with this sympathetic story of Christians in Iran. Commerce and security matters are newsworthy, but what about those who suffer? Why the silence?
The Guardian surprises
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with this sympathetic story of Christians in Iran. Commerce and security matters are newsworthy, but what about those who suffer? Why the silence?
I’ve just watched the report of our Kate’s release on the BBC and I’m just so happy that she has announced her intention to remain with the Pallies.
Naturally, al-BBC won’t query how a hitherto ‘unknown’ group can abduct her and her family then have the kidnappees announce how well treated they were and that they wish to remain to assist them in their struggle against ‘occupation’. This is a scam but the BBC isn’t a dupe: they know the game and they are a willing participant. The licence fee in action.
BBC 2’s cultural output for 31 12 05
9pm. George Best Night – Introduction
9.05 George Best Night – The Best Thing.
9.50. 10 Best Goals
10.00 George Best Night:Parkinson.
10.30 George Best Night:There’s Only One Manchester United.
11.30 George Best Night:The Best Match
12.00 FILM:M: The Damned.
How Cultural Is That?
I Notice You Don’t Capitalise Your Name.
Bomb kills seven in Indonesia market
Saturday 31 December 2005, 11:06 Makka Time, 8:06 GMT
The blast in a Palu market wounded 47
A bomb packed with nails has exploded in a crowded Christian market selling pork ahead of New Year celebrations in eastern Indonesia, killing seven people and wounding 47.
This report does not appear on BBC News online, the lead story there, you guessed it?
BBC News
Saturday, 31 December 2005, 18:35 GMT
Kidnapped Briton to stay in Gaza
A UK human rights worker kidnapped in Gaza with her parents intends to stay in the country despite her ordeal.
Hey-nonny-mouse sounds an awful lot like “Steve” the “BBC employee” writing a few days back.
Ignorant tool. No doubt many Beeboids warm themselves with the delusion that they compete under “market forces” but what complete rot.
Happy New Year to all of you. We will not get brainwashed by the Beeb’s propaganda. π
Happy New Year to you all π
23 minutes and counting in Eastern Time Zone, US.
Anti-Semitism on the rise:
The last section is interesting:
“Some 532 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded by the trust in 2004, 83 of which were physical assaults.”
Unusually for the BBC they don’t tell us who is responsible for these crimes. Usually they aren’t coy to tell us about the perpetrators of racial assaults and crimes, but in this instance they haven’t. Could it be (gasp) because the vast majority of them aren’t white?
Yep, I think it could be.
Jasper Gerard, a left of centre journalist, in today’s Sunday Times writes:-
…..New Labour and the BBC are so similar they will never fall out for long.
Television needs a new invasion of clever radicals, including more than a few headbanging rightwingers. The danger is not that the BBC is a hotbed of deviancy, but a tepid bed of impotence and lowbrow vacuity.
Nothing on the BBC about this
I`m guessing that had it happened in any US State the entire American way of life would have been examined and found wanting.
Churchill wanted Hitler executed
I guess a lot of people at the Beeb get nightmares when they think of Sir Winston.
That movie “The Damned” showing on BBC2 wouldn’t have been the awful 1960s Italian movie about the Krupps at the beginning of the Nazi era, would it?
Why am I not surprised that the BBC would consider dreck likt that high art?
Winston was a very pragmatic man, and no doubt realized the intelligentsia would have flocked to Hitler’s support just as they have to Saddams.
Pity Saddam didn’t put himself out of our misery the way Hitler did.
Just popped in to wish a Very Happy New Year to all.
Happy New Year, Biased-oids!
“Is there such a thing as a Biased-BBC T-shirt ?
If there is…I’ll buy one.”
Good call there, King Chillout. Andrew/Toby/Natalie, how about a caricature of Andrew Marr/Naughtie/Nicky Campbell, whoever, with a “Biased, Moi?” speech bubble? Guaranteed to shift truckloads.
BTW. Was Thomas Becket an evil person? According to BBC History magazine he was. If anyone could post or email their feature article on the 10 Worst Britons of the last millenia, I’d be grateful. There’s a link here with some quotes but you have to subscribe to the magazine to get the article itself.
It’s not the Beeb’s opinion, OF COURSE, but when you get to choose the aging hipster Simon Schama perma-tanned revisionist historians to compile your 10 Worst Britons list for you, then I’m guessing it’s a lot easier to manipulate the flow.
Simo – already discussed, I’m afraid, on Toby’s thread of the 23rd. And yes, they wheeled out some clown from Birkbeck, who opined that Oswald Mosely was the worst Briton of the 20th Century. Shame her deep and profound academic studies hadn’t brought her into contact with Dennis Nielsen, Harold Shipman, Fred West or Ian Brady.
Not to mention Tom Jones and Englebert Humperdinck.
Oh yes, and a Happy New Year to all biased-BBC types!
When Blair gets the job its quite a big deal, and much to be done
but when Austria takes over the Presidency, the role of the Austrian PM is ” largely ceremonial”
why the difference?
It would be comical if it was not so deeply dangerous, that anyone at the BBC can not understand that Oswald Moselys and New Labours policies are almost identical. This should not suprise any historian. Simon Schama would understand this I am sure. Mosely was a “right wing” socalist. Tony Blair and his political mates were the most “right wing” socalist members of the Labour Party that the Labour establishment could find after the death of John Smith. It is now the year 2006 not 1936 nobody would get elected wearing Jack Boots and theatening world domination now. Nazism is alive and well in modern Britain and Europe. Goverments want control over your wealth to do what they think is best. That was what was at the heart of Hitlers,and Mosely racist thinking. Remember that goverments can not do ANYTHING without YOUR MONEY. That includes WAR and Genocide. If you want to stay FREE keep goverment small and acountable or start preying.
I dont want tobe pernickerty,Gary,but do you want us to pray or prey?I would rather do the latter on civil servants.In fact lock them up at Longleat.
but when Austria takes over the Presidency, the role of the Austrian PM is ” largely ceremonial”
The reference is to the Austrian President, not the Prime Minister, and the reference to his “ceremonial role” has nothing to do with the EU (or Austria’s presidency thereof), but rather to do with the balance of powers between President and PM (and Parliament) provided for by the Austrian constitution. At least that is how I read it.