Both Expat Yank (hat tip: David H in comments) and Eamonn Fitzgerald’s Rainy Day spotted something odd about the reporting of a recent BBC poll on Iraq.
Hello? Three-quarters of the tyrant’s former subjects are thrilled that the old monster is behind bars, but the BBC buries the fact at the very end of the report on its own poll. Talk of selectivity! Talk of bias!
Interesting that she was let off by the “inquiry” because she knew nothing about the “gift”, but then it states further down that she categorically denied it was anything to do with Berlusconi. I thought she didn’t know anything about it.
The BBC never likes to point out that America is a Democracy still. That means real party politics takes place there. Although this fact distresses them greatly. It is still a FACT that they never bother to remind us of.
The Democrate party would like to get into power one day, it is why they exsist. Unlike our current opposition, that seems to want to wait untill the QUEEN is on the dole first. Or should I say invilidity benifit.
A minority of democrates are as left-wing and dodgy as anything we have here. There is a more balanced and free press and media. But it still has a generaly LEFT-WING bias.
I personaly beleive that if 9/11 had happened while the democratic party was in power. America would be doing exactly the same thing in Iraq.
This is a very contravercial view. However it really should not be. It is a view never considerd by the BBC.
todays lunch time news was like the no.10 policy release show.
very left wing.
and what a surprise, for days the BBC news has hidden Tessa Jowell, now she’s cleared, its like oh look, lets put it no.1 story.
very poor. who decides the news sequence on the news because they need firing?
‘tessa jowell’
anagrams to
‘Jewel to lass.’
“Dr Liu Quan says everyone got equal health care under Mao”
Well, of course, because Mao killed off 60 million Chinese people — which probably eased the doctor-patient ratio quite a bit. Maybe the NHS should take a page from Mao’s book and kill off 10 million or so British people (starting with the 30,000 BBC staff members).
“…….Predictably, the BBC exuded enthusiasm for the event, even going to the trouble of setting up public viewing screens throughout Wales, so that the public could watch the opening live”
see “Another Failed Project”
ming campbell has been elected as Lib Dem leader.
be prepared to be bored in the weeks to come, when ming gets his chance to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about extraordinary rendition and guantanayyyaaawn… gee. i’m yawning already just thinking about it.
gary; ” The BBC never likes to point out that America is a Democracy still” – indeed you’d never get a clue from the BBC that American democracy has a very very strong local aspect – local taxes, townhall votes and such like…
they just give the impression that Dubya is the Prime Minister, incorrectly transposing the Westminister way of doing things onto the American system.
S.o.C : “Another Failed Project”
your TV tax money at work
The Rushdie manifesto HYS was published at 13:47 on March 1. I don’t know what time the links were pulled but the last post was at 17:33 less than 5 hours later.
Technical difficulties again no doubt (as predicted by someone earlier)
Technical difficulties have been (temporarlity) overcome, to the extent that the 1st page now consists of a far greater level of Islamophilia than the tone of yesterday’s contributions.
One might come to the conclusion they were being deliberatly manipulated…
I would beg to differ
More they present him as a mindless moron compleat with horns and jack-boots. More like Dictator than prime minister. Strange that the Liberal party have a simular view of him, as he is a leader of the sort of goverment they themselves, are supposed to beleive in.
Interesting that the Liberals elected him with less than 75% of the members voting. Further proof that it is the party of people that just dont want to take responsibility for anything. Including their own leader.
It’s strange how often (D)HYS threads dealing with Islam end up experiencing “technical difficulties”. Someone should do a study about it.
“More like Dictator than prime minister”
yes indeed – thats what i meant – “prime minister” in the Tony Blair authoritarian dictator mould , rather than the hands-off Danish prime minister model.
of course, any rudementary study of the American system would inform you that the President has very limited powers – its in reality, rule by consensus, lobbying, checks/balances and all that jazz.
its as “dictatorial” as I am a lemon flavoured pancake.
“More they present him as a mindless moron compleat with horns and jack-boots”
agreed and i’m getting seriously bored of it as well.
President is basically George III elected by electoral college and the Senate is the House of Lords with the Veep being Prince of Wales. The P o W is a member of the House of Lords just as the Veep is a member of the Senate.
Good old Teddy Roosevelt made the modern Presidency as a ‘bully pulpit’ but since they took away the line-veto the President has had problems controlling spending on congressional pork barrel
Amazon is moving to Ireland:
450 jobs to go from Slough to Cork
of course, the BBC never mentions the real reasons – tax.
I know where Amazon is locating to. Its a business park , next to Cork airport.
If you locate there , you are tax free for 10 years. Plus your employee training is paid for, as part of the incentives to attract business.
Simple really – although , you’d never know that by reading the BBC report.
And Cork is a much nicer place than Sl(o)ug(h).
Simple really – although , you’d never know that by reading the BBC report.
Here is an Irish take on the Amazon to Cork story (use for a password if necessary):
“INTERNET shopping giants Amazon are to create 450 jobs in a new multilingual computer support centre.
The US-based online retail operator is to create a special computer support team at Cork airport business park.
The multi-million euro investment will initially recruit 100 staff before the workforce expands to a planned level of 450.
Last night the investment by the US internet firm was hailed as “a tremendous strategic acquisition” for Cork, in particular, and Ireland in general. The company chose the location because the site is easily accessible and offers a hi-tech local telecommunications infrastructure.
The availability of several dedicated training courses in Cork Institute of Technology and UCC for such operations was also a key factor.
It is understood that there was stiff competition for the project from a number of other EU countries as well as several in Eastern Europe and the Far East.
The news came as Enterprise Minister Micheal Martin travelled to America on an intensive industrial marketing tour.”
Nothing about language skills there, but the reasons given in the Irish report don’t fit the BBC’s pro-Europe agenda.
ha ha.. good one.
worrying though – that the UK would lose a big tech company like Amazon.
then again , its probably all part of Brownstuffs plan to have all of us working or dependent on the State.
Anonymous – this bit is very important:
“The availability of several dedicated training courses in Cork Institute of Technology and UCC for such operations was also a key factor”
you can basically get your staff trained up , in some seriously good tech courses, at no cost.
i know – i went on a few myself when i was working in ireland for an american company.
the language thing is a red herring – foreign companies in Ireland just recruit from abroad if they want non-English speakers. the adverts usually say “native French” or “native German” speaker for example. it doesnt bother the irish, as theres plenty of jobs available.
The PM prog was pushing the Bsuh Katrina story, had some comments from Mayor Ray Nagin – but gave no chance for a rebuttal.
Biased creeps.
I thought there were lots of people in Slough who spoke a foreign language…
From the BoozeBinger to the MingWhinger for the LibDems….and down the polls they go……since John Cleese ‘came out’ as a LibDem I can never think of them without thinking ‘they’d set up a Ministry of Silly Walks, so they would…’ and that mental image always enables me to be firm and never vote for yellow canaries masquerading as hawks….
Interesting QT panel tonight:
This week’s panel
Will Self:
“His latest novel is about satire and religion.”
What novel is that then? Can’t see anything of that description on Amazon. Is our brave Will planning to poke fun at the RoP?
De-icing kit for RAF helicopter
Nice to see our armed forces ordering a new bit of kit (De-icers). Our helicopters don’t fly in the cold?
Lucky for us Iraq tends to be a warm place……
OT – A bbc economist writes:
Humble water meter comes of age
“The onward march of the meter is just part of a bigger trend towards a pay-as-you-go society, from parking spaces to road space to sports on TV”
That’s ‘pay-as-you-go’ sports on TV as opposed to ‘don’t pay-and-you-go (to jail)’ BBC TV!
Yes, now I see. Thanks BBC economist.
The PM prog was pushing the Bsuh Katrina story, had some comments from Mayor Ray Nagin – but gave no chance for a rebuttal.
I don’t see why they are so hot on Nagin — not only is he a fruitcake, but he ditched his own city during the worst of the mess and camped out in Houston in luxurious digs.
He’s not going to be voted back into office, no way.
re: amazon move to ireland , mentioned here:
whats left out is that the deal was clinched in the U.S.
“The announcement was made this afternoon in Seattle by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Micheál Martin, who is on a trade mission to the United States.”
anytime i see a UK trade mission, its usually to India, and its usually about moving jobs OUT of the UK.
having a glance at the DTI news headlines, i cant find any examples of inward investment as the direct result of DTI lobbying:
most odd.
why wont the bbc say this guys a muslim.
dave -> because its got bugger all to do with him being a paranoid schizo.
saying that, would be as useful as saying that a “Catholic schizo stabbed 3 Protestants and 1 Hindu on Oxford Street yesterday”
so, in this case, avoiding the “M” word is fine by me.
i object to avoiding the “M” word when the BBC is reporting on Jihadists or , as in that recent French case, Koran inspired anti-semetic attacks/murders.
Susan “He’s not going to be voted back into office, no way”
& elections by May, so we will soon know what the most relevant people (ie the residents of NO) think of him.
They went to Ray Nagin because they knew they would get a good attack-Bush soundbite from him.
I happened to hear an US radio interview today with Brown, the ex-Director of FEMA, and he said he hated being used by some media as a stick to beat Bush. Bush HAD been switched on to the Katrina briefings. The basic problems lay at local level – Nagin’s level, plus the Lousiana state officials, and then within the Dept of Homeland Security. But of course the BBC will not interview him. Heck no, he was actually involved in the Bush briefings.
As you say, Nagin looks largely discredited. So why didn’t the BBC say that in introducing him, or at least state that he had come in for lots of criticism ? Either they don’t know – which mkeans they are NOT informed about US news, or the DO know in which case it is blatant bias.
heres a tip for those you who dont know how the inner workings of Google searching
if you want to quickly find a topic on the bbc news website do a search like this
brings up all the bbc news stories that mention darfur.
just change that first word or phrase to bring up other stuff
prophet mohammed
lord jesus
its quite useful to find stuff thats “buried”
tessa jowell
saves on navigating via bbc, doesnt it?
i hope this is of help to folks who find that stories have “dissapeared” off the front page, and are “buried” the next day.
dumbcisco -> near the end of “PM” on radio 4 this evening , they interviewed a local radio station in N.O. – and basically, the message was – its time to stop pointing fingers, and just get on with it.
very american. and i was glad i heard it.
i wish i bit of that Yank attitude came over to the UK – the BBC seems to revel in rehashing old stories , again and again and again.
no wonder Brits are depressed most of the time.
(apologies if i’m stereotyping here… but that’s how us Irish see you guys – i cant blame you.
Curious side note – did you know that Sky News has an Ireland only version?
why would you think Sky would bother setting up an Irish version for only 4 million people?
relative of mine , when asked why she doesnt watch BBC News 24 and prefers Sky – “BBC is too insular and self-obsessed”.
fair point.
if you actually stand back for minute , and actually look at the BBC news output you’ll notice some curious things
1. France is very far away – barely reported on
2. India in probably our next door neighbour.
3. PalesIranaqistan – next door neighbour.
3. Germany – wheres that?
4. Ireland – oh right. oh nevermind. thats just a figment of our imagination – Gordon Brown is just doing a great job.
5. Spain – where’s that?
6. America – full of rednecks , run by a dictator. avoid.
thats the impression i get. god only knows how Americans living in the UK feel about it. Or French. Or Italian… or any number of our European/American friends.
archduke’s list was quite droll, but with one major item missing:
Africa – Not so much next door as sitting in our living room, demanding attention 24 hours a day.
aah – i left that out. my mistake.
orla goering has gone to “africa” – no doubt to make all Brits feel all guilty and depressed, whilst BAE Aerospace sell jet fighters to African dictators with big fat swiss bank accounts – which of course is never covered, cos its all YOUR fault that Africa is fucked up.
“… its all YOUR fault that Africa is fucked up.”
That’s the one! As the late, lamented Peter Simple’s Dr. Heinz Kiosk used to cry (at every opportunity): “we are all guilty!”
The BBC’s obsession with Africa is one of the great wonders of the modern world.
beats me gcooper – cos the impression us Irish folks get from the “africa” focus is that the BBC thinks that Britain still has an Empire.
so , their leftist slant, gives an impression of old fashioned imperialism to the rest of the world.
such is the self-contradictory nature of the beeboid universe.
( i’m not being anti or pro empire – i’m just saying , thats the impression, take it or leave it)
heres another aspect of leftist BBC self-contradiction…
when was the last time that you saw the results of the All Ireland Hurling Final on the BBC sports news?
its a big deal. theres around 7 million Irish or Irish descendents in the UK.
quite a large group that would be interested in it.
and yet we get hajj hajj hajj…
all i’m trying to point out is that the BBC is in Animal Farm mode – some ethnic groups are more “equal” than others.
and yet we all pay the tv tax.
The BBC seems to relish putting British and US troops in Iraq in a bad light.
I bet they don’t run this item which shows what REAL EVIL in Iraq is like :
That’s right – 116 beheadings claimed by one evil man.
may i add – i dont want to discount the half million Aussies in London – i’d love to see the Aussie Rules results on the bbc news.
but all i get is – hajj hajj hajj…
“Fahmi, who is of Egyptian and Palestinian descent, was captured by the Interior Ministry’s counterinsurgency Wolf Brigade ”
wolf brigade?
probably one of the “death squads that the bbc was banging on about a while ago.
Why doesn’t the Government sell the BBC to Dubai and have done with it ?
well , all the football stars are all buying property out there. it’d be a perfect fit for the beeboids.
(more money than sense – wouldnt touch that neck of the woods with a bargepole)
TAoL 02.03.06 – 12:13 pm
Yes, I think we should get a team of psychologists to evaluate BBC staff. There must be some really interesting psychological abnormalities among that lot.
I mean imagine being in journalism and spending most of your time misinforming the public. I think it’s called incongruity.
dumbcisco | 02.03.06 – 12:29 pm |
Fascinating analysis of the BBC threefold division of labour as they plug away at their propaganda.
It’s most likely how it is in reality.
Archduke 02.03.06 – 8:31 pm |
Thanks, that’s a real timesaver. I once aged a week spending a few hours trying to search the BBC website. Couldn’t find a thing. It’s really as if they object to anyone having the cheek to search their site.
It’s appropriate for a propaganda outfit like the BBC to have a search engine firing on only one cylinder.
glad to be of assistance bryan.
i didnt mean to be condesending – i just thought it was useful thing to point out
here’s the google search if folks cant be bothered scrolling up:
tessa jowell
See something you will never see on the BBC, or any MSM. A must watch from an Arab TV.
Scroll down to WOW (from Memri)
or rather – if your really lazy , here’s the link to the search
Susan wrote about ‘mayor’ ray Nagin:
“He’s not going to be voted back into office, no way.”
I disagree. With the fact that Marion Berry (a gun-totin’ cocaine-head) could be re-elected mayor of Washington DC, so can Ray Nagin be re-elected mayor of NO. He has all necessary boxes ticked: he’s black, victim of GWB, incompetent, hero of the BBC and the leftist MSM, and has a large docile reservoir of voters who simply don’t know any better.