(this is getting to be a habit), study this BBC Views Online article from 20:18 last night, ‘Santa’ party girl dies in crash, then complete the following sentence:
The passenger is described by police as ______, 6ft 3ins tall. The driver is also believed to be ______.
Clue: See this Times article, Girl, 5, dies in hit-and-run after Christmas party, which, unlike BBC Views Online, passes on the Police description of the suspects without the BBC’s censorship.
Update: Since I wrote this post last night a subsequent BBC article was published at 05:27, Grief over hit-and-run death girl, that doesn’t censor the police descriptions. The PC cretin that wrote the first article ought to have their backside kicked – but I doubt anyone at the BBC believes in backside-kicking, metaphorical or otherwise, these days.
Extraordinary that the BBC would (eventually) actually publish the race of a black hit-and-run driver and his black passenger. But I wonder why that vital information, along with the car registration, was at the very end of the article.
They seem to have caught the passenger but not the driver. Hopefully they’ll catch him soon, lock them both up and throw the key away.
Why not examine the “root causes” of his lethal driving? I’m sure the BBC can blame this can put the blame on western imperialism somehow.
And back in Oz, the BBC reports on its news site today that the police are patrolling Sydney’s beaches this weekend, after “Thousands of young, white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background in the area last Sunday.” “People.” Men, women and children? Or young Muslim thugs with baseball bats who rape Aussie women for not dressing according to their perverted code? Hmmm, that’s a toughie.
Oh, hey, wait a minute! Further down in the story we get a possible clue as to what motivated these young white men in their apparently pointless attacks on “people”: “The large-scale violence in Sydney started when white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background on Cronulla Beach – apparently in revenge for a recent attack on two lifeguards.”
This is so outrageous, it beggars belief. And they are outright lying. The gangs are Lebanese Muslim thugs with baseball bats. They are Arabs – not “Arabic background” and there is no “Mediterranean background” involved in this. They are Lebanese Muslims, let it be said again. The BBC is actually lying in its reportage. Not manipulating the truth. Lying.
No, not lying, just using their usual weasel-words ploys to paint a comfortingly ambiguous picture. It’s true that Lebanese muslims are ‘mediterranean’, just as it’s true that Pakistani muslims are ‘asians’; the important thing, at all costs, is to avoid the M-word.
The BBC, given time, will probably get around to ‘root causes’ in this case.
Does the BBC describe David Cameron as “of Caucasian background”?
-Lack of job opportunities
I’m sure there are stock reports in the archives to be wheeled out as and when needed, to explain “the causes”.
Looks like you were premature again. Hair trigger problem?
Bob – If they’re not lying, they’re skating very close to the edge. The BBC is as aware as anyone else that when we use the term “Mediterranean appearance” we are speaking of someone with an olive complexion – probably Greek, Portuguese, southern Italian or Maltese.
Mark my words, the next step will be to call N Africans involved in riots “people of Mediterranean appearance” because Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Algeria do, after all, border on the Med.
The Ministry of Truth lives on in the BBC.
Not sure that Darren Fletcher and Ruud van Nistelrooy would appreciate the photo selected in this piece:
I am sure those cretins at the BBC think that 100% of the population are colour blind!