I’ve always said that the BBC are neutral betwen Tories and Labour – they’re happy to attack the Tories (from the left) or Labour (from the left).
Good to hear this from ex-BBC business editor, Jeff Randall.
But surely the BBC’s journalists give the government a hard time?
‘They attack Labour ministers, but usually for not being sufficiently left-wing.’
On the BBC and immigration :
‘Whenever we had an anti-immigration interviewee, it was a Nazi with a tattoo on his face who looked like he’d just bitten the head off a cat. I pointed out that it’s the white working class who have to make immigration work. Immigrants don’t move to Hampstead, mate’.
It’s this mindset which gives us “the self-styled Migrationwatch pressure group” – a prefix more usually applied to comedy terrorists – or Tories.
and on BBC bias :
‘It’s not a conspiracy. It’s visceral. They think they are on the middle ground’
first in with O/T.
Its how they tell ’em
New York Post crediting the report to AP.
Pakistan: 4 or 5 Terrorists Died in Strike
The statement issued by the administration of Pakistan’s semiautonomous tribal regions bordering Afghanistan
“Four or five foreign terrorists have been killed in this missile attack whose dead bodies have been taken away by their companions to hide the real reason of the attack,” the statement said.
“It is regrettable that 18 local people lost their lives in the attack, but this fact also cannot be denied, that 10-12 foreign extremists had been invited on a dinner,” it said.
Whilst the BBC sees only a negative
Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz says his country cannot accept a repetition of a US air strike on a village that killed at least 18 people.
The BBC report goes on to say
Local officials say at least four foreign militants were killed as well as 18 locals.
That’s funny the AP quotes the local government as using “terrorists”.
I’d believe it. Liberals wouldn’t want people to know that most people actually support Bush.
Replace ‘most’ with ‘some’ in the above post and it would be credible in my eyes.
The BBC definetly take steps to avoid explaining WHY some people support quite a lot of what Bush has acheived.
Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz says his country cannot accept a repetition of a US air strike on a village that killed at least 18 people.
Really ? Pakistan has no say in this NW Frontier area – never has had. This is bandit country and the Pakistani Army keeps its head down here. Who knows what Predators will lock onto as they fly past – I doubt Pakistan knows either
Way to go, Allan, don’t let the facts get in your way.