with this sympathetic story of Christians in Iran. Commerce and security matters are newsworthy, but what about those who suffer? Why the silence?
The Guardian surprises
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with this sympathetic story of Christians in Iran. Commerce and security matters are newsworthy, but what about those who suffer? Why the silence?
Surprising indeed.
As for the silence from the BBC, ah, you know they can’t allow Islam to look bad. That would just be too offensive to their target audience.
Gaza kidnaps ‘not driven by hatred’
This article is so friendly towards our cuddly ‘militant’ friends that I almost had an urge to get kidnapped by them to help them out. Enjoy the marvellous line from the BBC ‘conflict expert’ – “He [Dr Strawson] said two sets of kidnappings in a week was “interesting”.”
It’s what they do down there, Geoff. Let’s not worry about it – be jolly instead. It’s members of the religion of peace we’re talking about so everything’s going to be hunky-dory. Let’s all get kidnapped in the Middle East – sounds like fun.
More “honest” reporting from Auntie:
“…But Islamic Jihad, blamed by Israel for the majority of the attacks, has reportedly rejected Mr Abbas’ call, blaming Israel for a recent escalation in violence.
They say the rocket attacks are retaliation for raids in the West Bank, as well as air strikes on Gaza.”
The fact that they give a forum to “Islamic Jihad” speaks volumes. How dhimmified is the UK that nobody – apart from a few people on here – notices?
I just noticed that the above piece doesn’t state a source. Maybe they’ve taken it directly off an “Islamic Jihad” leaflet. Wouldn’t surprise me.
If we had a kidnapping (or hostage taking) in any westernised democracy
the police would be the investigators and the courts the adjudicators. It just goes to show that different rules apply in Gaza.
Hostage takers go staright to the top.
Diplomats are trying to contact the gunmen who kidnapped a British human rights worker and her parents in Gaza.
Diplomats are trying to find out whether the kidnappers are asking for a particular local problem to be resolved or whether there is a wider issue.
Hostage takers and kidnappers are transformed in to
“militant groups” use the hostages to press the Palestinian authorities for money, jobs or the release of prisoners.
So now we know, if you are skint, on the rock and roll, or your best mate is banged up, capture some Johny foreigner and start negotiating with Jack Straw. Its not a criminal offence, its militancy.
The mass media also has repeatedly called terrorist organizations militant groups or radical militants. The terms often serve to avoid placing the label terrorism on individuals or groups who have not actually committed violent acts.
Perhaps the BBC appears somehow to construe that kidnapping is not a violent act.
Plus ca change……..
Re SiN’s link to the Mail –
I suppose all those hippy young Trots of the 1970s are now the senior management at the BBC.
This quote from the 1970s
In 1970 he (then DG Sir Charles Curran) denied the BBC had a Left-wing bias saying: “There seems to be an assumption that any kind of open-minded approach to the facts about public life and about social obligations must be in line to the Left.”
“Open minded” as long as it is anti-US/Israel, pro EU & pro “criminal”.
“Social obligations” as long as it involves a bigger state & higher taxes.
Sounds like the Left to me.
As SiN says “Plus ca change.”
BBC 10pm news. Through gritted teeth did Fiona Bruce report that Bob Geldorf would be advising the Conservatives. Emphasis was placed on the fact that he did not belong the Conservative Party. A list was then provided (by the Labour Party perhaps??)on the differences between the Conservatives and Sir Bob – Free Trade rather than Fair Trade. Finally a piece from some Labour minister that I didn’t know existed on why the Conservatives needed Labour’s help on advice for debt relief. Yes it really was that way round as it was a report of an earlier news report and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
New Labour have their own Bob Geldof, he’s called Gordon Brown. Admittedly he needs a makeover, perhaps Trinny and Susannah could help out. If he is member of a Scottish Clan he could always wear a kilt, that should get the female vote.
What you say is too true. Will we ever get the full story from al-beeb? Just keep this in mind: Kate Burton was working for the extremist Palestinian NGO known as al-Mezan, based in Gaza, when she was kidnapped with her parents by gunmen on December 28.
Here is a sketch of al-Mezan:
Located in Jabalia Refugee Camp, near Rafah in Gaza
Claimed mission: “To protect, respect and promote the internationally accepted standards of human rights…and to encourage the adoption of Palestinian laws in harmony with these international standards… To promote the democracy building process, …the rule of law, …accountability and the role of NGOs in the Palestinian society.”
ACTUAL ACTIVITIES reflect centrality of radical anti-Israel agenda, including promoting claims of “Israeli war crimes”; inflammatory pictures, and incitement justifying terrorism.
In these activities, Al Mezan erases Palestinian terrorism, including missile attacks launched from densely populated civilian centers in Gaza; also ignores Palestinian corruption, and internal violence.
Funded by the Ford Foundation ($100,000), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), UN High Commissioner, Netherlands Representative Office, International Human Rights Funders Group/co Mertz Gilmore Foundation, Kerkinactie/ Global Ministries.
The story http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4565906.stm says:
“”Mike Burn, an acquaintance of Ms Burton during her time at LSE, told BBC News she had always been interested in the welfare of Palestinians.
“She was always pretty politically active, going to stuff, helping people. She was involved in marches and so forth.”
Afterwards, she worked with the UN in Gaza and intended to remain there for another year. “”
It is touching to see poetic justice in action, however, if and when they are released, we can feel sure that the blame will be placed fair and square on the shoulders of Israel who can do no right in this young lady’s eyes and that of the BBC.
Perhaps this delightful family can try out a new Palestinian suicide bomb suit, blow theselves up in the midst of their guests and so engage in total identification with the “opressed”. Good riddance.
Caroline Hawley, interviewed about her time in Iraq on Radio Five Live just now, was asked by a caller if the Americans tried to influence the reports coming out of Iraq. She said yes, they were always trying to get her to mention things like building new schools and stuff like that. She was then asked, via an email, why so little good news was reported and responded that there wasn’t much good news.
Good news = American spin. Bad news = real news. When the interview pops up on Listen Again (Mayo Show, Phil Williams standing in) a B-BBC blogger might like to give it the attention it deserves.
Sorry, the above was Off Topic.
And so is this.
The BBC News is permantely “Off Topic” as it no longer reports news (facts which make the future less suprising).
If you live in the UK I hope you’ve “unsubscribed” from them.
You know it’s snowing outside because BBC News has a reporter in a gritting depot. Exciting stuff, BBC News with a hard hat on (pretend you are in Kosovo). Yellow flashing circulating lights. Bob the Builders types beeping backwards and forwards in BIG trucks and diggers shovelling one pile of salt to another and then into a gritter. Final shot, as always, salt spewing out of gritter lorry on to road. Wow, I have to pause to get my breath back.
Re kidnapping in Gaza, can we expect a report on an appeal by British Muslims to surface on the BBC. 5pm on BBC News 24 and we have a friend of the kidnapped in what looks like a leopard spotted hi jab talking into camera.
Would it not be useful for British Muslims to have their own Embassy in Arab countries with a 24 hour hotline to take hostage takers demands over the phone.
I wondered why the BBC had gone quiet on rendition.
Claim Clinton began rendition program
December 29, 2005 – 1:52PM
The CIA’s controversial “rendition” program to have terror suspects captured and questioned on foreign soil was launched under US president Bill Clinton, a former US counterterrorism agent told a German newspaper.
Come on BBC News, where is the story?
“Security chaos blights life in Gaza despite Israel’s pullout”
Security Forces Gun Down Most Wanted Terrorist
Samir Al-Saadi, Arab News
JEDDAH, 29 December 2005
A search on the BBC website returns no results for this man, lets see if and when al beeb decide to cover this story
SiN – If they do they wont mention the “I” or “M” word.
BUT! they will mention he is a plumber.
O.T.: What do you do if you actually need a plumber?
Pop along to Paddington Green.
Kilroy (who I dislike) makes some inflamatory, but legal, statements about the Arabs & gets kicked off the BBC.
Chris Langham (who I like) gets arrested for looking at kiddie porn, but the BBC trumpets –
The Thick Of It
BBC FOUR’s award-winning comedy coming to BBC TWO in January 2006
Now I know that he is innocent until proven guilty, but when has that prevented summary justice by the media?
So why is the show not pulled?
Is it because it takes the p**s out of politicians?
I think most politicians are p**s poor, but it seems it is the unaccountable BBC’s mission to pour contempt upon them – & is that a way of improving the quality of person entering politics?
The World Service broke its near-total silence on the Gaza kidnapping with an interview with a Palestinian member of the ‘human rights’ organisation Kate Burton belongs to. He spent a couple of minutes saying absolutely nothing about the kidnapping and was unable to answer any questions about it. But he did manage to get some anti-Israel propaganda in, whining about the Israeli artillery response to the Kassam rockets.
Needless to say, the interviewer let him whine on – when any journalist worth his or her salt would have steered him sharply back to the issue under discussion.
Why is the BBC being so coy about this kidnapping? Are they simply waiting for instructions from their Palestinian masters to get an idea of how they should spin it?
Explosive suggestion, SiN…
No news of this http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/12/29/D8EQ1EV0C.html Palestinian suicide bombing on the beeb.
Perhaps they can’t bring themselves to mention that the bomber was (partially) foiled by one of those “humiliating” idf checkpoints.
Wonder how long it will take this “premier” organisation to report this action by its favourite oppressed people.
“a friend of Kate’s from university, told the BBC she had had an email from Kate a couple of weeks ago, telling how she had been scared by recent Israeli missile strikes on Gaza.”
It’s Israel’s fault that the Burtons were snatched, just as the whole blame for the tsunami, the Pakistan earthquake, and anything else bad hitting Muslims has been orchestrated by Israeli mad scientists sitting in an underground control chamber near the South Pole. It’s also Israel’s fault that Palestinians are too venal and corrupt to run their own society,(because evil Jews have been brainwashing little children for 38 years); and of course Israel is to blame for the oil-rich Arab nations not pouring in some of their monstrously huge profits into Gaza and the West Bank.(Naturally the gains from such fairly priced oil have been slyly diverted by Israel to further a Jewish takeover of the entire world.)
Al-beeb fails to mention that terrorist hugging apologists like Kate Burton have long turned a blind eye to the reality of Arab violence.
O/T – Very bored at work today.
This quote sums up Al Beeb perfectly. Last two “innovative” parts.
“Other innovative programming has included:
A joint broadcast with BBC Radio Five Live on racism in sport
How American hip-hop acts are engaging with the US election, in opposition to President Bush and the war in Iraq
The emergence of Islamic hip-hop acts • in apparent contradiction to the traditional Islamic view of pop as immoral”
Something else from the Guardian today: a bloke called Peter Bazalgette says:
“So far this decade we’ve avoided France’s conflagrations, America’s shame over Katrina and the Netherlands’ nervous breakdown over Islam”.
Nervous breakdown over Islam?!! Whingers! Just because a growing number of Dutch citizens require bodyguards in case they are murdered by representatives of a certain religion/ideology.
Bazalgette seems influential in the BBC:
O/T Again, but right at the end of the IC submission, they show a “typical” news output. Which for me is FAR from the normal typical output I have seen.
“BBC 10 O’Clock News Running Order
Darfur: UN calls it world’s worst humanitarian crisis
Report from refugee camps in Darfur
Report on Sudan • history of civil war
Aid agencies launch appeal
2. Commons debate on the Butler Report
3. Nationwide police manhunt for suspected murderer
4. Fire-fighters died in London fire
5. Future reform of the council tax
6. Asylum seekers moved after unrest at detention centre following suicide
7. September rise in fuel duty postponed
8. New Government transport strategy”
Sorry – typical for me includes Bush bashing/America bashing, the environment, the disgusting war in Iraq, and Palestinian plight. How they managed to choose one which didnt include any of these is beyond me.
The Times (don’t believe everything you read) today notes that the Palestinian authorities have repeatedly given in to kidnappers demands for reasons such as back payments of wages, release of relatives from prison and lifting of the death penalty against a relative. Gasp, do Palestinians go in for capital punishment? sounds like Texas. On the other hand no one kidnapped anyone to get the death penalty lifted against Tookie.
Palestinian Chaos and Rage – it appears as if there is enough material for a Newsnight or Panorama programme here. Should I hold my breath?
If you do hold your breath, you’ll die of old age before Snoozenight gets round to proper reporting……
If you hold your breath I suspect you’ll die of asphyxiation before you die of old age.
BBC admits to being a tool of social engineerng
The BBC, propaganda tool of Hamas and Al Aqsa:-
“Palestinian militant groups have condemned the kidnap of a British human rights worker and her parents in Gaza. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade has joined Hamas in calling for the release of 24-year-old Kate Burton and her parents Hugh and Helen, known as Win.”
So, got that? Hamas and Al Aqsa have a human side, and the BBC is just falling over itself to let us know that.
Still, I suppose this is a step forward from the silence or celebrations (studiously not reported by the BBC) when Jews are murdered in the region.
This blogsite needs to advertise itself in the wider media. I suggest that the proprietors set up a paypal system for contributions from the willing readership. With those funds, B-BBC places ads in newspapers such as The Daily Mail, Telegraph etc simply saying “Biased BBC – your licence fee well spent?” or words to that effect. The BBC is the keystone of PC in this country and is in flagrant breach of its charter. What is discussed on this site needs a wider audience.
Socialism is Necrotizing
It is as much as I can do to watch the output on BBC as it is, I don’t need any encouragement to do something worthwhile, such as non-payment of my TV Licence but that’s a criminal offence.
Even my wife, gets inflamed at watching the red and black twirly bits in between programmes, and goes out to the kitchen. Now that’s useful.
Radio 4 excelled this morning. They reported on new looser adoption rules by which unmarried “same-sex and heterosexual couples” can now apply to adopt children. I noted that ‘same-sex’ was announced first and with that same jolly tone reserved for triumphs of PC over common sense.
Then followed a discussion over the demise of Britain’s manufacturing industry wherein a free trade guru was allowed to say unchallenged that service jobs create value and employment and that the Chinese can simply churn out cheap products while we produce the clever stuff. My contact with service jobs usually involves the technology of getting served ketchup with my burger. Moreover, the Chinese: aren’t they rather clever and producing more high-calibre graduates than our current crop of media studies experts and social workers?
Finally, there was a beauty where one of the staff in the BBC’s section which reviews newspapers said that they (newspapers) were not bound by a charter to be impartial and accurate. Neither are you, young man! (Methinks he was one of those media studies graduates who is going to wipe the floor with the Chinese)
An interesting and surprisingly (by Al-Beeb’s standars that is)unbiased piece about military bloggers.
It is interesting that the piece states:
‘Many of the milbloggers began writing to counter what they see as an anti-war, anti-Bush administration bias in the media.’
Notice use of the phrase ‘..what they see..’. So our Beeboid still doesn’t get it.
Allan, are you suggesting that we should be ramping up tariffs to protect the dregs of British manufacturing industry? Isn’t that the kind of economically illiberal leftist policy that the BBC usually gets battered for supporting? Or do you have another cunning plan between that and freer trade?
How does making consumers poorer (via tarrifs on imports) help the economy?
Back to school for you!
And how do macjobs, media studies graduates and a ballooning balance of trade deficit enrich us? The country is up to its neck in debt as a trading nation, a state and as individuals. The oil is running out and the gas has been burnt up in power stations. How do you propose to deal with that problem, Mr Read?
What I sought to question was the smug assumption by that mouthpiece from the Adam Smith Institute that we can do the clever stuff and let the Chinese churn out the mass-produced, low value goods. If any of you have ever been to Taiwan or Hong Kong, you may realise that the same people who made those hi-tech societies are from exactly the same stock as those who are currently turning China into something the same, except 50 times bigger.
Anyone see the programme last night with Angus Deayton presenting clips of celebrities and politicians doing other things (e.g. singing, dancing, playing football etc) badly? Anyone notice the montage at the end of President Bush getting his p’s and q’s mixed up? The implication was that, since this is him being President and giving speeches, then this is what he shouldn’t be doing i.e. leading the free world.
Indeed, has anyone come across any BBC “intelligent” humour programmes where Dubya is not, somehow, somewhere made fun of?
OT – Yet more USA bashing for no reason what so ever.
“It is a shame that the significant ones come, as before, from the US but we might see Indian or even Chinese innovations come to the fore when we go once more around the cycle.”
Why is it a shame? Idiot.