Intrigued by Dan’s comments on the people smuggling issue (read comments), I clicked again on the BBC article I had hyperlinked.
It has been changed! The headline said words to the effect “international migrant smuggling ring” (and “people smuggling” was certainly not prominently displayed in the first paragraph). I know that there is such a thing as a screen capture but don’t know how to do it (nor, naively it seems, that I should do it).*
Would readers who are more tech savvy than me see what they can do? There is a way of finding out “what the web looked like” historically or something like that.
Is Dan the mole?
*”People smuggling” most definitely was not the headline, or I would not have posted in the way I did. The front page had a link to “migrant smuggling gang smashed”, and it was the rather curious and clumsy “migrant smuggling” that got me to click through anyway (the sniff of bias was obvious). In any event, google once again shows that “migrant smuggling” very much is BBC preferred house style.
Did Dan disappear because he was caught out blogging from the beeb by Andrew, or because he was caught by his boss wasting tax payer’s money when he should have been working?
In the spirit of ‘conspiracy theorists’ every where, perhaps blogging B-BBC is his job!
Congratulations on passing the million mark, onwards and upwards etc.
Well has the BBC yet reported what German TV is reporting ? That Police have found an arms cache and police uniforms in an arms dump belonging to Islamic Fundies ?
Paris – Nach der Festnahme von 27 radikalen Muslimen hat die französische Polizei bei Paris ein umfangreiches Waffenlager ausgehoben. Dabei seien neben Kriegswaffen und Sprengstoff auch Polizeiuniformen sichergestellt worden, teilte die Polizei am Donnerstag in Paris mit.
Die Polizisten fanden vermutlich vom Balkan stammende Sturmgewehre und Handfeuerwaffen samt Munition, ein Kilo des vom Militär verwendeten Sprengstoffs TNT und 19 Dynamitstangen, Lunten und elektronische Fernzünder. Auch eine Gendarmerieuniform und schwarze Overalls nach dem Vorbild der Polizeisondereinheiten, kugelsichere Westen und Kapuzen wurden sichergestellt.
Rick – this may be it (my German is too rusty to be able to tell if they are reporting the same arrests).
No mention of police uniforms etc – that might get the plebs thinking independently!
Note this from little d dan
Would readers who are more tech savvy than me see what they can do?
I’m not tech savvy but I downloaded this, from which I have saved images of webpages
url2bmp is a Windows freeware converting an URL to an image.
i’ve just read over at melanie philips ( that 45,000 of the 90,000 in french prisons are “middle eastern males”
now, isn’t the over-representation of a certain ethnic minority in US prisons often used by some (we and they know who they are!)to support allegations of endemic racism in the US? does this mean that a certain society with a much-vaunted social “model” is therefore, after all, just as racist as the US?
sorry about the above link not being simply clickable…i’m still learning!
(i think!)
there is no quick hyperlink button in haloscan but do the following:
[a href=””]45,000 of the 90,000[/a]
and that should do it. Note that you must convert the [ and ] into < and > respectively each time they appear in the HTML – I could not do that above as it would convert the words into a hyperlink with HTML invisible. Note also spce inbetween “a” and “href”.
Are Christians being persecuted in the Middle East?
Yes, but it’s all the fault of the US and of course, ChimpyMcBushitler. Not of those wonderful Arab Muslims who run the show in the Middle East.
To anyone who follows talkboards frequented by Arab christians, this article is flabbergastingly stupid.
This page still has this headline among “Other top stories”
Migrant smuggling ring smashed
Thanks Dan.
post script to my post above, the BBC’s own Have Your Say thread about Arab Christians features comments like these:
Added: Monday, 7 November, 2005, 15:27 GMT 15:27 UK
I lived in Egypt for thirty years as a second class citizen. You cannot build, renovate or fix a church without a presidential permit! if you are christian, you shall have a very difficult time passing an oral exam in College or getting a government job. there is a quota of less than 2% for christians in ranks of military, police or high office when we make more than 10% of the population. just check TV programs and see how they promote the koran while it is forbiden to have any christian techings.the list is endless. your 700 characters will not do. you need a book to describe what the christians endure call that whatever you like!!!
GEORGE MCKARY, Old Bridge,New Jersey, USA
Recommended by 37 people
Added: Monday, 7 November, 2005, 13:52 GMT 13:52 UK
As an ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity, I don’t feel very safe. I do fear for my life day in and day out. I do have some secularized, “Muslim” friends who do not believe in some passages of the Koran and belive people should have a choice. My own father has sought to end my life as my conversion to a different faith has brought him shame, or so he believes. Personally, his belief in Islam is what I am ashamed of, in terms of how little he values a non-Muslim life and how close minded he is. I would like to move to Lebanon as Christians or even converts have equals rights.
“Mark”, Kuwait
(Note: You have to select the “Readers Recommend” to get to the submissions that are off-BBC agenda.)
Don`t tell the BBC (Bastards Broadcasting Cant)
Why is this site so difficult to find? Are the anti-BBC hiding it?
The anti-British B C appear to have resigned themselves to the impending defeat at the local elections in May 2006. Yes, Labour will be dumped, and many of the anti-beeb will be dumped with them. So watch and listen for the anti-beeb crying…. boo…hoo… aaaaah!
Are Christians being persecuted in the Middle East?
Rick – this may be it (my German is too rusty to be able to tell if they are reporting the same arrests).
Toby you are right – the BBC article forgets the weapons and the uniforms and makes it sound like a normal everyday event…………….I suppose omission of facts constitutes self-censorship
You can capture any image on your screen by hitting the print screen button, or “prt scr”.
Once you do that, the image on your screen is in your buffer and you can paste it on to any document that supports images (email, Word, any photo/image program) by just keying -Ctrl + v.
In addition to Gordons comment, you can capture the active window by pressing and holding the key whilst you press the key.
Seems my comments were edited due to the inclusion if the “less than” and “greater than” tags – maybe they will get throught this time. Hold the “ALT” key whilst pressing the “Print Screen” key.
Note to self – use the preview button – DOH
The weapons found in Paris were reported here in France as being up to date weapons of war and there was indeed a gendarme’s uniform found too.
It was treated as an important news item, being the lead story for part of the day.
It is believed that there is an Islamist group with strong links to a gang of Bank Robbers who habitually use anti tank rockets in their attacks.
who habitually use anti tank rockets in their attacks.
I understand there is a group in Sweden with a similar MO taking out security cash transporters
No Dan isn’t the mole. Sigh! I clicked on the story referred to and lo and behold saw that the words people smuggling were prominent.
It’s frightening that you think that this blog has any impact on a news organisation of thousands of people. And my comments stopped last night because I left work to go home!!
This blog is a frightening mix of misinformation, disinformation, paranoia and delusions of importance. It’s also occasionally a healthy debating chamber.
A bit of freeware I’ve found useful is screenhunter which enables you to capture just the portion of the page that you’re interested in.
The wayback machine at can find previously published webpages but the BBC prevents the webcrawlers that provide its source materials from accessing the site. I wonder why.
Hi Dan
Well this blog certainly had an impact as it got you well rattled. Instead of showing contempt and insulting us – the people who have money extorted from them to pay your wages – please tell your marxist masters that when the trial of the three suspects extradited from Pakistan on the 6th october for Kriss Donalds murder starts, we expect it receives the same coverage as the brutal murder of Anthony Walker. Maybe even a special program dealing with the political correctness by the police, which many believe to be a contributing factor.
It’s frightening that you think that this blog has any impact on a news organisation of thousands of people.
Dan, do we have to do all your research for you? There’s no doubt that this blog impacts the BBC. It’s only the extent of the impact that’s debatable.
Journalists – even BBC journalists – take criticism seriously. And they have recently been looking at the blogging world and taking note of how it is changing the way news is gathered and disseminated.
With the advent of instant access to news worldwide at the click of a mouse and the mushrooming of blogs, it’s becoming more and more difficult for the BBC and others to fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time.
Fact-checking your arse is the colourful way bloggers describe the process, in case you didn’t know.
And the BBC certainly needs its collective arse fact-checked. And equally importantly, bias-checked.
If you would like a healthy debate, provide evidence of where this blog contains misinformation, disinformation, paranoia and delusions of importance.
One example of each will suffice. Happy hunting.
Dan: “This blog is a frightening mix of misinformation, disinformation, paranoia and delusions of importance.”
Which is exactly what you get when the formerly reputable british broadcasting corporation, abandons accuracy and factual reporting in favour of emotive and personalised opinion.
I guess it is partly to do with their desire to provide 24Hr news – so much time to fill and not enough ‘newsworthy’ items to fill it.
Are YOU paid by the BBC? i.e. Is your lifestyle maintained by threats and extortion?
Dan “And my comments stopped last night because I left work to go home!!”
As I pay your wages, I’d prefer that you do something more productive during your working hours & then argue on this site in your own time.
“It’s also occasionally a healthy debating chamber.”
When you have some free time, why not visit here and contribute to a ‘healthy debate’. Your perspective as a BBC employee, if that’s what you are, I think could be both interesting and stimulating (echo chambers do not stimulate debate imho)
I for one, would be intrigued to know if you are the ‘perceived’ stereotype of the beeboid, ie Arts degree, paper of choice ‘theguardian’, are your politics left/centre, did you vote Labour at the last GE, do you see ‘any’ bias at the beeb or none at all, or do you read the daily mail and hunt foxes!
Of course none of that is my business, no one visiting here is required to divulge personal info, but as you have chosen to visit, contribute and have a somewhat differing opinion to the norm here, I would be intrigued to know.
This blog is a frightening mix of misinformation, disinformation, paranoia and delusions of importance.
Sounds like a description of the BBC to me.
Susan – V good!
The BBC is important. The damage it does to the national perspective through its omissions and bias make it even more important than any impartial broadcaster. And countering this dangerous bias is why this blog is becoming important.
At the moment, this Google News search leads to a view of the headline that says Italy smashes migrant smugglers; if when you click through, it says People smuggling network smashed, that means it’s been changed.
They say “Last Updated: Thursday, 15 December 2005, 17:14 GMT” .
Screen captures: you press the Print Screen button , which copies the screen to clipboard, and paste into a picture program, like Paint or Irfanview. Paint comes with every Windows computer.
James – but what do you do if your computer is not connected to a printer and has a windows ’98 operating system?
Bryan: go here.
Bryan, printscreen doesn’t print it on a computer. It “prints” it to the computer’s clipboard. You then go to paint or similar, “past as new”, or some other similar command, and save it to your harddrive as an image. No printers involved.
Thanks guys. I’m slowly elbowing my way out of the 1990s computer-wise.