the humour of the late left-wing Labour MP Tony Banks, “known for acid tongue and sharp wit“, who “will be remembered for his hilarious insults“
“Tory MP, Terry Dicks, was dismissed as “living proof that a pig’s bladder on the end of a stick can be elected to Parliament”.
The former sports minister, who became Lord Stratford last year, showed reputations did not intimidate him when he accused Lady Thatcher of having “the sensitivity of a sex-starved boa-constrictor” during a Commons debate.
He added to that by calling the former Prime Minister a “half mad old bag lady” on another occasion.
Former Chancellor Kenneth Clarke was “a pot-bellied old soak” while another former Prime Minister John Major was “so unpopular, if he became a funeral director people would stop dying”.
During the 1997 Labour Party conference he sparked controversy by describing then-Tory leader William Hague as a “foetus”.
Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats were “woolly-hatted, muesli-eating, Tory lick-spittles”.”
Just let me pick myself up off the floor – that is so funny. And so original.
Although the BBC don’t tell us his brilliant follow-up to the ‘foetus‘ jibe.
“I bet a lot of Tory MPs wish they hadn’t voted against abortion“
First Ronnie Barker. Then Richard Pryor.
Now, as the BBC remind us, another comic genius has left us.
Maybe the West is hoping that by huffing and puffing they will be able to blow the Iranian house down.
So I suppose we can now look forward to a sternly-worded letter to the Mullahs. That’s sure to make them quake in their boots.
There ain’t no limit to Western delusion.
That “checked” is an interesting choice of a word as the BBC continues to mindlessly strive for the least offensive headline when reporting on Muslims.
It could mean “halted” or “stopped” or maybe it simply means that some pale, PC BBC dhimmie fearfully scrutinized the remarks before deciding that the BBC could publish them without attracting a fatwa.
It would be great to see some straightforward, confrontational, gutsy reporting on Muslims. If the BBC had any of those qualities, it would ask Sacranie if he supports putting teenage homosexuals to death, as in Iran, and demand a straight answer.
Cancel the direct debit. Get some pride back.
Maybe the Beeb have accepted that hatred of homosexuals is normal for Muslims and therefore accept it? I hope the gay community starts noticing where the danger lies.
Make the first “have accepted” a “are aware of the fact”
Re: Muslim homophobia (or not). The groaning internal contradictions of the Politically Correct chicken dance are just too bizarre. The PCs can’t just live and let live. They have this irresistible urge to coerce virtue. The result is a proliferation of sacred cows — in this case “Muslims can do and say no wrong” and “Any criticism of gays and lesbians equals homophobia and therefore is wrong”. Inevitably the sacred cows colide and the PCs are utterly stymied. The irresistible force has hit the immovable post. The solution: either pretend it didn’t happen — “the muslim comments were not homophobic” — or project onto a third party — “it’s the christians’ fault” — or some equally vacuous prattle. It’s hardly surprising that the PCs of the BBC cannot wrap their brains around the idea that two groups in a civil society could co-exist while fundamentally disagreeing with each other. That would require true tolerance — the kind that recognizes differences of opinion, plus self-restraint — the ability to curb ones urges in the pursuit of a democratic, pluralistic society, qualities which PCs fundamentally lack and therefore are at a loss to understand.
” Has anyone considered that a Nuke capable of the compleat destruction of London,can fitt in a small suitcase”
Yes, but not with the level of technology the Iranians would have at their disposal.
Their capabilities would likely be limited to a uranium weapon a la Hiroshima built around a gun like device to bring together a critical mass or an implosion mechanism utilising plutonium as per the Fat Man bomb that took out Nagasaki. The former is the sort of thing you could knock up in your garage given the fissiles but the latter requires a sophisticated detonation system. Either would mass in the tons range rather than pounds and would hardly fit into a suitcase.
Nevertheless, you do have a point in that I’ve always wondered what was the point of the ICBM’s the Yanks and the Sov’s brandished at each other for all those years. As far as the Russians were concerned their best delivery system for a first strike capability was always Federal Express and I’m sure the Pentagon could have found a Moscow truck driver willing to reciprocate for a few roubles. And that’s the problem if nukes get into the wrong hands. The thing that prevented the US or the USSR from launching a first strike was the inevitability of a response. Islamonutters would be just as pleased to get the response. They’d love a few hundred thousand martyrs.
“Politcally Correct Chicken Dance”
You see, I would have called that comment, not news. But it’s ok, they are sending someone else out to cover the rest of the trial, so I’m sure balance will be restored. not.
‘Luckily for me, the prosecution and the Italian taxpayers who have financed my trip to Genoa, the judge rules that since my phone bill has already been entered in evidence I have not broken any rules.’
Yes, that is lucky isn’t. Especially taxpayers, we don’t like to see them ripped off, do we BBC?
I read Orwell at school. I suspect that state schools stopped that years ago. Maybe some rich guy could send a copy to all BBC employees and bribe them to read it. But I dont have to much hope that anything will change they would use 1984 as much as a instruction manual as a warning.
“Muslim head’s gay remarks checked”
Did you hear how Eddie Mair set up the interview and changed track half-way through ? It was a pure case of trying to set up Sacranie – I bet the BBC even filed the “complaint”.
If anything Sacranie said could “incite” violence then the BBC should close down since most of its output drives people to violence at its abusive and insulting approach to mainstream values as it parades its minority opinions in an aggressive and provocative manner
The collision of sacred cows makes me wonder what percentage of the BBC staff is homosexual and what percentage straight Muslim. And how many of them are in and how many out of the closet.
And what would be the result if a homosexual and a Muslim were inadvertently assigned to cover the Sacranie controversy.
Could well be that’s what happened in this case, resulting in that tormented headline.
Pure Naughtieness on the Today programme:-
Get William Hague on to talk ostensibly about the Iranian question, spend a few seconds on that (was Naughtie even listening?), and then turn the conversation to Iraq for the rest of the interview, which is, as far as I can tell, the only reason Naughtie gets up in the morning.
As far as the Russians were concerned their best delivery system for a first strike capability was always Federal Express and I’m sure the Pentagon could have found a Moscow truck driver willing to reciprocate for a few roubles.
I think you’ll find that the B2 Stealth Bomber was designed to be the American’s first strike weapon. Flying undetected into enemy territory and dropping a nuclear bomb directly onto the desired target. With a enough planes and a bit of planning, they could take out every target simultaneously.
Eamonn: “BTW, who else thinks that Victoria Derbyshire is excruciatingly bad? Ever noted the sharp intake of breath and 5 second silence she exhibits when anyone says anything non-PC?”
Maybe the five second silence is the delay on the ‘tape loop’* of the caller after they disconnect the call.
* I expect these things are a little more sophisticated these days.
Is this a joke? It’s a story about genetically engineered green pigs, written by somebody called Chris Hogg.
An interesting form of words in the report that JJSH links to above :
BBC reporter Bill Hayton, who happened to be present during the raid, was the first to give evidence. …..I have written many stories about Italian court cases in my career……All of them I covered from London. This time, for once, I am at the court house
This implies that he wasn’t there (during the raid) on journalistic business • ie he was on the demo. This isn’t all that surprising when you read his replies to a moonbat site that complains that the BBC’s coverage is biased to the right. See the 14 and 19 November 2002 entries in this :
Hayton comes across almost reasonable….in comparison with the moonbats. But his remarks are still way way way to the left. Maybe this is why the BBC think they aren’t biased ? They’re trying to find the centre line between Tony Blair and Noam Chomsky ?
Phobia this and phobia that.
It appears that Muslims also suffer from Christiano phobia and Judaio phobia as well as homophobia. Why do they appear to have these phobia’s, can the BBC enlighten us with an education programme, or do I have to go and ask an Imman?
The collision of sacred cows makes me wonder what percentage of the BBC staff is homosexual and what percentage straight Muslim. And how many of them are in and how many out of the closet.
Fair point – it does not need a high percentage really, just a sufficient number in the right jobs to decide if your 6 month contract gets renewed.
I read that 60% BBC radio staff is female – and Radio 4 has some announcer who is the lesbian pal of Sandy Toksvig – I suppose all it takes is to be dependent upon someone for a mealticket to learn how to whistle his tune – and advertising and media are famed for short-contract employment.
Bill Hayton was there as a freelance and an established journalist. He’d taken time off from the BBC in order to cover the protests – around the summit of “G8” rich country leaders – independently.
Some you like, some you don’t.
This gay day boy I didn’t.
I read that 60% BBC radio staff is female – and Radio 4 has some announcer who is the lesbian pal of Sandy Toksvig
I’m having a problem with this. Why do so many people get their knickers in a twist about this? My problem I have with the BBC is it’s funding – the number of lesbians etc that are in it’s ranks are of no relevance to me. Do you care about the number of women, lesbians, muslims employed by privately owned outlets like Sky or Fox?
Do you care about the number of women, lesbians, muslims employed by privately owned outlets like Sky or Fox?
No, because I don’t have to pay for any of those. If they want to hire minorities disproportionately and let them push an agenda, I can wthdraw my custom.
I cannot withdraw my custom from the BBC, so it matters if the BBC presents a world-view reflective mainly of the views of hatemongering nutters like Sacranie.
I agree with Simon. I honestly don’t care who the BBC employs, so long as they provide the impartial service, promised in the Royal Charter.
Somebody’s skin colour, religion, sexual orientation are of no interest to me at all.
Problem is, as long as they are staffed by Muslims and the PC brigade, they ain’t gonna provide no impartial service.
Spot on once again.
My problem I have with the BBC is it’s funding – the number of lesbians etc that are in it’s ranks are of no relevance to me.
At present you get both – the GLBT brigade AND the compulsory levy on ownership of a TV criminalised under the 1949 Wireless Telegraphy Act.
So what does it matter what you think Simon ? remember Hegel:
“The State is Permanent. The Individual is Transient.”
Like Radio Moscow your money pays for their propaganda – and you can’t do anything about it.
Sorry, folks, but Britain is finished. I mean really, police questioning a couple who write a letter to their local government questioning governmental expenditures on gay lifestyle magazines. The fact that the police even questioned them is just absolutely stunning and I guess is due to your statutes criminalizing certain opinion speech. Big Brother has certainly arrived in merry old England and I am afraid, its all downhill from here. For all the criticism and handwringing in the US over George Bush, the situation here is nowhere near as dire or oppressive as in Britain. Sorry chaps, but you guys have bought the farm. I recommend getting out while “the gettin’ is good”. It really is nice over here and I love women with British accents! See ya’ soon!
Actually, the follow up to his foetus jibe was bloody funny.