Justin Webb reports the White House reaction to Pat Robertson’s latest foot-in-mouth episode and promply manages to fall into the common Beebish tendency to see any nutty statement by a Falwell or Robertsonas a fair representation of Bush’s “right-wing religious base.”
Well, I have it on good authority that Mr Robertson has already experienced a taste of said “wrath” just lately. Mysterious as the Beebocracy may find this, Pat Robertson is not the man of influence they seem to think he is, nor are evangelicals the lock-step coneheads seen at every turn in the land of Beeb.
“When is media going to learn that just because somebody calls himself religious, or even a religious leader, that doesn’t mean he speaks for or leads all the other people who call themselves religious?” —Jeff Jarvis
Thanks to RealClearPolitics and Instapundit.
Weekend 15th March 2025
BBC groupthink mindwarped, manipulative programs such as The Archers are now relentlessly pitched to slyly besmirch and scoff at the…