compares BBC treatment of Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria to that of Christian-on-Muslim violence. He has screenshots.
(Max in comments here spotted the same thing.)
compares BBC treatment of Muslim-on-Christian violence in Nigeria to that of Christian-on-Muslim violence. He has screenshots.
(Max in comments here spotted the same thing.)
Yet, again we witness the labour govt trying its best to undermine the Royal family, or should i say, use it as a diversion from Bird Flu (the lack of preparations)
The troop deployment to Afghanistan (lack of funding for the forces), the situation in Iraq, Council Tax rises which is even more important, given the local elections which labour will be absolutely annihilated in…
Unstoppable consumer debt now at record levels, the worst trade gap ever, these 2 in particular will make a monumental effect should the international markets shift suddenly. thereby, indirectly effecting peoples ability to pay council tax..
the govt has a lot to answer for.
In addition to the lack of action against terrorists living and operating out of london/ england.
The politicisation of the Police force. Bad law becoming even worse introduced by the govt.
There is so much the media should be focusing on, and not wasting its time acting like emotional little school girls, giggling about a man’s private diaries..
I think any newspaper who publishes such views is really just demonstating its undeniable support of a failing Govt, and clearly its editorial team has no talent whatsoever, in terms of reporting the real news.
Have we got our Policemen allocated by ward yet in London? is this a 24/7 allocation, or do the police only work 9-5 ? if so what a crock. crime takes place 24/7 if the govt hadnt worked it out. Why else would old Tone be protected around the clock otherwise? the threat to him doesnt go away because it gets dark?
In which case, think about the rest of us for a change…there is no fancy way to do policing. Just policing.
I think i’ve said my bit. 🙂
Forget David Irving from my earlier post; instead the Today team need to get Ahmadinejad on to give the “Protocols” version of the mosque bombing conspiracy:-
“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed the United States and Israel on Thursday for the blowing up of a Shi’ite shrine’s golden dome in Iraq, saying it was the work of “defeated Zionists and occupiers.”
via Mick Hartley
They are talking about the blogosphere on the World Service now, discussing where it’s taking the future.
I guess it’s taking the future away from propaganda outfits like the BBC.
The muslim defence to the 9/11 attack appears mainly to centre on the “Jewish Conspiracy” theory.
Muslims could not have done it because they are lovers of peace.
This begs the question, who is doing the murder carnage and destruction in Iraq?
The BBC line appears to be, “They are being stirred up” In otherwords, provoked into doing something they would not normally do. Laugh, I nearly died.
“This begs the question, who is doing the murder carnage and destruction in Iraq?”
its obvious.
its Al qaeda , which is a Mossad funded false flag outfit, run by CIA stooge Bin Laden.
Please do try to keep up Sarge. 😉
In Palestine the “stirring up” can easily be pinned on the Israelis, a bit of black and white for old Aunty.
Violence between followers of the same religion has got Aunty stumped though, “Are they just having an argument, dear?”
The simple fact is that Iran is enriching uranium to generate electricity like a peaceloving nation. It is a big country and distributing electric power from nuclear reactors would be prohibitively expensive if they used HT cables strung between pylons as in other countries.
The Islamic Republic has therefore built a series of Shahab ballistic missiles to distribute electric power in these rural areas; but sadly the North Korean guidance system is imperfect and one of the Shab 3 missiles left the sovereign borders of the Islamic Republic and veered off towards the Shiite shrine in Samarrah……….Islamic rockets know their way
re: Today and Naughtie…
Does anyone else get highly annoyed at Naughtie’s interviewing style?
I mean, he doesnt just ask a question – he literally frames a question into a viewpoint and rabbits on and on and on for bloody ages. the interviewee manages to get a word in edgeways, but its always less than Naughties very very long winded question/opinion.
is it just me that notices it?
(and thereby switches off Today if Naughtie is on…)
Shrine Rage:
BBC does its best to stoke the fires of the “Jews/Americans did it”:
“We are facing a major conspiracy that is targeting Iraq’s unity,” President Jalal Talabani said.
Little or no comment on the fact that Sadr and his gang seemed to be primed and ready to go as soon as the Golden Mosque went up….also nothing on the the Iran link that is almost certainly at the bottom of all this…as it may have been with the cartoons….
“never meant to be offensive” according to the beeb..
well he has been and yet, he hasnt the decency to say sorry.
He can preach his hatred to everyone and get away with it. He should be held accountable for his actions and words.
None of this one rule for him and one for another business.
Livingstone should be held accountable.
If that had been a Conservative minister, my god, it’d be going on to this day, “racist tory”. but oh no, with the labour party, racism is permitted…
and they wonder why no one trusts them…they should do the right thing and own up…and then face the consequences as with pleading guilty in a court of law…
chevalier de st george and Rob Read, The Observer had a leader on Sunday that mentioned the departure of 350,000 annually. I couldn’t find the specific article in the online version and wonder if it was in the actual paper.,,1712992,00.html
This top recommended post now been ‘removed’ from
(D)HYS. Why?
Will Iraq shrine blast spark civil war?
“For Caricature of Mohammad in newspapers :-
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags”
For Iraq Shrine Blast:-
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags”
Suicide bombings in Iraq killing iraqis:-
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags”
Hamas form Government
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags, God is Great”
For any future tragedy’s …
Muslim reponse- “Kill jews, kill infidels, Burn American flags, God is Great”
rab gemini, naperville
Recommended by 63 people
Yesterday had 63 recommendations, today, censored by the BBC. and the BBC complain about Google consorship in China – Google don’t censor in the UK, but the BBC do! For biased-BBC lurkers – wake up! The BBC is not a benign force, their stories are biased and in some ways a danger to our future wellbeing ie they undermine the stability of the UK.
“Little or no comment on the fact that Sadr and his gang seemed to be primed and ready to go as soon as the Golden Mosque went up”
guess who Sadr met in January – right before the cartoon rage thing seriously kicked off
and about a week later, guess where Mr Sadr visited:
archduke. Re Naughtie, yeah me too. His questions to Alistair Darling (Transport Sec) were written by Greenpeace by the sounds of things, no attenpt at ‘balance’ whatsoever.
Allowing Clooney et al free, unchallenged airtime to Bush bash is sickening but sadly de rigeur at Socialism ‘Today’. At least the interviewer (who she) picked up Clooney when he inferred Bush is an idiot – and reminded Clooney that Bush won the election didn;t he? Clooney mumbled “er.. yeah but his figures are way down…blah…Iraq..oil..etc”
There must be a gap in the market for some right-wing talk radio to counter-balance Radio4?…
If Rupert is reading, can you please launch FOX in the UK on TV & Radio??
Go for an update
This is the piece from Le Monde on the emigration, can’t seem to find it in any English newspapers or sites.,1-0@2-3214,36-743104,0.html
I got a screen grab of the entire front page (it’s in pieces, because the I kept having to scroll down the page). See my comment here:
If anybody wants to use the pics for blogs, etc, please feel free to do so.
“If Rupert is reading, can you please launch FOX in the UK on TV & Radio?”
sorry Ritter, but the House of Al Saud has a stake in Fox news.
“I picked up the phone and called Murdoch? (and told him) these are not Muslim riots, these are riots out of poverty. Within 30 minutes, the title was changed from Muslim riots to civil riots.”
fat chance , in other words.
Superb post by Chris C on the Mosque bombing (D)HYS:
“Who are all these people that keep posting that a muslim would never destroy a mosque,so the west(america,britian)must have done it.So who are are these people that are now attacking sunni mosques in retaliation?Must be a bunch of undercover westerners,because a muslim would never attack a mosque.Right?”
I’d like to see the loonies answer that one, but I can’t because I’m off to blow up a mosque in Iraq while wearing a false beard.
That mosque didnt have any plumbers in at the same time did it?
Ritter 11.33
This top recommended post now been ‘removed’ from
(D)HYS. Why?
I have just copied and pasted the comment from your post back into the thread.
I will keep doing this – and I suggest that everyone else does it – to keep the bastards on thier toes.
Here is the link again:
Rob White,
I’m more concerned about the mosques containing Korans! After the killings in Afghanistan related to the “Koran flushing”, who knows what the Islamic world will do about a Koran destroyed in a Mosque.
Especially when its been done by undercover Mossad or CIA operatives.
(Has anybody seen the documentary “Control Room”? It’s a fly-on-the-wall documentary about Al Jazera in the Iraq war. The editor is in a meeting and people start talking about “Zionist Conspiracies”. He tells them all they are talking rubbish – “If a drain bursts in Damascus, we blame the Israelis. It’s never because of our own incompetence…”)
shrine rage update:
iranian mullah blames the “zionists” for the bombing:
so ,there you have it – the iranians were behind it. (“blame the joooos” is islamodoubleplusgoodspeak for “yes we did it”)
which fits in nicely with Moqtada Al Sadr’s army being suddenly all primed and ready to go
American Airforce Joke
Q: How do you know when you’ve accidentally hit a mosque?
A: The secondary explosions.
Thanks Natalie – I heard the interview on my way to work, and was gobsmacked that Naughtie said nowt but ‘thank you very much’. Can you imagine his response if (say) an Israeli politician, or a far-right one, had come out with something so idiotic ?
This kind of inverse racism in the BBC, where they won’t give an Arab the intellectual respect of challenging him (but will give him a platform for lunatic views) is very depressing.
“This kind of inverse racism in the BBC, where they won’t give an Arab the intellectual respect of challenging him”
why not write to U.S. Ambassador in London about this? or even the White House? or Centcom?
just a thought.
Susan, Ritter, gordon-bennett,
I’m trying to figure out a way to challenge those little editors with their big pairs of scissors on (D)HYS.
I’ve tried their ‘complaints’ facility, which is a joke because they don’t respond, and I’m amazed by their abilty to continually invent underhand ways to skew the responses they get. They’ve stopped publishing my contributions even though they are generally milder than the ones reproduced on this thread.
So how could they possibly have published those comments, thoughtfully saved by Susan and Ritter?
Well, I suppose they were short of senior snip-snip artists and whoever was left in charge was under the impression that he/she was actually required to do an honest job.
gordon-bennett – not a bad idea to bombard them with comments they’ve published and then slyly withdrawn. I suppose one or two of those believers in Mohammed complained.
My HYS was removed, it merely said
“I wonder how many Korans have been desecrated”
thus depriving me of my personal best “recommended” ranking.
You were offensive to terrorists/militants (delete depending on your support for Bin Laden).
In the BBC’s increasingly dhimmified world, it’s probably already unacceptable for an infidel to even mention the word ‘Koran’, unless it’s in terms of glowing respect.
But Danni’s tone was neutral. Plus, it’s a valid question (well done on the personal best, btw danni)
Why would you pull a comment like that unless you were being accused of offending someone ? That stinks.
Nevermind. My post is still there :p
Look the real point about the BBC is that they do not understand relgion at all. Most of them are superficially aware but few have any theological depth, and most are narcissistic and deranged.
Islam is a mystery to them but they have made the association that heads are severed, hands cut off, women raped, men killed in the street, and that the authorities are running scared. This means that if you have spent your life shooting your mouth off and running away when the big guy comes to the door; you are not likely to want to provoke head-choppers.
This is the simple level of these types – they are “all mouth and no trousers”.
They are a group terrified of physical violence which defines bullying as name-calling, and is not well-attuned to resisting physical threats. If other groups get to the stage of threatening to liquidate journalists they too will be accorded full respect.
This is the generation that talks big and walks small.
This is the generation that talks big and walks small.
Texas version: Big hat, no cattle.
like the Connecticut cowboy ?
Your comments about religion and the beeb are interesting. I found the following on their pages earlier:
Below are three quotes from the religion pages on the BBC website. First is from the Islam one:
“Allah is the name Muslims use for the supreme and unique God, who created and rules everything.”
Note the presumption here that their exists a supreme and unique God.
“Christians believe that there is only one God, whom they call Father as Jesus Christ taught them.”
Here, we have Christians believe that. A phrase sadly lacking from the Islam one.
I may be totally and utterly reading something from nothing here, but, when it comes to the only one that stands to any kind of reason, we have the following phrase, in reference to the atheistic view that people only believe in god because it is in their nature.
“Even if this is true (which it probably is) this doesn’t mean that God doesn’t exist, but merely that we are psychologically likely to believe in God whether or not he exists”
The thing that bugs me about this is the presence of a counter argument, as if it’s been written by someone who thinks that god does exist. I’ve looked (not terribly hard I must admit) for similar qualifications in the other religions’ pages and can find nothing of the sort.
I also particularly enjoyed on the reasons page about atheism the comment “There is very little real evidence for the existence of God”, which an atheist (worth his salt) would word as “There is no evidence for the existence of god”
The level of respect afforded to the beliefs of different religions (or not) appears to differ somewhat
THERE exists
That’s still up for debate amongst quantum physicists!.
It’d be a little more complex than that. “There” exists, but in what state? you cacn’t measure it’s state without collapsing it in to a particular state, so “there” technically exists in every possible state it can assume until you observe it, or until something interfaces with it. Of course, that other thing exists in a superposition of states too, which makes everything a bit quantum.
In other words, everything you know is wrong. And at the same time, right. This statement is false.
Er, I was just correcting my grammar. Nothing more.
Ah, but until the phi-vector associated with your grammar correction function collapsed onto one of its orthonormal vectors (considered in a multi- and possibly infinite- dimensional space) you were doing everything more.
Ah, but until the phi-vector associated with your grammar correction function collapsed onto one of its orthonormal vectors (considered in a multi- and possibly infinite- dimensional space) you were doing everything more.
Natalie Solent | Homepage | 24.02.06 – 10:17 pm | #
Now that, I can’t argue with…
” “There” exists, but in what state? you cacn’t measure it’s state without collapsing it in to a particular state, so “there” technically exists in every possible state it can assume until you observe it, or until something interfaces with it. Of course, that other thing exists in a superposition of states too…
Archonix | Homepage | 24.02.06 – 7:38 pm |”
oh, dear…is this what the bbc’s output does to you people?