, I have decided to put USS Neverdock’s BBC bias reference page from January last year on the sidebar among “other links”. Lots of good stuff there, although Marc ought to note that the infamous CBBC page on the Holocaust that didn’t mention Jews has since been amended.
I know, I know, ought to clean out all the other links that don’t work. Don’t like doing it, for some reason.
I have just returned home after a little more than a week away and as I simply cannot be bothered to wade through the posts submitted to all the websites I visit while I wasn’t there, I have some time to spare for the menial task of compiling the list of sites linked to which are no longer updated.
ABC Watch
Brian’s Culture Blog
The British Biased Corporation
British Spin
David Steven etcetera
The Edge of England’s Sword
Last Night’s BBC News
The Ombudsgod
Shot by Both Sides
The Ultra Moderate
USS Clueless
XRRF Colour Supplement
We French are not even informed of Ilam Halimi’s kidnappers’ religion.
You know what’s the most unnerving aspect of keeping a website up-to-date? Checking the validity of the links… That’s why I’m running a website, not a blog. I got my hands full making sure that my links are still working. It does help if the people behind the linked websites / blogs tell you when they stop updating their websites / blogs.
Fact is: I had more spare-time before I started using the Internet.
Fact is: I had more spare-time before I started using the Internet.
Yes but it was probably filled with drugs and drink………so now you can feel you are part of a global community of frustrated insomniacs rather than alcoholised narcoleptics
And you can learn lots of new words too…..may I use them as an insult at my next staff meeting when the headie starts ranting? Cheers!
I thought about deleting some of the sites that are no longer updated but decided to keep them for now for reference or in case they start blogging again.
Matt Frei’s back in New Orleans for the Beeb everyone!!! And don’t worry, he has found bad news and you don’t even have to listen to him. The plangency seeps through his writing.
OK, NO has recovered its spirit and it still knows how to throw a party that personally, I would not attend even for a large amount of money, but Mardi Gras has gone on and they’re pulling tourists back into the city again. OK, so some of them go by in “buses filled with white faces” viewing the devastation, but you’ve got to take the bad, anti-American news where you find it!
Why didn’t the link work? I distinctly ordered my illegal Filippina maid to copy and paste into the URL box. Honestly, these people are so stupid!
my illegal Filippina maid
Go on civil-partnership her and make her an honest woman !!
Isn’t this article http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3846143.stm a fascinating insight into the way nanny sees personal debt?
Here we have the story of an utterly feckless twerp who blew £40,000 on holidays and then declared herself bankrupt. The BBC is article is written as though we are supposed to sympathise with this gruesome, irresponsible individual. The best part is when she has the audacity to whine that it’s the credit card companies that are irresponsible for lending money to the likes of herself.
Of course in the bubble of nannying that is the BBC’s world, nothing you do yourself, whether it’s stealing from credit cards or blowing your fellow passengers up on the tube, is ever your own fault. Somehow it’s always someone else’s fault. Unless you can’t pay your TV license in which case it definitely is your fault and you should go to jail.
I wonder what the BBC considers to be its own fault?
“my parents had a bad credit history and that prevented me from getting credit while I lived in their house.”
Yeah, must be something in the genes (designer denim & bought on Amex)
It’s just amusing to meto see the same parralels between obesity and debt.
Both are caused by Sloth and over-consumption.
The surviving one of The Two Fat Ladies did an article in which she whined that she had been forced to go bankrupt three times!
tCC “Unless you can’t pay your TV license in which case it definitely is your fault and you should go to jail.”
Yes that is a very interesting exception to the general rule. Of course funding the BBC is a much more worthy thing than providing profits for banks, those profits being the bedrock of our pension funds.
what a twat – theres a very easy way to avoid credit card debt :
why is this in the “business” section?
also in the “business” section, its have-a-go-at-the-rich:
of course, its always the wealth creators, like Philip Green who come under the spotlight – never the luvvies in the media & entertainment industry in tax exile in Monaco, Switzerland, Dublin and elsewhere.
Here we have the story of an utterly feckless twerp who blew £40,000 on holidays and then declared herself bankrupt.
Good god, that is nearly $80,000 at only age 28! Those must have been some holidays. What did she do, rent the presidental suite at the George V for days on end?
No sympathy here at all.
It’s all beyond my wildest genes.
“also in the “business” section, its have-a-go-at-the-rich:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/busin…ess/ 4763984.stm
of course, its always the wealth creators, like Philip Green who come under the spotlight – never the luvvies in the media & entertainment industry in tax exile in Monaco, Switzerland, Dublin and elsewhere.
archduke | Homepage | 02.03.06 – 7:34 pm | # ”
I watched the programme and phoned beeb Info about it to make 3 points.
The presentation was downmarket and tacky, using a conjurer as a theme, which I thought would be an intellectual insult to its intended audience.
If they are going to disdain people living offshore to avoid tax then why didn’t they mention their own John Simpson, who used Ireland for the same purpose.
A related point (but not in this prog) was that why dont the beeb in their annual disparagement of City “whizzkids” bonuses also mention the fact that many of their own employees are granted large bonuses (cast the mote from your own eye first).
City “whizzkids”
Gavin Davis……..
Then again was it Greg Dyke who introduced bonuses to the BBC top-deck ? Bonuses plus job-security
i couldnt give a rats arse about city whizzkid bonuses – if their funds are doing well, that’s all good for my pension.
Well Equitable Life has been paying some super bonuses for Board Members…………..not too great for the pension funds however.
As for Corporate Finance bonuses does it make you feel really good archduke to watch P&O become de-listed, O2, most electricity companies, BAA soon, Pilkingtons etc…….and Vodafone flooding the market with shares yet writing down the value of acquisitions ?
Just what will these pension funds be invested in ? So many public companies are disappearing and private equity is taking them out for which huge City bonuses are paid……………….you won’t get a smell of these inside deals
on the subject of the BBCs article on the holocaust, is it not right that children should be taught about the holocaust on equal terms. many races of people suffered, infact the slavs suffered far more than the jews if we’re talking numbers. just because they wernt shipped like cattle to the gas chambers doesnt make thier death any less significant.
if we emphasise on one particular race we de-emphasise the losses in other groups. it was right to portray it this way, and wrong to change it. to call all other victims non-jews is dispicable. as it portrays they deaths of one race to be more significant others, which reinforces the racial separation that still exists in this world.
alot of people criticise hierachicy of victims yet ignore the most blatant example.
*cue anti-semite accusations*
You can avoid the anti-semite accusations by posting a link to a source demonstrating that Jews were not the sole victims of the Holocaust.
For example:
AFAIK Jews have no objection to publicising the other victims, just to minimisation or denial of their own tragedy. To call the others non-Jews is understandable in the context of correcting the common belief that it was only the Jews killed, and in discussing the political consequences of those events, but I agree that a full breakdown is more desirable.