Very subtle, but this on 14 December:
“The large-scale violence in Sydney started on Sunday, when thousands of young white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background on Cronulla Beach – apparently in revenge for a recent attack on two lifeguards.
Many of the rioters had been alerted to congregate in the area by receiving mobile text messages.
The fighting then spread to other parts of the city, injuring more than 30 people, including police officers.
The violence continued on Monday night, apparently in retaliation, despite calls for calm and ethnic tolerance by Prime Minister John Howard and other senior figures.”
changes to this on 15 December:
“The large-scale violence in Sydney started on Sunday, when thousands of young white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background on Cronulla Beach – apparently in revenge for a recent attack on two lifeguards.
Many of the rioters had been alerted to congregate in the area by receiving text messages.
Apparently in retaliation for the violence, groups described by police as having “Middle Eastern or Mediterranean” appearance were involved in two nights of violence and vandalism.
On Thursday, Prime Minister John Howard called for calm.” [emphasis added]
“Staged” would be better than the circumlocution “apparently were involved”, but this is a real advance. Don’t worry about the somewhat circuitous description – that is the local Sydney semi-official (police and reputable press) way of describing them.
*See B-BBC 14 December
It is quite possible that BBC writers and Editors are less well informed than the writers and editors at B-BBC. They live in a very closed world and have the latest orthodoxies fed to them from early on. Thier shoddy work is often as much ignorance as malevolance.
Correct thier work, show them the error of thier ways but charge them a fee for any services provided.
If a BBC mole is reading here maybe the BBC will decide to point somewhere that muslims in Australia are now attacking churches and Christians (via LGF):
NOW CHURCHES ARE TARGETTED,5744,17572776%5E601,00.html
FOUR churches in Sydney’s southwest have been attacked in 24 hours as the city’s riots spread from race to religion. A community hall linked to a Uniting church was burned to the ground early yesterday, carol-singers were spat on and church buildings peppered with gunfire.
From the BBC so far, nothing.
Here is the newswatch clip explaining why the Anthony Walker murder was more newswothy than the killing of Christopher Yates or Kriss Donald. Judge for yourself.
Henry, thanks for that.
That BBC woman apologist was sickening in the extreme.
The scope and nature of the vile mindset at the very top of BBC News is far more serious than I had thought. Vile. Vile. Vile.
A more negative spin on the toppling of Saddam would be quite hard to find:
Poor old simpson is trying his best I suppose…
For a refreshing view on the iraqi elections pop over to Iraq the Model – what a change from the moaners at the beeb!
Henry, thanks for that. On one level it’s good that the scrutiny is occurring. On the other hand, the answers given (eg why the Scottish case had 3 mentions on national news and the Walker case 36) amazingly, the response was that they got it wrong because they maybe had a “Scottish” blindspot! No question, oh no, of there being an inherent “liberalism” in the Beeb. Not possible.
I had to turn off when the guy who put performing arts to make politics ‘interesting’ came on. Utter disbelief. No wonder people are disinterested in politics if they think it’s about people playing accordions and human pyramids.
The situation in Sydney is simple – innocent people have been harassed, assaulted and raped by out of control muslim men for some years now. The police have failed to protect the people. The people decide to take the law into their own hands.
The latter situation is regrettable, however the source of the problem is clear.
D Burbage,
Isn’t making a human-pyramid an act of torture according to the (Abu-Graib obsessed) BBC? Of course lots of people where jailed in Abu Graib before Iraq was liberated from Saddam’s talons. We need to liberate the airwaves from the BBC.
One of the problems is that The Police are readily able to declare that
a) Black victims suffered a racist attack
but are very quick to declare no racist motivation with white victims in the reverse situation.
Since the BBC is programmed like the Police to exhibit a Pavlovian Response whenever “racism”, “homophobia”, “animal rights”, “George Bush” appears on any news story they drag up Stephen Lawrence et al from their Pantheon of Secular Saints.
It must be awful working at the BBC on one of those 6-month contracts being told to spin the story like a top if you want an extension.
The situation in Sydney is simple – innocent people have been harassed, assaulted and raped by out of control muslim men for some years now. The police have failed to protect the people. The people decide to take the law into their own hands.
The latter situation is regrettable, however the source of the problem is clear.
Ted | 15.12.05 – 5:58 pm | #
So tell us which Australian Network is putting out the same propaganda as the BBC
Unfortunately, the ABC, the Australian copy of the BBC (funded by general taxes rather than a TV licence) is exactly as bad as the BBC.
Perhaps even worse. You can’t take a moral stand and refuse to pay the TV-Tax.
Mutualise the ABC and run it via subscription. It will be a lasting monument to the disasters of socialism.