, I was looking forward to enjoying And it’s Goodnight from Him – a Tribute to Ronnie Barker when on came the BBC London regional news, with the local weather forecast. Near the end of the forecast, the presenter, Peter Cockroft, came trotting out with:
“…and if you’re observing Ramadan, sunrise is at… and sundown is at…”
Good grief Peter! What about those of us who’re observing encroaching dhimmitude in the UK?
I’m quite sure that Muslims, still very much a minority (even in London, 8.5%, nationally 2.7%), are quite capable of following Ramadan’s strictures without you shoving it down our throats on the weather forecast!
Tell us Peter, what’s the forecast for Britain as we know and love it with people like you busy proselytising (however well intended on your part) on behalf of a minority religion? Stick to the weather, there’s a good chap.
I suspect, sadly, that Mark Steyn’s forecast, Making a pig’s ear of defending democracy, will prove accurate unless more people take a stand against this sort of nonsense.
I have had internet conversations with devoutly believing Muslims for years and years.
I have never met a true believer yet who would criticize any part of the sharia, even human chattel slavery and slave-trading which is fully legal in the sharia.
Those few Muslims who do criticize the cruelty of sharia are not as devout or believing.
That has been my experience, take it or leave it as you will. Perhaps you might want to broach such subjects with your humanitarian friends as a full measure of how they feel about them? You might be surprised.
Anyways, that’s all I’m gonna say on the issue. The blogowners don’t really welcome these type of discussions.
Not that I want the last word:) but you are probably right regarding those that call themselves devout.
Maybe it is just that there are Muslims out there that are spiritual in a different way and I have been lucky to meet them.
I will shut up now and cook some pork chops.
John of Coventry just posted this Islam link on another topic that illustrates much of what is being discussed here. Check it out if you haven’t eaten recently, especially this page about Why is Newsround having an Islam Week? and answers The reason why our latest subject is Islam is because it is a religion which has been in the news spotlight in recent years, ever since the attacks on America on 11 September 2001. and goes on to explore
During the week we are trying to look at different aspects of Islam, such as:
>What young British Muslims think about they way they are treated.
>Hearing the views of British Muslim girls who have been criticised for wearing headscarves.
>Taking a Lancashire-born Muslim boy to explore his cultural roots in Pakistan.
>Hearing what kids in general think of the religion
and concludes with
Newsround would also feature programmes on another religion or culture, if they had been reported a lot in the news over a long period of time.
Clearly terrorism pays.
Teddy Bear,
I look forward to Newsround’s “America Week” in which is featured:
–What young Americans think about the way they are treated by the British media (especially the BBC:) )
–Hearing the views of Americans who have been negatively portrayed for our economic and political system, ridiculed as fat stupid illiterates, and stereotyped because of our fondness for burgers and blue jeans.
–Taking a young American Southerner to explore his cultural roots in the Scottish lowlands/Northern Ireland/English-Scottish border region.
–Hearing what kids in general think of America.
I await this wonderful new sympathetic program breathlessly.
Susan – You know as well as I do that America hasn’t been much in the news lately to merit such attention. 😉
They should drop a bomb on London, then they’ll get their ‘America Week’.
I’m really curious to know, apart from the BBC signing a TV and Radio contract with China recently, what did China do to merit a Newsround China Week Special
Susan: “The blogowners don’t really welcome these type of discussions”
Hi Susan, speaking personally, I’m all for thoughtful, reasoned discussions like the one above – particularly if they’re interesting and germane to the subject at hand (like this one has been).
There’s a big difference between that and some of the thoughtless nonsense (e.g. “let’s nuke ’em all!” etc.) that has broken out a few times too many in the past.
If you like me were getting a bit confused nowdays as to what the political definition of left and right means. Be sure that the BBC are not so confused.To the BBC
Good one Gary