In this BBC story.
(In justice to the BBC, I’ve looked at the ONS site and I can’t actually find if there will be a category for the English. But if there isn’t, of course, that would be a story in itself – one you’d think a national broadcaster might want to cover.)
Hat-tip to Archduke in the comments.
UPDATE – England has arrived on the page after an intervention by commenter Pete_London – Drinking From Home has the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pages, stealth-edited in the best BBC tradition.
Channel 4 is showing the Tipton Traitors’ sob-story tonight. It happens that BBC2 is just starting the old film Carve Her Name with Pride – about the heroism of Violette Szabo GC.
To think – she died so that traitorous lying scum like the Tipton Three and Moazzim Begg can have the freedom to be treated as honoured guests by the BBC and others.
The Michael Winterbottom film on the Tipton Traitors is getting the full treatment, trailers all over the shop.
Like this awful juxtaposition.,,14934-2062659,00.html
Just happens to be in the same week as all the moazzim Begg adulation on the BBC.
Winterbottom is described as “award-winning”. I immediately thought of George Clooney and his inflammatory and lying movie Syriana. So I typed in ‘Michael Winterbottom liberal’ to google.
Hey presto, the first link is to the pornography he produces.
Great – a licenced UK TV channel lets a director of pornography give us the “official” briefing on the Tipton Traitors. Reuters describes him as the UK’s answer to Michael Moore. That at least warns us to expect lots of lies and twisted anti-US propaganda.
violette szabo bio:
thought of as the definitive World War II code-poem Yours.
“In 1940, Violette married Etienne Szabo, a French officer. Shortly after the birth of their only child, Tania, he was killed at the Battle of El Alamein. This was the event that caused Violette to offer her services to the SOE.”
she has a child – her ONLY one – and yet she volunteers to fight for freedom and liberty, so that her child could grow up in a Nazi free Europe.
no wonder she got the George Cross posthumously.
Want a UN love-in?
Well go along to Simon Mayo’s programme on 5 Live and listen in.
It’s all very supportive of UN structures, very negative about the USA and Iraq, and, of course, non-critical of Iran etc.
Mush, mush, mush. How do the BBC get away with this stuff? On my licence fee?
Eamonn -> if it was balanced by a right-wing version of Simon Mayo’s programme, i wouldnt have a problem.
the problem with bbc is that it sees itself as “impartial” – so therefore it chooses what it thinks is the centre-ground.
the trouble is, what it thinks is the “centre ground” is actually the left.
Just got a free copy of The Guardian through the letterbox with an invitation to “try it for free”.
With the likes of Monbiot and Toynbee as regular contributors its little wonder that they cant even give this shit away.
This is what would happen to Al Beeb if ever it were to go to voluntary subscription – people would say “No Thanks” in thier millions.
Perhaps Mozz Begg could move in with the Marrs and they could all claim housinng benefit.
read inside the asylum by jed babin. Very funny anti-UN and old Europe book.
Here is a review of The Road to Gitmo. Sounds like a good old hate-the-US fest.
Maybe we will have it all re-hashed on Newsnight Review, or on the Radio 4 arts review at 7.15.. Kirsty Wark would lap it up.
But hold on – if Newsnight does cover it as an arts event of the week, will they refer to the Telegraph article today pointing out that the Tipton Traitors and M Begg are known liars, simply following the Al Q Manchester instruction manual ? Will they even refer to the fact that there are many, many comparisons of Winterbottom’s techniques of “propaganda presented as documentary” with Michael Moore’s stuff. Will pigs fly ?
Some nursery schools in Oxfordshire, England, have taken offense to classic nursery rhymes like, “Baa Baa Black Sheep” so they’re teaching children to sing, “Baa Baa, Rainbow Sheep,” instead. The Times of London reports teachers have also dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of “Snow White,” and changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty — letting all the king’s men put Humpty back together again after all. The manager of two area nursery schools says he’s just promoting equal opportunity, saying, “No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender, or anything else.” -from fox news
More PC crap, what the hell does humpty have to with race and gender.
Excellent post over at Civitas: BBC should be stripped of its public service broadcasting status.
This concerns a programme put out on BBC about the ‘Lttle Kinsey’ Mass Observation survey of British sexual attitudes in 1949. The BBC programme claims that the report was kept secret and hidden away (not true) because of the way in which it illustrated the lax moral attitudes of the time. However, in a brilliantly structured essay, Civitas refutes the BBC’s claims line by line. The BBC uses the figures in order to depict post-war Britain as a den of iniquity – I sense an agenda here – the only problem being that, as Civitas shows, on every substantive point they have fiddled the figures.
As Civitas Director Norman Dennis puts it: ‘The way in which documentary evidence was used to give an impression that was almost the reverse, on every important point, of the actual findings of the Mass Observation 1949 survey must call into question the status of the BBC.’
Nice to see the BBC caught bang to rights.
A good fisking by Nick Cohen (himself a leftie) of all the leftie treatment of the Gitmo Traitors :
Metropolitan blindness. Even when the Islamists bomb us, their apologists in the media and on the left refuse to see the obvious – and are then given loads of airtime to browbeat the licence payers.
the “baa baa rainbow sheep” is somewhat incorrect and out of context.
the nursery school in question has said that its just a wordplay – the kids start off with the nursery rhyme, and then play around with the words so as to increase the vocab.
like “baa baa black cow” or “one for the little girl who lives down the lane” and so on and so forth.
sometimes theres false p.c. stories – and sometimes there isnt.
i’m more worried about the PC Plod type of political correctness. thats vastly more dangerous than nursery rhymes.
David H
Let’s see if the Today Programme puts the programme producers under the spotlight for damaging the BBC’s reputation as an unbiased and factually accurate broadcaster, also inviting Civitas to debate the matter.
25/1 against?
What on earth does Baa Baa Black Sheep have to do with race?
It’s a rhyme about a sheep and some wool. That’s all it ever was/is/will be. It’s stories like this that make me despair for the future.
Has everybody lost their funking minds?
250/1 ?
Thanks for the link to Nick Cohen. As you say, he’s undeniably a Leftist. And how does he begin?
By Nick Cohen
Evening Standard, 8 March 2006
When Radio 4 invited the exeditor of the Erotic Review to analyse The Road to Guantanamo, a vague notion that had been bubbling in my mind for months became a certainty. Liberal London has gone mad. It has cut its last mooring with rational debate and is floating away on a sea of self-delusion.
Welcome aboard, Nick old boy. And ‘Liberal London’ it most certainly is.
We have had terrorist plumbers acquiring Uzis for their fundamentalist plumbing aims, now we have terrorist students
Yes Stoaty but these students were exporting terrorism – this is the agreement they have with MI5 – the Beeston Boys fouled their own nest by riding the Tube to Paradise
Grimer -> see my post above at 2:15
“It has cut its last mooring with rational debate and is floating away on a sea of self-delusion.”
what a fantastic piece of prose.
welcome aboard Mr Cohen.
Nick Cohen has been writing eloquently in this vein for some time. It is the left’s refusal to recognise Islamofascism for what it is, and the degree of the threat, that has caused his change of heart. If sharia law ever took hold in Londonistan, the lefties and their causes – gay rights, women’s rights – would be the first to be strung up.
But still most on the left are still blind – which explains the passion of people like Cohen, David Aaronovitch, Chrisopher Hitchens, Norman Geras.
Who knows – we might even get Germaine Greer and Kirsty Wark onside someday !
“If sharia law ever took hold in Londonistan, the lefties ….would be the first to be strung up.”
Hey, doesn’t sound so bad. Where do I sign up?
Mr Cohen sounds like he could make a full recovery from the mental illness that is leftism.
I’d rather change sides than be on the same side as sexist Germaine Greer and Kirsty Wark.
The UN, doing what it does best:-
Almost completely disregarding Palestinian Arab aggression against Israel’s Jews, a United Nations envoy has sought to lay the blame for regional conflict at the doorstep of the Jewish state by misrepresenting and exaggerating Israel’s defensive measures and isolated acts of frustration.
“Who knows – we might even get Germaine Greer and Kirsty Wark onside someday !”
i would say Miss Greer is getting closer and closer to coming over to our side. On Question Time a few weeks ago argued , quite forcefully, for staying in Iraq until it was sorted out.
Lord Tebbit (pbuh) argued for a pull out.
no – i’m not making this up.
You could make an interesting TV programme about the sharp contrast between lefties like Clare Short, Ken Livingstone and George Galloway who cleave to the Islamofascists, and guys like Aaranovitch and both Hitchens and Cohen.
Here’s a working title – “The UK NeoCons”
Reckon the BBC would fund it ? reckon I’ll be invited to the next BH Garden Party ?
The BBC can get away with its crap on Iraq and Gitmo etc because most of the Tories have gone weak-kneed and weaselly.
The worst thing about “baa baa rainbow sheep” is that it doesn’t scan with the meter of the poem, so it clearly doesn’t fit. Its sound is awkward and stupid.
“Baa baa black” sheep fits the poem’s meter perfectly, plus it’s alliterative, and that’s no doubt why it was used in the poem in the first place.
Stupid illiterate, poem-destroying lefties. They see race in everything, when it’s really all about meter and alliteration and other poetic devices.
ABC and washington Post have done a Poll and found that 46% Americans have a negative view of Islam !!!
The great Juan Cole has decided that people react this way because of politicians and media influences.
Extraordinary, noone can explain what the other 54% think. Have they been brainwashed by liberal newspapers like the Washington Post into having positive views of Islam ? Or has Hollywwod and ABC so befuddled them that they are mindless “Don’t knows” ?
i would say Miss Greer is getting closer and closer to coming over to our side.
Your side maybe……..I don’t want Greer anywhere out of sight
British taxpayers to foot the bill for laptop computers to terror suspects at Belmarsh:
I don’t understand why British taxpayers aren’t rioting in the streets, what with being forced to pay for every financial indulgence and whim for numerous thugs who want to kill them, and with being forced to fund a fifth columnist propaganda outlet masquerading as a “news” organization.
And also being forced to fund a police force that evidently cares more about raiding politically incorrect toystores and protecting horses from being called gay, than it does about public safety and property rights.
And a public school system that cares more about (badly) rewriting ancient nursery rhymes than ensuring that their children learn to read.
susan -> $50,000 divided by 28 =
$1785 per laptop.
thats top of range.
susan -> it was a nursery school.
lets not go over-the-top here.
“And also being forced to fund a police force that evidently cares more about raiding politically incorrect toystores and protecting horses from being called gay, than it does about public safety and property rights.”
on that , i cant disagree with you.
Very much off topic, I’m just posting because it made me laugh. From Blogner Regis:
Labour donor ‘distressed’ by peerage snub
By Christopher Hope, Industry Editor
(Filed: 09/03/2006)
A businessman who gave £10,000 to Labour but was rejected for a peerage said last night that he wondered whether it was worth giving money to the party.
All together now …..
It’s often easy to fall into the trap of seeing conspiracies where there aren’t any. On the other hand there are times when we can fail to join the dots to build a picture of what’s really happening. In the case of the BBC the latter seems much more probable. The pro-Islam bias on the BBC is so pervasive and systemic that you could see this as the result of a covert and deliberate plan by some Islamist organisations to infiltrate the BBC and other MSM outlets. Are there groups that are specifically targeting the BBC in order to indoctrinate the public in Ministry of Truth fashion and filter out news and views that do not present Islam in the best light; groups which are using the BBC as one of the key planks of the expansionist strategy?
It is not clear whether BBC’s diversity monitoring collects information on the religion of employees (they do monitor ethnicity, but this is not the same) and whether this data can be extracted from them under the Freedom of Information Act. If so it would be interesting to see if the number of such employees in the BBC were proportionate to the UK population at large, ie around 3%. And it would be especially interesting to see the breakdown for the BBC’s News department.
Not that weight of numbers is sufficient in itself. It just needs a few single-minded and guileful individuals, tactically placed, who are able to manipulate the internal culture and other employees to ensure their belief system predominates. Has the BBC its own, more subtle version of the Muslim boys in its ranks?
Or am I just being paranoid?
You have missed the latest episode of Our Island Story. From the nation that stood alone against the Nazis for nearly two years, we now have :
What you say is hugely important. It seems obvious that so much of the news is being skewed, sanitised by the BBC. WHO AT WORKING LEVEL IS DOING THIS, AND HOW ?
Susan these poor benighted souls have to prepare their cases………why they can’t use these wind-up laptops I don’t know, then they would get exercise.
Just why it costs so much beats me – they should give them dumb terminals and have a central hard disk so they cannot store information and hide stuff.
But knowing ToyTown they will probably let them out on day release so they can choose their own.
It is appalling that they should be GIVEN laptops. Of any sort.
Sheesh, to hear this on a day when the news is that Blair is failing to meet the targets for raising kids out of poverty ! And old people are having to sell their homes to pay for health care.
Just why it costs so much beats me – they should give them dumb terminals and have a central hard disk so they cannot store information and hide stuff.
Huh? They should be given a bowl of rice a day and a fuckin sledgehammer and told to break rocks.
Rumsfeld and army chiefs giving the real deal on Iraq LIVE on CSpan :
macfindlay -> its more like 10 per cent. greg dyke said so. the target is about 12 to 13%
Plus Condi.
But Rmmy is eye candy and intellectual stimulus enough for one day !
Huh? They should be given a bowl of rice a day and a fuckin sledgehammer and told to break rocks.
You got it, Pete.
You have missed the latest episode of Our Island Story. From the nation that stood alone against the Nazis for nearly two years, we now have
Good god. If I were the victim of a real crime in Britain I would be self-immolating with rage right now on the waste of manpower for this b.s.
susan -> well , deduct the “police” bit from your council tax and refuse to pay that portion.
if enough people did it, they might pay attention.