In this BBC story.
(In justice to the BBC, I’ve looked at the ONS site and I can’t actually find if there will be a category for the English. But if there isn’t, of course, that would be a story in itself – one you’d think a national broadcaster might want to cover.)
Hat-tip to Archduke in the comments.
UPDATE – England has arrived on the page after an intervention by commenter Pete_London – Drinking From Home has the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pages, stealth-edited in the best BBC tradition.
Personally….. I doubt Rod Liddle voted….but we can check by matching his voter number against the ballot paper
“long and short is, i prefer the “old” BRITISHbc to the new, in that respect.”
indeed – which is why that scots gaelic report on yesterdays 6 o’clock news was eye-popping – it stood out.
if i hear Cornish or Manx next on an Al-Beeb, my jaw will drop.
which beggars the question – why is my jaw dropping? indeed, the british part of the BBC seems to have been utterly lost.
You could always feed their remains to some pigs. Although that might be like pouring petrol on a fire.
Rod Liddle (former editor Today Program) admits on Question Time “Labour (is) the party I voted for”,
so thats Greg Dyke, Jim Naughtie and Rod Liddle we now know for certain are Labour supporters.
What chance is there for balance?
Socialism is Necrotizing | 10.03.06 – 1:50 am | #
And Sarah Montague let slip some time back on the Today prog. that she threw an egg in a demo whilist at university. I bet it wasn’t at a visiting Labour MP.
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