says Mark Holland, in a piece on the new Channel 4 (non-BBC) output which takes a sideswipe at BBC ‘comedy’ (which on Radio Four means Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steel and a host of public-school lefties, one of whom must be called Sally for some reason).
These days we all know how to read between the lines, Pravda style, during any BBC news broadcasts we’re unlucky enough to catch. On the radio mostly. But it’s getting that way with the Radio Times too. One only has to spot a few tell tale keywords in the listings to know that a cavalcade of cobblers is looming onto the broadcasting horizon. ‘Satire’ is the big one for me. Take the BBC4’s The Late Edition;
Marcus Brigstocke hosts BBC FOUR’s studio audience comedy show, a riotous half hour of intelligent satire and debate with contributions from leading comedy writers. Strong language..
If Roy Castle were to rise from the dead in an effort to discover just how many George Bush is thick “jokes” it’s possible to squeeze into the back of 28 minutes of air time it just might be worth bothering to tune in. Otherwise forget it.
Nick Griffin is an anti-semite, and I’m aware of it so I don’t vote BNP. Most of their voters do not have the awareness of some of Mr Griffin’s wiews that we have and so vote BNP for othere reasons, the main one being that which I’ve stated, quite a few times now. And this ignorance of some of Mr Griffin’s views means that these voters cannot be nazis.
One of Blair’s first announcements after the election recognised the popular unrest about immigration/asylum (not that he has done much about it).
That view may have come to Blair’s notice from candidate’s doorstep conversations, or it may have been that white working class areas (particularly in the Yorks/Lancs textile belt) were switching from Labour to the BNP – in protest.
Several people have mentioned not watching TV in UK.
Some two years ago my old TV went on the tip due to the bias and propaganda of the BPC (British Propaganda Company)yet I find no figures for how many more people have done this, or even a professional independent survey conducted as to why this is happening. Over the last two years many influential people have mentioned they do not now have a TV so in a real world the BPC should be in crisis mode.
Has anyone an answer to this?
Fact is: I’m more worried when I read quotes from Iqbal S. and Abu H. than I’m worried about the BNP. The BNP is a fringe party and will remain that forever. What we need (in the UK and all over Europe) are really conservative parties again.
I consider myself a neo-con and am proud of that tag, by the way. Pro-Israel, Pro-US (not necessarily pro-Bush) and definetely against anything Islam.
For a real conservative see Tom Tancredo
@ Thom
Quite so, but did you know that the BNP has never taken a seat off the Tories? It only ever takes them off Labour or the LibDems.
This is of course because it is a left-wing party whose agenda is basically 70s socialism plus racism. You will never hear it thus described by al-BBC which insists that it is a right-wing party.
So let me get this straight. A vote for the BNP is, you feel, a way of sending a message to the “leftist political establishment”.
But don’t you fear that message might be misinterpreted? If support for the BNP grows, one of the first things people might well feel that support is growing for anti-Semitism.
The party’s leader, for example, is explicitly anti-Semitic and a Holocaust denier: in another BNP publication, the Carlisle Two Defence Fund Bulletin, he said “I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat… I have reached the conclusion that the extermination tales is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter day witch hysteria.”
Were any mainstream leader to make such a comment, they would rightly be hounded from office and derided around the world – including, I suggest, on this site. But for the sake of sending their “anti-left message”, it seems some are prepared to overlook this.
I would suggest that if people use their vote to back a party who rallies support by stressing his own anti-Semite credentials, they are effectively supporting anti-Semitism.
The BNP is on the left? Blimey. That really is trying to argue – if you’ll excuse the terminology – that black is white.
Now, you could make a case for the organic farming policy being a bit Hampstead liberal, but the introduction of capital punishment for paedophiles? Enforced National Service? Total withdrawl from the EU? The compulsory requirement to keep an automatic rifle in every household?
Not to mention that their founder declared that “Mein Kampf is my Bible”, while their current leader is an anti-Semite (see above) and Holocaust denier.
Moreover, why would some of the people on this very website – not exactly the last bastion of Marxist political thought – admit themselves to voting BNP to “send a message” to the mainstream parties, which they view as too leftist? If the BNP is itself actually a leftist party, surely they’ve made a stupid mistake?
Drat! Reposted the wrong comment. Ignore/delete the last-but-one comment – my point is the one below it. Genuine mistake, sorry.
Thom Boston “If the BNP is itself actually a leftist party”
From its ridiculous general election manifesto –
Wherever new industries are created, therefore, worker-ownership schemes will be
implemented as far as is practical.
Apart from the many health, long-term economic and environmental arguments in
favour of such moves to expand the ranks of the owners of productive property, there
is one very important political reason: This is the fact that the assumption by the
government of the responsibility of directing (though not running) the commanding
heights of the economy (sound familiar?) will inevitably lead to a very significant growth in the power of
the State.
So do you think of those Biased-BBC bloggers who voted BNP as on the Left?
I have seen a few things in my life, but I never thought I’d see the day the BNP was derided for being too left-wing.
And what of the four policies (EU withdrawl, National Service, capital punishment, compulsory rifle ownership) I mentioned above? They are undeniably those associated with the right, no?
EU withdrawl
Tony Benn changed his mind on this?
Did the USSR have capital punishment & national service? – are they left/right matters?
Compulsory gun ownership is the BNP prevention of counter revolution policy – I don’t think the rifle would be compulsory for you, Thom.
The BNP are “big state”, & that can define them as “left”.
Oh come on! Context, Will!
We both know Benn advocates EU withdrawal for entirely different reasons to th BNP.
And the fact that an arachiac, 15-years-dead and once totalitarian regime used capital punishment and National Service to subjudgate its citizens does not alter the fact that as social issues in the Western world, they are right-wing issues. They are advocated by right-wing politicians and newspapers. Surely you know this?
Not quite sure what your actual complaint is, TB… after all Britain has become a leftist society and that’s not going to change in my life-time. There are still a few decent, hard working conservatives left but the majority of Brits thinks like you. You’ve won. Enjoy it but leave us alone if that’s possible.