“I think we’re at the very beginning of quite a long journey,” agreed the BBC’s Richard Sambrook. “It’s going to take us to an entirely new place.
“It’s too early to tell exactly where we’re going to end up but there’s a fundamental realignment going on – we don’t own the news anymore.”
I agree with Sambrook – the internet and specifically global news & blog sites have led to a fundamental realignment in the UK that has taken us to a ‘new place’. Any internet savvy ‘citizen’ can get a weath of news and comment from a huge variety of sources out in the blosphere.
As Sambrook says, the bbc don’t own the news anymore. So why do they still have the right to tax us just for owning a tv, laptop, mobile phone or any other device that can receive TV pictures? Beats me. Can we have a ‘fundamental realignment’ of the licence fee please?
The “Humanitarian Left”, who scream for Saddams rights, and for the rights of Terrorists…..think nothing of locking up innocent people (poor single mums and grandmothers), and taking away their right to “freedom”, over the TV…….even though it is provided for FREE by so many others……..
The BBC is quite happy for liberty to be taken away so that Graham Norton can be paid 4 million for doing NOTHING……..
Entertainment to these people is far more important than human rights, and don’t let them tell you otherwise….
I didn’t find those views depressing at all. I was struck by the optimism of both women. They’d both already got jobs and apartments elsewhere and were carving out a new life for themselves. Both were grateful for the generosity of their host communities. In Britain, they’d still be whining and waiting for the government to send them money. In fact, I thought both women quoted were so upbeat and uniquely American I couldn’t believe it was being reported on the BBC.
I agree with Verity – Linda Gueringer (Christmas after Katrina Pt 2 – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4549034.stm) was the depressing one. She seems to be moaning how people aren’t doing enough to help, without actually doing anything to help herself. The other three people interviewed are doing things to help themselves rather than just sitting on their behinds complaining about their situation.
Anyway, on-topic, I absolutely love the “Stage Door” part of the story! It seems to sum up the pretentiousness and inefficiency (and the obliviousness to both) of the Beeb.
The American Expatriate explains that the BBC are calling the result after 90 minutes, when the match is going into extra time, with more support for Bush’s position than the BBC will credit.
Terrible these Christians aren’t they? Civil partnerships for gays, outlawing discrimination in work and in services – whatever next will they think of to persecute gay people?
There’s no other religion that is more intolerant to gays……is there?
Just think, if the Christian couple converted to Islam and advocated throwing gays off of tall buildings, they’d be invited to tea with the Mayor of London!
Silly Christians, they don’t know how to do anything right.
There’s a new disease the Beeb’s trying to get us worked up about, clostrydium difficile. Unfortunately nobody at the Beeb’s noticed that the name’s from latin, not french, and so they pronounce it “diff-i-seal” rathet than the correct “diff-i-killay”.
It’s not very Euro-friendly of the BBC to turn our latest killer into a maladie francaise, so we’ll see how long it takes them to get it right.
I don’t know much about religion, but going by what the BBC says, I’ll bet Iran is a country ruled by Christians – they’re really nasty and intolerant of non-Christian people.
“Starting on 4 January, 2006, Matt Frei will be writing a fortnightly diary from Washington for the BBC News website.”
Oh yes, joy indeed! Couldn’t they just get a local undertaker to read obituaries on air? That would accomplish roughly the same effect, but at a fourth of the salary and no expenses!
Susan – V funny! Joy indeed. Even more of the ignorant, self-righteous, sad-eyed Matt intoning … and intoning … and intoning invented, ill-informed balderdash. Again.
“Up to £5m was pilfered from 1,300 “mainly Jewish” residents in Golders Green, north London, alone.
Because of the large number of victims, both they and police initially feared the community was being “targeted because of religion”, but that concern was “misplaced”. “
I’m just guessing it’s one of those “read-between-the-lines things!”.
Of course the police say that an Islamic Asylum Seeker targetting Jews for fraud didn’t have a religious motive. Chortle! how stupid do they think we are?
Actually the thieves do not appear to be Islamic judged from their names. I think it’s just a case of the theives expecting Jews to be rich, according to the stereotype.
Tbh spekaing as a former resident of Golders Green, and who knows both that area and the council estate/criminal neighbourhood that Mayue-Belezika lives on very well, I’m not convinced that the ethnicity of the victims of fraud is necessarily of any relevance.
The postal district NW11 (which comprises Golders Green and the adjacent part of Hampstead Garden Suburb) is in point of fact one of the wealthiest areas of the UK. As such it’s a good place for a fraudster like this to make easy pickings from this type of crime. To my mind the fact that (depending on how you draw the boundaries) it also has a majority Jewish population is pretty much irrelevant.
Rob Read
Very very stupid. So stupid that they believe that rich Jewish kids in Golders green might start a revenge attack on there muslim friends. If they are not told this. As the BBC knows no one loves there money more than Jews. Thats why they kill Palestinian children just for fun. Every reader of the Independent knows that. They were also the reason why Europe was not united in 1914 or 1939. Which is why the EU has to go though all this undemocratic lieing mumbo jumbo now. In short the Jews are still getting the blame for every thing national socalists dont like. Which is nearly all the governing parties of Europe. Im going to Israel for a holiday, I think I should stay there.
19 December 2005 BBC Forced To Pay Libel Damages To Police Officers A High Court in London today ruled in favour of eight Metropolitan Police officers that were dubbed guilty of murdering Roger Sylvester on a BBC radio broadcast.
Here’s a selection in case you’re pressed for time:
But one news service’s skewed coverage stood out the most, “winning” the award in a landslide. From the first day votes came in, it wasn’t close, which may explain the dearth of nominations for perennial runner-ups like the NY Times, Associated Press and The Independent. The 2005 Dishonest Reporter of the Year Award goes to the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Readers provided a full laundry list of complaints and we found the most effective way to condense the biggest offenses was in a simple list form. The examples of bias from the year past indicates a pattern of naiveté, dishonesty, forcing facts conform to a narrow worldview and, arguably, a desire to inappropriately influence events-all paid for by British television viewers through the TV License Fee, which costs the typical household £126.50 per year.
Al-beeb has been giving time to classic Israel bashers, some of them(the bashers) members of the clergy, who have been blaming Israel for ruining Christmas in Bethlehem. But here is something from the mouth of one local, cited in WND, World Net Daily.
“All this talk about Israel driving Christians out and causing pain is nonsense,” a Bethlehem Christian community leader told WND. “You want to know what is at play here, just come throughout the year and see the intimidation from the Muslims. They have burned down our stores, built mosques in front of our churches, stole our real estate and took away our rights. Women have been raped and abducted. So don’t tell me about Israel. It’s the Muslims.”
Honest Reporting does a superb job of exposing the blind bias and hypocrisy of the MSM. The BBC is truly a deserving recipient of the ‘Dishonest reporter of the Year’ award.
To my utter astonishment and bafflement, the BBC’s site, illustrating its article on train fare rises, had a photo of people travelling in a carriage. The first thing that caught my eye was a blonde child. A white child with blonde hair! I have never seen such a thing on the BBC site before. One of the 92% white population in Britain, that the BBC is so firmly in denial about.
As I looked at the photo again, I got an eerie sensation as I scanned it for one black face. One Middle Eastern face. But no! The entire carriage was filled with European indigenes. I expect it will be yanked shortly and whoever put it up will be sent for re-education, but it was quite an eerie sensation.
Presumably the point about al-BBC’s Golders Green reporting was to reassure that it was only Jews who got robbed.
Search Biased BBC
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Ray Snoddy’s thoughts on the changing media world:
TV news looks to the future
Head of BBC Global News, Richard Sambrook says
“I think we’re at the very beginning of quite a long journey,” agreed the BBC’s Richard Sambrook. “It’s going to take us to an entirely new place.
“It’s too early to tell exactly where we’re going to end up but there’s a fundamental realignment going on – we don’t own the news anymore.”
I agree with Sambrook – the internet and specifically global news & blog sites have led to a fundamental realignment in the UK that has taken us to a ‘new place’. Any internet savvy ‘citizen’ can get a weath of news and comment from a huge variety of sources out in the blosphere.
As Sambrook says, the bbc don’t own the news anymore. So why do they still have the right to tax us just for owning a tv, laptop, mobile phone or any other device that can receive TV pictures? Beats me. Can we have a ‘fundamental realignment’ of the licence fee please?
Sorry Ritter….you just don’t get it.
The “Humanitarian Left”, who scream for Saddams rights, and for the rights of Terrorists…..think nothing of locking up innocent people (poor single mums and grandmothers), and taking away their right to “freedom”, over the TV…….even though it is provided for FREE by so many others……..
The BBC is quite happy for liberty to be taken away so that Graham Norton can be paid 4 million for doing NOTHING……..
Entertainment to these people is far more important than human rights, and don’t let them tell you otherwise….
Some are more equal than others
BBBC trawls up yet more bad and depressing news from New Orleans.
Usual biased crap – only views represented are depressing ones.
I didn’t find those views depressing at all. I was struck by the optimism of both women. They’d both already got jobs and apartments elsewhere and were carving out a new life for themselves. Both were grateful for the generosity of their host communities. In Britain, they’d still be whining and waiting for the government to send them money. In fact, I thought both women quoted were so upbeat and uniquely American I couldn’t believe it was being reported on the BBC.
I agree with Verity – Linda Gueringer (Christmas after Katrina Pt 2 – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4549034.stm) was the depressing one. She seems to be moaning how people aren’t doing enough to help, without actually doing anything to help herself. The other three people interviewed are doing things to help themselves rather than just sitting on their behinds complaining about their situation.
Anyway, on-topic, I absolutely love the “Stage Door” part of the story! It seems to sum up the pretentiousness and inefficiency (and the obliviousness to both) of the Beeb.
OT but sadly predictable:
Needless to say it involves our money being dished out…
Merry Christmas fellow B-BBC readers!
One to look forward to in 2006….
“Starting on 4 January, 2006, Matt Frei will be writing a fortnightly diary from Washington for the BBC News website.”
Joy! Merry Christmas all!
Seems that Frei is joined by
BBC’s Daniela Relph in Washington
who provided this article on the renewal of the Patriot Act
The American Expatriate explains that the BBC are calling the result after 90 minutes, when the match is going into extra time, with more support for Bush’s position than the BBC will credit.
Christians accused of homophobia
Terrible these Christians aren’t they? Civil partnerships for gays, outlawing discrimination in work and in services – whatever next will they think of to persecute gay people?
There’s no other religion that is more intolerant to gays……is there?
Just think, if the Christian couple converted to Islam and advocated throwing gays off of tall buildings, they’d be invited to tea with the Mayor of London!
Silly Christians, they don’t know how to do anything right.
There’s a new disease the Beeb’s trying to get us worked up about, clostrydium difficile. Unfortunately nobody at the Beeb’s noticed that the name’s from latin, not french, and so they pronounce it “diff-i-seal” rathet than the correct “diff-i-killay”.
It’s not very Euro-friendly of the BBC to turn our latest killer into a maladie francaise, so we’ll see how long it takes them to get it right.
Here’s what Iran does with gay people:
I don’t know much about religion, but going by what the BBC says, I’ll bet Iran is a country ruled by Christians – they’re really nasty and intolerant of non-Christian people.
“Starting on 4 January, 2006, Matt Frei will be writing a fortnightly diary from Washington for the BBC News website.”
Oh yes, joy indeed! Couldn’t they just get a local undertaker to read obituaries on air? That would accomplish roughly the same effect, but at a fourth of the salary and no expenses!
Susan – V funny! Joy indeed. Even more of the ignorant, self-righteous, sad-eyed Matt intoning … and intoning … and intoning invented, ill-informed balderdash. Again.
Blankety Blank!
“Up to £5m was pilfered from 1,300 “mainly Jewish” residents in Golders Green, north London, alone.
Because of the large number of victims, both they and police initially feared the community was being “targeted because of religion”, but that concern was “misplaced”. “
I’m just guessing it’s one of those “read-between-the-lines things!”.
Of course the police say that an Islamic Asylum Seeker targetting Jews for fraud didn’t have a religious motive. Chortle! how stupid do they think we are?
Actually the thieves do not appear to be Islamic judged from their names. I think it’s just a case of the theives expecting Jews to be rich, according to the stereotype.
Tbh spekaing as a former resident of Golders Green, and who knows both that area and the council estate/criminal neighbourhood that Mayue-Belezika lives on very well, I’m not convinced that the ethnicity of the victims of fraud is necessarily of any relevance.
The postal district NW11 (which comprises Golders Green and the adjacent part of Hampstead Garden Suburb) is in point of fact one of the wealthiest areas of the UK. As such it’s a good place for a fraudster like this to make easy pickings from this type of crime. To my mind the fact that (depending on how you draw the boundaries) it also has a majority Jewish population is pretty much irrelevant.
Rob Read
Very very stupid. So stupid that they believe that rich Jewish kids in Golders green might start a revenge attack on there muslim friends. If they are not told this. As the BBC knows no one loves there money more than Jews. Thats why they kill Palestinian children just for fun. Every reader of the Independent knows that. They were also the reason why Europe was not united in 1914 or 1939. Which is why the EU has to go though all this undemocratic lieing mumbo jumbo now. In short the Jews are still getting the blame for every thing national socalists dont like. Which is nearly all the governing parties of Europe. Im going to Israel for a holiday, I think I should stay there.
I must congratulate you. You always get the point and make common sense comments.
Have a great holiday in Israel, G Powell.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
and a biased New Year.
Merry Christmas everybody and Bah Humbug to the PC idiots at the BEEB
19 December 2005 BBC Forced To Pay Libel Damages To Police Officers A High Court in London today ruled in favour of eight Metropolitan Police officers that were dubbed guilty of murdering Roger Sylvester on a BBC radio broadcast.
for more on the libel made by one of Mr Sylvester’s relatives in a live interview on the Nicky Campbell show in December 2000.
All very good. But I hope Tony, Tonys wife, The BBC or any of the New Labour rif-raf do not take to suing me for all the TRUE things I say.
Great news! Now everybody knows. The bbc is crap, but they did get the top award. So go here:
Here’s a selection in case you’re pressed for time:
But one news service’s skewed coverage stood out the most, “winning” the award in a landslide. From the first day votes came in, it wasn’t close, which may explain the dearth of nominations for perennial runner-ups like the NY Times, Associated Press and The Independent. The 2005 Dishonest Reporter of the Year Award goes to the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Readers provided a full laundry list of complaints and we found the most effective way to condense the biggest offenses was in a simple list form. The examples of bias from the year past indicates a pattern of naiveté, dishonesty, forcing facts conform to a narrow worldview and, arguably, a desire to inappropriately influence events-all paid for by British television viewers through the TV License Fee, which costs the typical household £126.50 per year.
There’s lots more so,
Al-beeb has been giving time to classic Israel bashers, some of them(the bashers) members of the clergy, who have been blaming Israel for ruining Christmas in Bethlehem. But here is something from the mouth of one local, cited in WND, World Net Daily.
“All this talk about Israel driving Christians out and causing pain is nonsense,” a Bethlehem Christian community leader told WND. “You want to know what is at play here, just come throughout the year and see the intimidation from the Muslims. They have burned down our stores, built mosques in front of our churches, stole our real estate and took away our rights. Women have been raped and abducted. So don’t tell me about Israel. It’s the Muslims.”
Big Mouth
Wow! An award the BBC so deserves! Yay! 🙂
Honest Reporting does a superb job of exposing the blind bias and hypocrisy of the MSM. The BBC is truly a deserving recipient of the ‘Dishonest reporter of the Year’ award.
A BBB writer, Stephen Mulvey, if anyone’s ever heard of him, has referred to Samizdata as “an anarchist site”. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4564142.stm
Now, Mr Mulvey may not know the difference between an anarchist and a libertarian, but if he doesn’t, he shouldn’t be writing about politics.
To my utter astonishment and bafflement, the BBC’s site, illustrating its article on train fare rises, had a photo of people travelling in a carriage. The first thing that caught my eye was a blonde child. A white child with blonde hair! I have never seen such a thing on the BBC site before. One of the 92% white population in Britain, that the BBC is so firmly in denial about.
As I looked at the photo again, I got an eerie sensation as I scanned it for one black face. One Middle Eastern face. But no! The entire carriage was filled with European indigenes. I expect it will be yanked shortly and whoever put it up will be sent for re-education, but it was quite an eerie sensation.
Verity –
Comrade Mulvey ought also to do a little research into the meaning/origin of “samizdat” itself!
Verity –
I’ve just realised that’s the point you were making. Sorry.
‘s OK.
Presumably the point about al-BBC’s Golders Green reporting was to reassure that it was only Jews who got robbed.