Chief Executive of BBC Broadcast from 1996 to 1999:
Double standards in dealing with Islam
Sir, I applaud the BBC’s news treatment of the Danish cartoons (report, Feb 4). On its website, however, the cultural cringe is evident and double standards obtain. In its history of Islam we read: “One night in 610 he (Muhammad) was meditating in a cave on the mountain when he was visited by the angel Jibreel who ordered him to “recite” . . . words which he came to understand were the words of God.” This is written as fact, no “it is said” or “Muhammad reported”. Whenever Muhammad’s name is mentioned the BBC adds “Peace be upon him”, as if the corporation itself were Muslim.
How different, and how much more accurate, when we turn to Christianity. Here, Jesus’ birth “is believed by Christians to be the fulfilment of prophesies in the Jewish Old Testament”; Jesus “claimed that he spoke with the authority of God”; accounts of his resurrection appearances were “put about by his believers”.
Chief Executive, BBC
Broadcast, 1996-99
Middle Barton, Oxon
– take a look at the two following letters as well. As my colleague Laban asks on his blog:
…for how long has it been mandatory in the Met and on the BBC to call Mohammed ‘the Prophet Mohammed’? [note capital ‘P’] I haven’t noticed Jesus being referred to as ‘the Lord Jesus Christ’ lately.
Indeed. I shall now return to my current B-BBC sabbatical. TTFN.
Edited By Siteowner
For our fake suicide bomber / drug-dealer from Bedford (how does that fit together when you’re a muslim?) I’d offer a “Police be upon him”
Considering most of them wear long beards: Fleas be upon him!
Edited By Siteowner
I’ve wondered the same thing (about pbuh), and I also can’t understand why the spectators and decapitators of helpless victims shout (continuously) ‘allah akhbar’ as they hack off peoples heads.
I’m only refering to the minority of (not proper) muslims throughout the world who kill innocent people of course.
Our royal cousin the disillusioned_german, we rather like P’lice be upon him and would wish it for all our recent immigrant citizenry. In fact, insist upon it.
Cheers, HRC: I’d still love to see proof that Mr. Mohammed was actually a prophet. [deleted] There needs to be a discussion about Mohammed the man, where he came from, the circumstances in which he got held in such esteem and so on. Few people question islam as a belief / religion – maybe it’s time to start now.
Dear Disillusioned German,
You said, “If I’d write what I actually think I’d get booted out here.”
That’s right. Be warned.
Edited By Siteowner
If a German Embassy burned as opposed to just a German flag no doubt Fritz Kuhn, Renate Kunast, Claudia Roth would be offering justifying excuses…………
When I hear mention of groups like ‘Interfaith Writers For Peace’, I know that Harold Pinter and/or Tariq Ali are probably involved somewhere.
I cannot think why. 🙂
Certain comments on this thread have been wholly or partially deleted. This is not a violation of anyone’s free speech. This comments facility on this site is not made available as a chatroom for inflammatory comments about Islam or anything else. – NS
fair enough Natalie. its your blog.
Well, it’s a group blog and I’m in the group.
OT or back to topic – I’m not quite sure but isn’t it odd that the ONLY arrest to date is of a drug dealer (who we all – and rightly may I add – love to hate) who might have been legitimately exercising his rights to free speech. I find it offensive that this dildo was walking around in a suicide costume and others were holding placards inciting violence. However, if he was committing an offence so was everyone else in that demo; particularly the organisers and the placard wavers. In which case when is the Met “special team” going to stop analysing their videos of masked (and thus unidentifiable) ranters and enforce the law. If he wasn’t then why is he back in jail? (This isn’t complicated although Sir Ian Blair might find it so)
I’m going to walk into a shop where two policemen are standing. Right in front of them, I am going to pick up some articles and walk out without paying. The police will then review the shop’s security footage to see if I’ve committed an offence.
AND, if the sales assistant complains about me stealing, the police will threaten her with arrest.
That is the new police force. They are a joke.
Natalie: No worries. I’m well aware of your policy.
Rick: the German Greens are among the biggest hypocrites ever. I’ve heard a story (which I believe is true) about a female member of parliament who gets driven around in a Mercedes Benz limo. But, and here’s the interesting thing, she’s said to have a bicycle in the boot just in case the press turns up. If they do she asks the driver to stop round the corner and drives the last 100 yards or so on her bicycle. Very interesting attitude to say the least.
And Roth is outright dangerous!
The Greens are the party for the urban bourgeoisie who buy Alessi kettles – I still remember the old
“Atomkraft – Nein Danke”
stickers and the more realistic
“Wozu Kernkraftwerke ? Bei uns kommt der Strom aus der Steckdose”
I agree with you 100 percent, Rick. If the Beeb were a political party they’d be the German Greens. Hypocrites.
I like the Abu Hamza picture on the News homepage though… this one fits the bill.
I was disappointed to note the Beeb didn’t mention how many wives and kids this monster has and whether they will continue to receive free money and free housing from the British taxpayers they wish to harm.
The Greens are the party for the urban bourgeoisie who buy Alessi kettles – I still remember the old
Did Petra Kelly have such a kettle?
No idea John, but I doubt that is the reason Gerd Bastian killed her in 1992.
Does the BBC use A.D. (I won’t butcher the Latin “Year of our Lord”) when they refer to the date? Or have they updated to the atheistic C.E.? (Common Era)
Daily Express: Re Hamza.
“His fingerprints were not found on the guns.”
Doh…no hands?
Or have they updated to the atheistic C.E.? (Common Era)
Never understood how with Chinese calendars, Muslim calendars, Jewish calendars, Orthodox JUlian Calendars, can all match up with our Gregorian Calendar…………………….so I presume it is still Anno Domini but they call it “Commen Era” which it obviously isn’t………………..must be a lack of self-confidence…………………myself I cannot understand CE because it claims to be something it is not.
“Pete_London makes a good point. Anyone I’ve ever met with a British military background was a Tory voter – irrespective of class or background.”
Speaking from my experience (22 years) in the Army, I can assure you that there are many squaddies who are not Tory supporters (myself included)
I can assure you that there are many squaddies who are not Tory supporters (myself included)
I thought Squaddies has a simple shared and universal opinion of politicians regardless of party
“…for how long has it been mandatory in the Met and on the BBC to call Mohammed ‘the Prophet Mohammed’? [note capital ‘P’] I haven’t noticed Jesus being referred to as ‘the Lord Jesus Christ’ lately.”
I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Why does the MSM want so badly for mohammed to be my prophet too?
To blank out their own hostile feelings towards Muslims.