But yesterday’s Today programme interview with Sheik Yosif al-Nasari, who told us, unchallenged by James Naughtie, how American Special Forces had sealed off the Samarra mosque before blowing it up, doesn’t seem to be available on Thursday’s ‘Listen Again’ page.
Those of you who like their anti-Americanism untainted by reality can still listen to Wednesday night’s arts review Front Row, where Syriana director Stephen Gaghan states that George Bush has personally ordered the killing of ‘lots and lots of people’.
I bought some Lurpak butter
A wise purchase?
According to David Vance at “A Tangled Web” (who must be able to read the Danish link he provides)
Included among the companies boycotting trade with Israel is Arla, a huge dairy producer (Lurpak manufacturers) and one of those targetted by the ROP.
The BBC explain why the killers of Ilan Halimi were anti-semitic by means of the following quote
They [abductors] believed… ‘that Jews have money’. That’s called anti-Semitism
Nicolas Sarkozy
That’ll clinch it with BBC’s readership! Perhaps readers would be more convinced if the BBC saw fit to tell us that the barbarians were heard chanting verses from the Koran whilst they tortured Halimi.
The BBC have previously been bold enough to disclose
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told a meeting of Jewish community leaders on Monday that the judge handling the case was investigating leads pointing to an anti-Semitic attack.
I know. However, the point of the economic boycott is to bring down the government of Anders Fogh Rasmussen and get him replaced with someone more “Islam-friendly”. Arla is owned by a farmers collective and farmers are a very powerful lobby in most countries (I suspect in Denmark as well.)
I think we need Fogh-R more than we need to punish Arla for its Israeli policies. Therefore I will buy Danish products to help keep their economy afloat and keep F-R in office.
Here is a link to AA Gill :
Lewis Nixon,
That article has some missing words. i.e. the religious motivation of the killers.
Whenever I take a look at the BBC News “Europe” page I always see the “In depth: Muslims in Europe” link in the “Features” section.
They are actively trying to sell Islam as the way forward – no surprises there: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/europe/2005/muslims_in_europe/default.stm
I think I’m getting sick.
Fran, you’re welcome.
New Labour overlords
Yes, I take your point. I didn’t know the background. And there’s something about Jack Straw that I cannot stand. Now I’m beginning to understand why.
Still, there’s something about the extraordinary capitulation to Islam that can’t be explained simply by reference to political correctness.
It’s almost as if people are converting to Islam in droves – and in secret.
Or am I being paranoid?
That article has some missing words. i.e. the religious motivation of the killers.
I am sure that the racist torture and murder of Ilan Halimi will quickly be shuffled off the BBC stage, the better to make more room for regular updates on the Great Oldham Cartoon Hanging Atrocity.
> Or am I being paranoid?
you are! Doesn’t mean they’re not after you.
The World Service has dumped more detergent on Hamas, or rather on the Palestinians who voted for Hamas.
Tonight I was cheerfully informed that the Palestinians didn’t vote Hamas in because of their ‘extremism’ but because of their social services and lack of corruption. This was airily presented as a truth.
But it is, of course, bullshit – simply because there is no way of knowing how many votes Hamas gained because of social services, how many because of Islamic terror and how many because of both.
But of course, we do have a clue in the form of Palestinian polls like the one which showed that 70% of Palestinians support suicide bombing against Israeli civilians in the ‘territories’ and 30% support it in Israel proper.
But you ain’t gonna find that inconvenient little fact on the BBC.
And how much more successful it would be if Tesco could guarantee £2,500,000,000 this year, by force backed law, before it sold a tin of beans.
Rob, yes.
Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me.
he was killed by a muslim.
where does it say that in the article?
“and leaders of the Jewish and other religious communities” i’m guessing misses out the followers of Mo’hamed, mo problems.
“French police say the gang had tried to trap several men before succeeding with Halimi.” All of them jewish.
Only the BBC and other collectivist fools would make a succesful firm “defend itself” for attracting customers.
Like you say, maybe they should try to get the state to tax everyone with food receiving apparatus?
I wonder, which would the BBC find more offensive: a “right-wing extremist” hanging up a cartoon of Mohammed (pbuh) wearing a bomb-shaped turban, or a Muslim planting an actual bomb which kills actual people?
For me, it’s a “no-brainer” but then again I am normal and not left-wing. I honestly believe that this question would prove almost insurmountable for your average beeboid. I’m sure that any answer they gave would have the word ‘but’ within in the first 10 words.
Dave –
incredible. They wrote an entire without mentioning “plumbers” once! Astonishing. I guess the white skinheads “dun it”.
that should read “an entire article”
It would probably destroy the comapany in no time. They’d get used to the government cash,quickly become flabby and uncompetitive and then start making losses. As is the way with subsidised companies.
We get periodicaly reminded by the BBC that some big companies are making big profits (shock horror). Perhaps the BBC would be happier if they were all doing a Rover.
Talk of wind-fall taxes are abound, as if the goverment has not taken its very large share already. That is by NI and income tax payments,duty,VAT,and corporation tax,to name just a few ways. Perhaps instead of extra taxing or fineing their profits, perhaps the goverment/BBC might spend a little time ensureing they are operateing under proper and fair competition rules. So that the benifits are shared more by the consumer. No prises for working out why they dont bother.
No mention by the BBC is made of the ever increasing amount of anger and bitter resentment,ilegaly operated local authority parking enforcement, is causing.
Once again the BBC fails to represent any issue that is important to the ordinary members of the public. We have violent intimidatory thug bayliffs, running a mock over the LAW and peoples human rights. Local authorities being caught clearly conspiring to break the LAW and the goverment and police service, seeming happy about the problem.
But still NO COMMENT from the BBC. A lott like a “you dont talk about our ripp-off racket,and we wont talk about yours,” sort of deal going on.
We the people lose, every time. These things make me detest a country that, not long ago, I used to love and respect. I know I am not the only one. Soon not even poor muslims will want to live here, some already wish they didnt.
This country is falling apart at the seams quickly. Please dont panic, try to get some assets out of the country and dont lose your passport.
Free advice my friends, the BBC will not and can not ever give you that.
that AA Gill article is scathing to say the least about BBC World:
“It has been quite some time since I seriously watched the BBC’s international output, and to say it’s eye-bulgingly, vein-poppingly, irredeemably stupidly God-awful is actually to be diplomatically reserved. BBC World News makes Fox sound like the sermon on the mount.”
” it produces news with all the energy, purpose and fluency of a constipated whippet”
“What was most depressingly sad was the upbeat, vanilla content of its reporting and investigation, as if it was all made by a committee from some timid, people-pleasing global development agency.”
We get periodicaly reminded by the BBC that some big companies are making big profits (shock horror). Perhaps the BBC would be happier if they were all doing a Rover.
Name one company in Britain which is guaranteeed a £3 bn turnover by law over the next 5 years and is wholly unaccountable to shareholders !
It’s almost as if people are converting to Islam in droves – and in secret.
Or am I being paranoid?
Bryan | 26.02.06 – 10:35 pm | #
Remember the simple rule:
“Media Magnifies Minorities”
But hang on, would any BBC-watchers ever have known that Frank Gardner was a Muslim if all had not been revealed when he was shot?
Grimer – good point.
Rob Read – Hah! Maybe everyone with a mouth should have to hand over £x (I have no idea how the TV Tax is, I allowed myself to be extorted in years) before they are allowed to eat. I do like a good analogy to the utter absurdity of the ‘unique way the BBC is funded’.
I think you can’t spot where the ‘haven’t’ should go in that post above
But hang on, would any BBC-watchers ever have known that Frank Gardner was a Muslim if all had not been revealed when he was shot?
Bryan | 27.02.06 – 8:23 am | #
Not unless you had breakfast with him in the BBC canteen
And noticed that he never ate bacon?
Probably, but could also be the prayer mat and even the glazed look in the eye and the way he shrank into the dark corners of the room when you held a crucifix in front of him
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