In this BBC story.
(In justice to the BBC, I’ve looked at the ONS site and I can’t actually find if there will be a category for the English. But if there isn’t, of course, that would be a story in itself – one you’d think a national broadcaster might want to cover.)
Hat-tip to Archduke in the comments.
UPDATE – England has arrived on the page after an intervention by commenter Pete_London – Drinking From Home has the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pages, stealth-edited in the best BBC tradition.
Hardy presumably gets paid bundles as the BBC’s so-called expert on Muslims. His work output will be miniscule, and certainly this first prog is just a serving of warmed-over platitudes and Muslim gripes.
dumbcisco | 09.03.06 – 12:40 pm |
i heard the “trailer” for this series on world service…in it, the question is put, with reference to the french riots last november, “what has europe learned?”
i inferred it meant “about europe’s mistakes and shortcomings”
nothing i’ve heard so far suggests it implied otherwise
may my country never have to endure such
The Indians formed the Sikhs as a warrior group to fight back.
We have Archbishop Carey, the new nutter Archbish in York, Charles Clarke as Home Secy and Sir Ian Blair.
Plus the BBC imposing a news blackout, riddled with fifth columnists.
Gawd Help Us
i heard the “trailer” for this series on world service…in it, the question is put, with reference to the french riots last november, “what has europe learned?”
The onus of “learning” anything should be on the rioters, methinks. But I’m afraid the only thing they’ve learned is how easy it is to scam foolish white self-loathing liberals.
The thing that revolted me the most about the Beeb’s (and other MSM’s) coverage of the riots was that no attention was paid to the real victims — the hardworking people, both Muslim and non-Muslim, who lost their small businesses, their cars, their schools, their nurseries and of course the three people who lost their lives. The car-be-ques weren’t a joke — people depend on cars for their livelihood and cars aren’t cheap to come by in Europe. Imagine being a single mom depending on some old rattle-trap car for your livelihood and getting the kids to school and boom! it goes up in a car-be-que. And even if you have insurance you might not be able to find another cheap car for the value the insurance company put on your old one. It just makes me sick how these thugs are justified and petted and preened by the media while the real victims are ignored.
susan -> well , deduct the “police” bit from your council tax and refuse to pay that portion.
I’d love to, but I’m a Yank from California, your grace.
I just have a strange un-Yank-like fascination with goings-on in the Motherland.
Next time you hear someone on the BBC spouting about its all our fault, it all dates back to those wicked Crusades, Islamic domination in parts of europe was a breeze, lots of toleration etc etc, remember what Orianna Fallaci writes in the intro to hetr new book – what REALLY happened when Islam visited Europe.
I recall visiting Otranto, a town in the foot of Italy, in Puglia. In the cathedral there is a crypt with 1000 skulls, all dead from a single raid.
“I just have a strange un-Yank-like fascination with goings-on in the Motherland.”
sometimes, especially after listening to “Today”, i half wish the 101st Airborne would come over and liberate us all over again.
and this time round – make us the 51st state and be done with it.
Regarding the BBC’s hypocritical position on air travel, don’t they send vast numbers of staff (reporters, cameramen, etc) to trouble spots around the world, far more than competitor companies like CNN send? I can remember reading opinion articles about this, but cannot find any.
The BBC themselves could make a massive contribution to reducing global warming from aircraft emissions by reducing their “junket allowance”.
Rob | 09.03.06 – 10:13 am | #
Good point. It’s do as I say, not do as I do.
As to another point above, why on earth are prisoners being given anything at all above subsistence? Food and water should do the trick. Prayer meetings? WTF? I also think that any suicide bombers of any description should be buried in such a fashion that would make their fellow religionists cry foul. Whether that’s face down or pointing away from Mecca or whatever it needs to be. We should make them believe that they will not get their 72 virgins or whatever. Make the bastards suffer.
dumbcisco -> Charles Martel.
unsung hero of western civilisation.
funny how so few people know about him and the Battle Of Tours. its like a hidden history, that is unspoken.
Reply received from Nat Stats Office:
Dear John,
Thank you for your interest in the 2011 Census, and in particular our
intention to collect information on national identity.
I can confirm that we are intending to collect information for each UK
national identity, including a tick-box allowing people to identify
themselves as English. The omission of this category in some press reports
was simply an error.
Yours sincerely,
Alexa Courtney
So, the Beeb got it plain wrong! I notice their report has now been changed and some posts above may refer to it but I’ve not had time to scan through them yet.
Research Officer
Questionnaire Design and Content
2011 Census
I recall The Song of Roland, can’t recite it any more though. But I had noted your nom de plume.
So people know Charles Martel
There’s a whole list of ’em besides Charlie the Hammer, we never hear about ’em anymore. John III Sobieski, hero of the Siege of Vienna. Prince Eugene of Savoy, who liberated much of Eastern Europe from the Ottomans. Don Juan de Austria, hero of the Battle of Lepanto. Pelayo de Asturias, who began the Spanish Reconquista. Roger d’Hauteville, liberator of Sicily.
All people who are shortly to become extremely politically incorrect in Europe, if they are not already.
And, on the American side, Stephen Decatur, who led the first American raid on the slave-taking Barbary Pirates.
We kicked their butts in 1805, look it up. The Tripolitan Wars. They were attacking American ships and taking American sailors and merchant marine men as slaves to the Sultan. They wanted jizya which at first we paid, but after their demands got to be too greedy and exorbitant, we fought. T. Jefferson fixed their wagon but good.
That’s why the US Marine Hymn swears to defend American citizens “from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.”
Rob -> the lead article on that site is excellent stuff.i pretty much agree with everything he has to say on there.
Not a big fan of Evan Davis anyway, but this story here says a lot about Labour:
Surely part of the question here is whether or not it’s right to have such a target. What REALLY bugs me about these people is they’d be happier if everyone made £10,000 a year than if half made £50,000 and half made £200,000.
This guff being a government target should be pulled up. Given that all the negative comments come out as soon as someone mentions lower taxes, you’d think that in the interests of “balance” a policy like this should be flayed alive.
What REALLY bugs me about these people is they’d be happier if everyone made £10,000 a year than if half made £50,000 and half made £200,000.
Indeed Mike. What socialists care about is everybody being “equal”. Whether it’s equal wealth or equal poverty is irrelevant – the operative word is “equal.” And so far they have proven themselves to be much better at delivering equal poverty than equal wealth. . .
and yet the income disparity between the top and bottom has actually GROWN under Labour.
if it wasnt for Thatcher’s policy of council house ownership, it would probably be even greater.
R5 just announced the UK sold Plutonium to the Israelis in the 1960s (Tony Benn, trade minister at the time said he knew nothing about the sale – that at least has the ring of truth about it).
Where did this piece of today’s chip wrap come from?
Broadcasting it now on the eve of discussions about Iran seems an act of pure political vandalism.
there was a nice story about a Scottish gaelscoil on the six o’clock news tonight – which made a nice refreshing change from the usual depressing shit that they always bang on about.
and i was shocked too – something about a picturesque part of Scotland (isle of skye) , rather than whether Abdul is all “angry” and “oppressed” in Bradford.
the bit were the pro-gaelic Scot was speaking “as gaelige” was lovely to hear. sadly that sort of coverage, revealing the interesting parts of the overall UK, is woefully missing on the bash-America Al BBC.
My jaw will drop if they cover the Cornish Nationalists next.
paulc ->”R5 just announced the UK sold Plutonium to the Israelis in the 1960s”
if memory serves me right that story broke a few years ago. I think it was MI5 who were involved – something to do with CIA. cladestine work to help the Israelis build a deterrent before the Arabs wiped them out.
might have been that guy Shayler who revealed it… but i could be wrong with the details. rings a bell anyway.
FYI — Melanie Phillips is coming out with a new book about Islamofascism, Londonistan.
Hope it will be sold in the US too.
i’d love to find out more about this case:
“The court was told Bath and North East Somerset Council installed listening equipment to record sound levels near her home after she continued to play loud music”
hang on a minute. wouldnt a knock on the door from the local bobby have sufficed?
this paragraph is distinctly creepy in its implications:
After the case the council’s senior environmental health officer, Alan Bratt, said: “We will use all the powers created by the government to make sure people’s lives are not unreasonably disturbed.
hang on a minute. isnt that a job for the police – keeping the peace and all that? or am i missing something here.
of course, the woman who was charged might be an obnoxious cow, and probably deserved it.but there is something distinctly odd in the report.
what is it?
there’s no mention of the police.
oh wait. i missed this bit:
“Mrs Webb’s stereo has now been confiscated by police.”
people older than my good self might be of assistance – how were disputes such as this handled in the past?
susan -> “Melanie Phillips is coming out with a new book about Islamofascism, Londonistan.”
i’ll be buying that. and Douglas Murray’s “Why we need neo-conservatism”
In better times, books like that would be stocked in the local library – at least in one of the branches in the London Borough in which I live. These days I find they seldom stock serious books. And a books by a US neocons is permanently missing. Apparently it was always being scrawled on by an Islamist.
The US is pulling out of Abu Ghraib soon. But I bet the BBC won’t STFU about all the evil US warders.
MacFindlay writes:
” It’s often easy to fall into the trap of seeing conspiracies where there aren’t any”
Well, yes indeed it is – and I thought that was what you had done. Then I read on USS Neverdock that the BBC has persuaded Al-Jazeera’s editor-in-chief, Ibrahim Helal, to leave the notorious Islamic propaganda organisation to, err, join the notorious Islamic propaganda organisation.
Maybe you’re right, after all and I was being absurdly complacent!
i disagree – i’m with macfindlay on one.
we can too easily see the behaviour of misguided fools to be some sort of “conspiracy”. its not – it’s just idiocy, cloudy thinking, and thinking out of ones arse rather than using your brain.
a real deal “conspiracy” is actually an act of thought – of clear thinking – of planning.
the most evil example i can think of is the Wanasee Conference. now THATS a bono fida, lock stock and barrel conspiracy.
typo – “i’m with macfindlay on this one”
archduke writes:
“i’m with macfindlay on this one”
Perhaps I misunderstood him. I was under the impression that MacFindlay was arguing there was a conspiracy. I was expressing some scepticism, while gently wondering about the growing BBC-Al-Jazeera links.
ah yes – i’ve re-read his post. sorry GCooper. indeed he was inferring a conspiracy, rather than you. my apologies for mis-reading your post.
quite frankly, with the likes of Today and John Simpson there is no need for a conspiracy – it’s blatant and out in the open.
It is called GroupThink, as first discussed by George Orwell.
A good definition here :
Ironic that in the war Orwell worked effectively to death at the BBC, helping in the fight AGAINST the enemy.
Good to see BBC’s Newsnight trying to bolster Iran’s “right” to nukes by their ‘Britain gave Israel the bomb’ non-story, being screened as I write.
Don’t these Leftist imbeciles even begin to understand the implications of an Islamofascist state like Iran getting nuclear weapons?
I think they probably do understand the implications. But they are misguided enough to think that their efforts to undermine Western democracies will grant them special status in the event of Islamofascist world domination.
But the Islamofascst crocodile will no doubt eat them first.
Bored stiff by the Channel 4 “documentary” about a bunch of snivelling malevolant Tipton lads who chose to go into Afghanistan directly after 9/11 and when there were plain threats of miltary action – sanctioned by the UN – if the Taleban did not hand over bin Laden.
Surprise surprise, some bombs started falling. And when captured by opposing Afghan forces, there was not much love lost. US guards later on were a touch unfriendly to guys who were “British” and supposedly on the side of good, not evil.
No sign of a single broken bone, of any scars etc. So – what torture ? compared with what was meted out to Taliban prisoners. It is clear from their own accounts they were stroppy prisoners.
Lord knows why the film won awards. It was a boring piece about a bunch of boring Tipton hoodlums.
Things looked up distinctly with all the nice folk in the next Ch 4 programme – Shameless.
i must admit – i used to like Newsnight. It was high brow, serious stuff. The affairs of the world today – that kind of thing. A lot of political junkies used to tune in religiously to it.
here is newsnight in 2006 , tonight
1. selling plutonium to the israelis in the 1960s
(a bit of an old story – but , ok, interesting… but in light of the Iranian stuff going on does it really deserve the number 1 slot?)
2. traffic lights on food packaging
(words fail me…)
3. shopping – office of fair trading, supermarkets and stuff
(who cares?)
4. speed cameras
(again – probably worthy of the 9 o’clock news. but newsnight? hello? )
i’m just pointing out that none of the 4 items above are about any of the world affairs of today and what is happening in the body politik right NOW. this is what newsnight used to do.
where is the dubai ports affair? where is the hamas/israel thing that is bubbling away? what about Darfur and that C Of E idiot ignoring it on his trip to Sudan? why is Charles going to Saudi later this month , and has the heir to the throne secretly converted to Islam?
What about Gordon Brown and his proposed “good behaviour” handout for youngsters? What about George Osborne letting rip on Brown , as reported in today’s Independent?
i could go on and on with numerous current issues that of serious interest on a global and national scale.
but instead , we get traffic lights on food packaging.
indeed , this is so woeful , its beyond sad. its pathetic.
may i add that the osborne/brown thing IS important to both left and right.
the left will take it as “well, that osborne is a nasty piece of work” – the right will go “oh dear, that brown really is a nasty piece of work”
thats cool -that politics. it deserves a slot. osbornes outburst is somewhat out of character to the “right honorable friend” attitude of the Commons. this is serious , sticking the knife in stuff.
where is it on newsnight lead items?
(please bear in mind that i am writing from a political junkie viewpoint, who rather likes parliamentary democracy – i know there are some of you on here who would rather we return to feudalism or a form of anarchy with no parliament… but i’m not that – and newsnight used to give me that junkie fix)
here’s Osborne in full attack mode – this is what i am referring to.
Less political bias from the BBC this time than its shameless endorsement of socialist nannying – Newsnight’s utterly toothless feature on speed cameras.
Quentin Wilson was put up against the repellently smug Stephen Ladyman, who is about to frogmarch through a law resulting in the possibility of drivers being banned for a mere two speeding offences.
Wilson failed to make any of the points one might have expected from someone representing the opposing point of view, nor did the vile Kirsty Wark, leaving Ladyman a clear run.
No spokesman from the Association of Britiosh Drivers? Not a hope! But (of course) the Newsnight team did manage to give space to the public transport-funded single issue fascists at ‘Transport 2000’.
What was so wonderfully ironic was that la Wark admitted how close she was to a ban, as was another member of the Newsnight cabal. How typical of the liberal Left that even when under personal threat from draconian laws they simply bend the knee to the concept that Nanny State knows best!
and has the heir to the throne secretly converted to Islam?
And I bet if he has, al-Beeb would change their anti-monarchist tone in a heartbeat and start running features about how wonderful the institution of monarchy really is.
GCooper “Islamofascist state like Iran”
Perhaps the BBC would say, “Oh no it isn’t”
Dimpleby trotted out a line I’ve heard before from the BBC, that Iran has just held democratic elections.
He was challenged by panellist, Bishop Nazir-Ali of Rochester – hope for the CofE yet?
Funny how the BBCs (D)HYS rules of not posting any “racist” comments seems to have gone out the window with the debate about English football hooligans. Some of the comments the mods have allowed though have been outright racist and Anglophobic!
Don’t make sweeping generalisations about Muslims or other ethnic minorites, oh no, but 100 English yobs get in a punch-up and the whole country has to be ashamed, apparently!
that Iran has just held democratic elections.
Did Al-Beeb mention that thousands of liberal and non-Islamofascists candidates were disqualifed by the sharia council in these “democratic” elections?
I bet they didn’t!
“the bit were the pro-gaelic Scot was speaking “as gaelige” was lovely to hear. sadly that sort of coverage, revealing the interesting parts of the overall UK, is woefully missing on the bash-America Al BBC”
you know, i grew up listening to world service. i was quite keen on it, too, as a broadcaster that gave me a taste of britain, living as i was in my far-flung outpost. then, over the years, it changed. i couldn’t quite put my finger on it until recently. it has since dawned on me that from a british broadcaster sending britain and “britishness” to the world, it now seems to be more concerned with bringing the world to britain, or at least with bringing one part of the distant world to another. granted, some of this may be justified in the “global village”, and with the decline of outposts of empire and all that but even so, if i want features programming about india i’ll tune to radio india, about russia, radio moscow, about spain…you get my drift
long and short is, i prefer the “old” BRITISHbc to the new, in that respect.
and i think we can most of us agree on the quality of the pure news aspect…
Did Al-Beeb mention that thousands of liberal and non-Islamofascists candidates were disqualifed by the sharia council in these “democratic” elections?
I bet they didn’t!
No, but that’s what the blessed bishop told Dimpleby, whilst Dimpleby gave a little puzzled look – suggesting “what is this guy talking about?”
where is the dubai ports affair?
I have heard the BBC being quite happy talking about this, because …………
it’s Bush’s fault.
Even though Bush supports the deal, (i.e. US workers being employed by a Dubai company is little different to being employed by a UK company) the hysteria against the deal has been caused by Bush constantly raising the spectre of Islamo terrorism.
So Bush is a dolt, Bush lies & nobody supports his stance – yet they all have been made hysterical by Bush’s utterances.
Total madness.
Will writes:
” GCooper “Islamofascist state like Iran”
Perhaps the BBC would say, “Oh no it isn’t”
Dimpleby trotted out a line I’ve heard before from the BBC, that Iran has just held democratic elections.”
Given the nature and record of Islam, I would contend that it is possible to hold an entirely democratic election in an Islamic country and still end up with an Islamofascist state.
Sadly, I don’t detect the ability to comprehend that concept in any of the BBC’s output.
Presumably, they would ( pace Godwin) have been quite content with Hitler’s Germany.
Dimbleby came out in his true colours – basically siding with iran against THE WORLD – because he sees it as Iran versus the US.
“that Iran has just held democratic elections.”
i want a link to that.
Rod Liddle (former editor Today Program) admits on Question Time “Labour (is) the party I voted for”,
so thats Greg Dyke, Jim Naughtie and Rod Liddle we now know for certain are Labour supporters.
What chance is there for balance?
i want a link to that.
There was a democratic election in Iran, if you consider the definiton of democracy as having a number of candidates run for office and one person getting the majority of the vote, which was “President” Ahmed-a-jerk.
The problem was, all the liberal/non-Islamofascist/reformer candidates were not allowed to run, and most people did not vote as a protest against that. I read somewhere that only about 12 percent of eligible Iranian voters voted. And those were the real fanatics, so of course they picked Ahmed-a-jerk.
And then there’s the fact that Ahmed-a-jerk takes his orders from the non-elected Supreme Leader, Khamanei. . .
What chance is there for balance?
Socialism is Necrotizing | 10.03.06 – 1:50 am | #
They can’t all afford peerages.
Personally i think they should sell peerages on the Internet alongside A-Levels and NVQs so we can highlight the farce all these titles and qualifications have now become.