– since early on Saturday afternoon until at least lunchtime on Sunday the lead story under Wales on BBC News Online’s home page has been Luxury homes ‘killing’ community.
The story itself is mostly about comparing relative deprivation between different areas, and does not justify such a hyped up headline – no where in the story, for instance, does the word ‘killing’ appear, even though it’s used in the headline as if it’s a quote.
Whilst googling some background on this story I found a similar BBC story, dated Friday, headlined Poorest areas revealed by study – which is the sort of headline that I thought would be suitable for the alleged Luxury homes ‘killing’ community story. Imagine then my surprise when I clicked on the link from Google and found that they were actually one and the same story – albeit with a large dollop of Beeboid spinning in between to spin Friday’s original story about relative deprivation into Saturday’s spun story about ‘luxury’ homes killing a community!
You can compare Friday’s unspun version of the story, Poorest areas revealed by study, with Saturday’s Beeboid leftie spun version, Luxury homes ‘killing’ community, until Google’s cache is next updated.
Update: Now that Google’s cache contains a post-spin version of the story, here are before and after screen-shots showing how a leftie Beeboid gave this story a nasty spin (click pictures to see full-size):
Well, I’ve tried with you people, so it’s goodbye and goodluck. You don’t seem to want to DO anything except comment, even if so cleverly and brilliantly here. I alone can’t reform, abolish, democratize your bbc and your country for you. So farewell. I’m off to a place where there is real democracy, allbeit with many imperfections, open government (OK, so some things you might not want to know anyway), and where no one would tolerate a state funded broadcasting system. Maybe you’ll take on board some of the things I’ve said to you, but above all DO something through this wonderful Biased BBC site!
See you next trip.
Cheerio Alien
Hope you will revisit sometime. And remember that it took persistent bloggers to expose some of the scams which have plagued the US left wing media for years. Wonder how long they were blogging for before they came across, say, the Dan Rather anti-Dubya memos and exposed them.
“They also serve who only stand and blog.”
Dead on mate. The BBC is simply unreformable. There is no serious threat that any government would kill the licence fee. And the BBC has (mis)used its billions to build a huge subsidized internet presence to pump out its insidious leftoid agenda.
So while site like this are great for us to vent against them, where’s Olga Guerin, Matt Frie and all the other easy to hit targets? Still in place. Still slanting. Still misleading. Still on air!
Says it all.
What disturbs me about the original, unspun, story, is that it was also on the BBC’s website – not on some other site: in other words, it was their own story. What on earth were they thinking of? Which idiot allowed the untreated item to appear? I hope that heads will roll for this appalling breach of procedure.
More telling of the Beeb’s slavish devotion to islam is the fact that there is not one mention of “terrorism” , “islam” or “muslim”
on THREE pages of teletext on the Bali bombings. The gutless wonders at al-BBC instead use the word “militants” to describe murderous thugs who detonate themselves amongst Balinese workers and Western holidaymakers. If these scum aren’t TERRORISTS in the beeb’s eyes who on Earth is ? Is this an attempt by the beeb to remove the word terrorist from our language altogther so as not to offend the fragile sensibilities of muslims ?
Strangely the Beeb weren’t slow to tell us that four men arrested in South London on allegations of “racist attacks” were all “white”, so why is it so difficult for them to admit that the Balinese killings were done by ISLAMIC TERRORISTS ?
Auntie Beeb is an important part of the state’s cultural control apparatus, stopping the people from thinking bad thoughts as their future and past are washed away – what democratic government could abolish that, and hope to survive the resulting media conflagrations?
Hopefully, declining viewer figures will eventually reduce the Aunties’ cultural power until this becomes possible, but for the forseeable future they will continue to lead the British people by the nose.
Personally, I already left the UK.
Authoritarian Islam is the new Communism. It disregards human rights,women,art and is anti American.
Naturally Al Beeb is a fellow traveller. The very nature of its funding tells you all you need to know. For how much longer must we endure this pretence?.
I can’t believe there isn’t a quote from Shami Chakrabati in that Cardiff Bay story. An oversight on the BBC’s behalf?
I don’t understand the leftoid mindset.
First they scream about the existence of deprived areas in the first place, then they scream when the same deprived areas are being “killed off”.
Is it that the leftoids just want to have something to scream about, no matter what?
How long before al-Beeb starts producing sympathetic features about the **real** victims of the latest Bali atrocity — i.e. the killers?
Counting 5…4…3…2…
OT but topical:
Scott Calahan does a critique on Reynolds’ piece on the US Supreme Court:
Reynolds’ piece has some problems which Scott pointed out, but at least it is not as pig-ignorant as most of the stuff the Beeb publishes about our system of government. He actually understands the significance of Brown vs. Topeka Board if not that of Plessy v. Ferguson.
Has anyone seen this picture of Jack Straw: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4302358.stm ?
Is it just me or have they given him a halo???
I think this photo is much more fitting: http://www.joergo.de/straw2.jpg
P.S.: The website’s got nothing to do with me.
they gave gordon brown a halo the other day aswell so it wouldnt surprise me
Jack Straw’s comment: “which could open up even further down the boundary between so-called Christian heritage states and those of Islamic heritage.”
“so-called” Christian heritage, but not “so-called” for Islam. Crawling little appeaser.
Mark Steyn, in the Chicago Sun Times, (Oct 2) pointing out the bias and inaccuracy of the media coverage on Katrina and Dan Rather’s assessment of the coverage:
“Yet Hurricane Dan [Rather} professed himself delighted with his successors. “They took us there to the hurricane,” he told Larry. “They put the facts in front of us and, very important, they sucked up their guts and talked truth to power.”
Er, no. The facts they put in front of us were wrong, and they didn’t talk truth to power. They talked to goofs in power, like New Orleans’ Mayor Nagin and Police Chief Compass, and uncritically fell for every nutso yarn they were peddled. The media swallowed more bilge than if they’d been lying down with their mouths open as the levee collapsed. Ten thousand dead! Widespread rape and murder! A 7-year-old gang-raped and then throat-slashed! It was great stuff — and none of it happened. No gang-raped 7-year-olds. None.
Most of the media are still in Dan mode, sucking up their guts and congratulating themselves about what a swell job they did during Katrina”
Read it all: http://www.suntimes.com/output/steyn/cst-edt-steyn02.html
Saxon Brother
In the Beebs eyes, the only terrorists on earth are us evil Yanks, Brits, Israelis, and anybody who’s white, a Christian or a Jew.
the story highlights the luxury homes deprivation divide in the physical environment. just hope that with the targetted resources the socail justice and regeneration minister will be able to wipe out the pockets of deprivation. looks like another state handout. state handouts kill?
Allen: “You don’t seem to want to DO anything except comment, even if so cleverly and brilliantly here.”
Enitirely accurate Allen; but by giving up yourself, this will not help the situation either. That’s what the entrenched socialists want you to do. They win. People who author this site, and those that post to it, should take up Allen’s point and, at least, recommend privatisation, or provide any other remedy, with each and every comment they make.
Nice one Denise W.
You might include white, Christian Irish people who are against British occupation of part of Ireland. Sure, the violent ones are disgusting in their methods, but they are never militants or insurgents, and certainly not freedom fighters in the bbc mindset. They are terrorists. So see, the bbc can use the word. Hmm, wonder why.
What’s up with those photographs of our saintly government ministers? Here’s Straw:
Tax & Waste is here:
One’s from Getty Images, the other from Agence France Press. Can it be that photographers from both agencies managed to catch Straw and Tax & Waste in front of the same halogen lamp? We know the BBC can be choosy about the photographs it uses. Not being a photography tech head I have no idea if these have been tinkered with to give them that rosy glow. It’s looks bloody suspicious though.
Will the BBC be running full coverage of the Conservative conference starting today?
Judging by their website, they have pushed it down the UK agenda as per usual, no surprises there..
But what i will say is, i do expect prominent coverage on the lunchtime evening and 10pm news, just as labour received last week.
For me otherwise this is yet again nothing more than a cover up exercise in conjunction with the BBC.
Can the BBC deliver?
here is the current link for the UK news page, as you can see, the Tory conference is limited to the right hand side out of the way..
Do you think the BBC might treat it more seriously if it was a real ‘Tory’ party conference and they were a even remotely viable as an electable party? After all we have just had the Blair presidential convention. Why would the viewers be interested in a bunch of wannabe Blairs having a beauty contest? And please bear in mind that I would not raise a peep of protest if the BBC were to be disbanded and the current Government lined up against a wall and shot as traitors. But even the BBC can’t be faulted for realising that the ‘Tory’ party conference is hardly newsworthy.
Frank P,
“But even the BBC can’t be faulted for realising that the ‘Tory’ party conference is hardly newsworthy.”
it doesn’t matter whether you think the Conservatives are a serious political party or the biggest joke ever – as the official opposition party, they deserve to get the kind of coverage that was given to Labour or the Liberal Democrats.
And what has to happen to make it ‘newsworthy’?
My frustration at being unable to break the BBC’s massive complacency has led to the following (no doubt way out) thought.
Is the BBC infringing my human rights by insisting that I pay their wretched licence fee even if I have no intention of watching their programmes? In effect they are denying me the right to watch any other provider without succumbing to their extortion. What would the luvvies say if it was China that forced one to watch the state broadcaster as the price for access?
Anyone any idea whether this could find space under the all-encompassing human rights umbrella?
Too much TV is bad for you, and especially children:
TV ‘stunts’ child brain development
Hmm, how will the BBC report this health scare? Normally they’d jump on the bandwagon (see ‘junk food bad for you’ reports over last few months/years), but wait…. how can watching BBC be bad for you?? “Does not compute…m-u-s-t r-e-s-i-s-t…”
TV daily limits call unrealistic
Why not (D)Have Your Say by answering this non leading question posed by BBC:
“Do you think imposed recommended daily television allowances would be unworkable and unrealistic?
Ho ho
Anyone taken the new BBC “How EUropean Are You? Test” yet?
How Euro Are You?
Apparently I’m
“Mr. & Ms. Costa Del Sol category”
Don’t ask….
Is this the BBC’s attempt to make the EU more ‘accessible’ and/or educate us lot?
Andrew Marr and comedian Dara O’Briain team up to educate us all on the EU project. A political journo and a comedian. How appropriate!
I’m ‘Mr & Mrs Little Islanders’. No doubt the results have been fed through and the anti-xenophobe police are on their way to re-educate me.
Oh man, that Euro quiz is just…..How about those questions about relative contributions ? How come the Europe one didn’t include an option for ‘Loony ideologies and mass graves’ ? How come Britain didn’t have ‘evicting dicatators and stopping the idiots killing each other’ ?
Just kidding. But note that the Eurosceptics are called ‘Mr & Mrs Little Islanders’ and Euro Phobes. A-huh. No editorialisng there. Say, anyone know which side of the political spectrum it is that’s hiding under the kitchen table worrying about CIA mind-control satellites and scared that the Yellow Peril and their Madras gobbling fellow Asian persons will steal their jobs, y’know by doing them cheaper and better ? What odds the BBC would ever call Europhiles ‘Federists’ and ‘Little Europas’ ?
As Columbo would say, just one more thing: note how the quiz collapses the distinction between the EU and Europe. Apparently, in BBC-land you can’t admire German engineering and oppose the Euro. Ditto, opposing the Constitution is exactly the same as believeing we should have finished them off in ’45.
Well, OK, you win Mr BBC, but since we’re sorting out the ground rules, does that mean that everyone opposed to Anglo-American cooperation is a Yank-hating bigot ? Mmmmmmm ?
Hasn’t it long been the case that if you wish your country to be self-governing you’re a Little Englander? I speak Italian and passable French and Spanish and bow to no-one in my admiration of various aspects of the disperate cultures of Johnny Continentqal and his chums. But because I demand teh Britain be governed by the British I am Johnny Jackboot, the Little Islander.
Funny, I’ve never seen reference by the BBC to supporters of the SNP or Plaid Cymru as ‘Little Jocks’ or ‘Little Taffs’.
I am somewhat concerned about the “true” intentions of Abramovich.
THe Russian billionaire, now apparently forced to sell Russian companies back to the state. Residing in the UK, what is he really up to?
Moreover is it healthy to have a man so rich with questionable allegiances in the UK?
I hope someone is asking the same questions..moreover that he is paying his taxes..
The Lion of Kabul ia back:
He states: Interestingly, one of the best academic experts on day-to-day events in Iraq, Professor Juan Cole of Michigan University, now questions whether al-Zarqawi even exists; he certainly seems to have gone remarkably quiet in recent months.
He’s been banging the Juan Cole drum for some time, yet he’s a proven liar and anti-western loon of the highest order. No wonder he gets it wrong so often.
Re. Abramovich: Okay, it doesn’t help that I personally don’t like Chelsea anyway but why does this guy get so much positive exposure? Compare the Beeb’s reporting on him with their reporting on the Glazer’s Moan. U. takeover and it becomes crystal clear again (Glazers – American vs. Abramovich – guy from former communist country)… shameful they are, aren’t they.
Oh, and by the way… Re. Turkey’s entry into the EU:
Why Austria is the sticking point
“It’s a lot to do with xenophobia,” he said.
Ah! If there were that much xenophobia in Europe there weren’t an EU, right? After all they’re all foreigners when looked at from one specific country.
Alan G
“…it doesn’t matter whether you think the Conservatives are a serious political party or the biggest joke ever – as the official opposition party, they deserve to get the kind of coverage that was given to Labour or the Liberal Democrats. ”
‘Deserve??’ Isn’t that the problem? The way they have been behaving over the past 12 or thirteen years they ‘deserve’ to dissolve into the history books, unmentioned ever again.
“And what has to happen to make it ‘newsworthy’?”
How about them displaying some political integrity, some evidence of political nous and a scintilla of hope that they CAN become a viable opposition? It is my fervent hope that at some time they will. But it is hope naively flying the face of sad experience.
The BBC is definitely biased by the Tory party is apparently buggered! Metaphorically speaking, of course.
It is sad and its no good blamimg the messeger, if you hadn’t noticed already.
Israeli-Palestinian announcement
“The BBC’s board of governors has appointed an independent panel to review the impartiality of the BBC’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
Will we get to see Barbara ‘cry baby’ Plett & Orla Guerins performances on the witness stand?
“The BBC’s board of governors has appointed an independent panel to review the impartiality of the BBC’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
i sure hope andrew, natalie and all the licence-paying (and not!) contributors here will make submissions to the panel.
do you think non-uk residents can make submissions?
I’m sure that Biased-BBC has greatly contributed to the ground-swell of concern that has led to to this decision. Congratulations. Some Googling is required apropos the members of the panel who will adjudicate, though. ‘Independence’ is a scarce commodity these days. Indepocket is less rare. But undoubtedly the one’s chosen are lily white. Anyone with current info to confirm it?
Great question, Frank.
I note that it’s the BBC grandees themselves who have appointed the ‘Independent Panel’.
Hope they haven’t chosen ‘Yes’ people.
Bad News on Stuart Purvis, one of the Beeb governor nominees for the “independent tribunal”
This speech
entitled “The ‘Fox News Effect’ on US TV Journalism by S Purvis”
contains the following gems:
“You no longer have to be a conspiracy theorist to see a connection between the ownership of networks by giant corporations and the output of their news programmes. The head of Disney said openly at the time of the merger with ABC that he would prefer if there was no coverage at all of Disney’s activities on ABC News. That of course is a form of censorship in itself. No wonder British news executives worry when a would-be bidder for the ITV Network attacks British broadcasters as anti-Israeli and claims Sky News is pro-Hamas.”
“But we won’t give up our concern and anger at other deaths, and that will drive us on. We won’t accept the Pentagon view that in the attack on the media at the Palestine Hotel in Baghdad, an American tank crew “properly fired upon a suspected enemy hunter/killer team in a proportionate and justifiably measured response.” We won’t accept the Israeli army view that British cameraman James Miller was killed in Gaza because of ‘cross-fire’.”
The Anti-American, Anti Israel bias just goes on and on ….
Not looking good with the Chairman either: Sir Quentin Thomas turns out to have been one of the ‘brains’ behind the Good Friday Agreement, so I guess all Israel needs to do is make the head of Hamas minister for education and Sir Quentin will be right behind them.
Philip Stevens isn’t looking so hot either. Only the first paragraphs of these articles are available w/o subs, but I think the titles hint at the contents:
We need a powerful but humble US Sep 8 2005
The UN is flawed yet vital Sep 15 2005
Holy See seeks wise reformer Apr 7 2005 Oops Phil – guess it didn’t, after all
One article that has sneaked out from behind the wall is this:
Real as they are, television pictures such as these mislead us. For all their instant reassurance, they frame the struggle against violent extremism in only one of its dimensions. They encourage us into the same mistake that US president George W. Bush made when he declared a “war on terrorism” in the aftermath of the attacks of September 11 2001. Vital as they are, intelligence and force of arms cannot deliver victory.
Yes, he is claiming that the media has been to gung-ho in the War on Terror.
Fran & Dumbjon
Knew we could rely on you.
Hate to quote a Guardian report, but but from the tenor of the article Sir Q sure looks like a good old Gramscian to me. A close associate of Mandy and Alastair Campbell. None of them are likely to take against their main propaganda machine, I would have thought, despite the spats over Iraq’s WMD.
They’ll be nothing but white-wash at white-city.
It does seem as if a panel of foxes has been appointed to investigate the rumor of foul deeds done at midnight in the henhouse.
Same old same old Beeb.
Pete_London: If you think the BBC is ‘pro-Welsh’ you need to watch it a bit more. We may well be slightly higher on the BBC scale than Americans or Israelis but believe me we aren’t that much higher. However, unlike Americans or Israelis we are forced to pay the poll tax to keep them in jobs.
Oh by the way can I call all English people ‘cockneys’ as you think of us all as ‘Taffs’?
I have just read that we have a Left wing Bias in the BUBLIC SCHOOLS.
Now we really are F….D,……help!!!!!
All the way back to alien’s first post and I have to disagree with him/her on this, even though his/her argument was well put. The very fact that many are now seeing and contributing to this site shows that the BBC’s omnipotence is being undermined because it shows each of us that there are lots of like-minded people. In the US, the MSM is no longer so MS – it’s being by-passed, eclipsed, and fact-checked by people who will challenge its Gramscian mindset. The same will now happen here and the BBC will be brought to account, or held up to ridicule.
My frustration at being unable to break the BBC’s massive complacency has led to the following (no doubt way out) thought.
Is the BBC infringing my human rights by insisting that I pay their wretched licence fee even if I have no intention of watching their programmes? In effect they are denying me the right to watch any other provider without succumbing to their extortion. What would the luvvies say if it was China that forced one to watch the state broadcaster as the price for access?
Anyone any idea whether this could find space under the all-encompassing human rights umbrella?
Bernard | 03.10.05 – 12:19 pm | #
You can find information about this at http://www.tvlicensing.biz It’s been challenged but I think you’ll find the BBC was able to get around it. However, also on this site you will find ways that you can avoid paying it anyway, because we all know it’s immoral and corrupt.