The NPR ombudsman, Jeffrey Dvorkin, criticises BBC coverage of Katrina.
I am sure that the BBC is not inventing these interviews. But the effect is that it sounds less like reporting than like caricature. Public radio listeners likely understand what is going on — that BBC cultural assumptions about the United States remain mired in a reflex European opposition to American foreign policy. But what comes through the radio sounds mean-spirited and not particularly helpful; it probably evokes knowing glances and smirks among editors and producers back in London.
There is more right than wrong in the BBC’s coverage. But when it comes to portraying certain American cultural expressions, the BBC seems to have a tin ear.
(Via Instapundit – same link as below.)
The suggestion that US based coverage should be syndicated from US broadcasters is a non starter because of the differences in terminology and phraseology and the aversion to the American accent of a large proportion of the British population.
I think that there are two approaches that the Beeb could take. Either they employ people who genuinely have a finger on the pulse of American life and can impart the fact that it isn’t one big homogenous sameness (‘unsophisticated’ or otherwise), or more realistically they take a step back, treat everything from a strictly factual British perspective and quit the GCSE psychoanalysis. I am reliably informed by American colleagues that the current approach bears a frightening resemblence to the portrayals of Britain on US TV news that we all wince at in hotel rooms across the world.
Ritter, the Guide published by the BBC is actually very good, although it could be improved a bit. (It says the federal government is “ruled” by the federal Constitution, but it doesn’t point out that state governments can not make any law that conflicts with the federal Constitution, so they in effect, are also “ruled” by the federal Constitution…)
One wonders why Frei et. al. do not even bother to read what their own organization puts out.
and the aversion to the American accent of a large proportion of the British population
If that is true why do you watch our TV shows and buy our music?
It seems absurd to argue that there can’t be awful American accents on the precious BBC when most Brits I know are happily schlurping up “Friends” and “The Sopranos.”
What a silly argument Cockney.
American accents in American sitcoms and are obviously wholly appropriate to their context. But the sheer horror of the episodes of Friends set in London shows the pitfalls that one can come across when doesn’t respect international boundaries….
Sitcoms and music are clearly different from informing the British public of the British perspective on international news.
Trust me – there would be uproar.
Slightly OT, but listening to the increasingly Guardianista-like Jeremy Vine programme on BBC Radio 2 today, I had to chortle.
The subject for listeners perusal was “Should women use the titles Miss, Mrs or Ms?”
The usual suspects were wheeled out – the studio guest was a “writer and broadcaster” who “lives with her female partner” and, of course, advocated the use of “Ms”.
But it was interesting that Vine left a few of her remarks go totaly unchallenged like “hideously conventional…marriage”
Does the BBC so hate normal, traditional family life that remarks like this are not deemed worthy of challenge?.
How this woman would have ranted and raved had any listener accused her own domestic arrangements as being “hideous”?
Now, if this lady wants to live with her female lover, then good luck to her. Fair enough. But don’t criticise the rest of us because we don’t fit in with your trendy, Pee Cee view of the world and, Vine, at least have the courage to step in and challenge such a ridiculously patronising and insulting remark… you are, after all, in a “hideously conventional” marriage yourself, no?
It is perfectly common here for people who say they “hate Americans” yet are constantly watching shows such as “The West Wing”, “Friends”, etc. Whereas I actually like Americans but never watch these programmes.
The visceral, sneering hatred shown towards America of many people who consider themselves ‘progressive’ is quite disturbing. When confronted with it they say “oh, it’s their government I hate” which is strange after making yet another reference to “fat, stupid Yanks”. Their attitude has all of the blind prejudice of your common or garden racist, but as Americans aren’t a ‘race’ they think it is OK. Plus, of course, the premier cultural establishment in Britain, the BBC, shares the same opinion so they are never censured.
So Cockney you are saying that British people would rather have inaccurate news delivered to them as long as it’s from a “British perspective” rather than have accurate news delivered with an American accent?
Very peculiar attitude. Also, I don’t see this applied to other countries. Middle Eastern or Indian news often is reported on the Beeb by people with Muslim or Hindu names — why isn’t American news reported by Americans?
Alan “”hideously conventional…marriage”
So members of some same sex relationships still hold that attitude to boring, hetero, marriage.
I thought that they had changed that line now that all the pressure is for the recognition of same sex unions.
(ps I do not think that established unions of any sort should be disadvantaged in terms of tax, inheritance etc. But I do think it odd that those celebrating a homosexual lifestyle are now so anxious to ape old conventions.)
I thought this was kind of funny. It a blog entry by Rich Lowry at National Review, a US Conservative magazine.
“Don’t answer the phone, it might be the BBC!”
Whenever I call a friend of mine who is a Middle East expert, he never answers the phone. I leave a message and invariably he calls me back within seconds. His explanation is always the same, “Sorry, I thought you might be the BBC.” It turns out when you call someone from an NR phone, it comes up “unknown” on caller ID, just as it does when someone’s calling from the BBC.
I now realize that my friend isn’t unusual–that an epidemic fear is gripping the conservative movement.
The other day I was standing in a colleague’s office when his phone rang. He refused to answer it. In response to my puzzled look he said, “It might be the BBC.” A few moments later, my cell phone rang–caller ID: “unknown”–and I answered: it was the BBC, looking for my colleague, who began waving his arms in don’t-tell-them-I’m-here gestures.
Why the fear? As far as I can tell, it’s because the BBC is relentless, clueless, and anti-American. Conversations with its producers tend to be long and pointless, and no media appearance is as unsatisfying as one with the BBC, since no one you know will hear you and you will make no head-way against a tide of maddeningly conventional leftism.
This morning I was trying to get out of the house, when my phone rang. ID: unknown. As you know, that might be the NR office. But as soon as I heard the accent and the, “Oh, hallo,” I knew I had lost a desperate gamble: it was the BBC.
OT but will BBC report this?:
Freudenthal says national Dem leaders too liberal for Wyoming
GILLETTE, Wyo. (AP) — State Democrats should distance themselves from liberal national party leaders whose agenda frequently differs from Wyoming, Democratic Gov. Dave Freudenthal told state party members at a meeting attended by a Democratic National Committee vice chairman.
Wyoming Democrats should instead focus on local issues that relate to Wyoming residents, Freudenthal told about 75 state Democrats Saturday night.
“This is a party that’s not afraid of firearms,” Freudenthal said. “It’s a party where people are interested in whether the governor managed to shoot an antelope with one shot.”
“I don’t care about Howard Dean,” he said, referring to the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Of course, I’m not holding my breath for most of the U.S. MSM to report it either.
Well, as far as reporting “accurate” news, sharing resources with ABC would not have made a difference.
I just heard on the radio that the stories of runaway crime in NO during the storm’s aftermath were grossly exaggerated.
I’ll get back on this when I’ve found something that backs it up. But my point is that virtually ALL news agencies these days report rumors as “news”. Same thing happened during the Gulf War, the 2000 election, and is happening now in Iraq.
My TV went out the door in 1991 when a specific Gulf War report on CNN riled me to no end. I watch DVDs on my computer if I want entertainment.
The suggestion that US based coverage should be syndicated from US broadcasters is a non starter because of the differences in terminology and phraseology and the aversion to the American accent of a large proportion of the British population.
Why the aversion to American accents? BBC “News” is filled with non-British accents: Orla Goering and Barbara “Cry Baby” Plett for starters. Why not have Americans on the Beeb who are knowledgeable about their own nation instead of the insufferable Frei and Webb?
Found it. From New Orleans Times-Picayune
“Following days of internationally reported killings, rapes and gang violence inside the Dome, the doctor from FEMA – Beron doesn’t remember his name – came prepared for a grisly scene: He brought a refrigerated 18-wheeler and three doctors to process bodies.
“‘I’ve got a report of 200 bodies in the Dome,’ Beron recalls the doctor saying.
“The real total was six, Beron said.
“Of those, four died of natural causes, one overdosed and another jumped to his death in an apparent suicide, said Beron, who personally oversaw the turning over of bodies from a Dome freezer, where they lay atop melting bags of ice. State health department officials in charge of body recovery put the official death count at the Dome at 10, but Beron said the other four bodies were found in the street near the Dome, not inside it. Both sources said no one had been killed inside.”
This is turning out to be a news media fiasco.
to APL,
Hot under the collar? about the BBC calling a 70+ year old woman a rebel?
Damn right, i think its a disgrace the way the elderly are treated in this country, and they should be looked after decently..
I think that if we scrapped the licence fee and gave the £3bn to the elderly to fund housing, medical care and all the rest of it, i’d be happy..
now that would make sense…
Hi everyone, remember to smile !! 🙂
OT: pensions vs ‘unique’ funding schemes (eg the telly tithe and council tax).
BBC propagandists are fond of making the TV tax sound as insignificant as possible by describing it as ‘only £10 a month’ or ‘only £2.50 a week’, or ‘only 35p a day’. Dividing by bigger numbers makes the amount look smaller, but what happens if you go the other way? What difference does a lifetime’s telly tax make to your retirement? What if you were to save all that money instead?
Here is the formula to use:
T = A * p * (p^y – 1)/(p – 1)
* means ‘times’
^ means ‘to the power of’
/ means ‘divided by’
A means the amount you pay per year (assumed constant)
p means the yearly return on your savings (eg for 5% interest, put p = 1.05)
y means the number of years you want to total
T gives the amount you would have if you saved the money instead of wasting it on unwanted pay TV
Let’s assume that your BBC subscription costs you £130 a year, and that it will remain constant (in ‘real terms’) over your lifetime. This is obviously an underestimate.
Let’s assume that you invest the money in an ordinary savings account, and get 5% per year in interest. If you instead invested in a pension scheme, you would expect a much better return than this. So this is another underestimate.
Let’s assume that you begin your BBC bondage on your 25 birthday, and maintain your subscription until your 75th, a total of 50 years.
So we have, A=130, p=1.05, y=50, and we get:
T = just under £28,600.
5% of this is an extra £1430 per year, or £27.50 a week, or £4 per day. A nice pension top-up in anybody’s terms (but small change to those with generous telly-tax funded pensions, of course).
The above figure is very sensitive to the return on investment, p. I leave the case p = 1.07, and/or A = the Council Tax, to the reader.
Comrade Cheree,
What do you mean EX?
OFF topic:
I was just phoned by MORI, doing some market research on behalf of the BBC on Londoners’ attitudes to terrorism. The first question of the anticipated 8-minute survey was “Which London borough do you live in?” When I answered “Kensington & Chelsea”, I was told they wouldn’t be taking up any more of my time. Aren’t people in the Royal Borough allowed to have an opinion, or are the BBC looking for a particular response which they don’t think they’ll get from people like me (whatever that may be)?
My wife who comes from Mauritius told me that in her country all international news came direct from either Frence or British(BBC)sources.Now this should be very bad from the viewpoint of individual freedom. However at least becouse they cant afford to there goverment has limited propergander control over how its peoples view the world. Due to the tv tax its not true here .
It is also worth remembering that in the sixties and seventies there was not only 3 tv channels (2 of which were set up by the state and one of which was mostly run and owened by an unrepentant communist(Lord Bernstein)).There was no independant radio at all.
The biggest and most important battle(and possibley the easiest) for the hearts and minds of all freedom loving people, is to remove the BBC from our political lives. It is not only now the greatest obstical to the British peoples emancipation, individuation,and standard of living, it has been since the begining of WW2.(alright there was Hitler and Starlin).
Please dont let the bastards get you down.The BBC and its masters are dead men/women walking. Like an injured beast they can be dangerous but there end has been coming for a while.And I think they know it.
US anti-war mother held at rally
“Her arrest follows a massive anti-war march in the capital over the weekend.
‘massive’? sounds like quite a significant event. How big is that then? I guess we’re talking in the thousands?
“Ms Sheehan was among a group of about 500 people who staged what they called a “civil disobedience” demonstration to bring more attention to the US military presence in Iraq.”
Do you still trust these truth bending bbc journos?
Message for Daily Ablution evacuees seeking refuge on this blog:
September 23rd on the Social Affairs Unit blog:
Theodore Dalrymple in a wonderful satirical article asks ‘Is the Guardian Institutionally racist?’ Just a taster: “The people who run and write The Guardian have deep, suppressed and subliminal doubts about the equality of human races. To prove to themselves that they do not have such doubts, they overcompensate by publishing as many photgraphs of blacks as possible on their pages.
They don’t have any such doubts with regard to the Indian and Chinese.
Moreover, these two groups have a horrible and fatal vice, as far as the mindset of the Guardian and its readers are concerned; grosso modo, these two groups can shift for themselves, and require no help from the coalition of intellectuals, moral entrepreneurs and bureaucrats in order to thrive. On the contrary, they’re well on the way to outstripping the white population in achievement, this demonstrating the redunancy of that coalition.”
Wonderful stuff – read it all (as Scott would exhort).
postscript: I meant to say that one hopes he will turn his attention to the flagship of that fleet, the BBC with a similar critique.
From MediaGuardian Diary
Thompson spooked by Sky News
“Someone tell the producers on BBC1 drama Spooks they aren’t helping BBC director general Mark Thompson’s crusade to boost News 24. Mark says he’s tired of turning up in newsrooms and studios to find Sky News on the monitors, rather than News 24. You might want to have a chat with Peter Fincham then, Mark. Despite protestations a couple of years ago from ex-controller Lorraine Heggessey that Spooks doesn’t plug Sky News, last night’s episode of the latest series of the hit MI5 drama featured no less than five – count ’em – Sky News presenters. If even MI5 tunes into Sky to find out the latest news then what hope does News 24 have?”
Only by viewing “race” from a position of individual freedon above all else, can we ever hope to untangel from the mess, generations of brain washing exploitation ,inflicted by the left/BBC have made of our confused minds.
The answer was always so simple just make shure every human being is treated and seen to be treated the same under the law. And no more.If any goverment acheived this it would be a great day for all races.
Is there anybody left who actualy knowes wot “raceism” means these days. Because by any defination I understood 25 years ago I am suffering all the state sponsored raceism I can take.
Small but interesting point that when my Mauritian (hindu) wife came to this country 5 years ago ,within just 2 weeks was registerd to vote and emediately received election propergander from new labour addressed in her personal name,at my address, eventhough she did not request it. I have never received any in my name from any political party.That I can remember.
And I havent even mentioned the state/BBC sponsored sexism, ageism,anti-smallbusinness/ism anti-homeowner/ism and anti-sematism. Add to that the tottal state/BBC demonising of anyone neading an internal con/bustion engine to make a living or have any FUN etc etc …….and yes it realy is feeling that bad.
Fortunatly the beer hear is still good and the cricket is better ,but it seems less and less of a conpensation for all this s..t
Wonderful article by Dalrymple as pointed to by Frank P @ 9.17 above.
I noticed the article had a very heavy disclaimer above it and decided to see if similar disclaimers appeared on other articles.
This led me to an article lower down from the TD article where somebody called Joyce Lee Malcolm of Bentley College writes about Mayoral and State accountability for Katrina.
Much to my surprise (being too used to the beeb I suppose) she laid out all the points we have all been making on this blog.
Hi everyone, hope you’re all keeping well?
OT did anyone see in the UK PM Blair undermine Mr Brown.? I thought the BBC coverage was very good for a change..
Brown wanting to reintroduce “trust” into politics (dig at Tony)
and then Tony undermining Gordon by miraculously announcing the same day that the IRA had destroyed all weapons, stealing the lime light off Gordon..
My my, i understand a certain Blair wasn’t happy that Gordon was getting all the attention and Tony had to be No.1
I love politics, its so full of itself.
And dare i ask why the Holly + Jessica story keeps re-emerging…i find it also rather convenient..
I wish the media would respect the family and leave it alone.
And perhaps certain political influences interferring and using peoples grief for other means..
Have a good week all of you..
Anything which undermines Kim Il Brown is good for me – keep up the good work PM.
“I just heard on the radio that the stories of runaway crime in NO during the storm’s aftermath were grossly exaggerated.”
I can’t say I’m surprised. Accounts of looting and other lawlessness usually are exaggerated. As I said before: most people behave well during disasters, deviance is the exception not the rule.
OT But an interesting update from Michelle Malken, Post-Katrina crime, what really happened?
“Did the widespread breakdown in accurate reporting stem only from a failure to follow proper journalistic standards, or did it also reflect a deliberate effort to damage the Bush administration by passing on unconfirmed rumors as fact?”
I think the BBC should be brought in for questioning. It had the motive, the opportunity and stood to gain from the crime. Its them what did it govnor.
OT Maybe we should send de Chastelain to Iraq so he can put the WMD ‘beyond use’.
Having read this article in The Telegraph, I was curious to see how the BBC would report it.
It appears their strategy is not to report it. It seems The British Council bears a strong resemblance to The British Broadcasting Corporation Maybe somebody else can find something on it in the BBC website.
Here’s the Telegraph article:
[article deleted for excessive length – if you want to read it click on the link above]
Edited By Siteowner
It all goes to show how vile and sick the “left” are in this country…
They preach on about the Human Rights of Muslims Terrorists, and Human Rights for Drug addicts and muggers who had “tough up-bringings”……..some of the left even talk about setting Saddam free as HIS human rights are being abused……..
YET…these same people are quite happy to scream for the blood and freedom of a 75 year old woman, who owes a pathetic £50………
They are sick…..too sick, utterly lost to the rest of humanity………
It’s no surprise to me about the British Council – any public body will be infiltrated by the left and used for their propaganda. Once respected pressure groups, such as Amnesty International, have p*ssed away their credibility by simply becoming an anti-American, anti-Western mouthpiece for the hard left.
I thoroughly agree about human rights for terrorists etc etc, however surely it’s not left wing to expect debts to be settled. In fact it would be more left wing to declare the debt ‘unfair’ and write it off, thus sparking a cascade of similar claims.
Magistrates have some flexibility in this area and it’s clear that the lady in question was able to pay but chose not to. Whilst everyone can appreciate that council tax is not a good system for asset rich but cash poor pensioners, if we start fulminating over how disgraceful it is every time somebody blusters about an outstanding debt then where do we stop?
What a picture you paint:
“asset rich pensioners”
You mean people who have worked, saved, paid their own way and acquired a house of their own to live in, I presume. Those who find in their most vulnerable years that they are ‘cash poor’ because local authorities create meaningless and ludicrous jobs for their cronies and rip-off local residents via an extortionate local tax that increases exponentially whilst the pension increases trickle along at a snail’s pace. Paying a police ‘force’ that is prevented through political interference from doing its job (other than arresting protesting pensioners). And when these same pensioners see building and road contractors outside their windows doing unnecessary work with armies of idlers leaning on their shovels watching one man work, and shout,in exasperation, “B****x! Why should I pay for this travesty, I’d rather go to prison!” off they are shunted to the local nick, driven them past the illegal immigrants leaning on the said contractors shovels and past the houses of the local councillors who are very nicely off thank you with the contractors backsheesh in their banks or tucked away in PRIVATE pension funds. Debt? Indebted to whom? Extortioners?
As for sparking a ‘cascade of similar claims’ – if only! What ARE you – a local authority planning officer?
No, I work in corporate finance so understand the fundamentals of debt for starters.
Do you not think that there are two separate issues here?
The level of council tax in the context of local government inefficiency, pension schemes and non job creation etc etc (you’ll note that this lady didn’t actually worked in the private sector herself).
And the concept of refusing to settle a debt because you’ve decided that it is ‘unfair’.
The first I agree with. The second is surely the antithesis of capitalism.
Lots of things are ‘unfair’. If somebody far inferior gets a job ahead of me through nepotism am I allowed to mug him to make the income comparison ‘fairer’?
There is a vast difference between unfair and extortionate, I know when I’m being ripped off. Now, as a corporate financier you no doubt spend your days working out how to rip people off without them noticing. I can refuse to buy the results of your financial chicanery if you push your luck and I catch on. In the case of the extortionate local tax, the scam is blatant and enforcable by law and if necessary the pollis/ and or the baliffs. Rather similar to the BBC licence fee. It’s called daylight robbery. Don’t talk ‘unfair’ to me, Mr Accountant. Thems is weasel words. The Council Tax scam has nothing to do with capitalism, it’s about burgeoning. bullying bloated bureaucracy and rampant corruption. Go, like the constipated accountant, and work it out with a pencil. My perception of capitalism does not embrace municipal mugging. Figure that!
Given that your grasp of capitalism incorporates relief from debt as long as you can come up with a suitably blustering excuse AND the fact that companies don’t require financing because that would be a ‘rip off’ I’m skeptical of your arguments.
If you want council tax changed or reduced then there’s a democratic process you can go through. The Lib Dems are pledged to replace it I seem to remember, otherwise you could vote for different councillors or stand yourself and put some of your no doubt exceptional skills to work. Decide that you don’t fancy selective aspects of the law and therefore refuse to comply with them and you deserve all you get I’m afraid.
I notice that thus far I’ve been a local authority planning officer and an accountant, despite telling you what I actually do. What are you – a Daily Mail cliché compiler?
For those who requested some starting point links to the Labour Governments association with the Communist party and some others of possible interest: –
Tessa Jowell ex-Communist party member.
Dr. John Reid ex- Communist party member.
Charles Clarke ex- Communist party member.,9396,459355,00.html
Peter Hain ex-Young Communist.
Peter Mandelson ex-Young Communist.
Alan Johnson strongly influenced by Communist party.
Patricia Hewitt (Ex-Liberty), David Miliband along with Harriet Harman (ex-Liberty) {and Shami Chakrabarti [Liberty] •,3858,5089383-103680,00.html
therefore possibly why we have to endure her painful glory seeking appearances on the anti-British Broadcasting Corporations political programmes} have/are apparently strongly influenced by the father of the UK Communist party John Saville.
John Saville.
Patricia Hewitt.
Shami Chakrabarti.
Diane Abbott.
Harriet Harman.
Gordon Brown/Sarah Macauley.
David Miliband‘s father was a member of Communist party.,6903,815389,00.html,3858,4867324-103425,00.html
Cherie Blair’s father was/is a member of the Communist party.
Tony Blair’s father was a member of the Communist party.
Ken Livingstone
Trevor Philips
John Prescott.,9396,-4254,00.html
Ruth Kelly (Opus Dei)
‘Corporate financier’ is about as helpful a description as company director these days. Every spiv I ever knew called himself either one or the other. And what democratic process are you talking about? Nobody votes for exorbitant tax increases but whoever one votes for imposes them. And you haven’t answered the point about extortion. We have a rampant government, no opposition worthy of the name in any of the other parties. Central or local government can presently extort whatever taxes it feels like imposing to fund their respective schemes and get kickbacks from the contractors who benefit from the largesse. If you have enough moolah to finance corporations I guess you aren’t too arsed about the local rates for your mansion; perhaps you put it down to exes like most ‘finaciers’ I know (nod,nod, wink wink – the office in the spare bedroom). And pardon me for assuming that a corporate financier might be an accountant; obviously an unnecessary qualification in the world of ‘high finance’ these days. As for companies ‘not requiring financing or that would be a rip off’ (whatever that means) as you well know, that is not what I suggested; rather that in my life time capitalism has been a concerted effort to rip its customers off and often does, but I still support it, with the usual ‘caveat emptor’, because competition keeps some of it under control (with notable exceptions that I won’t introduce here – it’s another argument). Taxes, whether local or central are not up for negotiation.
As for cliches: kettles, pots and black-asses come to mind. ‘Asset rich, cash poor pensioners’? That might just make pseuds corner, but don’t apply for a job at the Financial Times. In fact not even the Daily Mail would wear that one.
Comrade Cheree,
Nice round-up! And even allowing for the somewhat less than emphatic sourcing of some of the assertions, it is an impressive case for suspecting that Gramsci would be quite pleased if he were to return to life for a day to witness how his disciples have progressed. But I’m still a little sceptical about TB’s pop. “In his youth he was a communist then became a member of the conservative party” says your link. We all had a bit of the communist in us in our teens, didn’t we? But then we grew up; some of us (not me I hasten to add) then joined the Tory Party. Are you suggesting that he was a mole and instrumental in bringing Maggie (and successors) down to make way for a crypto communist son? My own hunch about Blair is that idealistically he is as confused as his father. He’s the Trojan Horse that was used to carry the reds into the Palace of Westminster, where the plan was then to discard him. But the horse came to life and told his cargo to fff….aaade away, because as PM he can go when he feels like it. Hence today’s speech. His spouse is definitely a red in his bed, but she enjoys the power, too, so she’s not going to rock the boat, but the sidelines she can pursue are very useful to the cause.
Re: Frank P
Watch the magicians hand! While TB distracts our attention what is happening behind him?
There are certain individuals within the elected Labour ranks who see the education centres of excellence as being havens for religious fanatics. Whether one can link that with Cherie’s ardent following of the Roman Catholic faith or the inclusion of the Opus Dei follower Ruth Kelly remains to be seen. However, the combination of the same old looney left-wing Labour and a religious fanatical arm is most alarming, especially so since the RC IRA political wing Sin Fein might have joined the New Labour ranks now that they are full-time members of parliament.
With the foregoing in mind do not forget that the BBC is no more than New Labours version of a communist states’ media machine. Alarm bells resound again when that socialist Australian Rupert Murdoch is also supporting New Labour.
Yes, when the Berlin wall fell it was the end of Communism as we knew it. Now it has spread to the west with such ease that we refuse to accept its existence.
comrade cheree
i haven’t checked all your links but i do like the idea…
i am somewhat (not much!) between two minds, as they say, about this, but is it possible to have similar links about any of the bbc (news) presenters, where relevant?
The fact that the “left” have infiltrated nearly all the institutions of the country should not be suprising as any institution that has a budget which is not OWEND by an individual or group of individuals is open to corruption and exploitation, from people that dont own it. The “left” generaly do not create wealth and so home-in on any potential source of somebody elses wealth creation that they can .To propergate policies that enable them to gain more. Good Tories realy. It has always amazed me how much people who beleive that “money/capital is the root of all evil” seem to want to have so much of mine. Any organisation that does not have a direct relationship between control and ownership will never properly serve the real interests of almost anyone, least of all the customer. Which is of cause all of us. But this is the basic difference between the “left” and “right”,is it not?
It has also been a long term, left and liberal policy to infiltrate these institutions,and they had 18 years to work on it. Now 8 years further on and I hope what has happened is becoming more apparant to the sleepy British middle classes.If they think the plebs will be pissed off if the goverment takes away there free money think what they might DO when they cant buy anything with it.
The point is. Is there enough people left prepared to go though the pain of putting it staight again. If you would like some idear how hard this might tern out to be. Have you spoken to anyone under the age of 40 lately about politics? It is not a mistake they started with the educational institutions first. That is, screwed them up so much the kidds dont know what politics are for. It should also not be supprising that they have been so succesfull in there quest as Neo Labours trade mark is a “Road to Damascus” convertion to the belief that business and industry are actualy better run by the people who run and own them (WOW). This now gives them lotts of money,time and energy to spend on the rest. A bit like Adolf Hitler, and we all(at least the ones over 40 do) know what he did when bored, running out of money and hiding his lies.
The “right” are now so busy doing the actual fighting, real wealth createing and excesive tax paying they dont have much of any.
Its alright im going to take another pill now.
IT is at least a reassuring fact that people are starting to understand better that being a conservative is more than having blue hair. But I hope that next time this country gets a goverment that knows this countrys role in history and destiny they will not be so selfish with the revelation. Not only must an election be won but control of these institutions must at least be contested in order that any alternative goverment will be allowed to govern here. The BBC seems to be acting as if it will never change I hope this is only wishfull thinking on there behalf. They must be the first to go ,perhaps they know it.If I was a new Tory prime minister I would close the BBC on my first day so that everyone gets the message.I would also refund to the British electorate the rip-off fees independant I.T.V.and mobile phone companys paye to the goverment Just so that the public can watch somebody elses adverts on there own T.V.s and use there own phones. Just as a sweetener.Also deregulate as much as possible the entire broadcasting industry.
Just look at American(FOX news)to see how easy it is to represent both sides of the argument.The more the “left” freely talk the more stupid they sound .This is also true about real racists, religous fanatics and feminists.
For a bit of hope may I suggest TALKSPORT a radio station more in the American mould that is also distinctly British. Recomended only when not talking about sport.
I dont quite agree with comrade cheree that communism has come here the western equilivant has always been nazi although the differance is sometimes very marginal. And I grant you we havent yet had any jewish genocides. But alas the signs are here. I think it is only because they can get at enough of the jews money and property by taxation that they dont have to kill them/us anymore.
By the way although I might sometimes, to make an argument, indicate that I am Jewish. I only have one jewish grandfather on my mothers side who served with the 8th army. Other than that I was baptised C of E. But apart from being branded JEWBOY at my state comprahensive in Orpington and assuned to be tight with my money at all times even by my teachers. I have always been very aware all my life that my mother would have been sniffing gas had FREEDOM not prevailed.
And by the way again ” Happy new year “
And by the way again again
Jews ARE historicaly carefull with there cash simply because there history has told them many times what is normaly happenimg to them when goverment is taking more than they would volentarly give to someone or some thing that they think is deserving ,and it is not good.It seems other British people are still to learn the lesson.
Bloody Hell, that was exhausting. Paragraphs chaps, paragraphs.
Frank, taxation technically I suppose is extortion in that it is imposed with the threat of legal penalty for non payment. However, it is something that every democratic government in the world ‘extorts’ from its citizens, frequently to a greater extent than the UK does.
If you don’t fancy paying council tax at present levels, then what would your solution be? It’s very easy to have a good old rant about pretty much anything, but fairly pointless unless one has (workable!) alternatives, so what’s yours?