Both Expat Yank (hat tip: David H in comments) and Eamonn Fitzgerald’s Rainy Day spotted something odd about the reporting of a recent BBC poll on Iraq.
Hello? Three-quarters of the tyrant’s former subjects are thrilled that the old monster is behind bars, but the BBC buries the fact at the very end of the report on its own poll. Talk of selectivity! Talk of bias!
“Remember that Muslim Tory woman who was arguing with the Choudhury nutter on Newsnight ?”
the infamous “go back to your own country” incident. that was pure non-p.c. brilliance.
Sayeeda Warsi is her name. only 35 years old. She’s vice chair of the Conservatives.
Beware of selective editing from the BBC of anything DC does or says. It is clear what attitude the BBC is taking to his election. PANIC. It will be interesting to see how the BBC will square, him being too progressive, with being too reactionary at the same time. However in a true centralist politician these contraditions will always exsist. Where the center of British politics is as far as the BBC is concerned, is defined by the BBC itself. In my view and I think most of yours, this countries goverment is in terms of policy and outcome is far LEFT-WING. This should not suprise anyone as they are the LEFT-WING party, and have got elected 3 times. It is not centralist just because Tony Blair and the BBC repeatedly call it so. The “third way” is just a propergandists way of saying National Socialist. Socialists are not “not racist” just because they seem to spend all their energy saying so. As a business man, take my word for it. A man is not honest or centralist just because he says “TRUST ME” with a cheeky grin. Ask any ordinary German or Russian old enough to remember Hitler or Starlin. They will tell you that both were not just trusted but also LOVED, by the people. Such is the power of propergander, and state control. However this goverment inspite of giving away all our money, and having the BBC in its pocket, still has only a minority of the vote.
ian barnes pointed this out:
ian -> cover up? it reeks of it.
The Home Office is now involved.
HOWEVER – its made the front page (finally) of the bbc uk news site
“jowell under threat”
the Times has a good article detailing the case:,,2-2061576,00.html
Nice stuff I agree. Also very sad that the indiginous population of this country no longer have the legel write to say it themselves. The socialists have the cheek to assert that this country was more racist in the past. Simply because there was not a “witch hunt” by LAW conducted on anyone that did not conform with the goverments own Racist believes. I heard of a young man issued with a ASBO because a police man overheard him useing the F word during a private conversation on his mobile phone. This in a country where if I get my house robbed the police do not even attend the crime area. No wonder people are converting to Islam and the BNP in their thousands.
indeeed gary indeed. sometimes i think that the only way for the political elites to begin to listen to people is to vote BNP.
a kind of “pim fortuyn” effect so to speak – not enough to get them into power, but enough to frighten the bejesus out of the self-centred, smug, arrogant westminister village.
and i personally cant stand the BNP – never have, and i never will (dont bother argueing with me – i just dont). but desparate times require desparate measures – so , i’ll probably vote BNP in the local elections.
TJ is my MP. In my oppinion she is one of the most odious people in politics, the hippocracy would be incredible, if it was not so typical. You cant TRUST any politicians. The best you can do is make sure their interests are your interests. The Tories do best when they make the people better of and free. The Labour party do best by making the people poor and controlled. You choose what is best for you.
as the telegraph has said – what is Tessa Jowell actually for? in other words, if her ministry dissappeared overnight, would we actually notice?
probably not.
so , i’ll probably vote BNP in the local elections.
archduke | Homepage | 01.03.06 – 12:16 pm | #
Just remember that your ballot paper is numbered and matches the voter list so you won’t be too anonymous
I have just sent the following to Sky News Adam Boulton blog:
“Are you the BBC in disguise? It was on the cards when loads of their top executives came over to Sky last year. Sky news has got steadily worse since then. Now there is nowhere in the UK we can get decent news on TV.
You had better beware though. The BBC is very worried by the strength the anti-BBC blogs have gained recently, the main impetus being 07/07/05. But ultimately they are OK as we are all forced to “subscribe” to them by paying the TV licence.
However we are not forced to watch Sky. The only reason more people haven’t cancelled already is a) they love Sport and/or 24 and b) NTL’s service is crap so they feel forced to stick with Sky.
My boyfriend is a News and Sports addict. He watches Sky News and Sports all day everyday not-stop almost while he works from home. But he is on the verge of cancelling our subscription anyway as he is so disgusted at the way your outlook has changed.
If he is prepared to cancel then there will be thousands more out there on the verge too. You’d better get back to your old ideals quick: start backing Britain again, support our troops, stop wheeling out lefties for the paper review every night, stop appeasing Muslims. Else you may find a mass switch off rather soon.”
This was triggered by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown’s comment on the paper review last night that if US and UK troops do ever have to go into Iran then she hopes they lose. TREASON. And no-one questioned it or asked her to retract the statement.
We have been getting more and more annoyed by Sky News recently. Since the BBC executives went there last year they have been getting progressively worse. There are even some days when, dare I say it, you get a more accurate and balanced report on the Beeb!
(We’d have cancelled Sky already if we could work out who else we can get Sky Sports and Sky One (for 24, sorry I’m an addict)from. NTL is out of the question as a) they are crap b) they are French. If anyone could suggest any other source that would be great)
Is there anyone else on this blog who feels the same about this issue? If so I urge you to start bombarding the Sky blog as well as this one. They have to respond to customer opinion more than the BBC as we have a choice whether or not to subscribe. You used to be able to rely on them to report correctly when the BBC were doing their usual but now you turn over and just get the same.
“Just remember that your ballot paper is numbered and matches the voter list so you won’t be too anonymous
Rick | 01.03.06 – 12:29 pm”
indeed. i have found that aspect of voting in Britain somewhat disconcerting – although with current government imcompetence with I.T. systems, i’m not really *that* worried.
Little L – there are bigger forces at work here.
sky is owned by Murdoch
if a Saudi Prince can influence Fox News by just a single phone call – well, you get the picture.
I understand I get tempted to do the unthinkable sometimes, for the same reason. That including becoming a Muslim, and Im a confirmed athiest. But when I think of Nick Griffins piggy eyes and all those smelly beards…NO. Im just stuck with DC so I might as well like it, and start praying. The Tory members and grandees will never allow him to do any of the things he is currently talking about. All at my constituency meating are well aware of that. There would simply be no one to collect party funds. Politicians all love money and to be loved, more than normal people could ever understand.
Just remember that your ballot paper is numbered and matches the voter list so you won’t be too anonymous
But papers & stubs remain in the control of local government officials & are sealed in separate containers.
They are only subject to re-examination in a case of voter fraud.
I think it unnecessarily alarmist to think that the thought police will spend many hours seeking to identify who voted for a particular legitimate candidate.
The BBC will not use the T word, but is quick to identify right wing extremists
Now it seems that even refering to a Muslim as a fanatic is beyond the pale.
Last night’s R5 “Upallnight” mentioned today’s newspaper headlines. The BBC presenter, Rhod Sharp felt the need to repeatedly point out that the following language belonged to The Sun, not the BBC
FORMER Cabinet Minister Clare Short will provoke outrage today by meeting Muslim fanatics in the House of Commons.,,2-2006090722,00.html
& who are these non-fanatics?
Hizb Ut-Tahrir
They say democracy is unacceptable and spout anti-women, anti-gay and anti-Jew bile.
Their spokesman has declared there is “no possibility of harmonious co-existence between Islam and the West. Ultimately, one has to prevail.”
Oh, I see, perfectly moderate.
indeed gary indeed.
i’ll probably just join my local conservative association and see whats up on the ground so to speak.
i’ll have to keep my anti-monarchist tendencies to myself though.
plus ca change.
Depending on your views of Islam, he could have a point.
Just how many BBC employees have arranged a jolly to Mardi Gras in New Orleans ?
“no possibility of harmonious co-existence between Islam and the West. Ultimately, one has to prevail.”
from the horses mouth so to speak:
“It also aims to bring back the Islamic guidance for mankind and to lead the Ummah into a struggle with Kufr, its systems and its thoughts so that Islam encapsulates the world”
substitute the words “communist”, “socialist” ,”national socialist”, “workers” in various points in that passage, and you pretty much have the same world-conquest style ideology that we’ve defeated in the past.
A Danish friend just told me of this. I have not heard the BBC refer to this yet. Please fellow bbc watchers tell me I’m mistaken? Is this because a rejection of Cultural relativism is too intellectual for the likes of Jim Naughtie et al?
Manifesto: Together facing the new totalitarianism
Offentliggjort 28. februar 2006 22:30
Comments from Matt Frei about Mardi Gras…
What on earth is a cubic ton?
It would be wiser to write “none of the above” on your ballot i.e. spoil it than vote for the Nationalist Socialist BNP.
Don’t kick out parliament when you kick out MPs.
An astonishing performance from R4’s World At One today – I came away almost in tears at the plight of poor, poor Tessa Jowell, who is clearly being viciously hounded by a thoroughly malignant press campaign! To witness such martyrdom – the humanity of it!
How sweet of the BBC to give so much time to the fragrant Baroness (sic) Jay, allowing her almost endless space to defend her old friend and party comrade with a proper display of sisterly solidarity against the vile capitalist press! How wise and compassionate, too, providing the comfort of la Jowell’s local party worker to delicately brush aside any possible suggestion that voters might believe another ZaNu-Labour minister had been caught up to her trotters in a nice, deep trough of money.
After all, one’s husband frequently has the odd £350,000 sloshing around in his trouser pocket, hasn’t he? And what on earth would a good socialist wife be doing, asking where it came from?
Well done BBC! Keep it! It can’t be much longer before Tony forgives you for that unfortunate Gilligan/Kelly incident!
“none of the above”
Hardly makes clear the direction in which you want policy to shift, does it?
“none of the above”
Hardly makes clear the direction in which you want policy to shift, does it?
Perhaps “Powellite” would do the trick.
Matt Frei’s diary – posted on the Beeb at 12:34GMT abd the reader feedback is flooding (forgive the pun) at an astonishing rate of 1 comment per hour (zero recommendations).
“Hardly makes clear the direction in which you want policy to shift, does it?”
Join the local party of your choice then.
the tessa jowell story has dropped off the front page:
ho hum… it was on there earlier on today.
you can find it if you go to the “uk” page
more on the story here:
this really smells of money laundering. mortgages taken out 5 times. serious fraud office backed off.
That’s very good news from Denmark. And no, there is of course absolutely no reference to this anywhere that I can see on the BBC
Cubic tons?
Traditional BBC measure of length. They’ve been using it for.. er.. light years.
5 Live this morning talking about the shooting at the Kanye West concert at the NEC last night, for some reason they saw fit to include audio of West after Katrena stating that “George Bush doesn’t like black people”.
how was this relevant? was Bush to blame for the shooting of two security guards by a local gang…no wait the CIA could have been taking revenge for the Katrena comments!
Is Islamism the new “global threat”?
“Do you agree with a group of writers who say the “world now faces a new global threat”?
A group of writers, journalists and academics have put their names to a statement published in the French weekly newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, voicing their concerns over the “danger of Islamic totalitarianism”.
Author Salman Rushdie and French Philosopher Bernard Henri-Levy are among those calling for “resistance to Islamic totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all”.
Do you agree with them? Is it responsible for them to make a statement like this in the current climate?
Go on, have your say…..
BBC World Service hacks discuss Nigeria.
On-site hack tells us that Nigerian govt requires 200 patrol boats to control the delta area in which the insurgents hide.
He goes on to tell us that to date the US have donated 4 boats.
At this the studio man explodes with scorn & derision, “They need 200 boats & the US have supplied 4”.
It doesn’t cross the Beeb’s mind that Nigeria is oil rich, has many millionaires & that perhaps Nigeria could BUY more boats.
(also, of course, why should the US care about what happens in Africa? The BBC majored on the Chinese securing Nigerian oil contracts as if it only mattered to the US – does continental EU need oil?)
Yes they were speaking with the former Us Ambassador to Nigeria who was in Boston, MA.
He was reasonable – so what if they buy Chinese boats. Why should the Us have a military presence in Africa ? It is simple – must the USA be everywhere ? Just what is the EU doing in Congo ?
Is it responsible for them to make a statement like this in the current climate?
Of course not……..time to buy up Satanic Verses and burn it outside the Wahhabi (Saudi) Embassy………..
“does continental EU need oil”
45% of EU oil imports come from the M.E.
America has managed to get that dependence down to about 20% and its declining.
Go on, have your say…..
Ritter | 01.03.06 – 3:43 pm
I have done, Ritter. I just sent a comment to say that Radical Islam has always existed but the new aspect to this threat is the inability of the BBC to stand up for western democratic values as they did in the 1940’s.
Let’s see if that one gets past the censors!
Bizarre! They are having a (D)HYS thread about a story (Rushdie manifesto) they aren’t reporting!?!
How much more surreal can things get at al-Beeb?
dispatches “stealing freedom” with peter hitchens is available via here:
there’s 2 realplayer streams linked to on that page.
woo hoo!
my alter ego, a certain chap who assasinated me in 1914, has made it on that (d)hys page.
Let’s see if that one gets past the censors!
It did and I have duly voted.
the first page of recommended posts are all going against the Al-BBC line.
i wonder how long that particular (d)hys will last.
Good Lord – my comment’s on there!
the first page of recommended posts are all going against the Al-BBC line.
i wonder how long that particular (d)hys will last.
It’s fascinating how many of the (d)hys comments (and especially the recommended ones) do mirror the views of a lot of people who contribute to this website. It gives one hope…
substitute the words “communist”, “socialist” ,”national socialist”, “workers” in various points in that passage, and you pretty much have the same world-conquest style ideology that we’ve defeated in the past. …
The Nazis never had unabashedly pro-Nazi MP’s, suicide bombers in the London subways, and hundreds of thousands of persons raised to be Nazi fanatics residing in England.
The Nazis were comparatively easy to defeat. How long did WWII last? And how long since September 2001?
john -> i’ve said this before on here, but a lot of my left-wing friends have had a serious re-evaluation of their stance towards Islam/palestine/such like in light of the cartoon affair.
i detect a sea change, which the political elites havent picked upon , yet. Mind you people like Trevor Philips have started to speak out. And in a recent poll the top concern of voters was “terrorism/security” – which is completely at odds with what the boy king DC is pushing in terms of priorities.
the “behead those who insult islam” placard incident was another wake up call for a lot of folks i suspect.
All of this is not good news for the multi-cultists at Al-BBC.
I’m actually beginning to enjoy checking out the HYS pages!!
“The Nazis never had unabashedly pro-Nazi MP’s, suicide bombers in the London subways, and hundreds of thousands of persons raised to be Nazi fanatics residing in England.”
hmm.. the fifth column is a tad larger than what Adolf had at his command. dare i say it – its even rather bigger than what the IRA ever had at its disposal – rather than neighbourhoods, you’ll practically got entire towns under islamist and/or dhimmi control in the UK.
my only conclusion is that there is a serious dampening down of the potential security threat publicly for fear of mass rioting.
Is it responsible for them to make a statement like this in the current climate?
Was it “responsible” for the barons to write the Magna Carta? Was it “responsible” for Luther to nail his theses to the cathedral door? Was it “responsible” for Parliament to put Charles I on trial? Was it “responsible” for the American colonists to sign the Declaration of Independence? Was it “responsible” for Martin Luther King to give his “I Have a Dream” speech?
This is what we Westerners DO, ya dumb*ss Beeboids. And if you’d bothered studying our history, our traditions and our culture in college instead of sniffing glue and whacking off over old copies of Das Kapital, you wouldn’t be so horrified that we haven’t **quite** forgotten who we are — yea, even after decades of Gramscian brainwashing put out by the likes of you tried to make us forget all about it.
This is the revenge of the hated Dead White Males on your stupid malignant Gramscian *sses and the beauty of it is, many of those people paying tribute to the **horrible** values of the **horrible** West by signing that manifesto aren’t white!
anyone seen the front page of the evening standard? cherie’s gob all over it again? this time she’s openned her big mouth about something or another, which basically indicates her intent to undermine the US govt, in support of her bumchum Hilary.
well done cherie dear
how much is she getting for this one?:
Susan: Bravo.