They are the ones with a “nose” for a story. Hard-bitten, often hard-drinking, they are the ones
who “just happened” to be there when the war started or the government fell – or the story first broke that the world would eventually know as “The Oldham Horror”…
Extremists have been blamed after a cartoon featuring the prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban was put up in a housing office in Oldham.
Tim Blair is on the case.
taol -> and the cops are involved as well, which is just nuts.
welcome to Airstrip One UK – thought crimes are obviously more “important” than real crimes.
It is all part of the thought police stuff, the gradual closing down of our freedom to speak our mind :,,176-2058502,00.html
Imran Khan compares the Danish cartoons to the Holocaust:
Imran Khan’s words should be splashed across the BBC’s front page. But they won’t be. Bias by omission.
Just like they omitted crucial details of the Paris torture/murder case, and gave virtually no mention to the huge funeral support for the poor man’s family including the French President attendijng.
The more I think of Imran Khan’s words, the more depressed and angry I get. How on earth can we ever co-exist with a culture that is so self-centered and retarded its members equate mildly satirical cartoons with mass genocide? These people are mentally sick and the Beeb and the liberal elite just encourage them to wallow in their sickness ever the more deeply.
Seriously depressed today.
Sorry to read that you are depressed. My honest advice would be stop watching any broadcast media at all and stay in bed 24 hours a day. It really is the only treatment that helps.
Yes, they probably are mentally sick. They certainly are cunning. I don’t think Khan believes what he says for one second. Together with others who are parading and howling and boycotting companies and calling for death to anyone who doesn’t think like them, he’s just trying to see how far into a corner he can push guilt-ridden, multiculti, ‘human rights’ oriented Westerners so that they’ll stay there, intimidated and submissive, during the next excuse for a Muslim ‘protest’. And if they can throw in some anti-Semitism with that old tactic of trivialising the Holocaust, well that’s an added bonus.
And the BBC is only too happy to play along.
And Khan, of course, is a native of a country that is riddled with Islamic terrorists, brutally oppresses its Christian minority, sanctions gang rape of women and produced the murderers of Daniel Pearl. But the ‘international community’ cheerfully plays cricket with Pakistan.
Depressing? It certainly is when so much attention and sympathy and encouragement is given to Muslims by an increasingly dhimmified West, with leftwing politicians and media like the BBC happily raising the flag of Western surrender to the barbarians.
This is why it’s a good thing to take a break from it all once in a while.
I try to get to the sea so I can dive through the waves and wash all this endless garbage out of my system.
The history of Europe is that when our backs touch the wall we get very very nasty…
Our self appointed “elite” are doing a bad job of pulling the wool over our eyes. In conversations I overhear, noone believes the PC BBC. People know what’s going on and they know how short the distance is from their back, to the wall.
What they are slowly coming around to, is that what they are thinking, everone else is too. What they are puzzled by, is that they aren’t hearing it in the news. They scratch the surface do a few googles and stop trusting the MSM.
Sorry to read that you are depressed. My honest advice would be stop watching any broadcast media at all and stay in bed 24 hours a day. It really is the only treatment that helps.
Gary Powell | 28.02.06 – 2:42 am | #
You are right Gary. I am coninced that Broadcast TV is the cause of increase levels of Depression in Britain and propagates mental illness
How on earth can we ever co-exist with a culture that is so self-centered and retarded its members equate mildly satirical cartoons with mass genocide? These people are mentally sick and the Beeb and the liberal elite just encourage them to wallow in their sickness ever the more deeply.
Seriously depressed today.
Susan | 28.02.06 – 12:40 am | #
Susan….the liberal elite are easy. Blow them over and they fold. All they have is words but no steel.
Imran Khan is a joke – another of the playboy princes from Pakistan like his counterpart the ever-so-loose Benazir at Oxford. These are the ones who dance on the tables and blame the waiter for serving them wine.
Stick to what you believe Susan and let nothing shake you. Do not try to “see their point of view”….they want the air you breathe and the ground you stand on; do what our ancestors did…..tell them to fight or flight.
BTW When does that film about Boudicea come out ? GO watch it and imagine grinding them up under the chariots
Something to cheer you up Susan…..
“I am coninced that Broadcast TV is the cause of increase levels of Depression in Britain and propagates mental illness”
i’m convinced of that too.
when was the last time you saw the BBC broadcast a feel-good upbeat news item about our troops in Iraq?
re the “oldham horror”
guess what city recorded the highest levels of anti-semetic attacks outside of London.
yup – you guessed it – Manchester
They ranged from physical assaults to attacks on cemeteries and offensive e-mails, including the knocking over of 96 headstones at the Rainsough Jewish cemetery in Prestwich in June.
Trifling affairs, Your Grace, trifling affairs. They pale in contrast to the horrors of the Great Oldham Cartoon Hanging Atrocity. Remember, the Danish cartoons are the equivalent of 7/7, 9-11, the Madrid bombings and the Holocaust all rolled into one.
Read this article by a blogger calling himself “Pim’s Ghost” (I presume in tribute to the late Pim Fortune):
This is the culture we face having to co-exist with in the nuclear age, one that is suffused with an incredibly warped sense of “honor”.
Imran Khan is right — to them, the destruction of their “honor” is more important than the untold sufferings of jewish Holocaust victims or little infidel children shot in the back fleeing the horror at Beslan. The whole world must come to a stop in order to acknowledge and assuage the “hurt feelings” of this mass of self-centered, belligerent toddlers.
We are facing a culture of tens of millions of people with advanced cases of Narcisstic Personality Disorder. Any psychologist will tell you that NPD is one of the least curable personality disorders, as well as one of the most difficult ones for normal people to live with.
If those from this culture are willing to kill their own daughters, sisters and wives at the drop of a hat for the sake of their precious “honor” — what will they do to us worthless infidels, once they get lots of nukes?
This mindset is perfectly willing to set off a nuclear war for the sake of “honor”.
That’s why I am so depressed. And instead of just telling them to grow up and get over their warped obsession with “honor”, we pander and submit to their crazed narcissism.
Susan “we pander and submit to their crazed narcissism”
Uber-liberal & all round civilised man Jon Snow (Channel4 News) writes a blogette from Teheran (snowmail daily e-mail 28/2/06). He says
all the woman now wear a scarf or a chador. But you soon get used to it, as I guess have they.”
So forget democacy, equal rights for women etc etc. Just lay back & think of the theocracy.
Susan we are in total agreement. We are dealing with a Cult, a Cult of Death which values obedience over ethics and is without scruples.
If Judaism places a high emphasis on Torah study and analysis something Christianity assumed – Islam prizes rote learning and unthinking recitation from memory.
Only those with a superficial grasp of any religion could be so blindly duped by Islam as being anything other than a bedouin cult to the glorification of one man, the L. Ron Hubbard of his time.
Uber-liberal & all round civilised man Jon Snow
Not really just a man imbued with self-loathing and the moral priggishness acquired from being the son of a C of E bishop
The Beard Faced Messiah.
rick -> i quite prefer C4 news funnily enough. ok, its fairly left of centre, but it doesnt get hysterical like say, “Today”.
somehow, Jon Snow doesnt come across as a condesending wanker to me – like most of the Al-Beeb lot.
Well, he comes across as a condescending wanker to me.