It is said of many a failing company that it was not just the occasional faults in their products that trashed their reputation but the arrogant and evasive way they dealt with complaints.
This BBC article says, twice, that terminations were made legal in the US by the 1973 court decision Roe v Wade. In other words it is factually wrong in a typical BBC way.
The American Expatriate spotted the mistake and complained. The response made by the BBC’s Louise O’Doherty was far more astonishing – and revealing – than the initial error.
I can assure you that factual accuracy is the essence of news reporting and the BBC aspires to the very highest standards of journalism but in many cases, particularly with breaking news stories, facts can be scarce or conflicting.
Nevertheless I do realise the frustration this supposed error must have caused.
Read the Expatriate’s response.
UPDATE: The BBC have now corrected the article in question, and state that the initial response to the question “will be raised as a training issue.”
I think you miss the point. Ken Livingstone IS a Nazi whether he is in denile or not. Or if you are not sure about this. Ask him what the British or American goverments should have done when a million Jews turned up in Palestine. Perhaps he believes if they had all died in concentration camps or in the Jaffa docks. There would not be a problem.
People like Ken can never be guilty of descrimination, because
people like Ken dont like all and any PEOPLE at all. They prefer reptiles. They dont answer back.
Gary Powell
“Do you really think you are the only one to notice this?”
Well David Cameron’s obviously not noticed this since he is happy to copy all Labour’s policies (“Stability not tax cuts” etc etc). Seems he didn’t notice the Dunfermline result where voters, only given a choice between 4 left-wing parties, chose the LibDems not the Tories. Why vote Tory if you’re going to get more of the same as for the last 8 years?
The answer you are looking for is the BBC. They just love to advertise all things European. As if it is the “modern way forward”, when of cause it is anything but. When I travel as well, this becomes just so painfully obvious. My god even the SOUTH AFRICAN goverment has radicaly reduced busines tax and restrictive trade practices. I heard that on a BBC documentary in Hong Kong.
Good point,it is a gamble. But letts face it being strait and honest did not work. Quite frankly I have given up careing how they get into power because if they dont get into power next time it will be the end. If they do get into power and nothing is any different it will also be the end. Sorry to be so depressing, but then the truth quite often is.
Politicians might be smarmy public school megleomaniacs, but never believe that they are stupid. Any of them. They all make more money than most of us out here, and we GIVE it to them. Without it even getting them arrested.
“people like Ken dont like all and any PEOPLE at all. They prefer reptiles. They dont answer back.
Gary Powell”
Tha’s funny ’cause I always understood our Ken got his rocks off with those of the amphibian persusion. Could this be an instance of evolution in action?
I don’t want the BBC to be sympathetic or unsympathetic – just put the guy on the spot. Irving went effectively unchallenged…
I dunno about that. Perhaps it’s worth another listen. I recall Berg challenging him a number of times. And when she brought Evans in, she made a point of exposing Irving’s lie that there were too many survivors of the camps for there to have been a programme of mass killing.
And the point about the daughter reading Anne Frank was a powerful and personal rebuttal of Irving’s Holocaust denial. If Berg wanted to give Irving free rein, she certainly wouldn’t have brought that up.
It’s funny how we can listen to the same programme and come to such different conclusions. I really thought Irving emerged from the encounter looking like the liar that he is.
OK clever clogs give me a break Im trying to be funny. Ever heard of irony?
Hard to tell with Irving – he has five daughters, four legitimate – and left the Danish woman Bente Hogh, mother of his latest, in a bit of a mess…….but Irving is a narcissist and deranged
I feel sorry for the daughters, but I have no sympathy for any woman who would hook up with him.