Something about the picture in this article reminds me of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s the utopianism I think.
So, as multiculturalism (and lifestyle choice) becomes religion, religion becomes problematic, though, as Ritter points out, Sir Iqbal and Mr Jones get different treatment.
And no, it’s not just the media treating the two cases differently. There’s no mention of Mr Plod actually knocking on Sir Iqqy’s door.
Why does the BBC continually brainwash us with Muslim, Muslim ,Muslim when only 2% of the Uk’s population are muslims? (I will add that in 1997 when Labour came to power only 0.2% of the population were Muslims). Why, because under Greg {if anyone can screw up the BBC he did] Dyke, the BBC made sure that ALL FOREIGN CORRESPONDANTS WERE FOREIGN! So, do we hear a British vieww? NO< we hear a view of one of the many (illegal) immigrants who the BBC have employed.
Lurker: Nice one… guys like Hamza are one of the main reasons why I’m for the death-penalty. If he wants to meet up with his 72 virgins let us help him.
Disillusioned_German try this article from Die Welt……..
Funny how the BBC has not reported this………
Try BBC World Service on Short Wave – there are letters from foreign listeners complaining they cannot hear British accents nor do they hear about news and culture from Britain
Naughtie describes the President of Iran’s remarks about Israel as “pretty” extreme.
I wonder what he would describe as extreme?
I wonder what he would describe as extreme?
Eamonn | 13.01.06 – 8:22 am | #
Quite obviously if they had been directed against GLBT groups, asylum-seekers, or been pro-Hunt, or pro-English………….these would have been heinous crimes in his lexicon.
Did you perchance see the letter to one of the papers yesterday by a medic seeking research funding – his Emails had been blocked by the hospital because he used terms like “spastic heart muscle” and this was non-PC in the lexicon of the Apparatchiki.
One thing we do now know – had either the CPSU or NSDAP been able to take over this country they would have found a ready supply of willing collaborators in today’s BBC.
I’m afraid I can’t speak German (‘Comprehensive’ education and all that).
What’s the general gist of the Rushdie story?
That Denmark has a big problem, A journalist wanted to write a book about Mohammed but could not find an illustrator (guess why ?)
Anyway a newspaper guy heard this man commenting at some party about his problem finding an illustrator and so wrote an article.
They then challenged Danish political cartoonists to do illustrations and some did. The Pakistan based Jammat al Islam started a campaign with a price placed on the heads of cartoonists. The Turkish PM tried to intervene, and Muslim lobbies wanted the Danish PM to prohibit this imagery of Mohammed – he refused.
The EU Justice Commissioner Frattini got involved trying to pressure Denmark.
You could try run the article through – but that is a cursory synopsis
Rick and Grimer: I don’t rely on the German media to keep up to date. There’s plenty of stuff on (dhimmiwatch) about the Danish Mohammed Cartoons “controversy”. Actually there’s now another “controversy” in Norway as well:
Rick: Thanks for the Welt link though – sometimes “Die Welt” does some good reporting, it seems. But whenever I read / hear something in the German media I take a look at Davids Medienkritik (which is in English) to see if they’ve covered it. I would never trust Spiegel, Stern or our broadsheets. Having said that I trust ARD and ZDF even less (we’re forced to pay for these channels as well – I’m not paying though. Told them I’ve thrown my TV out of the window because of their programming)
IT sounds like the ’68ers and APOs have colonised the media – sometimes I think German TV programmes about the US are produced by former SED members.
The Mohammed cartoons business was reported on BBC World Service radio this morning – maybe if these Moslems were equally upset by political cartoons in the Arabic language press they would have a point. It is however strange how they treat an illiterate merchant/bandit as divine while rejecting divinity for an educated Jewish carpenter
Sacranie deserves a visit from the rozzers and a night sharing a cell with a six-foot BNP supporter. He’s entitled to speak freely about homosexuality or pre-marital sex or contraception or anything else, but he’s a contemptible shit for trying to get the government to ban free speech about religion and to make it blasphemous to say anything bad about the non-existent Allah and his child-loving, Jew-murdering, hypocritical tyrant of a prophet.
So Sacranie deserves having the book thrown at him. But it won’t make him change his mind on censorship, no, it’ll make the fascist more determined to make everyone else bend over backwards to accommodate the mental delusions of his co-religionists.
Moreover, Christians in this country must share some of the blame. Their leaders, at any rate, all falling over themselves to say how all religions have a relationship with God. How? If Christianity is right, then the others are wrong, except Judaism, since the Old Covenant still stands. If all religions are equally worthy of respect according to our Catholic, Anglican and Protestant overlords, then I might as well throw an epileptic fit like Mohammed and make my own up, one where I can demand a slot on Thought for the Day and demand that all work events are held at a place that doesn’t serve fruit juice or chicken, because I’m uncomfortable around juice drinkers. Oh, and I’ll have a prayer room where I’ll worship my playstation five times a day. No, make that twelve – these numbers are completely made up, anyway, so why not push for the max?
The Wyre couple, by the way, sound like God-botherers, probably belonging to some schismatic church with no coherent theology and no proper clergy (time was we’d have hanged such heretics). So, if they were to get the brush-off, a simple, “Thank you, but we have proper chaplains to do this sort of thing” would have been enough.
No Christian I know – of any denomination, layman, nun or priest – would have been putting out leaflets in a petty protest. They’d have been working with *people.*
Rick: They have… no doubt about it. I was born in 1966 and got the full dose of left-wing education in the early 70s. The anti-Americanism both in school and the media got even worse in the 80s. Obviously us kids went along with it because that’s what kids do.
Even though I always had a soft spot for the UK I was never too keen on the US and Americans (in retrospect I wonder why) but since I first came online (in 1996) I began to talk to Americans who weren’t service members and the blogosphere more and more helped me develop a more open view of the world.
I can’t say what it takes to see through the propanda we’re being fed on a daily basis but it certainly helps to visit conservative blogs if you think you’re a leftie.
Thank heavens for the WWW and the blogosphere!
disillusioned_german: more or less the same path in life here. originally “left wing” , until the rise of Islamic fundementalism in the late 90s.
once the suicide bombings kicked off, i had a serious epihany about Israel and its right to exist. but politically, i’m still left of centre – but thoroughly in favour of free speech, democracy and free markets. It is sad that a lot of left wingers cannot see the bile/fascistic rantings of the likes of Sacranie and his MCB for what they are. Sacranie and his gang are a threat to us all – both left AND right.
as somebody said above – only 2 per cent of people in Britain are Muslim. i have utterly no interest in their bandit murdering homophobic “prophet” or their murderous religion. for the bbc to pander to this ideology is utterly insane and quite frankly, insulting.
then again, the british pandered to Hitler in the 1930s while Churchill was shoved into the background. it’s looking like a big re-run of history i’m afraid.
Archduke: There are a lot of good people with a social (not socialist) attitude out there. Even though I consider myself to be a “neo-con” in the American sense I am still very focussed when it comes to injustice and, of course, there needs to be an environment where poor people or those who simply can’t provide for themselves will be taken care of. I still believe that you have more freedom in the US than you have in socialist Europe anno 2006.