Both Expat Yank (hat tip: David H in comments) and Eamonn Fitzgerald’s Rainy Day spotted something odd about the reporting of a recent BBC poll on Iraq.
Hello? Three-quarters of the tyrant’s former subjects are thrilled that the old monster is behind bars, but the BBC buries the fact at the very end of the report on its own poll. Talk of selectivity! Talk of bias!
Archduke :
“when was the last time that you saw the results of the All Ireland Hurling Final on the BBC sports news?”
Why just the results on the news?
We used to get the whole match on TV.
O/T. A fascinating insight into Menzies Campbell by Nick Assinder.
Read it all.
It’s, like, really interesting and really, really insightful and stuff.
12 “plumbers” tried to get at one of the Danish cartoonists’ daughters:
They tried to go after a child. 12 of them.
Think al-Beeb will report this?
Newsnight’s hack introduces Bush/Katrina piece by informing us that the video was confidential, we weren’t meant to see it.
Video opens with FEMA chief backed by mass ranks of TV cameras.
Did Newsnight not notice their colleagues in shot? Or did they think that we wouldn’t notice them?
Ms Wark comes right out & calls Bush a liar, despite no evidence being produced of a warning of the total failure of the levees.
Why can’t any of the media understand the difference between a warning of the possibility of water coming over the top of the levees & no warning of water coming through them?
will writes:
“Ms Wark comes right out & calls Bush a liar, despite no evidence being produced of a warning of the total failure of the levees.”
If Kirsty Wark ever had a relationship with unpartisan journalism, it was so long ago that both she and unpartisan journalism have long since written it off as an adolescent fling of no real consequence.
I posted that MEMRI clip of the Arab-American woman the oher day – but it is well worth repeating. She was awesome.
According to the magnificent blogger that is DFH, it looks as if it’s all going to kick off again.
That’s ‘pay-as-you-go’ sports on TV as opposed to ‘don’t pay-and-you-go (to jail)’ BBC TV!
Yes, now I see. Thanks BBC economist.
Ritter | 02.03.06 – 6:59 pm |
or perhaps more a la bbc, “pay to go even if you don’t go”
I liked Bush before the levee broke.I liked him as they were breaking and I like him still.
Increasingly the BBC moonbats are speaking to those on the left who probably suck it all up with relish. Its bread & circuses for white people with dreadlocks and piercings.
“Ms Wark comes right out & calls Bush a liar, despite no evidence being produced of a warning of the total failure of the levees.”
I made exactly this point on 08700 100 222 to beeb Information.
I also made the point (again) of how could we be expected to trust the impartiality of someone who goes on holiday with the Labour First Minister of Scotland. (I always say that when complaining about KW.)
Another point I always make these days is that the beeb is losing its reputation now that the blogs are able to show what the beeb leaves out and the beeb would be well advised to treat the blogs as a news source on a par with Reuters or AFP.
Finally, I had also made the same point about lying about Katrina within the 10 news (different reporter, same lie).
I think that the beeb Info number should be on my friends and family discount list.
That Peter Marshall, the reporter on Bush/Katrina last night on Newsnight, is a real case. Wrong on Katrina, wrong to quote the flawed CBS 34% support poll. He is OUT OF TOUCH with the buzz on the US news channels over the past 2 days. Obviously he only watches stuff like CBS (think Rather) and CNN(think Eason Jordan) – both the stories he quotes stories have been totally trashed on Fox.
The BBC bubble again. We are forced to pay Marshall full time to cover America solely for Newsnight – and he fails to do his job properly, setting Kirsty Wark up to call Bush a liar. Which of course she relishes.
Where is the protest from the US Ambassador ? We here on this blog have dissected these stories better over the past couple of days than Marshall did. Hugely selective editing by the BBC, a totally warped report. And of course no chance of a rebuttal.
The BBC just loves these “drive-by” attacks on Bush, no chance to respond, nil balance.
How come Peter Marshall and the Newsnight staff did not track down what the FEMA Director said – supportive of Bush, saying that he WAS engaged in the affair :,2933,186623,00.html
As far as I can see Fox has carried half a dozen stories about Bush/Katrina and also the CBS fake poll, while both stories have been on fire on th blogosphere. Marshall has ignored all of this.
I suppose we need Paul Reynolds to do another correction piece. What a shambles.
Peter Marshall, the Newsnight correspondent whom I quote in my Daily Mail piece below, has contacted me to complain about being taken out of context.
According to Mr Marshall, when he said that “what the war on terror was supposed to prevent, it has brought about”, he was referring to the short term impact of the war. He argues that “everyone” agrees with that: “Washington, Whitehall and Colin Powell, they all say that”.
I put it to him that not everyone does take that view. Me, for instance.
Mr Marshall’s reponse was succinct: “I hope you can live with yourself, distorting people for cheap Daily Mail pieces”.
When I pointed out that I did not distort a word of what he said, he responded thus: “You fat fuck. You fucker” and terminated the conversation.
The goal of Media Lens is to promote rationality, compassion and respect for others. In writing letters to journalists, we strongly urge readers to maintain a polite, non-aggressive and non-abusive tone.
Write to Peter Marshall
Jon Leyne:
Newsnight editor, Peter Barron
Please also send all emails to us at Media Lens:
i didnt mean to be condesending
I didn’t read it that way at all. I’ve been happly using the method you suggested to Google BBC news.
Still can’t find the only balanced report the BBC produced on Katrina though, as I mentioned in the thread above. I’ll try looking on ‘From our own Adolescent’.
They tried to go after a child. 12 of them.
Yes, the brave warriors of the RoP.
The more I learn about them, the more I see what they have in common with the lowest criminals on the planet.
susan :”they tried to go after a child. 12 of them.Unbelievable.Think al-Beeb will report this?”
no. not a chance.
Gitmo and Katrina are vastly more important.
More important than the fact that 12 cartoonists (whose cartoons none of the MSM in the UK actually *showed*) are under 24×7 security protection – in their own home country of Denmark – in 2006.
al-beeb is obviously more concerned about prisoners of war who actually want to kill us, rather than Danish cartoonists who just want to draw.
NB They are not Prisoners of War……you cannot be a POW if you are not represented by a State which is signatory to the Conventions…….that is why Bobby Sands was not a POW.
These are irregular combatants and nowhere do they get POW status, normally they are killed
Archduke and Susan,
Just wanted to warn you that the story of the 12 muslims trying to get at that child is incorrect.
Jihad Watch has cleared things up here:
This is not to say that what you feel was wrong – just the details of this particular story were.
Naturally, jihadwatch and other bloggers are quick to issue corrections, while as of 3.30pm today the beeb was still running the discredited story of the New Orleans levees on BBC World.
The msm are the past – the future is in the blogosphere!
Thanks deep diver! Now I feel a bit ashamed for passing the false story on. I’ll be more careful next time.
I guess I have more conscience than a Beeboid!
No probs susan – that’s what we’re here for – we check each other out and help each other out!
We don’t twist stories to fit our agendas – we go for the facts.
That’s what distinguishes us from the beeboids after all:-)
Deepdiver and Susan – That was an excellent illustration of how the blogosphere differs from the MSM.
We are self-correcting. And I’m relieved that what we thought happened did not in fact happen.
So let’s not hide the retraction on page 8 in two lines of small print. Let’s say it loud and clear:
It took us less than a day to notice the error and correct it – the beeb are still plugging the “levee’ breach” story – way after it’s been shown to be incorrect.
So basically a 3 billion quid budget gets less results than a bunch of amateures with an internet connection.
Pathetic, just pathetic.
deepdiver -> even associated press have apologised for it.
“So basically a 3 billion quid budget gets less results than a bunch of amateurs with an internet connection.”
indeed. pathetic.
but the “amateurs” actually care about the truth.
therein lies the difference.
be careful of posting Jihadwatch stories. let the comments flood in, and then post them. usually the mass of commenters can figure out whether the story has legs or not.
i’ve caught mistakes before – where the lead article had incorrect or false information. Although I admire Mr Spencer, he sometimes has a tendency to jump the gun sometimes.
but granted – thats what the blogosphere is all about anyway. its self correcting. the truth comes out in the end.
“its self correcting. the truth comes out in the end.”
and much faster than legacy media such as the BBC.
Plastic turkey anyone?