest of the world” who according to him regard the settlements as a breach of international law. Hey Reynolds, that’s not why they’re pulling out of Gaza. It’s to give peace a chance, among other things! But if the Arabs don’t behave themselves, the world might witness a crackdown and mass expulsion of the gang members who continually fire off Kassam rockets and carry out terror assaults.
Oh yeah, one more thing — The place was never “Palestinian”. It was under Egyptian control from 1949 under the auspices of the UN until “green” lines would become red ones with a peace treaty. Ha! Can anyone at the bbc tell us when there ever was a Palestine?
Can anyone at the bbc tell us when there ever was a Palestine?
Yes, I have noticed that the BBC state that the settlers are leaving “Palestinian land”. Formally Egyptian land would be more accurate.
‘Ultra-local’ news pilot revealed
Just what is the BBC’s ‘remit’ and where does its broadcasting hegemony stop? It is the ‘superpower’ of the broadcasting world, the equivalent of the USA, which it is so constantly criticizing.
Were we asked if we wanted license fee money thrown at this on our behalf? Of course not. The publicly force-funded BBC will trample all over the competition until there is little choice left.
When do I get a say?
Re. historical info on “Palestine”:
Re Ultra-local news
Just a way of avoiding shedding staff?
If the scheme is deemed a success, it could be rolled out across 60 areas and employ more than 300 journalists.
I think the present local news service is a disgrace. In my area of 6+m people it doesn’t take long to get round to the mistreated gerbil or lost puppy story.
300 journalists in gainful employment. Aren’t we the lucky ones. It does appear to be more of a ‘supply push’ rather than ‘demand pull’ wheeze.
The proliferation of a service that very few people actively use seems utterly needless and wasteful. Doubtless, the Beeb will push through such innovations until they have a local news service for every street in the UK.
If the scheme is deemed a success, it could employ more than 12,000,000 journalists.
Or, even better, create your own news with funding from the BBC. That’s the way forward – they pay you for providing the content! 😉
Newsflash – 7.54 pm:
England U-21s just beat Denmark 1-0,
Joerg has just made himself a coffee,
the weather here in W********, Germany is overcast, appx. 18 degrees centigrade. For in depth information tune back in for the 10 o’clock news.
P_L – Re Mark Steyns article about the UN; I had exactly the same thought when I read the article today – you just beat me to posting it 😉
It’s definately a must read, and keep in mind next time the foul and corrupt organisation that is the BBC tries to present this foul and corrupt organisation that is the UN as having any kind of moral imperative.
The BBC appear to have forgotten standards, so coloured are they by their agenda.
On BBC1 10pm News, a report on the efforts to repatriate Iraqis who have been denied asylum.
The BBC reporter stands outside what he describes as a “so called detention centre” & tells us that the Iraqis are to “be kicked out” of the UK.
‘Did the BBC actually say this
“After Japan entered the war in 1941”
That would mean the continuing warfare in china(1930s) doesnt count??’
No, it doesn’t count, it not being part of the Second World War and all.
Unless you mean the Flying Tigers – who weren’t part of the US army at the time.
Japan entered World War Two on Dec 7 1941. Do you dispute this?
Yes, we all know our history, Steve. The US aggression (having war-ships at Pearl Harbor) forced Japan to enter the war…
Internet ‘could widen wealth gap’
Quote: “People will start using them to sort themselves out into neighbourhoods where their neighbours are less diverse and more like themselves
Roger Burrows, Joseph Rowntree Foundation”
So what’s wrong with that? The BBC wants us to live in multicultural areas because if we don’t live there these areas become less multicultural??? I personally would like to know if I buy a house in a good area or if friends of Osama (or BBC employees) live next door.
Shouldn’t that be “Extreme leftwing organisation Joseph Rowntree Foundation” or “neo-socialist Joseph Rowntree Foundation”.
I like the way they made no attempt to find anyone to contradict this disgusting attack on freedom of association.
Typical BBC. Should we look up the details of where the Professor lives?
Note that the BBC files the Rowntree report under “Business”.
Still it makes a change from their usual “business” approach, which is generally based on “Watchdog”, & if they can’t knock successful businesses from the consumer end, they then knock them over their supply policies.
Re my comments on BBC’s idea of business – well they are only in line with the ……. Conservatives!
MORE than 100 farmers staged protests outside Scottish supermarkets over the import of cheap Brazilian beef.
The Conservatives called for the Scottish Executive to intervene,,172-1738619,00.html
Can i just say if we all dont start putting much more pressure on the likes of the beeb and government, there wont be anything left of this country by the next election.
On that note, the Japanese were ruthless in the War. Trying to make our that somehow all the tree huggers and commies in the BBC would “talk and discuss issues” with the Japanese at the time is slightly absurd let alone completely out of touch.
The japanese would have shot them at the time without a care in the world, just look how they treated our women and children in the POW camps, let alone the troops.
For me it was a question of kill or be killed. I support British troops to this day, and will never stop doing so.
And the Americans still have my full support for dropping the A-bomb back then… PC types have to be rooted out, if that means an end to the BBC’s news coverage so be it.
Ethnic groups urged to give blood
I wonder if they ever considered that muslims don’t want to give blood because it may be given to infidels…
Re blood – a doc is interviewed saying that some Muslims consider it contrary to their religion to give blood.
Never heard of them refusing to receive it – a la Jehovahs Witnesses.
Usual pattern – all take, no give.
Seems to be the same pattern with organ donation, ron. There was an article in the Dutch media not too long ago, about resentment toward Muslims because they would take organ donations but not give them.
Haven’t heard about Muslims in the US refusing to make organ or blood donations, though.
Don’t you get PAID to give blood in the states?
Rob, I think some for-profit blood banks do pay for blood but I always donate to Red Cross or a charitable blood bank. You don’t get paid for that — just orange juice and cookies.
Holy Crap! So much of the rancid bleating in this blog and its comments is based on your paranoid interpretation of the news. You believe that the BBC is biased – so you read that into everything. E.g. regarding Aug 6th, you expect the BBC to say “When Japan unleashed its brutal, murderous campaign of imperialism into China in 1933” in prefacing any discussion of their role in the war. Lets face it, most media heretofore showed the Japanese soldiers in this light – Bridge over the River Kwai, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, Paradise Road, Tenko etc. We get it that the Japanese soldiers could be inhumanly brutal and have not properly apologized. So were British and American colonists when they committed genocide upon the native populations of North America and Australia in the 19th C. That said, why can you never also consider the fact that the domestic populations of these countries could also be victims. Did Hitler’s regime’s heinous crimes mean that it was OK for Russian troops to rape every woman in Berlin when they took it? We can comprehend it, given how brutalized and vengeful the Russian troops would have been but it does not make it justified. One can also legitimately question the targetting of civilian assets in Japan and Germany. Doesn’t make the 3rd Reich right, but doesn’t mean that the people of Dresden had it coming! It is this retrograde thinking that will leave people treating other races and nationalities as amorphous groups upon whom it is OK to make collective judgements. This is exactly how you get into the attrocity business in the first place. If you think of Chinese or blacks or Muslims as less than you, then you can justify all kinds of injustices against them e.g Nanking, Wounded knee, slavery etc.
Overall, I would ask you all to just give it a rest, but I doubt normal sane people will ever make it here – I stumbled here by accident and will make sure I lose the address. PS Keep pleasuring yourselves over those perfect airbrushed pictures of Norman Tebbit.
Why do the Spanish get off scot free in the ‘genocide’ department? For that matter the Aztecs and Incas did pretty well in that department too. Personally I am all for declaring a statute of limitations on old wrongs!
Of course Japan’s wrongs aren’t quite that old given some of the victims and most of their immediate heirs are still alive. Ditto for Nazi Germany. But at least the Germans admit Naziism was bad – funny isn’t it how everybody’s grandfather opposed Hitler…makes you wonder how he managed to take over in the first place.
As for civilian targets – we must keep in mind two facts; first a military target does not cease to be a military target just because it’s sited among civilians and secondly armies do not exist in vacuum, they *must* have civilian political and industrial support which makes them as much a part of the war effort as the soldiers in the field.
Would it really be possible to win a war by focusing solely on the army in the field and leaving the infrastructure that supports them untouched? I don’t know that it’s ever been tried but I would guess not.
Robulin – It’s a pity that you began your tirade with insults, as any points that might have had any merit are going to be viewed offensively. You profess to have the moral high ground on these issues, but do you see how your insulting statements diminish any claims to those lofty heights? Also your statement that you won’t be back means you won’t have any debate on these issues. I just left this here in case you decided to lurk, as I suspect you might, after all, do you normally spend 15-30 minutes writing on every forum that you disagree with?
If you are really not afraid to debate, as your manner suggests that you are , then next time try arguing civilly and see what you get.
Check this out. It’s not on AL-BEEB:
Spokesmen of the various PA terrorist groups have repeated during recent celebrations, in statements and during interviews that they will continue attacks on Israel with improved Kassam rockets and suicide terrorism after the Israeli evacuation from Gaza.
Representatives of the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza, an umbrella organization for Fatah and Islamist terrorist groups, held a press conference in Rafiach, along the Egypt-Israel border, during which they displayed what they claimed was the new, longer-range rocket able to hit Ashkelon. The spokesmen further said that weapons and ammunition has already been transferred from Gaza to Samaria for the continuation of the terror assault.
Depressing but not surprising.
Al-beeb and the rest of the baying hounds lurking in Gaza were anticipating that predictions of armed resistance would be fulfilled, and have been DISAPPOINTED that the eviction of the communities was accomplished with minimal injury, significantly faster than expected.
Foreign press reptiles are packing today to return home, some having invested handsome sums to rent apartments and arrange other expenses for a month, expecting to have hot news coverage of violent events which never materialized.
So how much are we forking out for the brave Orla Guerin to live in a village with her Arab husband? Where exactly are the sumptuous abodes of ‘Weepy Plett’ and James ‘Gets It Wrong’ Reynolds?
Did you hear, there’s been a ‘spate of violence’ in the wake of the Gaza withdrawal. Said ‘spate’ consisting of an Israeli military raid on a West Bank Terrorist stronghold and the stabbing of a Jewish man in Jerusalem. The connection of either to Gaza seems tenuous to say the least.