says this BBC headline.
Other possible headlines not used by the BBC:
“People worldwide love Hollywood, governments don’t.”
– since the article itself admits that 85% of world spending on cinema tickets goes on Hollywood productions. This story is about some new UNESCO convention that gives governments, notably the French government, more power to attempt to circumvent the spontaneous preferences of their people and to make yet another doomed attempt to make them like subsidised national art instead.
Or how about this headline:
“UNESCO tries to control flow of ideas” – the option the EU Referendum blog goes for. Helen Szamuely writes:
Louise Oliver, the US ambassador to UNESCO, pointed out that the Convention could well be used by dictators to control what their citizens can read or see. Never let it be said that the BBC could get worked up about that sort of censorship.
Weekend 22nd February 2025
Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…