claims Man killed by his own car. Wrong. Man killed with his own car. Or, more fully, Car thieves murder car owner, both still less than View’s Online’s maximum headline length.
BBC Views Online
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claims Man killed by his own car. Wrong. Man killed with his own car. Or, more fully, Car thieves murder car owner, both still less than View’s Online’s maximum headline length.
Obviously so. The beauty of people in the Media and the Arts is that subjected to sufficient pressure they have in the main a tendency to conform.
German journalists are currently being threatened with execution if they upset Muslims and this low-level campaign is yielding results.
Why people spout this rhetoric about violence solving nothing I do not know, it cows and it brings to heel many who prefer to conform. There is a major world religion that has no missionaries, no concept of baptism, no notion of Free Will and Belief; and this religion has propagated itself throughout history through violence and subjugation; it is hardly likely to change in the face of Western apathy and weakness.
Why would I want to be fair to the BBC when they are so biased is anyone’s guess. But here goes:
To be fair, the BBC did mention Marlowe and the question of censorship on the World Service yesterday. It could well be that BBC journalists consider themselves such bold, intrepid pioneers, fighting the good fight against things like censorship, that the latter almost trumps their appeasement of Muslims.
Almost, but not quite. I assume they wont be following this story with much enthusiasm.
Story on the Marlowe re-write here
dated Thurs 24 Nov, 17:45 GMT
Off topic,but did anyone see BBC News 24 last night where the story was about a family who were caught up in Hurricane Katrina and now 3 months on their Thanksgiving Day has been ruined because of lack of help from FEMA and the Government.It showed them being rescued and they have been filming what has happened to them the last 3 months,so did they escape the hurricane with nothing to their name possesion wise,but just happened to grab their digital camcorder.Or did the BBC just happen to provide one a few days ago so they could bring up this subject yet again.
OT – dan posted the Times story re TV Licensing’s press release earlier below, now the BBC have their own version:
TV licence cheats use pet excuses
So, people who don’t pay their taxes are all ‘cheats’ are they? Not quite, infact a ‘cheat’ is only those who don’t pay the mandatory BBC telly tax (£126.50 a year). For those who don’t (or can’t) pay the council tax, the BBC moral code confers the honorable title of ‘rebel’…….
Tax rebel ‘would commit suicide’
New prison threat to rebel Sylvia
Tax rebel receives court summons
cheat or rebel? The BBC decides……
I’d prefer to think of myself as part of the Anti-BBC insurgency…
We are all ‘militants’ now.
Anyway, its not me, its my car, as in:
“Mans car doesn’t buy tv licence”
Rare item for sale!
BBC article mentions Guns, America, the Military etc. and doesn’t get snarky!
Maybe my expectations are so low that I was shocked!
Good spot on the TV licence cheat/rebel thing. That whole pet excuses thing made me really angry.
I notice that there is no “Have your say” option on the side-splittingly funny TV Licence excuses article.
Well this makes a change.
The Koran as instrument of abuse, rather than it being abused.
‘Abuse video’ outrages Malaysia
The officer, who wears a Muslim headscarf, stands in front of the woman, who is forced to strip naked, grasp her ears and squat repeatedly.
The pictures are accompanied by what appears to be a recording of verses from the Koran being recited, although it is unclear if the recording would have been audible to the woman.
Must be a case of
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
To all TV licence tax freedom fighters and insurgents, on the same page as the story (linked to above) there is a piece from February this year noting that licence tax “cheats” have doubled!
Not enough, but still a good start and I am sure thousands of licence tax militants have been encouraged by reading this excellent site.
Bloody hell, get it while you can – not only does the BBC name the three prime suspects they want to question regarding the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivksy but we also have photos of all three:
Obviously this is an oversight and a stealth edit will soon be delivered.
We are told that all three suspects are believed to be in the London area. As a result I believe it is time for all good and true people in London to do their duty. Take a good look at the faces, study them hard. If you happen to come across any or all of the suspects wait for a low kerb, stand on the accelerator and make the world a better place.
Pete_London, to be fair, News Online and News 24 have mentioned this development in the Beshenivsky murder case – in contrast to Sky News who’ve dropped everything, including adverts, in favour of covering the death of George Best. Pathetic over-coverage – Best is certainly noteworthy, but not to the frenzied exclusion of all else.
I too have noted the saturation coverage of the death of George Best – This is typical of lazy journalism. A big-ish story breaks and the lemmings of the newsroom flock to the cuttings libraries and the vox pop (“So what did Georgie mean to you…”). It means tey don’t have to work to unearth or cover real news. The BBC is as bad as any tabloid when it comes to this sort of thing
I can imagine Sky News ‘going big’ (or doing whatever newsroom people do) on George Best. I don’t have quite as high an opinion of it as some people do here – but hey, we pays our money or not with them.
I’m not in front of a tv screen so I’ll take your word for it for News 24, and News Online does have it as a front page piece. I’m just surprised about it, that’s all. Maybe it’s such a big story that not even the BBC can wish it away.
Det Supt Andy Brennan, who is leading the hunt for the killers, said: “I believe the men who committed this crime are very dangerous.”
As long as we have such an acute intelligence in charge of the investigation, we can relax.
Is it just me, or does the guy on the left look just like one of the failed suicide bombers/terrorists/islamofacists?
Re Best newsroom flock to the cuttings libraries
Better that than the ghoulish media camp that had been established outside Best’s hospital.
Why do the media need to be on-site? Only for getting pictures of distressed relatives, I presume.
Andrew – I had a cassette in the radio-tape player and was going to press play/record when the BBC started talking about Marlowe, but unfortunately something stayed my hand.
OT – Today at 4:30 pm UK time I e-mailed a submission to the Israeli-Palestinian Impartiality Review, thinking I had plenty of time to beat the 5:00 pm deadline. Then I woke up and realised that e-mails are not instantaneous and take a little time to reach the recipient.
Then I walked around for a while muttering to myself, “Idiot, idiot.”
Now I’m wondering what the odds are of that e-mail getting there within half an hour. I’m sure that if it gets to their inbox at 17:00:03 they’ll delete it. Maybe some kind computer whizkid can put my mind at rest.
You should have received an automated reply confirming receipt. Check to see if you got one.
It’s so bleedin’ obvious, it hardly seems worth mentioning, but Terry Hands is one of those leftist tossers who continually blahviates about how the “theatre” dahling has to “push the boundaries”, “challenge the audience”, and “dissent” from the establishment.
(Like they aren’t the establishment.)
Of course, what he and his leftist luvvie ilk mean are plays that annoy Christians, or denigrate Christ, or knock conservatives, or exaltist marxist murderers.
Rather like braindead leftoid Alan Rickman who was sooooo pleased with his smug self that he produced a vile Jew hating production about terrorist defended Rachel Corrie, who committed Dozercide a few years back.
You see, only “certain” people are allowed to dissent. Only certain people are allowed to be “offended.”
Teddy Bear,
Nope, nothing. But it’s in my ‘Sent Messages’ section of Outlook Express.
I got my ‘reply’ within 6 minutes of sending, but that was in the wee hours this morning. What you can do now is to check out the names of the various organisations that will be also submitting material at and send yours to them for inclusion. I would suggest a pro-Israel organisation ;), perhaps Bicom.
Thanks for the info, Teddy Bear. I thought today’s deadline was for all submissions, whether from individuals or organisations. I’ll check it out.
I finally got the automated reply at 18:10 UK time. Of course, by then the deadline has passed and the message confirmed the fact, stating:
The BBC Governors’ Impartiality Review of Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict has now closed.
The review will publish its findings in Spring 2006 and these will be posted on the Governors’ website Background notes about the Review can also be found on this website
Thank you for your interest.
Sir Quentin Thomas
Chair, Independent Panel
BBC Governors’ Impartiality Review on Israeli-Palestinian Coverage
Too bad Bryan, but I hope the organisations can still include anything they may not have already covered. Anyway, feel free to post your observations here, at least it puts it in the public domain.
Well spotted Ritter about the use of language to describe ‘cheats’ and ‘rebels’. the BBC are world beaters at the “subtle” manipulation of language to promote their view. My favourite is the use of quotation marks, e.g. around phrases such as ” family values”, “war on terrorism”, etc. Strangely, they don’t use them around phrases such as “racist attack” unless of course the victim of the attack was white, in which case they don’t mention it at all.
Katrina, “The hurricane that shamed America”, is manna from heaven for all those who want to point the accusing finger at the US. Strange how we have not seen the headline, “The riots that shamed France”. Could that be connected to France opposing the Iraq war?. The French would get more BBC coverage if they said they were protesting against American and British intervention, didn’t happen though.
“The riots that shamed France”. Could that be connected to France opposing the Iraq war
No, not at all ! I suspect a telephone call from Charles Clarke or Trevor Phillips to Michael Grade pointed out how wary the government was after Birmingham of having copycat actions in Britain – so downplay the French situation.