Both Expat Yank (hat tip: David H in comments) and Eamonn Fitzgerald’s Rainy Day spotted something odd about the reporting of a recent BBC poll on Iraq.
Hello? Three-quarters of the tyrant’s former subjects are thrilled that the old monster is behind bars, but the BBC buries the fact at the very end of the report on its own poll. Talk of selectivity! Talk of bias!
I see Clinton is advising the Dubai Ports World operation…………..must be soliciting for Hillary Campaign Funds – he was sponsored by China she can have “Arab Money for Jewish Votes”
i get up this morning, and tessa jowell has dissapeared off the front page:
instead, under top stories i get
“billions lost to tax avoidance”
i wonder if some beeboid is having a sly dig?
“As I said a time ago the Americans fight for freedom because at least some of them know what it means. Our troops die for a lie, and a country that hates itself.”
very true Gary – very true. the Yanks seem to have a certain self-assurance and self-confidence with regards to their mission in Iraq.
“Hizb ut-Tahrir, which campaigns for all majority Muslim countries to become Islamic states…”
wrong wrong wrong
Hitzb ut-Tahrir campaigns for a GLOBAL islamic caliphate.
“It also aims to bring back the Islamic guidance for mankind and to lead the Ummah into a struggle with Kufr, its systems and its thoughts so that Islam encapsulates the world.“
Hitzb ut-Tahrir investigated by newsnight way back in 2003!!!!
and still nothing has been done about them.
oh right – i forgot – our cops are more interested in whether you call a horse “gay” or if you hang up a mohammed cartoon.
“Hizb ut-Tahrir, which campaigns for all majority Muslim countries to become Islamic states…”
These are the guys invited to meet MPs by that moron Clare Short ?
tessa jowell has dissapeared off the front page:
She is now an Unperson
Blair will be having her airbrushed out of all the photographs
rick-> re: that moron claire short. yes they are.
tessa jowell -> amazing isnt it how her story keeps popping in and out of the main page.
however, the italians have other ideas – they are going to press charges:
and it just gets juicier – with the London Olympics bid coming into the story:
“Concern is mounting over Ms Jowell’s important role during the build-up for the 2012 Olympics. In particular, there is concern over whether she used her husband’s Italian connections to help win the bid for the Games to come to London.”
Boy, is the World Service making it difficult to Listen Again to the topic Is Islamism the new global threat? – broadcast yesterday on World Have Your Say at 18:00 GMT. Here’s the torturous procedure:
From the side bar of the World Service homepage go to the Have Your Say main page.
Click on Listen Again – directly above the text World Have Your Say: Is Islamism a new ‘global threat’?
That will get you to a burning issue, an interview with Liberia’s president.
Scratch your head for a while, then, in that window, click on World Have Your Say. That will take you to an introduction to a discussion on South Africa’s ANC.
At this point you’ll probably give up in disgust, unless you know that this is how the BBC chose to obscure the Islamism topic during the original broadcast.
Stay tuned for a minute and you’ll be in the middle of a fascinating discussion between Ibn Warwick, an academic ex-Muslim from New York State, and Ajmul Masrour of the Islamic society of Britain. (Forgive me if I’ve mangled the spelling of their names.)
Here are some highlights:
Ajmul: If someone can show me a verse in the Koran where there are instructions to kill…
Ibn: Yes, I can. Sura 9, vs 5-6: Kill them wherever you find them…..Sura 8 vs 12: I will strike terror into the heart of the infidels…
Ajmul: That was in the context of a war situation…It’s not a generic instruction to Muslims to kill
Ibn: That’s your interpretation. The Koran is not time bound. It is the eternal word of God for Muslims. You can’t relativise it.
Ajmul: Yes, the Koran is true for all time, but there are verses that have to be interpreted contextually:
If one is to take a knife and kill….it is as if he has killed the whole of humanity.
Ibn: Can I have the right of reply here? He quoted that whoever killed a human being it is as if he has killed the whole of mankind. Ajmul is the one taking it out of context: if you read the whole quote, in Sura 5, vs 32 onwards, you’ll find that this supposedly noble sentiment refers to Jews. It’s a warning to Jews:behave or else.
Ajmul: [Complete, total and utter silence.]
So there it is. Next time a Muslim pompously and piously mentions that ‘noble’ saying from the Koran, I’ll know exactly what he’s talking about.
Um, but if I want to ’have my say’ on this point, I’ll have to go through another little procedure, since there’s no longer a link to the Islamism topic on the HYS main page: I’ll have to click on any topic, like the vital issue, Have you lost your taste for McDonald’s burgers and fries? and then type the ‘Islamism’ topic, provided I can remember what it was called, into the ‘Search’ box.
Of course, in the unlikely event that they will publish my comment it will only be read by those who also took the trouble to search for the topic. It’s the BBC’s sly way of killing a topic they don’t want to see growing in popularity – in this case less than a day after it was first aired.
What are they so afraid of?
bryan-> i followed your instructions and i cant find that audio with ibn warriq that you mentioned. i’ll keep trying.
Ibn Warraq? On the BBC?
Flip me backwards…
Video shows Bush Katrina warning
It shows plainly worried officials telling Mr Bush very clearly before the storm hit that it could breach New Orleans’ flood barriers. – Justin Webb
No it doesn’t
If the video linked from the above page constitutes the whole evidence, then it seems that the media, in post Saddam mode, are again hearing what they want to hear.
On the video we hear concern about the use of the Superdome as a shelter, on the grounds that it is 50ft below sea level & doubt over the ability of the roof to withstand a category 5 hurricane.
Concern about floods does not equate with an expectation that the levees could be breached. A hurricane does of course dump a enormous amount of rain, which have been known to cause floods!
i watched that video. am i being utterly stupid, but i cant see anything in the video that shows that Dubya was warned about a levee breach.
all he’s saying in that clip is that FEDERAL authorities are ready and willing to help out STATE authorities.
i cant link the video to whats said in the report.
amazing stuff, Red Russia and Red Britain are clearly much closer than we think…
that AP video bush/katrina story dissected over here:
its obvious to me that the BBC doesnt quite understand that United States is a FEDERAL system.
it also avoids the nagging issue of why the local mayor didnt use school buses to evacuate people:
The warnings before Katrina hit the coast were about water flowing OVER the levees from Pontchartrain if the Hurrican stayed at Scale 5. This did not happen, mainly because the hurricane abated to Scale 3. The Pres effectively told the people briefing him to get on with what they needed to do. There was nothing HE could do.
What happened was the levees were BREACHED a bit later.
The BBC is as usual dodging the central facts here – Mayor Nagin and the Louisiana Governor, as FIRST RESPONDERS, with the same briefings especially from the hurricane warning centre, who FAILED to organise full evacuation and FAILED to make proper provision at the Superdome and the Convention Centre. Remember all those flooded buses ?
Shouldn’t Paul Reynolds be on the case again ? The BBC cocked up its original reporting of Katrina, largely through knee-jerk bias. It is now repeating the errors. Like the Bourbons, they never forget (they disdain for Bush), they never remember (the true facts).
hang on Ian – heres what Berzovsky said:
“That includes a forceful seizure of power, and that’s what I’ve been working on”
planning a coup?
no wonder the Russians want him extradicted.
indeed dumbcisco – as i said earlier , the U.S. is a federal system – so all requests for help have to come from the local state level. Bush can only act when the local state requests help – and indeed, that video bears that out where he’s saying he’ll do anything at federal level to help them out.
Its kind of like the EU Commission, say, offering help to a disaster in the UK.
so , i cant quite figure out where they are getting the “blame bush” angle from. beats me , quite frankly.
The Rushdie manifesto HYS was published at 13:47 on March 1. I don’t know what time the links were pulled but the last post was at 17:33 less than 5 hours later.
Technical difficulties again no doubt (as predicted by someone earlier)
darling, is clearly the opportunist here……ope/ 4765598.stm
amazing stuff, Red Russia and Red Britain are clearly much closer than we think…
popular mechanics – debunking katrina myths:
“the response to Hurricane Katrina was by far the largest–and fastest-rescue effort in U.S. history, with nearly 100,000 emergency personnel arriving on the scene within three days of the storm’s landfall.”
The audio is still audible. Go to ‘ World Have Your Say: Is Islamism a new ‘global threat’? which you’ll find on the right of the main ‘Have Your Say’ page and click on ‘Listen Again’ just above the Islamism text. That should get you the interview with Liberia’s president. While that interview is running, inerrupt it by clicking, in the same window, on the ‘World Have Your Say’ text below.
That should eject Liberia’s pres. and play a woman talking about the ANC. Bear with her for less than a minute, and she’ll introduce the ‘Is Islamism the new global threat’ blurb.
Make it easy, don’t they, the little propagandists. But it’s well worth a listen. I gotta run now, otherwise I wont be able to pay the rent.
Looks like it’s time for Berezhovsky to convert from Judaism to Islam so he can stay and plot
Archduke et al
With respect to division of federal and state reponsibility for Katrina, the state authorities such as mayor and Governor are democrats while the federal authority ie The Prez is Republican. Simple, exonerate the dems and blame the GOP.
weird – i had to click on it twice in order to get the ANC clip starting (click , shut down, click again…)
yeah -its very well buried alright!
direct link:
islamism bit is starting now.
ibn warraq!!!! woooah.
he says: “personally i dont make a distinction between islam and islamism”
LOL, Bryan. The BBC invites Ibn Warraq to an interview and when he tells some uncomfortable home truths about Islam, it hides him away in the deepest recesses of the Listen Again supercomputer.
A good place to hide bad news?
ibn warraq knows his stuff. he does a thorough fisking of the islamist apologist.
the “islamism is a threat” letter is now on the bbc in full:
I think there are three levels of bias at the BBC.
First are many of the presenters/interviewers.
Second are the editors who decide which stories to push, which to hide.
And third are the worker-bees, the research staffs, the second-grade reporters/cut-and-paste-from-new-services on the website, the IT crowd who actually put up the webpages and who decide on the illustrations and all the linking. This block of staff, I wager, as well as having lots of leftie bias, will have way-above-national-proportions of Muslims who will sieze every opportunity to bash Bush and to soften the appalling image of their co-religionists. They will be given the Muslim-oriented stories, or will grab them, and will apply their consistent anti-Bush bias. Fact-checking – who cares, its the SLANT of the story that matters to them.
And we are forced to pay their wages while they try to indoctrinate us. Just like the Brits paying for Goebbels propaganda efforts.
dumbcisco -> i dont have the link to hand, but greg dyke managed to get “ethnic minorities” in the BBC to around 10% – the target is around 12.5% – which is waaaay above what is reflected in the general population.
peter hitchens also discovered a Muslim prayer room at the BBC (google around for it)
I would wager that the proportion in news-related areas including the website is nearer 20%. And from here on in they will be self-selecting. A bit like the Bangladeshi housing staff in Tower Hamlets awarding an excess of housing to their compatriots.
So substituting a Muslim crescent for the C in BBC is not that far off the mark.
As reported previously:
Which prophet?
“It’s an issue for different outlets on different platforms talking to different audiences.”
Stephen Mitchell
Head of Radio News
Re Bush/Katrina
It shows plainly worried officials telling Mr Bush very clearly before the storm hit that it could breach New Orleans’ flood barriers. – Justin Webb
As I commented above, the linked video on the BBC site makes no mention of this possibility at all.
Watching the AP video, via the FoxNews site, an official is heard saying (when Katrina is still a Cat 5), “at this stage no one can say whether the levees will be topped or not.”
Whilst the definition of breach is
an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)
Vicar In A Tutu was on AGAIN on Today this morning – 08:20:
funny how they’ve not invited F.W. De Klerk – he’s in Dublin at the moment (was interviewed yesterday on Irish radio)
It is clearly time for Paul Reynolds to step in and correct the misleading story that Justin Webb is peddling.
And he could also correct that biased CBS poll showing 34% support for Bush – the AVERAGE of recent polls is above 40% and would be higher but for the skewing by the CBS results, so the BBC is once again trying to push the Iraq-is-a-quagmire line by quoting false polls.
I bet they start using the highly-dubious Zogby poll next. Can you imagine those leftie reporters finding a news service story that puts Bush’s ratings in a good light and passing it upwards for publication ? No, they are always looking for the bad news, the tendentious stuff, and conveniently overlooking critiqes of their stuff that is already right out there in the public domain. Push the Bush Katrina stuff in a highly misleading way, smother any corrections.
*david attenborough voice*
i’ve found that rarest of species on Today – an… wait for it…
0835 – General Elval Giladl
tessa jowell – its bobbed up again on “world at one” – radio 4. this thing has so many legs its getting hard to avoid it.
tessa jowell -world at one – martin bell mysteriously gets cut off after one sentence.
I thought this might amuse those of you who have a hard time getting your opinion on the BBC’s (D)HYS page. Randal S seems to have no problem getting any number of his opinions published:
Added: Wednesday, 1 March, 2006, 09:43 GMT 09:43 UK
I think he should hurry on home; I don’t feel comfortable with Dick Cheney’s finger on the trigger of our nuclear arsenal.
dave, ohio usa
Esp considering how trigger happy he is. That 78 year old man he shot a few weeks back was just someone he mistook for a bird (how in the world do you mistake a human for a bird?). Just imagine how quickly he’d fire the missiles if he saw a plane or anything else that startled him! Keep him away from the button!
Randal S, Los Angeles
Recommended by 11 people
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Added: Wednesday, 1 March, 2006, 09:34 GMT 09:34 UK
I still say we should change the locks while he’s gone so he can’t get back in, like we would with any other unwanted relative once we finally get him out the door. Please keep him over there!
Randal S, Los Angeles
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Added: Wednesday, 1 March, 2006, 09:18 GMT 09:18 UK
This visit should not be about Bush as a person, but about Bush as the elected (yes, Randal S) leader of the US
Susan Starke, United States
The fact that he was elected doesn’t make him a good leader and any less of an idiot. Nixon was elected and he was a terribile president. Bush getting elected just means he managed to fool just enough people at just the right time. That’s all. Checked his ratings lately? He’s a joke.
Randal S, Los Angeles
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Added: Wednesday, 1 March, 2006, 09:32 GMT 09:32 UK
history will record as a man of Chrchillian will to protect and defend us and you by the way.
Robert Waters, Hartford, Vermont USA
Churchill? You compare this wannabe phony Texas cowboy who wouldn’t know real leadership if it bit him in the backside to one of the greatest statesmen and leaders in history? My God how far propaganda has come and how misled people are!
Randal S, Los Angeles
Recommended by 10 people
tessa jowell mortgage trail from the Mirror.
interesting reading to say the least:
BBC Biased Economics. Lessons No.1 thru to No. 874:
Communism = Good
Capitalism = Double Baaaaad
The high price of illness in China
“Dr Liu Quan says everyone got equal health care under Mao”
Wow, what is this ‘communism’ utopia the BBC have discovered where everyones aspirations are fulfilled?
No. Sadly, this utopia doesn’t exist. Most people & governments throughout the World have come to this conclusion. But still not at the Beeb.
from the guardian:
experts suprised at “unusual” home loan arrangements:,,1720478,00.html
This is the pre-Katrina video clip the BBC should be showing – the promises earlier on by the Governor of Louisiana to set up proper emergency procedures including evacuation :
We accepted positive discrimination not just because we are a stupid and racist country. The reasoning was then suposed to be a tempoary measure to reduce unemployment in the indiginous British ethnic minorities.
However this has not happened,and it has not turned out to be tempoary either. In Lambeth the council employs, no-one, but ethnic minorities and loony white lefties.
This is even worse than it might seem. Because of the ethnic minorties that they are employing, a very large amount of them were not born here. They have been importing (modern slaves). It was a hope, when I was young, that when the state finally noticed that state education was not working, something would HAVE to get done about it. Not just make the exame easier to pass.
I was young then. It never accured to me that we would just import other countries educated people. Then carry on wrecking the British peoples education indefinately.
Socialism pisses on your back, then the BBC tells you its raining. Then the BBC blames American inspired global warming, for that. However it will never blame itself and the political party it represents for anything.
It can NOT be racist to point out that your local council and police service pursue openly RACIST policies, by LAW. All this just so this current lot of megleomaniacs can carry on driving limos. While coming up with more ways of screwing up everything else.
Sorry to rant
But I do find a nead to express in a way that ordinary people can understand. What most of the contributers to this site already know.
The BBC and other leftie media play the Abu Ghraib stuff in continuous loop – they are still dragging it up. But they fail to report on REAL NEWS about torture in Iraq. For instance they failed to report on the hugely incriminating documents just released in the saddam trial, which indicates that Saddam’s death sentence on 150 people could not be carried out on one-third of them because they had alreasdy died in captivity. Died of bird-flu – or torture ?
The BBC is getting sickening in its cover-up of real news. It was been carried by AP yesterday, graphic details that should be on the BBC airwaves and headlined on their huge website – why haven’t they used it ?
word of warning folks if you’re thinking of going to Dublin – there’s been a major TB outbreak: 300 cases, north Dublin
so, avoid those cosy Irish inner city pubs , if you’re over there on a jolly.
not here:
not here either:
and its not here either:
The BBC – where Britains next door neighbour doesnt even exist.
More to the point, why the hell has John Simpson not reported on the death orders and the tortures under Saddam ? He filed a report from Baghdad on 28 Feb, but nothing about the much more important evidence given on 1 March. All the BBC carried yesterday was stuff about orders to destroy farms.
What the hell are the BBC playing at ?