compares BBC treatment of Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria to that of Christian-on-Muslim violence. He has screenshots.
(Max in comments here spotted the same thing.)
compares BBC treatment of Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria to that of Christian-on-Muslim violence. He has screenshots.
(Max in comments here spotted the same thing.)
Worth pointing out that the two pieces both seem to have been authored by Alex Last.
Does this BBC conclusion for the causes of Nigerian killing/rioting take the biscuit?
But Nigeria is going through a period of civil disturbance, with riots in the north and militant activity in the southern Niger Delta .
The BBC’s Alex Last in Abuja says there is speculation that the instability is linked to the question of whether the Nigerian president will try to change the constitution and stand for a third term.
Those reports show a laughably obvious bias, unless you are a BBC Governor.
OT –
Iraq shrine blast sparks protests
“About 3,000 people demonstrate in the Shia city of Kut, chanting anti-American and anti-Israeli slogans and burning US and Israeli flags, AP says.
Why? Have they been listening to the BBC World Service? Do they think the mosque bombing is the work of the US and the Jooos?
OT –
Odious comparisons?
“Some people thought it inappropriate to make comparisons to the free speech debate relating to the cartoons as that centred around people’s beliefs rather than an issue of historical fact.”
To F&*%ing right!
“Do they think the mosque bombing is the work of the US and the Jooos?”
yes. the bombing is obviously the work of Mossad, because an unstable Iraq packed full of Al Qaeda terrorists and frenzied Islamist supporters is quite obviously in the best interests of Israel and the worldwide Zionist conspiracy. And BBC keep saying that all the bombs are all OUR fault.
oh wait – theres no bombs going off in Kurdistan. Those Kurds must be all secret Joooooos so.
ritter -> get a load of the excuse
“It would have been good to have found some more time in a busy programme to reflect on these issues”
simple retort: you shouldnt have f**king brought up the cartoon comparison so, ya pillock. And who was bringing up that comparison? Islamic fascists thats who.
So, are Islamic fascist terrorist supporters who would dearly like to chop your head off setting YOUR agenda Mr Ten O’Clock News?
your news program either British or your not – get off the f**king fence and stop being an apologist for Al Jazeera.
now this is infuriating
why is the blowing up of a temple of a religion that only 2% of British population adhere to , BIGGER news than the burning of numerous Christian churches in Nigeria?
last time i checked , christianity was followed by 70% of license fee payers.
beats me.
In retrospect, it would have been good to have found some more time in a busy programme to reflect on these issues. It would have allowed us to look at the difference between commenting on issues of historical fact – the holocaust – and commenting on people’s deeply held religious beliefs.
Pretending to recognize that moral equivalence is wrong when in fact, it’s their biggest stock in trade.
Hypocrites. Disgusting.
Interesting “recommends” on (D)HYS…
3rd place…
“Yet again we see the evidence that Islam is “a peaceful religion”. Perhaps we shall hear from peaceful Muslims, both shia and sunni, condeming all violence in their comments. Somehow I doubt it. The islamo-fascists appear to have the upper hand in the Middle East and they are bent on spreading their brand of medieval fundamentalism around the world. As an atheist I pray “God save us all from your believers!”
Recommended by 16 people”
I wonder if Alex Last is real or like those virtual people that sign letters from World Books ?
Anyway that’s a super screen capture showing BBC Bias in full technicolor…….it is pathetic because noone takes the BBC seriously any more it is third rate in everything and represents the epitome of British decline.
tonight’s BBC4 “Lefties” presentation recalls the ill fated left wing newspaper “News on Sunday”.
& the first editor of this failure is now ………..?
Head of Documentaries at the BBC. What a surprise.
What is going on with the message boards tonight? They are printing anything!!!
Maybe somebody has got so sick of the BBC bullshit that they’ve decided to quit and post all the non-PC comments??
How long until it gets pulled do you think?
Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:21 GMT 17:21 UK
Every time non-Muslims do something contrary to the Qur’an, the Muslims get upset and chastise us for it. I guess the true-believers missed God’s commandment in the Qur’an which prohibits them from attacking or defiling a holy mosque, and the commandment that prohibits true-believers from breaking in to rival sects, such as Sunni and Shia. So, why should non-Muslims be required to show deference to the Qur’an if Muslims themselves so flagrantly violate it’s commandments?
David Zimlin, Dunedin, Florida
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:08 GMT 17:08 UK
It is unbelievable!!! After weeks of muslim unrest across the world about a few meaningless and lousy cartoons allegedly attacking their faith, islamic terrorists go and destroy one of the holiest sites in islam!!! What type of nonsense is this???
Al, Sunderland
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:53 GMT 13:53 UK
Targetting and destroying a mosque? A thousand times worse than a stupid cartoon yet it will recieve a thousand times less Muslim anger. Count on it!
Jan Burton, Toronto, Canada
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:25 GMT 13:25 UK
A simple question: Where is the condemnation of this horrendous act from other Muslim governments in the region? American abuses of detainees are highlighted in the media, surely it is high time for the human rights abuses by the terrorists in Iraq to be shown up for what they are
Ben Weatherill, Dublin, Ireland
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:24 GMT 17:24 UK
Danish citizens the world over breath a collective sigh of relief now that the Muslim world has something else to focus on!
Edward, Burlington
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* * *
(A few of the most “off-message” posts copied here for posterity, before the stealth edits or “technical difficulties” lower the boom)
And more:
* * *
Here is the response from muslims..
For Caricature of Mohammad in newspapers :-
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags”
For Iraq Shrine Blast:-
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags”
Suicide bombings in Iraq killing iraqis:-
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags”
Hamas form Government
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags, God is Great”
For any future tragedy’s …
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags, God is Great”
rab gemini, naperville
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:13 GMT 17:13 UK
Reading these comments and noting people’s names, it despressing to see the same routine: In the eyes of Muslims, this is the fault of everyone except Muslims. It’s the CIA! It’s Mossad! It’s Blair and Bush! And even those who accept that the blast was probably caused by Muslims – well, they can’t be “true” Muslims. Next time someone blames the West, I shall point out that his actions mean George Bush isn’t a “true” Westerner. Islam will only grow up when it accepts responsibilty for bad as well as good actions.
Greg Starkowzki, London, United Kingdom
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:12 GMT 13:12 UK
This is a terrorist attack, there can be no other way of describing it.
The radicals in the country have started to target their own people (in both country and religion sence of the phrase).
Its is strange however, a few cartoons published in newspapers causes wide-spread demonstrations but where are these demonstrators when people from their own religion are being targeted by terorists?
Is there a double standard, they can kill each other but the western press can’t publish a cartoon. if this is the case then there is something seriously wrong
David Baxendale
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:14 GMT 17:14 UK
Islam a religion of peace and brotherhood? Don’t make me laugh. Just go back home to your middle ages life. Don’t offend and insult us by treating your womenfolk as ‘non persons’ in our country. Your religion offends me! This latest bombing proves that the West treats you with far more respect than you lot treat each other.
Jan F, England
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:24 GMT 13:24 UK
I find it courious if not completely unexplainable that a western newspaper publishes an image of someone wearing a turban with missiles and bombs and the Muslim world explodes with rage wanting revenge on anything or anyone western. Yet, a group of the their own people destroy a Holy Shrine and the whole
Muslim world calls for calm, peace and mourning!
Dick Niemann, Jacksonville, Florida USA
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:25 GMT 13:25 UK
Where are the cries of condemnation of the Iraqi government from the rest of the Muslim world ?
A western government “allows” the printing of a few dodgy cartoons, and apparently you have rioting all over the world.
A Middle-Eastern government “allows” the desacration of a Muslim holy shrine, and… nothing happens.
Are we going to see Iraqi produce pulled from Saudi supermarket shelves? The burning of the Iraqi flag in Egypt, perhaps? What about firebombing an embassy or two in Syria? No? How odd.
You’d almost think that the last lot of violence was somehow, you know, orchestrated or something…
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 16:49 GMT 16:49 UK
I don’t know why you bother with this particular message board. The responses are so predictable it’s laughable.
The majority of the Muslims immediately condemn the US; a few westerners fall over themselves to be politically correct and the silent majority think “Middle East; Middle Ages. Are we seriously going to let these countries develop nuclear weapons?”
I’m with the majority.
GB, London
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:16 GMT 17:16 UK
What is the point in trying to reason with these people? Muslims kill muslims and then blame the US, UK and Israel. Well guess what, maybe we shouldn’t have gone to Iraq, maybe you deserved Saddam. I fail too see how you are anything other than followers of a medieval death cult.
grahame mitchell
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 16:42 GMT 16:42 UK
I was going to make a sarcastic comment on here, about how im sure muslims the world over will blame the west for this. And amazingly – there actually are real comments saying this. Incredible!
James, London
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 16:17 GMT 16:17 UK
Here we go…I wondered how long it would take before the Muslim contingent on here started claiming that the bombing was the work of the Americans! Pathetic!
Gary Hawes, London
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:35 GMT 13:35 UK
This attack puts the whole cartoon protests into context. Do not the cartoons seem a rather petty thing to die over, when far more offensive acts are being carried out by muslims against other muslims? Bombs have been set off in or near mosques on many occasions. Destroying a sacred symbol like this is far worse than anything that has been claimed to be done by Europe or Europeans. It makes you realise how much politics is behind it all.
Bob Macdonald, London, United Kingdom
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:25 GMT 13:25 UK
What a tragedy. The Islamic world needs to see the real enemy of Islam is not the West but the terrorism within their world.
Ed, Chicago
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:50 GMT 13:50 UK
To Ahmad in London. No i don’t think this is the worst form of terrorism, actually. I think flying airliners into buildings and killing thousands of people, or blowing up trains and buses killing innocent people might just be considered a tad worse! However, this is still a very disgraceful act.
Rufus Robertson, United Kingdom
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 13:44 GMT 13:44 UK
So we witness yet another horrific defacing of one of the most revered shrines of Shia Islam. The destruction of such a historic sight is reminiscient of Buddah statues in Afghanistan. Where is the outrage in the Muslim world? Where is the repsect for religion this area of the world so deeply desires? While violence and constant protest reign over a cartoon, true insults and death to religion is given a pass.
Robert, New York
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Added: Wednesday, 22 February, 2006, 17:06 GMT 17:06 UK
Reading these jawdropping comments from Muslims begs the question: “Are mirrors forbidden under Islamic law?” One might very well think so. For if you want to know who is responsible for this outrage and for that matter every major terrorist outrage in the world for the last six years, go buy a mirror. And look in it. It’s not the Massad. Or the CIA. Or the Tooth Fairy. It’s YOU.
Peter Kohler, Washington DC, United States
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hmmm … i might preserve some of those comments before they get yanked – by blogging them.
have your say – “where is uganda heading?”
who cares?
i thought we gave up the Empire about 50 years ago.
I’ll grab some screen shots and get them hosted. I’ll post the links
iraq shrine blast “have your say” is no longer on the UK edition – you have to go to the “international” edition of (d)HYS
iraq shrine blast “have your say” is no longer on the UK edition – you have to go to the “international” edition of (d)HYS
Ah, a sudden outbreak of “technical difficulties” can’t be too far behind, then.
Oops, sorry for the double post there. Here are the screen shots. I’ve just grabbed the first page.
Does anybody have the link for the HYS menu that allows you to go to any debate?
“Where is Uganda heading”?
The same place as the gigantic BBC investments in the Middle East – down the toilet
Wow! someone at DHYS didn’t get the memo.
If foresee “Technical difficulties” with the IT “plumbing”…
O/T but related:
There will be a non-BNP-related march for freedom of speech in Trafalgar Square this Saturday from 2-4 pm:
The organizers have a blog at the link.
Re: the Nigerian violence. This BBC report is, let’s be frank, complete gibberish.
The BBC tells us that:
“…The riot was not directly related to the violence over the weekend in the two northern towns of Maiduguri and Katsina, which began as demonstrations against the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.”
So what caused this latest outburst?
“the confiscation of a Koran…” and “rumours…that the book had been desecrated”.
Phew! That’s all right then. The Danes weren’t to blame after all.
But wait…
“Alex Last in Abuja says there is speculation that the instability is linked to the question of whether the Nigerian president will try to change the constitution and stand for a third term.”
Oh, so the alleged desecration of the Koran was not the reason for the violence and neither were the cartoons. Or maybe it was and they were. Or these “youths” may have gone ape with machetes, burned a few churches and killed a few Christians because the Nigerian president might run for a third term. Possibly.
Oh wait, sorry it is March 25, not Feb. 25. My bad :blush.
No there won’t, Susan. Try 25 March instead!
If anyone is lucky enough to be in Amsterdam this weekend, there will be a march there on Saturday (25 Feb).
taol -> african reporting is a bit shite isnt it? maybe its because Orla Goering is still crying over Arafat.
Union wants Olympic strike deal
The BBC can’t say the ‘B’ word that jumps out and smacks you in the face here….BLACKMAIL !!
Of course, given that most if not all BBC journos are union members we get slanted ‘news’ (more like the RMT press release, with kind regards from Bob Crowe).
“I imagine if our members don’t get the same as other group of workers have, we could have difficulties.”
Whaaaat? Crowe is the Scargill of the Railways – About time the gov told him where to get off.
read the readers comments!
Does anyone else think it’s mind boggling that the only political party to actually publish the cartoons and organise a free speech rally are the BNP?
What cowards the main political parties are – I had no idea until the cartoons that the are gutless appeasers. they’ve lost my vote.
ritter -> lets be honest. the major 3 party leaders would have had an sober intelligence briefing from MI5. why make another 7/7 occur over some cartoons? defense of the realm comes into it, unfortunate though that is.
god knows what threats were sent on the back channels. assasination of the Queen maybe? god knows.
its all well and good for us in blog land to judge these people. but we are not privy to what MI5 are saying.
i’d give them a bit of slack.
but , i still think that jack straw is a spineless shit for what he said about the cartoon affair.
MI5 should be helping these 7/7 types into “accidents”, not advising ministers to do a “Neville”…
Where is James Bond when you nead him?
The same place the so called “Liberal left” are.
Trying to be something that does not exsist.
archduke, the Nigeria copy is utter gibberish because the person who wrote it is desperately trying to avoid saying what really happened; i.e. a large group of Muslim bully-boys went on a violent spree and attacked Christians and churches on the basis of a rumour. Instead, the report says next to nothing.
We are offered coy euphemisms (“sectarianism”, “instability”), unconfirmed claims from unattributed sources (“reports say”, “there is speculation that”), and a reluctance to report the key facts such as who died and who did the killing. Having failed to impart this key information, the report then tells us what the violence WASN”T about, before speculating on possible causes.
This could be excused were it not for the fact that most of the key information can be found in all of today’s agency reports – the same agencies the BBC uses every day of the week!
Important as all this war stuff is.
No comment has been made of the ever increasing amount of direct and otherwise goverment advertisments on the BBC and commercial broadcast networks.
Are they getting desperate? Or do they just have to much of our cash to waste? Or an even more devious reason?
No mention is made by the BBC or ITV of how the patronage of large amounts of advertising revenue can have an influence on the medias content. No surprise there.
The trade unions of this country have showed today what a bunch of gansters they always were.
DCs future job is getting harder by the day. You got to hand it to politicians they must love all that power one hell of a lott to want to sort this countries problems out. He will end up looking 60 before he is 40.
Nearly 400,000 Brits left for good last year according to Le Monde.
It is so sad that the BBC is helping so willingly in this exodus of Britains life blood.
The BBC will only attack those who are weak and incapable of defending themselves.
And they will support the bullies and those that might attack them until the cows come home. And they lead by example!!
Does anybody have the link for the HYS menu that allows you to go to any debate?
Grimer | 22.02.06 – 10:42 pm | #
Here it is:
Erm, Gordon…
I just checked the link you gave and among the top 10 topics was “Ariel Sharon: Your reaction” – replies -1
I’ve made a screenshot to prove it.
This woman Esther Armah has written a self-serving piece in today’s Guardian, but usually is incoherent and speaks with a muffled voice on Radio 5 Live. She is so muffled you cannot hear what she is saying which is rather a bad move on radio…………still she must have friends somewhere…..
The Today team (pbut) is in fine form this morning. James Naughtie (pbuh) gives an Iraqi henchman of radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr a few minutes of prime time (around 7.15am) to peddle the most ridiculous conspiracy theory i.e. the CIA planted the bombs in the mosque. Rather than dismissing this (as he would any statement made by a law abiding centre-right politician)Naughtie (pbuh), rather than dismissing this, presents it as a possibility that we should sort of add to the possible narratives. For goodness sake Naughtie (pbuh)!
The BBC’s (pbut) idea of balance would be to interview David Irving (pbuh and taking a break from writing his version of “My Struggle” in prison) to hear his contrary view that it wasn’t the CIA, but the Jews (death be upon them) who planted the bombs. That’s the BBC idea of balance.
OT but related.
Did anyone proof read the Esther Armah biography in BBC Crossing Continents
It says, “controversial Islamist leader Minister Louis Farrakhan and military-turned-civilian president Gerry Rawlings shared governance” of Ghana ❓ ❓ ❓
Farrakhan visited Ghana a number of times and Rawlings once opened a convention that Farrakhan initiated. That’s all.
Does anyone have evidence to the contrary?
I wonder if the BBC’s governors have any idea what damage is being done to their franchise by the lack of editorial discretion. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. This morning’s effort by the Today programme is probably the most audacious abandonment yet of basic standards of journalism. Jim Naughtie’s little helpers must have gone to considerable effort, trouble and expense (for which I’m paying) to find someone – hell, anyone’ll do – who could allege that the Americans were responsible for the Mosque bombing (hey, why not the JEWS?). And duly they did – a spokesman for al Sadr. So on he came to tell us all about it first thing in the morning.
This is, I’d say, merely silly, if slightly dangerous. We may, after all, merely conclude that the interviewee was off his head. But having allowed the allegation to be made on their flagship morning program, the BBC has a journalistic duty to get a response from the accused. Ie, they are duty bound to fetch up some weary US army spokesman to point out that the allegation was barking. So why was no comparable effort made to secure a response from the party accused?
There are two possible responses (discounting the possibility that no-one would comment). The first and most likely is that they didn’t want to bother because the allegation was so ludicrous. If that’s their view, why did they allow it to propogated via the BBC’s prime morning programme in the first place? The second is that they didn’t want to because their point in running the interview was deliberately to slander and defame the US forces via al Sadr’s spokesman. In other words, those who made these choices (and who are they, let’s have names: Jim Naughtie was the presenter, Kevin Marsh was the editor) are either idiots or reckless slanderers.
And in this light, let’s hear again from Kevin Marsh on how he decides what gets on air: “I make up my own mind based on mine and the team’s assessment on the facts we have. We question everyone as thoroughly as we can, write our running orders based on our own judgements and invite the guests onto the programme who we think have something to add to the running stories.”
So, let’s have some answers, Mr Marsh. What was “the team’s assessment of the facts” in this case, and do you feel happy that your invitation to this particular guest had “something to add to the running stories.”
As it is, what we’re left with is an outrageous slander, which will quite possibly add to the death toll in Iraq, invited to be made, unanswered and unsupported, on the prime morning time programme of the taxpayer-funded broadcaster.
Frankly, this is an absolute bloody disgrace. I don’t really care about their motives, but I do think that poeple who have shown such a lack of judgement and, hell, decency, have no right to the public’s trust. The BBC governors should act now, and sack those responsible.
“Have your say” on Al-Beeb at the moment is running a “What is your favourite T-shirt slogan?”. The comment with the most recommendations is:
“I have just purchased a T-shirt with a Danish flag.’nuff said.”
On BBC TV news this morning after a suitably fluffy piece about George Clooney’s latest projects (predominately ‘Syriana’) Sian Williams expresses her fervent wish that George is awarded an Oscar.
Why? Because of Clooney’s appeal to women or because ‘Syriana’ fits in with Al-Beeb’s world view?
chevalier de st george,
Do you have a link for the article?
Adloyada has also picked up on the “CIA did it” theory on Today this morning:-
The propaganda we get from the BBC about “moderate” muslims doesn’t appear to extend to the Muslim country of Iraq. From what I can see, Muslims go around killing each other and destroying each others “Holy Sites”
Can we expect anything less from a people seriously deranged by such a religion?
Maybe the only “moderates” are in the UK, if so would they now like to ask their dear friends the BBC to issue a staement condemning violence and bloodsehed by fellow believers.