Mike Jericho has put together a valuable post on the subject (he was a little upset some of his efforts had been overlooked, but I am rectifying that somewhat now. It points out the value of pointing out matters in the comments section). For every article on the BBC website that reveals some hard information, there will be several soft-wad padding articles, usually with a strong politically correct dimension, linked to it. Mike’s post is an examination of that padding concerning Islam and Christianity.
Of Sidebars and Bullshit
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Does anybody have the number for BBC complaints?
I’m sick of e-mailing them and getting no reply.
Don’t pay the TV-Tax. Get others to stop paying.
It’s the best feedback possible.
Good post. I think you have it right about the fragmentary – some would be ruder and call it incoherent – nature of the BBC’s political mindset.
Implicit in this idea is the concept that other cultures (and by extension, other races) cannot be Racist
And this is, of course, a racist assumption in itself. Race is a social construct without meaning, as the BBC would have it; yet at the same time, whether someone can be a racist or not depends on the race of the racist.
Thus does the BBC mobilise and rely on racist sentiment (and it is sentiment, it’s not rational) in its eagerness to display its anti-racist credentials.
I have posted before about this, but the essence of the Left’s problem with intellectual coherence is this. It emotes its way towards its position on everything, and then finds, not surprisingly, that these various positions conflict. This is an ever-present risk if you don’t actually reflect on anything before arriving at your view on it.
So Muslims are victims to be protected by the Big State, and gays are victims to be protected by the Big State. So what to do when Muslims make victims of gays? Who gets dibs over whom? A fuse blows, something does not compute and al-BBC has to pretend it’s not happening at all, so as to avoid dealing with it.
The computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey is a remarkably effective metaphor for the BBC-Labour Big State axis. It is an overarching behemoth which reaches into every corner of the astronauts’ lives and manages everything for them. But it is fundamentally incapable of rational thought.
So when it has to obey two conflicting commands – 1/ tell the truth; 2/ lie about the real mission – it goes literally, homicidally mad trying to reconcile the two.
The BBC can be thought of as corporately demented in just the same way. It lies by commission and omission, it is anti-semitic, paranoid, racist, and is institutionally dishonest. It apologises for any terrorist as long as its aims are anti-British and / or anti-US. It is pathologically unable to admit error or misjudgement. In short, it displays attitudes and behaviours that, if exhibited by a person, would probably get it sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
And it does all this because, being leftist, it has to.
Rob Read:
I don’t pay the TV tax ;}
BBC practising censorship? Unable to reach THE AMERICAN EXPATRIATE and Mike Jericho’s link above.