This morning’s Radio Four news headlines tell us that David Mills, husband of Labour Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, will learn soon whether he will face trial on corruption charges.
“Miss Jowell, who is separated from Mr Mills ….”
Well, yes. Since Saturday. Obviously no time for that little detail.
The Today programme page adequately describes the first item after the news at seven.
“Hear the latest news from Washington where the Bush administration has been embarrassed by the comments of its ambassador in Iraq.”
The story, an LA Times interview with the ambassador, is an assessment of the current situation in Iraq, and as such is an important story which the BBC are right to cover. But to the BBC its importance is entirely couched in terms of its potential to embarrass President Bush. I’m not at all sure this is responsible reporting – in fact it’s quite distasteful. Listening to the BBC, you get the impression that dead Iraqis only count when viewed in terms of their impact on Presidential poll ratings.
Internet tops TV as most popular pastime.
Surfing the Internet is now more popular than watching television, according to new figures.
On average, adults in Britain spend more time online at their computers – 41.5 days a year – than in front of the TV.
Death to the licence fee!!
will -> wonderful. the Al Jazeera exchange program in full flow.
remember , AL J got Rageh Omar a few weeks ago.
and theres more
via uss neverdock
lying by omission:
no mention that the men arrested are muslim. so when terrorists are arrested, the “m” word suddenly dissapears.
but when we have a victimhood piece, the word “muslim” appears. like here:
in that report the word “muslim” appears 6 times.
Clarke criticises Danish ‘mistake’ over cartoons
From the Guardian,,1726328,00.html
This is appalling. He expects the Danish Prime Minister to become a Dhimmi like himself!
“It is a question of respecting others, and that means do not provoke or challenge the deeply-held views of others.”
Churchill must be doing cartwheels in his grave.
“It is a question of respecting others, and that means do not provoke or challenge the deeply-held views of others.”
Unless of course they are Christians!
Someone ought to explain to Clarke that “respect” is a two-way street. “Respect” for a culture — like Islam — which doesn’t reciprocate is submission, not “respect.”
Tessa do you watch the Weakest Link?
Because to coin the phrase, ” you are the weakest link…goodbye”
pitty we couldnt get Anne Robinson to say that to her..
Brits do seem obessed with Prison, prisoners and prisoners rights. Some will not rest until every prisoner has a colour TV and an Ikea duvet. Maybe this doesn’t work with Muslim prisoners. When young offenders are locked up for misbehaving they are provided with acces to the prison swimming pool, to stop them getting bored.
As for a Republic and politicians who have a hotline to God, it’s hard to believe they are not entirley truthful, after all past Monarchs have been beheaded for considering themselves divine.
You have it in a nutshell.
The socialist prick from Spain is helping Pakistan draft a UN resolution to make “blasphemy” an international crime:
‘”It is a question of respecting others, and that means do not provoke or challenge the deeply-held views of others.”‘
No it bloody doesn’t mean that.
Is this tosh or what?
I can challenge the deeply-held views of others – that does not mean I am disrespectful of the people who hold these deeply-held views.
This is what is commonly known as ‘debate’ – obviously an alien concept to this government.
“a meeting of the Alliance of Civilizations Initiative”.
The BBC from the top down – John Simpson is World Affairs editor – exagerates the situation in Iraq and fails to report on the good stuff.
Rumsfeld had a few choice words to say about that, referring to some of the major corrections of fact that general casey had had to make. All the reporting errors are in the direction of “Iraq is a quagmire” or “civil war is starting”. When he was asked if this indicated bias, he simply smiled and said he was sticking to the facts :
I have tracked down a video of Rumsfeld’s session with the press, listed as a Recent Program half way down the CSpan homepage :
Doesn’t mean islam to me!
I can challenge the deeply-held views of others – that does not mean I am disrespectful of the people who hold these deeply-held views.
We’re standing on the precipace of a new Dark Ages TAol. With idiots like Clarke and Zapatero all too eager to give us all a little push.
dumbcisco -> thanks. good find. i like Rummy – in spite of his cockup over Iraq – the 150,000 lean and mean troop thing , when we really needed 500,000…
but he doesnt mince words – he has this laser like , piercing moral clarity when it comes to matters of defending freedom and liberty.
unlike our dhimmi idiots like Charles “please dont bomb us again – heres more money for a mosque” Clarke…
OT: the Muslim/Belmarsh thing.
A couple of google searches:
muslim+belmarsh 451 hits.
“muslim boys” belmarsh zero hits.
So of (roughly) 451 BBC articles that mention Muslims and Belmarsh, none mention the Muslim Boys.
Following the Today segment this morning, we now have this, with comments!
Right wing playwrights ‘needed’
john | 08.03.06 – 3:04 pm | #
I followed this link and found the first submitted comment was this:
We asked for your views, and below is a balanced selection of the comments received. This debate is now closed, thank you for your contributions.
Right wing “thinking”? contradiction in terms? discuss.
Pronoy, Birmingham
I have complained to 08700 100 222 and asked for a letter of explanation as to why such a “comment”, being nothing more than a stupid insult, should have been selected.
The irony is that you have to be stupid to think that all right-wingers are stupid!
Salam Pax, the Baghdad blogger , had a very interesting piece on newsnight last night
(click on his link on the right column)
its about making money in iraq today – and theres some eye popping statistics, comparing the pre-war days with the post-war days
( car ownership has gone through the roof, mobile phone usage has quadrupled , teachers used to get $2 a day – now its $200 – and much more…)
well worth watching.
i like Salam Pax – he’s measured, calm, and just reporting stuff from the average iraqi point of view.
he doesnt try to set an “agenda” (like john “magnificant taliban” simpson) –
he just reports. we badly need more of his kind.
from the rumsfeld briefing that dumbcisco links to:
Interestingly, all of the exaggerations seem to be on one side. It isn’t as though there simply have been a series of random errors on both sides of issues. On the contrary, the steady stream of errors all seem to be of a nature to inflame the situation and to give heart to the terrorists and to discourage those who hope for success in Iraq.
oops sorry didnt close the b tag.
Gordon-bennett: I just came here to mention that very same thing. How on earth can the BBC even pretend to be unbiased when they choose to print idiotic jibes like that?
The Beeb is Brown-nosing again, I see.
Don’t give up the day-job, Nick. Oh, I forgot. It is your day-job.
Tutor defends ‘racist’ stance
The Leeds University academic at the centre of a racism row has defended his view that black people have a lower average IQ than white people.
Somewhat confused at honest bbc caption under picture at 13:14 GMT
“Black pupils tend to under-achieve compared with other ethnic groups”
So it’s all about under-achievement? What ever happened to healthy Darwinian competition- I guess it’s a no no for Socialists. Yes, I think it was Friedrich Engel’s who, as long ago as the early 19th century, elevated the human race above the jungle and said political economists write, act, and think, as if they were still in the jungle! Not us communists or bbc journos!
What a wonderful poke in the eye for BBC Radio 5 Live interviewer: I quote:
“He said he became interested in the issue of censoring sensitive debates through his studies of the media under Soviet and post-Soviet regimes.
He added that labelling him a racist was “an attempt to close down any discussion” and an attack on his freedom of speech.
“These days a racist is anything you don’t like – it’s a hate word. I have no strong feelings towards black people either way.”
Still, they will hound him out of his university job, because in today’s world a university is not about free speech, or free ideas. The bbc say he has ‘racist’ ideas, ergo. Good God, whoever dreamt up the idea that at universities, of all places, “there should be no attempt to shield people from ideas that they may find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even offensive.”
Usually at such moments when free speech is an issue within the universities, the Wunderkind from SA, Peter Hain,drops his ANL mask, and wanders boldly into the fray. Watch & listen!
Please not a republic – if we’d had one since 1997
We had one after 1649 but really it was not ideal under 1653 when Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell took the helm………….if a Republic then we need a Cromwell.
it was not ideal until 1653 when Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell took the helm……
One for the BBC
taol -> did you read that Asskisser article?
Under the latest pre-prime ministerial proposal being planned by Mr Brown, law-abiding youngsters will be given vouchers worth up to £25 to spend on sports and leisure facilities.”
The “youth opportunity cards” will be available to all 13 to 19-year-olds, entitling them to spend £12 a month in better-off areas and £25 in the most disadvantaged areas on local sporting and other facilities.
1. Feckless “yuff” exist in well off AND poor areas. its as much a problem in say Staines, as much as , Grimsby.
2. Why is my tax money being handed over to people who dont break the law, just because they dont break the law?
3. What right has the GOVERNMENT to interfere in pocket-money regime of parents – an important tool of discipline
4. This also indoctrinates all the WRONG values in youngsters –
“oooh – i got £25 this month, for basically doing fuck all”. The youngster didnt earn it – he didnt work for it – or study for it or do anything AT ALL!!!
So society or rather government is saying – do bugger all , stay out of trouble – here’s some dosh.
this scheme is so crazy it boggles the mind.
I suggest to any like minded folks – and i really do mean this – if you value freedom, democracy and self-reliance, just vote Tory for gods sake, and just be done with it. Give a Boy King a stab at things – at least it’ll be better than this madness.
And i say that as somebody who has never voted Tory in my entire life.
“We had one after 1649 but really it was not ideal under 1653 when Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell took the helm………….if a Republic then we need a Cromwell.”
Rick -> thats a common “pub chat” thing i always bring up with mates.
“when was the first republic” – most folks say France or America. A few stretch it to Italy or Germany.
Nearly everyone is gobsmacked when i point out the earlier English Republic.
Unlike most Irish, i’m a great admirer of Cromwell – his heart was in the right place – a believer in the common man – and the rights of man over the self-appointed “Gods” on earth.
Yes, archduke, I have read the Assinder piece. I wonder how many UK tax-payers heard about this and thought it was a piece of gimmickry; a bribe to keep the plebs sweet?
Gordon Brown has previous in this area (the baby trust, the Council Tax rebate et al) and he has a penchant for dreaming up horribly complicated, expensive benefit schemes. His little games with off-balance-sheet accounting have gone virtually unreported but could account for about £50 billion in liabilities.
Now it’s serious. This guy is using sweeteners to try and persuade the people that he is prime ministerial material.
And what does Assinder do? Yes, he tells us how lovely Brown is.
What’s next from Gordon (Brown that is)?
Probably £50 to each yoof who joins nulabour.
Proof of joining required would be a receipt for a donation to Party funds of (say) £20 or more.
These people are too clever for us mere mortals.
OT : not BBC:
Flying Imam
hat tip : Harrys Place
taol -> i am seriously scared about his proposal – its a full on state assault on the family – particularly at the most vulnerable time of a family – when your sprog turns into a 13 year old.
the time when you need to REALLY be on your guard.
and why does Brown see nothing wrong with the STATE rewarding the behaviour of YOUR youngster.
the Orwellian overtones are just too mind boggling to comprehend – remember the bit in 1984 where the parents are scared of saying thoughtcrimes in front of the children?
The Left has been preaching hatred of authority and “do your own thing” for decades. Now that the kids are indeed “doing their own thing” and hating all forms of authority, and the results are extremely unpleasant and unattracive, the Left comes up with a goofy state-funded program to pay them to “be good.”
When all that is really needed is to reverse the cultural wars that the Left has been propogating for the past 50 years or so, and teach personal responsibility and respect for institutions like we used to.
Did we have to pay kids to “be good” 50-60 years ago?
Getting paid to behave? What happens if they misbehave, do they treaten you and demand the money anyway? Who is going to Police this, a new Whitehall Dept employing more state sector?
This is old I know but it appears as the last few paragraphs of this report
Tim Montgomerie, a former aide to Iain Duncan Smith who is now editor of the Conservative Home website, has just returned from Washington.
“I’m convinced blogging and other web platforms are going to be increasingly important in Britain too,” he said.
Mr Montgomerie has been looking at how some US conservative internet campaigners attacked Democrat contender John Kerry’s war record. He will send a report on his findings to Tory chairman Francis Maude.
Some reports had suggested Mr Montgomerie could be used in the UK to tackle perceived left-wing bias in the BBC and other media outlets.”
how far the left has fallen – the big ideas of the past – such as free education for all, womans suffrage, better working conditions, a free health service – now these are BIG ideas, whether you disagree or not.
they are monumental in scope – and utterly changed the landscape of UK politics.
now in 2006, we have “pay the kids 25 quid a month to behave themselves”
it laughable – and this is supposed to be our future prime minister?
no wonder people arent voting.
sarge -> yeah – that was covered a few blogposts back. but worth digging up again. shows that the Tories are becoming “progressive” in thinking. almost neo-conservative.
which is a good thing. i’m encouraged by it. more please.
from dfh:
spot the missing nationality:
>>”Spot the missing nationality:…ews/ 4786672.stm
archduke | Homepage | 08.03.06 – 9:51 pm | “
It looks as if “English” is missing.
Well I can believe it, they have all gone abroad. Those “English” Battle of Britain pilots weren’t fighting for a multi racial ethnically diverse community based nation providing an analytical framework for personal experience, intersecting identities, and differences in various racial, ethnic, and class contexts.
By emigrating to an EU country you can get your state pension and free medical service. Perversely if you emigrate to a former “white” Commonwealth country such as New Zealand you will not get your pension “index linked”
The Few, also included many South Africans and Rhodesians plus Polish squadrons. What would they think of the “English” today?
What would “The Few” think of the BBC today.? Personally I would hang my head in shame and mumble an apology.
I never thought I’d vote Tory. During my idealistic youth I was passionately anti-Tory. Partly because the Tories seemed so authoritarian. I’m from Wiltshire, so I tactically voted Lib Dem in 97, just to try and oust the Conservatives. Little did I know what a bunch of totalitarians arses New Labour would become.
At the last election I voted Tory. This was purely because I refused to vote for George-the-traitor-Galloway or Oona King (Blair’s little sycophant).
I live in Bethnal Green, so I doubt my vote will make any difference at the next election either, but I refuse to give these incompetent morons any form of mandate.
get a load of the most recommended comment to this HYS on police shoot-to-kill:
“Should we abandon the shoot-to-kill policy?
Only if the terroists abandon their bomb-to-kill policy!
Recommended by 96 people”
oh dear… time for some “technical difficulties”
same deal here man – i voted Labour mostly because the incumbent Tory was one of those lunatic supporters of apartheid in South Africa and was a major apologist for Ian Paisley’s crowd in Northern Ireland.
(i’m irish nationalist, so you can probably understand that…)
Labour never got in and the constituency is still Tory , though thankfully, there’s a Cameroon MP.
ever since i was little nipper, i’ve been socialist (family and all that). but next election – i’ll be voting Tory for the first time ever.
maybe its because , i’ve never lived under a Labour government before Blair – unlike Gary Powell, i dont remember the 70s. all i ever knew , when i was in england pre 97 was Tories.
hopefully, my experience, and yours, is a small sign that things are changing out there. i hope they do.
Weapon training standard procedure is encoded in the safety rule, “Only point a weapon at somebody you intend to kill”.
In the States there have been many instances of large brick out houses crazed up on drugs still coming at Officers after emptying a chamber into them. Ammunition used is soft nosed, anything else will pass through the target into an innocent bystander. I leave it to you to work what “soft nosed” means.
typo – “there’s a Cameroon MP now” – the old school neo-fascist Tory retired.
sarge -> i havent a clue. whats soft nosed?
a nicer form of bullet?
I think the tip expands on impact, spreading out and this slowing down in the body (and causing more damage).
I think the tip expands on impact, spreading out and this slowing down in the body (and causing more damage).
Once upon a time known as the dum-dum bullet.