Adloyada had her first stint as a guest blogger for Today yesterday, where the subject for discussion was whether the media runs Britain.
Oliver Kamm has discussed – and dismissed – the idea that “money” runs Britain, and Tim Ireland says it ain’t the EU either.
Kudos to the Beeb for this initiative, and for being ready to ask bloggers who were critics of the organisation. And before anyone says, “Ah but never in a million years would they ask…” actually, they did. But I didn’t. I suggested my estimable colleagues here, some of whom live in reach of London, but the nice Beeb researcher said they sort of wanted a female.
Bloggers ARE Britain. BBC biographies of newscasters and presenters says it all, most c.v.’s are: school, university, BBC.
Hardly a rounded education in the University of Life.
One newscaster, for example tells of her rebellion by dying her hair blue while at University.
Last night’s BBC News had us visiting another African Country for an educational tour, again. It appears that the BBC News now includes a statutory African slot. Why? What’s newsworthy about smiley African children?
What is the BBC’s fixation with Africa? Why does it appear so it Africa centric?
I don’t know if Chinese News, India News, or Asian News carry these sort of in your face, poor kids in Africa stories at ant time? The World is changing, China and Asia are are the new kids on the block.
Imagine China giving aid to Africa, they might say, “We pulled ourselves up by our own socks, why can’t you?”
Natalie writes:
“… but the nice Beeb researcher said they sort of wanted a female.”
Which rather proves a point in itself, don’t you think?