In this BBC story.
(In justice to the BBC, I’ve looked at the ONS site and I can’t actually find if there will be a category for the English. But if there isn’t, of course, that would be a story in itself – one you’d think a national broadcaster might want to cover.)
Hat-tip to Archduke in the comments.
UPDATE – England has arrived on the page after an intervention by commenter Pete_London – Drinking From Home has the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pages, stealth-edited in the best BBC tradition.
thanks for highlighting that one Laban.
its a most bizarre state of affairs. if anyone can dig up some more on this story, i’m all ears.
One of the other things I refuse to do is fill in the census…
I followed the link and sent an e-mail to the Nat Stats office asking where the missing tick box was for English people. I’ll post the response (if any).
I further note that the census asks for ethnic background and the BBC report, if truthful (Ha!), states that the census is used “to decide how to allocate local authority cash and where to site schools, old people’s homes, shops and neighbourhood renewal programmes.” Please will someone explain to a thick Englishman(!)how ethnic background matters in relation to these issues?
According to official EU maps there’s no such country as England. We’re one of the regions now, but not England.
does that mean that we Irish have won the 800 year war so?
ooops – raw nerve. sorry!
John Tomlinson,
It’s to make sure the elders don’t have to live with the kaffirs in places like Tower Hamlets.
Please will someone explain to a thick Englishman(!)how ethnic background matters in relation to these issues?
e.g. Ethnic minority children, or born of parent(s) originating abroard will be deemed to require additional educational resources. The local authority’s spending target will be raised, attracting additional central government grant (thereby equalising council tax between all authorities spending at the target).
Anatole Kaletsky writing in The Times notes the Beeboids being sold on a statist & left elitist approach to tackling CO2 emissions.
On the Today programme, for example, I recently heard the interviewer claiming, to a beleaguered representative of the Government or some pro-business lobby, that air travel was set to become the biggest single contributor to global warming. So why was the Government not taking some action to stop people flying? When it was pointed out that, according to the best estimates, air travel would create only 5 per cent of global carbon emissions by 2050, the interviewer seamlessly and quite unrepentantly changed his story: “Yes, but flying is the fastest growing cause of climate change” — a statistic that could only be true because aircraft emissions are increasing from such a low, almost infinitesimal, starting point, at present accounting for just 2 per cent of global CO2.
Why do I raise this issue? Because the debate on air travel suggests that many people in Britain, including most of the media and large parts of the political elite, still see the world through a Marxist prism: they still distrust economic incentives and market forces, preferring a benign, omniscient government to solve all social problems. Worst of all, they still feel instinctively that society is in a permanent state of class war.,,1061-2076727,00.html
sigh – indeed will. i will stick my two fingers up to that as i jet off to a greek island this summer.
Take the pledge
will Kaletsky is a an excellent economist.
As he says, media people like the BBC see everything through a Marxist prism. Air travel is bad essentially because the rich do it. So lets hammer it.
The World Service, quoting Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers, was also guilty of a serious omission or three in its report last night on Belmarsh. [My emphasis in bold.]
“There’s a tendency just to think of black and minority ethnic prisoners as a group. To monitor them as a group. What our own ….found when we did it last year was the experiences of Asian prisoners for example and Afro-Caribbean prisoners are very different. Asian prisoners are much more likely to be unsafe. And guards need to be alert to these things and they need to be alert to what is actually going on with all their prisoner groups including the Muslim prisoners and we found that they weren’t.”
The “all” here is especially interesting – evidently thrown in to provide an illusion of balance and fair play. Why are all these groups not named? What are their needs?
The BBC are trying to spin this story so hard that they are tripping over themselves and contradicting themselves and squeezing all meaning out of the spin:
On the World Service they quote Owers as saying that there is not enough understanding of the needs of Muslim prisoners and that there is evidence that bullying among Muslim prisoners is going unreported.
But in yesterday’s BBC News report they simply state that there is evidence of bullying.
So Muslims are either bullying one another or they are being bullied by some vague, unspecified group.
In the same news report they quote Owers as saying that the prison’s high security and special security units were at full stretch, holding among others those suspected of the failed suicide bomb attempts of July.
But in the World Service report they excise that last revealing bit of information. Here’s what happened to Ower’s statement after the World Service had chewed and swallowed and regurgitated it: The most secure units at the jail are said to be operating at full stretch.
It’s always so revealing when the BBC takes refuge in the passive voice. But it’s especially devious here because the WS goes straight on to quote Owers on an unrelated issue.
The BBC appears to be obsessed with Belmarsh. Searching Google with Belmarsh site: (thanks to Archduke for the tip) reveals nearly 10 000 entries.
It is obvious that on the Census (which will probably not take place amidst the smouldering ruins of Londonistan) that you must enter your ethnicity as “Black-Irish” since only then will you get better policing, higher spending, better street-lighting; and fool the Political Elite that they have eradicated the White inhabitants of the islands
rick-> black irish , and divorced. and feckless -so get impregnanting all those women in your locality and ensure your off license has a bumper trade. also, develop a crack habit.
and convert to Islam for good measure.
bingo – better street lighting and more cops.
“The widely accepted definition of poverty is having an income which is less than 60% of the national average (excluding the wealthiest members of society).”
Really? That is a “widely accepted definition”? How can we have a meritocratic society when to have an income of more that half the average means you are in “poverty”?
dumbcisco – air travel is hated by the metropolitan elite not because the rich use it but because the “unwashed masses” use it. Behind the thin veneer of fake concern for the working class, the Guardian, BBC et all really detest them and want them kept in their place, i.e. suitably grateful welfare recipients.
More from The Times Letters to the Editor
e Times March 09, 2006
BBC £180 licence fee,,59-2076453,00.html
Sir, At the end of last week the House of Lords Select Committee on the BBC Charter Review published a report expressing concern at the rise in the licence fee.
We pointed out that each year since 1998 the licence fee has risen by more than the retail price index and that the BBC’s present proposals mean increases of RPI plus at least 2.3 per cent for the next seven years.
We said that this would result at the end of the period in a licence fee costing £180 in cash terms and the public contributing more than £4 billion a year to the BBC.
The committee supports the principle of the licence fee but is concerned that if it continues to rise in cost at twice the rate of inflation public support will be eroded.
Replying in radio interviews to our concern, Caroline Thompson, the BBC’s director of policy, said that she did not “recognise” the £180 figure.
I think it is important that there should be at least some agreement on what the likely effect will be of the BBC bid.
On January 28, 2006, I asked that question at one of our public evidence taking sessions.
I was told: “In real terms it would mean a licence fee of about £150 in today’s money. If you take a median view of RPI over the period, probably a headline number at the end of seven years of around £180.”
The man who gave that answer was Mark Thompson, the Director-General of the BBC.
Chairman, House of Lords
Select Committee on the BBC Charter Review
This was the top story on BBC London news!
‘The Menezes family to meets the Brazilain president ‘
“air travel is hated by the metropolitan elite not because the rich use it but because the “unwashed masses” use it.”
and it took a Greek and an Irish man to bring it to the masses.
says it all about the British class system, doesnt it?
Regarding the BBC’s hypocritical position on air travel, don’t they send vast numbers of staff (reporters, cameramen, etc) to trouble spots around the world, far more than competitor companies like CNN send? I can remember reading opinion articles about this, but cannot find any.
The BBC themselves could make a massive contribution to reducing global warming from aircraft emissions by reducing their “junket allowance”.
Regarding this thread, you only have to look at the BBC London’s communities section, to see that the English are not represented. there’s a section for Cockney’s, but the Beeb go at great lengths to state that –
“Cockneys are defined by their specific place of birth. In the past, most of them might have been of Jewish origin. Now a “real” Cockney has a good chance to be a Muslim. Times change, Cockneys change…but they stay!”
Anyone would get the impression that the BBC hates the white English, and wants them ethnically cleansed from London and these Isles.
The BBC asks “Should we have a shoot-to-kill policy?” Here is a balance of the comments we have received so far:-
“The so-called war on terror kills yet another innocent – perhaps this is more of Bush and Blair’s collateral damage”
Dewi, Merthyr Tydfil Peace movement.
“Blair lied and still people are dying.”
Kevin, Sittingbourne Stop the War.
“The Brazillian’s human rights were tramped on by the police and Blair’s increasingly repressive Government”
Bruce, Pax Christi.
“Clearly the Americans and their Zionist henchmen are behind this”.
Mo, Tipton MAB.
OK, but you get the point.
Now reality:- Most recommended:-
“Should we abandon the shoot-to-kill policy? Only if the terroists abandon their bomb-to-kill policy!”
“What other choices do the police have? Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. The blame lies ENTIRELY with the fascism of the suicide bombers that have dragged humanity down to this level.”
“the BBC hates the white English”
more specifically – the white working class English.
do read Animal Farm. it’ll explain a lot.
back to the BBC – “Today”
0709: UN, Hilary Benn
(“UN good, Africa is all our fault”)
0712: Government has not met its target to reduce child poverty
(“The government is the solution. The government is the solution”)
0731: Burma – “looking at the impact of the regmine on the ENVIRONMENT”
(“we’re all going to die in a Burmese global warming disaster”)
0748 South Dakota , abortion
(“We hate America.”)
0810 child poverty
(“government is the solution”)
0820 cold war. labour and the communists
(how did that one slip in?)
0830 EU energy policy
(“unelected EU commission = doubleplusgood. we’ll all die if they dont do something”)
0833 badger culling
(“we’re all going to die in a mass badger culling global warming disaster”)
0840 child murderers
(“we’re so depressed by the previous stories, we though we’d just go suicidal and seriously piss off the start of your day”)
On another thread I explained how Police Officers have been unable to put down suspects who are high on drugs even after six shots to the “engine room” (the chest cavity, heart and lungs). By this time the Officer has to reload and that is not easy under duress. As a result the single head shot (usually through the eye) has been refined when dealing with “must kill” suspects. You cannot afford to give them a second chance.
Unlike Rob Read I shall be doing my duty and will fill out the census form in 2011.
I’ll take a red marker and write “NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS” across every page.
“Cockneys are defined by their specific place of birth. In the past, most of them might have been of Jewish origin.”
Gawd elp us mate
This is typical of modern day BBC type thinking, a contradictory misleading statement masquerading as fact.
1. If they are Jewish, they would have been born in Israel
2. Cockneys are defined by having been born within the sound of Bow Bells Church.
Cockneys are, in the loosest sense of the word, working-class inhabitants of Greater London. But according to tradition, the strict definition is limited to those born within earshot (generally taken to be three miles) of the Bow bells, in other words the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow, Cheapside.
I add: Regardless of race or creed.
regarding earlier comments on the BBC-Brown lovefest
George Osborne gives a different take (i wonder if this will make it onto the BBC? ):
Gordon Brown is an “unpleasant” person who is not liked by many of his fellow ministers, George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, claimed yesterday.
“It seems to me he has been nothing but unpleasant in his dealings with me”
At other times, he said, Mr Brown has deliberately ignored him, passing him in the corridor “without a flicker of recognition”.
Air Travel/pollution/generally.
I asked the pilot of a four engine jet what the fuel consumption was. I expected ” X miles an hour” In fact he said it is nearer “80 gallons a minute”
I asked the captain of a cruise liner what the fuel consumption was. He said ” One tonne of heavy fuel oil a metre”
Having seen the size of an aviation fuel bowser and cruise ship fuel barge (about the size of a football field) I tend to believe them.
You work out the math.
I hope you are doing your “duty” with the TV-Tax.?.
Rob Read
Soon to be TV/PC tax
Does anybody have a full copy of Patrick Sookhdeo’s article that was removed from the Telegraph?
Susan kindly posted the majority of the article, but the end seems to have been chopped off (maybe HaloScan has a maximum comment length?)
grimer – its posted in full here:
Rob Read
I’ve been doing my duty regarding the TV Tax for 6 years and I feel better about it with each passing day.
Of course, I don’t send back the ever fewer demands I get with abusive messages scrawled across them, they just go straight in the bin.
I say they go straight in the bin. What I mean is they used to go straight in the bin. It must be a good 18 months since I last had a notice of extortion.
I tend to refer to myself as indigenous English. It gets their heads in a spin because in their lexicon indigenous is good and English is bad.
Maybe this is the one you’re looking for:
OT but with reference to Today talking about badgers.
I am pretty ambivalent towards the culling of badgers and believe that livestock management has an equally significant part to play in reducing the spread of Bovine TB. So out of interest I thought I would see what the BBC’s position on culling is. Here are the last seven headlines for items on the culling of badgers and the originators of the items.
‘Hedges not cull’ for cattle TB – Wildlife Conservation Research Unit
Activists oppose badger cull move – South West Green Party
‘No preparations’ for badger cull – Cornwall Wildlife Trust
‘Back off badgers’, urges RSPCA – RSPCA
Badger culling plans criticised – Professor John Bourne • Government Adviser. Prof. Bourne is someone who knows what he is talking about but has come into conflict with the Government over some of the statements in their latest consultation on the subject.
Badger group plans cull response – West Country Badger Action Group
Badger culls among anti-TB plans
This last one, dated 15th December, is the latest that I can find that has not been generated by an anti-cull pressure group or someone who disagrees with culling as a sole strategy.
The NFU, who are generally supportive of culling, get the odd mention and Defra are quoted making bland comments about consultation, however, it is clear that the BBC have a line on culling and that is ready to give a platform to those that oppose it.
The BBC World Service homepage has a link about the Varanasi (Benares), temple bombing that hit a wedding party. The link says :
‘Militants behind’ India blasts
BBC having trouble with the T word again ?
The story itself includes :
Police say they suspect a militant group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir was behind the blasts.
The words Islamist and terror do not occur until the second part of the story. And even then, the BBC reporter quoted states ‘But those groups…. have always said they never attack civilian targets.’ OUTRIGHT LIE BY THE ISLAMISTS, MEEKLY ACCEPTED BY THE BBC.
Another Have Your Say slot on Islam – and once again a lot of the recommended comments are hostile to the way the BBC treats issues and to multiculti preference being given to Muslims.
In the past week I got myself a login-name for all these pages, so it isa now easy to cruise down the comments pages adding recs to swell the tide of anti-BBC opinion. It is notable how much of this is indigenous Brits – while much of the other side is Muslims living abroad telling us how we should run our country.
Thanks Archduke. That’s the one I was looking for.
Thanks Bryan. I’d already got that one.
that bbc reporter must be clueless, an idiot, or a Muslim himself.
the Hindu/Islam conflict goes back several hundred years.
Does that idiot know anything about how the Sikhs came into existence?
(heres a hint: kashmir. islamic invaders. lots of massacres)
Only to be expected, it fits the anti fox hunting and anti animal testing jigsaw. How we are going to nail bird flu without testing birds is a mystery to me. On the whole animal luvvies and BBC types were opposed to the foot and mouth slaughter.
Up until the 1960’s milk was still being sold to the public which was taken from tuberculosis infected cows. Admittedly it was segregated by cost to the farmer. The farmer was paid more for TB free milk. Nowadays practically all herds are TB free but it is on the increase.
Every time a dead badger is found it must be examined by a Home Office pathologist, every time TB is discovered.
Cows udders are prone to mastitis infection which is treated with penicillin. it is at the discretion of the farmer as to how soon after an infection has been diagnosed that he can put the milk back in the food chain.
1210, Thursday.
‘English’ has appeared in the first paragraph!!!
ID Cards are yet another move towards the Police Control state that this govt have been imposing on us all.
They control the Law Courts, They Control the media, and soon they’ll know what each and everyone of us does, eats, moves, sleeps.
With CCTV Going up everywhere, ID Cards, phone tap monitoring of MPs and public officials…its is becoming very worrying indeed…maybe not now, but in 10 years time when the full consequences of the Control Freakery installed by No.10 are fully implemented, it will be a dark day in British Democracy.
In my meek, humble way I take claim responsibility for getting English into the first paragragh.
The next sentence mentions Joy Dobbs of the ONS. I rang her to point out the absurdity of excluding ‘English’ from the census forms (which shall, of course, be disfigured by red ink).
Well Joy Dobbs tells me that during the press briefing from where the BBC got that quote she did mention ‘English’! She finished by saying that she’ll get onto the BBC and get the quote changed.
The BBC – always ready and willing to misrepresent.
Here is the link to the audio for the first prog of the trilogy on Angry Muslims In Europe series that started yesterday :
Roger Hardy says he will be looking for the roots of Muslim anger – and terrorism like those nice Beeston lads you could have left your house keys with. I bet he doesn’t say the Koranic teachings the kids are fed with from birth, plus lots of trips to angry madrassas in Pakistan. But its all our fault, of course.
The programme lets the Beeston folk look back fondly on the bombers. And a lot of the prog comes across largely as an apologia for terrorism.
The most ludicrous quote is where he says that young Muslims played a ‘prominent’ part in the Paris riots. Prominent ? They WERE the riots.
Namby-pamby bloody BBC nonsense so far, lots of false moral relativism, and tacit acceptance of the victim mentality that is used as an excuse for bad behaviour across the spectrum from riots to bombings.
Hardy presumably gets paid bundles as the BBC’s so-called expert on Muslims. His work output will be miniscule, and certainly this first prog is just a serving of warmed-over platitudes and Muslim gripes.
Con Coughlin in the Telegraph tears away the glib cover used by Moazzim Begg in all his appearances on BBC such as Andrew Marr’s Start the Week.
Will the BBC put out a correction ? The former chief political correspondent of the BBC, hosting a major weekly prog, allows total lies to be put out by a guy who is in essence part of the Al Q mix.
Oh – and tonught we get the same glib lies from the tipton creeps on Channel 4 in The Road to Guantanamo
If anybody missed it last night, Tory! Tory! Tory! is available online.
I only saw one episode of Lefties, so I’m no sure how ‘balanced’ the two series are. There is a bit of sneering in the first episode.
It was not a bad account of the Tories in the Heath years and how the move to “Thatcherism” started, IMHO
Imagine the BBC in charge of immigration policy, how would I do?
Hunt Foxes
Drive Fast Cars
Fly Often
Eat Animals, especially cute ones
Support Bush
Support Nation States
Support UK Troops
On the BBC points system, you’d probably get:
Christian -2
White -2
Male -2
Straight -3
Capitalist -5
Conservative -5
conservative -5
Hunt Foxes -8
Drive Fast Cars -5
Fly Often -5
Eat Animals, especially cute ones -1
Support Bush -10
Support Nation States -5
Support UK Troops – 5
Total score -63
I can’t see you being allowed in I’m afraid.